/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * http://www.dspace.org/license/ */ package org.dspace.harvest; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import ORG.oclc.oai.harvester2.verb.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.Bitstream; import org.dspace.content.BitstreamFormat; import org.dspace.content.Bundle; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.content.DCDate; import org.dspace.content.Metadatum; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.FormatIdentifier; import org.dspace.content.InstallItem; import org.dspace.content.Item; import org.dspace.content.MetadataField; import org.dspace.content.MetadataSchema; import org.dspace.content.NonUniqueMetadataException; import org.dspace.content.WorkspaceItem; import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.CrosswalkException; import org.dspace.content.crosswalk.IngestionCrosswalk; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.core.Email; import org.dspace.core.I18nUtil; import org.dspace.core.PluginManager; import org.dspace.core.Utils; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * This class handles OAI harvesting of externally located records into this repository. * * @author Alexey Maslov */ public class OAIHarvester { /* The main harvesting thread */ private static HarvestScheduler harvester; private static Thread mainHarvestThread; /** log4j category */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(OAIHarvester.class); private static final Namespace ATOM_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"); private static final Namespace ORE_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("http://www.openarchives.org/ore/terms/"); private static final Namespace OAI_NS = Namespace.getNamespace("http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/"); public static final String OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR = "invalidAddress"; public static final String OAI_SET_ERROR = "noSuchSet"; public static final String OAI_DMD_ERROR = "metadataNotSupported"; public static final String OAI_ORE_ERROR = "oreNotSupported"; // The collection this harvester instance is dealing with Collection targetCollection; HarvestedCollection harvestRow; // our context Context ourContext; // Namespace used by the ORE serialization format // Set in dspace.cfg as harvester.oai.oreSerializationFormat.{ORESerialKey} = {ORESerialNS} private Namespace ORESerialNS; private String ORESerialKey; // Namespace of the descriptive metadata that should be harvested in addition to the ORE // Set in dspace.cfg as harvester.oai.metadataformats.{MetadataKey} = {MetadataNS},{Display Name} private Namespace metadataNS; private String metadataKey; // DOMbuilder class for the DOM -> JDOM conversions private static DOMBuilder db = new DOMBuilder(); // The point at which this thread should terminate itself /* Initialize the harvester with a collection object */ public OAIHarvester(Context c, DSpaceObject dso, HarvestedCollection hc) throws HarvestingException, SQLException { if (dso.getType() != Constants.COLLECTION) { throw new HarvestingException("OAIHarvester can only harvest collections"); } ourContext = c; targetCollection = (Collection)dso; harvestRow = hc; if (harvestRow == null || !harvestRow.isHarvestable()) { throw new HarvestingException("Provided collection is not set up for harvesting"); } // Set the ORE options Namespace ORESerializationNamespace = OAIHarvester.getORENamespace(); //No need to worry about ORESerializationNamespace, this can never be null ORESerialNS = Namespace.getNamespace(ORESerializationNamespace.getURI()); ORESerialKey = ORESerializationNamespace.getPrefix(); // Set the metadata options metadataKey = harvestRow.getHarvestMetadataConfig(); metadataNS = OAIHarvester.getDMDNamespace(metadataKey); if (metadataNS == null) { log.error("No matching metadata namespace found for \"" + metadataKey + "\", see oai.cfg option \"harvester.oai.metadataformats.{MetadataKey} = {MetadataNS},{Display Name}\""); throw new HarvestingException("Metadata declaration not found"); } } /** * Search the configuration options and find the ORE serialization string * @return Namespace of the supported ORE format. Returns null if not found. */ private static Namespace getORENamespace() { String ORESerializationString = null; String ORESeialKey = null; String oreString = "harvester.oai.oreSerializationFormat."; Enumeration pe = ConfigurationManager.propertyNames("oai"); while (pe.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)pe.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(oreString)) { ORESeialKey = key.substring(oreString.length()); ORESerializationString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", key); return Namespace.getNamespace(ORESeialKey, ORESerializationString); } } // Fallback if the configuration option is not present return Namespace.getNamespace("ore", ATOM_NS.getURI()); } /** * Cycle through the options and find the metadata namespace matching the provided key. * @param metadataKey * @return Namespace of the designated metadata format. Returns null of not found. */ private static Namespace getDMDNamespace(String metadataKey) { String metadataString = null; String metaString = "harvester.oai.metadataformats."; Enumeration pe = ConfigurationManager.propertyNames("oai"); while (pe.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)pe.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith(metaString) && key.substring(metaString.length()).equals((metadataKey))) { metadataString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", key); String namespacePiece; if (metadataString.indexOf(',') != -1) { namespacePiece = metadataString.substring(0, metadataString.indexOf(',')); } else { namespacePiece = metadataString; } return Namespace.getNamespace(namespacePiece); } } return null; } /** * Performs a harvest cycle on this collection. This will query the remote OAI-PMH provider, check for updates since last * harvest, and ingest the returned items. */ public void runHarvest() throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException { // figure out the relevant parameters String oaiSource = harvestRow.getOaiSource(); String oaiSetId = harvestRow.getOaiSetId(); //If we have all selected then make sure that we do not include a set filter if("all".equals(oaiSetId)) { oaiSetId = null; } Date lastHarvestDate = harvestRow.getHarvestDate(); String fromDate = null; if (lastHarvestDate != null) { fromDate = processDate(harvestRow.getHarvestDate()); } Date startTime = new Date(); String toDate = processDate(startTime,0); String dateGranularity; try { // obtain the desired descriptive metadata format and verify that the OAI server actually provides it // do the same thing for ORE, which should be encoded in Atom and carry its namespace String descMDPrefix = null; String OREPrefix; try { dateGranularity = oaiGetDateGranularity(oaiSource); if (fromDate != null) { fromDate = fromDate.substring(0, dateGranularity.length()); } toDate = toDate.substring(0, dateGranularity.length()); descMDPrefix = oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, metadataNS.getURI()); OREPrefix = oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, ORESerialNS.getURI()); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) { log.error("The OAI server did not respond."); throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server did not respond.", fe); } catch (ConnectException fe) { log.error("The OAI server did not respond."); throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server did not respond.", fe); } if (descMDPrefix == null) { log.error("The OAI server does not support this metadata format"); throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server does not support this metadata format: " + metadataNS.getURI()); } if (OREPrefix == null && harvestRow.getHarvestType() != HarvestedCollection.TYPE_DMD) { throw new HarvestingException("The OAI server does not support ORE dissemination in the configured serialization format: " + ORESerialNS.getURI()); } Document oaiResponse = null; Element root = null; String resumptionToken; // set the status indicating the collection is currently being processed harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_BUSY); harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Collection is currently being harvested"); harvestRow.setHarvestStartTime(startTime); harvestRow.update(); ourContext.commit(); // expiration timer starts int expirationInterval = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.threadTimeout"); if (expirationInterval == 0) { expirationInterval = 24; } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(startTime); calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, expirationInterval); Date expirationTime = calendar.getTime(); // main loop to keep requesting more objects until we're done List<Element> records; Set<String> errorSet = new HashSet<String>(); ListRecords listRecords = new ListRecords(oaiSource, fromDate, toDate, oaiSetId, descMDPrefix); log.debug("Harvesting request parameters: listRecords " + oaiSource + " " + fromDate + " " + toDate + " " + oaiSetId + " " + descMDPrefix); if (listRecords != null) { log.info("HTTP Request: " + listRecords.getRequestURL()); } while (listRecords != null) { records = new ArrayList<Element>(); oaiResponse = db.build(listRecords.getDocument()); if (listRecords.getErrors() != null && listRecords.getErrors().getLength() > 0) { for (int i=0; i<listRecords.getErrors().getLength(); i++) { String errorCode = listRecords.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent(); errorSet.add(errorCode); } if (errorSet.contains("noRecordsMatch")) { log.info("noRecordsMatch: OAI server did not contain any updates"); harvestRow.setHarvestResult(new Date(), "OAI server did not contain any updates"); harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_READY); harvestRow.update(); return; } else { throw new HarvestingException(errorSet.toString()); } } else { root = oaiResponse.getRootElement(); records.addAll(root.getChild("ListRecords", OAI_NS).getChildren("record", OAI_NS)); } // Process the obtained records if (records != null && records.size()>0) { log.info("Found " + records.size() + " records to process"); for (Element record : records) { // check for STOP interrupt from the scheduler if (HarvestScheduler.interrupt == HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP) { throw new HarvestingException("Harvest process for " + targetCollection.getID() + " interrupted by stopping the scheduler."); } // check for timeout if (expirationTime.before(new Date())) { throw new HarvestingException("runHarvest method timed out for collection " + targetCollection.getID()); } processRecord(record,OREPrefix); ourContext.commit(); } } // keep going if there are more records to process resumptionToken = listRecords.getResumptionToken(); if (resumptionToken == null || resumptionToken.length() == 0) { listRecords = null; } else { listRecords = new ListRecords(oaiSource, resumptionToken); } ourContext.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); try { targetCollection.update(); } finally { //In case of an exception, make sure to restore our authentication state to the previous state ourContext.restoreAuthSystemState(); } ourContext.commit(); } } catch (HarvestingException hex) { log.error("Harvesting error occurred while processing an OAI record: " + hex.getMessage()); harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Error occurred while processing an OAI record"); // if the last status is also an error, alert the admin if (harvestRow.getHarvestMessage().contains("Error")) { alertAdmin(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_OAI_ERROR, hex); } harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_OAI_ERROR); return; } catch (Exception ex) { harvestRow.setHarvestMessage("Unknown error occurred while generating an OAI response"); harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR); alertAdmin(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, ex); log.error("Error occurred while generating an OAI response: " + ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getCause()); ex.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { harvestRow.update(); ourContext.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); targetCollection.update(); ourContext.commit(); ourContext.restoreAuthSystemState(); } // If we got to this point, it means the harvest was completely successful Date finishTime = new Date(); long timeTaken = finishTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime(); harvestRow.setHarvestResult(startTime, "Harvest from " + oaiSource + " successful"); harvestRow.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_READY); log.info("Harvest from " + oaiSource + " successful. The process took " + timeTaken + " milliseconds."); harvestRow.update(); ourContext.commit(); } /** * Process an individual PMH record, making (or updating) a corresponding DSpace Item. * @param record a JDOM Element containing the actual PMH record with descriptive metadata. * @param OREPrefix the metadataprefix value used by the remote PMH server to disseminate ORE. Only used for collections set up to harvest content. */ private void processRecord(Element record, String OREPrefix) throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException, CrosswalkException, HarvestingException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException { WorkspaceItem wi = null; Date timeStart = new Date(); // grab the oai identifier String itemOaiID = record.getChild("header", OAI_NS).getChild("identifier", OAI_NS).getText(); Element header = record.getChild("header",OAI_NS); // look up the item corresponding to the OAI identifier Item item = HarvestedItem.getItemByOAIId(ourContext, itemOaiID, targetCollection.getID()); // Make sure the item hasn't been deleted in the mean time if (header.getAttribute("status") != null && header.getAttribute("status").getValue().equals("deleted")) { log.info("Item " + itemOaiID + " has been marked as deleted on the OAI server."); if (item != null) { targetCollection.removeItem(item); } ourContext.restoreAuthSystemState(); return; } // If we are only harvesting descriptive metadata, the record should already contain all we need List<Element> descMD = record.getChild("metadata", OAI_NS).getChildren(); IngestionCrosswalk MDxwalk = (IngestionCrosswalk)PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(IngestionCrosswalk.class, this.metadataKey); // Otherwise, obtain the ORE ReM and initiate the ORE crosswalk IngestionCrosswalk ORExwalk = null; Element oreREM = null; if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() > 1) { oreREM = getMDrecord(harvestRow.getOaiSource(), itemOaiID, OREPrefix).get(0); ORExwalk = (IngestionCrosswalk)PluginManager.getNamedPlugin(IngestionCrosswalk.class, this.ORESerialKey); } // Ignore authorization ourContext.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); HarvestedItem hi; if (item != null) // found an item so we modify { log.debug("Item " + item.getHandle() + " was found locally. Using it to harvest " + itemOaiID + "."); // FIXME: check for null pointer if for some odd reason we don't have a matching hi hi = HarvestedItem.find(ourContext, item.getID()); // Compare last-harvest on the item versus the last time the item was updated on the OAI provider side // If ours is more recent, forgo this item, since it's probably a left-over from a previous harvesting attempt Date OAIDatestamp = Utils.parseISO8601Date(header.getChildText("datestamp", OAI_NS)); Date itemLastHarvest = hi.getHarvestDate(); if (itemLastHarvest != null && OAIDatestamp.before(itemLastHarvest)) { log.info("Item " + item.getHandle() + " was harvested more recently than the last update time reporetd by the OAI server; skipping."); return; } // Otherwise, clear and re-import the metadata and bitstreams item.clearMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); if (descMD.size() == 1) { MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD.get(0)); } else { MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD); } // Import the actual bitstreams if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3) { log.info("Running ORE ingest on: " + item.getHandle()); Bundle[] allBundles = item.getBundles(); for (Bundle bundle : allBundles) { item.removeBundle(bundle); } ORExwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, oreREM); } scrubMetadata(item); } else // NOTE: did not find, so we create (presumably, there will never be a case where an item already // exists in a harvest collection but does not have an OAI_id) { wi = WorkspaceItem.create(ourContext, targetCollection, false); item = wi.getItem(); hi = HarvestedItem.create(ourContext, item.getID(), itemOaiID); //item.setOaiID(itemOaiID); if (descMD.size() == 1) { MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD.get(0)); } else { MDxwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, descMD); } if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3) { ORExwalk.ingest(ourContext, item, oreREM); } // see if we can do something about the wonky metadata scrubMetadata(item); // see if a handle can be extracted for the item String handle = extractHandle(item); if (handle != null) { DSpaceObject dso = HandleManager.resolveToObject(ourContext, handle); if (dso != null) { throw new HarvestingException("Handle collision: attempted to re-assign handle '" + handle + "' to an incoming harvested item '" + hi.getOaiID() + "'."); } } try { item = InstallItem.installItem(ourContext, wi, handle); //item = InstallItem.installItem(ourContext, wi); } // clean up the workspace item if something goes wrong before catch(SQLException se) { wi.deleteWrapper(); throw se; } catch(IOException ioe) { wi.deleteWrapper(); throw ioe; } catch(AuthorizeException ae) { wi.deleteWrapper(); throw ae; } } // Now create the special ORE bundle and drop the ORE document in it if (harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 2 || harvestRow.getHarvestType() == 3) { Bundle OREBundle = null; Bundle[] OREBundles = item.getBundles("ORE"); Bitstream OREBitstream = null; if ( OREBundles.length > 0 ) OREBundle = OREBundles[0]; else OREBundle = item.createBundle("ORE"); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(); String OREString = outputter.outputString(oreREM); ByteArrayInputStream OREStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(OREString.getBytes()); OREBitstream = OREBundle.getBitstreamByName("ORE.xml"); if ( OREBitstream != null ) OREBundle.removeBitstream(OREBitstream); OREBitstream = OREBundle.createBitstream(OREStream); OREBitstream.setName("ORE.xml"); BitstreamFormat bf = FormatIdentifier.guessFormat(ourContext, OREBitstream); OREBitstream.setFormat(bf); OREBitstream.update(); OREBundle.addBitstream(OREBitstream); OREBundle.update(); } //item.setHarvestDate(new Date()); hi.setHarvestDate(new Date()); // Add provenance that this item was harvested via OAI String provenanceMsg = "Item created via OAI harvest from source: " + this.harvestRow.getOaiSource() + " on " + new DCDate(hi.getHarvestDate()) + " (GMT). Item's OAI Record identifier: " + hi.getOaiID(); item.addMetadata("dc", "description", "provenance", "en", provenanceMsg); item.update(); hi.update(); long timeTaken = new Date().getTime() - timeStart.getTime(); log.info("Item " + item.getHandle() + "(" + item.getID() + ")" + " has been ingested. The whole process took: " + timeTaken + " ms. "); // Stop ignoring authorization ourContext.restoreAuthSystemState(); } /** * Scan an item's metadata, looking for the value "identifier.*". If it meets the parameters that identify it as valid handle * as set in dspace.cfg (harvester.acceptedHandleServer and harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix), use that handle instead of * minting a new one. * @param item a newly created, but not yet installed, DSpace Item * @return null or the handle to be used. */ private String extractHandle(Item item) { String acceptedHandleServersString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.acceptedHandleServer"); if (acceptedHandleServersString == null) { acceptedHandleServersString = "hdl.handle.net"; } String rejectedHandlePrefixString = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.rejectedHandlePrefix"); if (rejectedHandlePrefixString == null) { rejectedHandlePrefixString = "123456789"; } Metadatum[] values = item.getMetadata("dc", "identifier", Item.ANY, Item.ANY); if (values.length > 0 && !acceptedHandleServersString.equals("")) { String[] acceptedHandleServers = acceptedHandleServersString.split(","); String[] rejectedHandlePrefixes = rejectedHandlePrefixString.split(","); for (Metadatum value : values) { // 0 1 2 3 4 // http://hdl.handle.net/1234/12 String[] urlPieces = value.value.split("/"); if (urlPieces.length != 5) { continue; } for (String server : acceptedHandleServers) { if (urlPieces[2].equals(server)) { for (String prefix : rejectedHandlePrefixes) { if (!urlPieces[3].equals(prefix)) { return urlPieces[3] + "/" + urlPieces[4]; } } } } } } return null; } /** * Scans an item's newly ingested metadata for elements not defined in this DSpace instance. It then takes action based * on a configurable parameter (fail, ignore, add). * @param item a DSpace item recently pushed through an ingestion crosswalk but prior to update/installation */ private void scrubMetadata(Item item) throws SQLException, HarvestingException, AuthorizeException, IOException { // The two options, with three possibilities each: add, ignore, fail String schemaChoice = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.unknownSchema"); if (schemaChoice == null) { schemaChoice = "fail"; } String fieldChoice = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.unknownField"); if (fieldChoice == null) { fieldChoice = "fail"; } List<String> clearList = new ArrayList<String>(); Metadatum[] values = item.getMetadata(Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); for (Metadatum value : values) { // Verify that the schema exists MetadataSchema mdSchema = MetadataSchema.find(ourContext, value.schema); if (mdSchema == null && !clearList.contains(value.schema)) { // add a new schema, giving it a namespace of "unknown". Possibly a very bad idea. if (schemaChoice.equals("add")) { mdSchema = new MetadataSchema(value.schema,String.valueOf(new Date().getTime())); try { mdSchema.create(ourContext); mdSchema.setName(value.schema); mdSchema.setNamespace("unknown"+mdSchema.getSchemaID()); mdSchema.update(ourContext); } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException e) { // This case should not be possible e.printStackTrace(); } clearList.add(value.schema); } // ignore the offending schema, quietly dropping all of its metadata elements before they clog our gears else if (schemaChoice.equals("ignore")) { item.clearMetadata(value.schema, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); continue; } // otherwise, go ahead and generate the error else { throw new HarvestingException("The '" + value.schema + "' schema has not been defined in this DSpace instance. "); } } if (mdSchema != null) { // Verify that the element exists; this part is reachable only if the metadata schema is valid MetadataField mdField = MetadataField.findByElement(ourContext, mdSchema.getSchemaID(), value.element, value.qualifier); if (mdField == null) { if (fieldChoice.equals("add")) { mdField = new MetadataField(mdSchema, value.element, value.qualifier, null); try { mdField.create(ourContext); mdField.update(ourContext); } catch (NonUniqueMetadataException e) { // This case should also not be possible e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (fieldChoice.equals("ignore")) { item.clearMetadata(value.schema, value.element, value.qualifier, Item.ANY); } else { throw new HarvestingException("The '" + value.element + "." + value.qualifier + "' element has not been defined in this DSpace instance. "); } } } } return; } /** * Process a date, converting it to RFC3339 format, setting the timezone to UTC and subtracting time padding * from the config file. * @param date source Date * @return a string in the format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' and converted to UTC timezone */ private String processDate(Date date) { Integer timePad = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.timePadding"); if (timePad == 0) { timePad = 120; } return processDate(date, timePad); } /** * Process a date, converting it to RFC3339 format, setting the timezone to UTC and subtracting time padding * from the config file. * @param date source Date * @param secondsPad number of seconds to subtract from the date * @return a string in the format 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ' and converted to UTC timezone */ private String processDate(Date date, int secondsPad) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, -1*secondsPad); date = calendar.getTime(); return formatter.format(date); } /** * Query OAI-PMH server for the granularity of its datestamps. * @throws TransformerException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws IOException */ private String oaiGetDateGranularity(String oaiSource) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException { Identify iden = new Identify(oaiSource); return iden.getDocument().getElementsByTagNameNS(OAI_NS.getURI(), "granularity").item(0).getTextContent(); } /** * Query the OAI-PMH server for its mapping of the supplied namespace and metadata prefix. * For example for a typical OAI-PMH server a query "http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/" would return "oai_dc". * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider * @param MDNamespace the namespace that we are trying to resolve to the metadataPrefix * @return metadataPrefix the OAI-PMH provider has assigned to the supplied namespace */ public static String oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(String oaiSource, String MDNamespace) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, ConnectException { String metaPrefix = null; // Query the OAI server for the metadata ListMetadataFormats lmf = new ListMetadataFormats(oaiSource); if (lmf != null) { Document lmfResponse = db.build(lmf.getDocument()); List<Element> mdFormats = lmfResponse.getRootElement().getChild("ListMetadataFormats", OAI_NS).getChildren("metadataFormat", OAI_NS); for (Element mdFormat : mdFormats) { if (MDNamespace.equals(mdFormat.getChildText("metadataNamespace", OAI_NS))) { metaPrefix = mdFormat.getChildText("metadataPrefix", OAI_NS); break; } } } return metaPrefix; } /** * Generate and send an email to the administrator. Prompted by errors encountered during harvesting. * @param status the current status of the collection, usually HarvestedCollection.STATUS_OAI_ERROR or HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR * @param ex the Exception that prompted this action */ private void alertAdmin(int status, Exception ex) { try { String recipient = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("alert.recipient"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recipient)) { Email email = Email.getEmail(I18nUtil.getEmailFilename(Locale.getDefault(), "harvesting_error")); email.addRecipient(recipient); email.addArgument(targetCollection.getID()); email.addArgument(new Date()); email.addArgument(status); String stackTrace; if (ex != null) { email.addArgument(ex.getMessage()); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); ex.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); stackTrace = sw.toString(); } else { stackTrace = "No exception"; } email.addArgument(stackTrace); email.send(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to send email alert", e); } } /** * Query the OAI-PMH provider for a specific metadata record. * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider * @param itemOaiId the OAI identifier of the target item * @param metadataPrefix the OAI metadataPrefix of the desired metadata * @return list of JDOM elements corresponding to the metadata entries in the located record. */ private List<Element> getMDrecord(String oaiSource, String itemOaiId, String metadataPrefix) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, TransformerException, HarvestingException { GetRecord getRecord = new GetRecord(oaiSource,itemOaiId,metadataPrefix); Set<String> errorSet = new HashSet<String>(); // If the metadata is not available for this item, can the whole thing if (getRecord != null && getRecord.getErrors() != null && getRecord.getErrors().getLength() > 0) { for (int i=0; i<getRecord.getErrors().getLength(); i++) { String errorCode = getRecord.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent(); errorSet.add(errorCode); } throw new HarvestingException("OAI server returned the following errors during getDescMD execution: " + errorSet.toString()); } Document record = db.build(getRecord.getDocument()); Element root = record.getRootElement(); return root.getChild("GetRecord",OAI_NS).getChild("record", OAI_NS).getChild("metadata",OAI_NS).getChildren(); } /** * Verify OAI settings for the current collection * @return list of errors encountered during verification. Empty list indicates a "success" condition. */ public List<String> verifyOAIharvester() { String oaiSource = harvestRow.getOaiSource(); String oaiSetId = harvestRow.getOaiSetId(); String metaPrefix = harvestRow.getHarvestMetadataConfig(); return verifyOAIharvester(oaiSource, oaiSetId, metaPrefix, true); } /** * Verify the existence of an OAI server with the specified set and * supporting the provided metadata formats. * * @param oaiSource the address of the OAI-PMH provider * @param oaiSetId * @param metaPrefix * @param testORE whether the method should also check the PMH provider for ORE support * @return list of errors encountered during verification. Empty list indicates a "success" condition. */ public static List<String> verifyOAIharvester(String oaiSource, String oaiSetId, String metaPrefix, boolean testORE) { List<String> errorSet = new ArrayList<String>(); // First, see if we can contact the target server at all. try { Identify idenTest = new Identify(oaiSource); } catch (Exception ex) { errorSet.add(OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR + ": OAI server could not be reached."); return errorSet; } // Next, make sure the metadata we need is supported by the target server Namespace DMD_NS = OAIHarvester.getDMDNamespace(metaPrefix); if (null == DMD_NS) { errorSet.add(OAI_DMD_ERROR + ": " + metaPrefix); return errorSet; } String OREOAIPrefix = null; String DMDOAIPrefix = null; try { OREOAIPrefix = OAIHarvester.oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, getORENamespace().getURI()); DMDOAIPrefix = OAIHarvester.oaiResolveNamespaceToPrefix(oaiSource, DMD_NS.getURI()); } catch (Exception ex) { errorSet.add(OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR + ": OAI did not respond to ListMetadataFormats query (" + ORE_NS.getPrefix() + ":" + OREOAIPrefix + " ; " + DMD_NS.getPrefix() + ":" + DMDOAIPrefix + "): " + ex.getMessage()); return errorSet; } if (testORE && OREOAIPrefix == null) { errorSet.add(OAI_ORE_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not support ORE dissemination"); } if (DMDOAIPrefix == null) { errorSet.add(OAI_DMD_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not support dissemination in this format"); } // Now scan the sets and make sure the one supplied is in the list boolean foundSet = false; try { //If we do not want to harvest from one set, then skip this. if(!"all".equals(oaiSetId)){ ListIdentifiers ls = new ListIdentifiers(oaiSource, null, null, oaiSetId, DMDOAIPrefix); // The only error we can really get here is "noSetHierarchy" if (ls.getErrors() != null && ls.getErrors().getLength() > 0) { for (int i=0; i<ls.getErrors().getLength(); i++) { String errorCode = ls.getErrors().item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("code").getTextContent(); errorSet.add(OAI_SET_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not have a set with the specified setSpec (" + errorCode + ")"); } } else { // Drilling down to /OAI-PMH/ListSets/set Document reply = db.build(ls.getDocument()); Element root = reply.getRootElement(); //Check if we can find items, if so this indicates that we have children and our sets exist foundSet = 0 < root.getChild("ListIdentifiers",OAI_NS).getChildren().size(); if (!foundSet) { errorSet.add(OAI_SET_ERROR + ": The OAI server does not have a set with the specified setSpec"); } } } } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Exception e) { errorSet.add(OAI_ADDRESS_ERROR + ": OAI server could not be reached"); return errorSet; } return errorSet; } /** * Start harvest scheduler. */ public static synchronized void startNewScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { Context c = new Context(); HarvestedCollection.exists(c); c.complete(); if (mainHarvestThread != null && harvester != null) { stopScheduler(); } harvester = new HarvestScheduler(); HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE; mainHarvestThread = new Thread(harvester); mainHarvestThread.start(); } /** * Stop an active harvest scheduler. */ public static synchronized void stopScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { synchronized(HarvestScheduler.lock) { HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP; HarvestScheduler.lock.notify(); } mainHarvestThread = null; harvester = null; } /** * Pause an active harvest scheduler. */ public static void pauseScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { synchronized(HarvestScheduler.lock) { HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE; HarvestScheduler.lock.notify(); } } /** * Resume a paused harvest scheduler. */ public static void resumeScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { HarvestScheduler.interrupt = HarvestScheduler.HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME; } public static void resetScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException, IOException { Context context = new Context(); List<Integer> cids = HarvestedCollection.findAll(context); for (Integer cid : cids) { HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(context, cid); hc.setHarvestStartTime(null); hc.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_READY); hc.update(); } context.commit(); } /** * Exception class specifically assigned to recoverable errors that occur during harvesting. Throughout the harvest process, various exceptions * are caught and turned into a HarvestingException. Uncaught exceptions are irrecoverable errors. * @author alexey */ public static class HarvestingException extends Exception { public HarvestingException() { super(); } public HarvestingException(String message, Throwable t) { super(message, t); } public HarvestingException(String message) { super(message); } public HarvestingException(Throwable t) { super(t); } } /** * The class responsible for scheduling harvesting cycles are regular intervals. * @author alexey */ public static class HarvestScheduler implements Runnable { private static EPerson harvestAdmin; private Context mainContext; public static final Object lock = new Object(); private static Stack<HarvestThread> harvestThreads; private static Integer maxActiveThreads; protected static volatile Integer activeThreads = 0; public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_RUNNING = 1; public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING = 2; public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED = 3; public static final int HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED = 4; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE = 0; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE = 1; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP = 2; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME = 3; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_INSERT_THREAD = 4; public static final int HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_KILL_THREAD = 5; private static int status = HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED; private static int interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE; private static Integer interruptValue = 0; private static long minHeartbeat; private static long maxHeartbeat; public static boolean hasStatus(int statusToCheck) { return status == statusToCheck; } public static synchronized void setInterrupt(int newInterrupt) { interrupt = newInterrupt; } public static synchronized void setInterrupt(int newInterrupt, int newInterruptValue) { interrupt = newInterrupt; interruptValue = newInterruptValue; } public static String getStatus() { switch(status) { case HARVESTER_STATUS_RUNNING: switch(interrupt) { case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE: return("The scheduler is finishing active harvests before pausing. "); case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP: return("The scheduler is shutting down. "); } return("The scheduler is actively harvesting collections. "); case HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING: return("The scheduler is waiting for collections to harvest. "); case HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED: return("The scheduler is paused. "); default: return("Automatic harvesting is not active. "); } } public HarvestScheduler() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { mainContext = new Context(); String harvestAdminParam = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("oai", "harvester.eperson"); harvestAdmin = null; if (harvestAdminParam != null && harvestAdminParam.length() > 0) { harvestAdmin = EPerson.findByEmail(mainContext, harvestAdminParam); } harvestThreads = new Stack<HarvestThread>(); maxActiveThreads = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.maxThreads"); if (maxActiveThreads == 0) { maxActiveThreads = 3; } minHeartbeat = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.minHeartbeat") * 1000; if (minHeartbeat == 0) { minHeartbeat = 30000; } maxHeartbeat = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.maxHeartbeat") * 1000; if (maxHeartbeat == 0) { maxHeartbeat = 3600000; } } public void run() { scheduleLoop(); } private void scheduleLoop() { long i=0; while(true) { try { synchronized (HarvestScheduler.class) { switch (interrupt) { case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE: break; case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_INSERT_THREAD: interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE; addThread(interruptValue); interruptValue = 0; break; case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_PAUSE: interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE; status = HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED; break; case HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP: interrupt = HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_NONE; status = HARVESTER_STATUS_STOPPED; return; } } if (status == HARVESTER_STATUS_PAUSED) { while(interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_RESUME && interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP) { Thread.sleep(1000); } if (interrupt != HARVESTER_INTERRUPT_STOP) { break; } } status = HARVESTER_STATUS_RUNNING; // Stage #1: if something is ready for harvest, push it onto the ready stack, mark it as "queued" mainContext = new Context(); List<Integer> cids = HarvestedCollection.findReady(mainContext); log.info("Collections ready for immediate harvest: " + cids.toString()); for (Integer cid : cids) { addThread(cid); } // Stage #2: start up all the threads currently in the queue up to the maximum number while (!harvestThreads.isEmpty()) { synchronized(HarvestScheduler.class) { activeThreads++; } Thread activeThread = new Thread(harvestThreads.pop()); activeThread.start(); log.info("Thread started: " + activeThread.toString()); /* Wait while the number of threads running is greater than or equal to max */ while (activeThreads >= maxActiveThreads) { /* Wait a second */ Thread.sleep(1000); } } // Finally, wait for the last few remaining threads to finish // TODO: this step might be unnecessary. Theoretically a single very long harvest process // could then lock out all the other ones from starting on their next iteration. // FIXME: also, this might lead to a situation when a single thread getting stuck without // throwing an exception would shut down the whole scheduler while (activeThreads != 0) { /* Wait a second */ Thread.sleep(1000); } // Commit everything try { mainContext.commit(); mainContext.complete(); log.info("Done with iteration " + i); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); mainContext.abort(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception on iteration: " + i); e.printStackTrace(); } // Stage #3: figure out how long until the next iteration and wait try { Context tempContext = new Context(); int nextCollectionId = HarvestedCollection.findOldestHarvest(tempContext); HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(tempContext, nextCollectionId); int harvestInterval = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("oai", "harvester.harvestFrequency"); if (harvestInterval == 0) { harvestInterval = 720; } Date nextTime; long nextHarvest = 0; if (hc != null) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(hc.getHarvestDate()); calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, harvestInterval); nextTime = calendar.getTime(); nextHarvest = nextTime.getTime() + - new Date().getTime(); } long upperBound = Math.min(nextHarvest,maxHeartbeat); long delay = Math.max(upperBound, minHeartbeat) + 1000; tempContext.complete(); status = HARVESTER_STATUS_SLEEPING; synchronized(lock) { lock.wait(delay); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.warn("Interrupt: " + ie.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } i++; } } /** * Adds a thread to the ready stack. Can also be called externally to queue up a collection * for harvesting before it is "due" for another cycle. This allows starting a harvest process * from the UI that still "plays nice" with these thread mechanics instead of making an * asynchronous call to runHarvest(). */ public static void addThread(int collecionID) throws SQLException, IOException, AuthorizeException { log.debug("****** Entered the addThread method. Active threads: " + harvestThreads.toString()); Context subContext = new Context(); subContext.setCurrentUser(harvestAdmin); HarvestedCollection hc = HarvestedCollection.find(subContext, collecionID); hc.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_QUEUED); hc.update(); subContext.commit(); HarvestThread ht = new HarvestThread(subContext, hc); harvestThreads.push(ht); log.debug("****** Queued up a thread. Active threads: " + harvestThreads.toString()); log.info("Thread queued up: " + ht.toString()); } } /** * A harvester thread used to execute a single harvest cycle on a collection * @author alexey */ private static class HarvestThread extends Thread { Context context; HarvestedCollection hc; HarvestThread(Context context, HarvestedCollection hc) throws SQLException { this.context = context; this.hc = hc; } public void run() { log.info("Thread for collection " + hc.getCollectionId() + " starts."); runHarvest(); } private void runHarvest() { Collection dso = null; try { dso = Collection.find(context, hc.getCollectionId()); OAIHarvester harvester = new OAIHarvester(context, dso, hc); harvester.runHarvest(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Runtime exception in thread: " + this.toString()); log.error(e.getMessage() + " " + e.getCause()); hc.setHarvestMessage("Runtime error occurred while generating an OAI response"); hc.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("General exception in thread: " + this.toString()); log.error(ex.getMessage() + " " + ex.getCause()); hc.setHarvestMessage("Error occurred while generating an OAI response"); hc.setHarvestStatus(HarvestedCollection.STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR); } finally { try { hc.update(); context.restoreAuthSystemState(); context.complete(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Unexpected exception while recovering from a harvesting error: " + e.getMessage(), e); context.abort(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unexpected exception while recovering from a harvesting error: " + e.getMessage(), e); context.abort(); } synchronized (HarvestScheduler.class) { HarvestScheduler.activeThreads--; } } log.info("Thread for collection " + hc.getCollectionId() + " completes."); } } }