import net.htmlparser.jericho.*; import java.util.*; import*; import*; public class StreamedSourceCopy { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String sourceUrlString="data/test.html"; if (args.length==0) System.err.println("Using default argument of \""+sourceUrlString+'"'); else sourceUrlString=args[0]; if (sourceUrlString.indexOf(':')==-1) sourceUrlString="file:"+sourceUrlString; StreamedSource streamedSource=new StreamedSource(new URL(sourceUrlString)); Writer writer=null; try { writer=new FileWriter("StreamedSourceCopyOutput.html"); System.out.println("Processing segments:"); int lastSegmentEnd=0; for (Segment segment : streamedSource) { System.out.println(segment.getDebugInfo()); if (segment.getEnd()<=lastSegmentEnd) continue; // if this tag is inside the previous tag (e.g. a server tag) then ignore it as it was already output along with the previous tag. lastSegmentEnd=segment.getEnd(); if (segment instanceof Tag) { Tag tag=(Tag)segment; // HANDLE TAG // Uncomment the following line to ensure each tag is valid XML: // writer.write(tag.tidy()); continue; } else if (segment instanceof CharacterReference) { CharacterReference characterReference=(CharacterReference)segment; // HANDLE CHARACTER REFERENCE // Uncomment the following line to decode all character references instead of copying them verbatim: // characterReference.appendCharTo(writer); continue; } else { // HANDLE PLAIN TEXT } // unless specific handling has prevented getting to here, simply output the segment as is: writer.write(segment.toString()); } writer.close(); System.err.println("\nA copy of the source document has been output to StreamedSourceCopyOuput.html"); } catch (Throwable t) { if (writer!=null) try {writer.close();} catch (IOException ex) {} } } }