// Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.server.git; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import com.google.gerrit.common.ChangeHookRunner; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.ApprovalType; import com.google.gerrit.common.data.ApprovalTypes; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.Account; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.ApprovalCategory; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.Branch; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.Change; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.ChangeMessage; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.PatchSet; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.PatchSetApproval; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.Project; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.RevId; import com.google.gerrit.reviewdb.ReviewDb; import com.google.gerrit.server.ChangeUtil; import com.google.gerrit.server.GerritPersonIdent; import com.google.gerrit.server.IdentifiedUser; import com.google.gerrit.server.account.AccountCache; import com.google.gerrit.server.config.CanonicalWebUrl; import com.google.gerrit.server.mail.EmailException; import com.google.gerrit.server.mail.MergeFailSender; import com.google.gerrit.server.mail.MergedSender; import com.google.gerrit.server.patch.PatchSetInfoFactory; import com.google.gerrit.server.patch.PatchSetInfoNotAvailableException; import com.google.gerrit.server.project.ProjectCache; import com.google.gerrit.server.project.ProjectState; import com.google.gerrit.server.workflow.CategoryFunction; import com.google.gerrit.server.workflow.FunctionState; import com.google.gwtorm.client.AtomicUpdate; import com.google.gwtorm.client.OrmConcurrencyException; import com.google.gwtorm.client.OrmException; import com.google.gwtorm.client.SchemaFactory; import com.google.inject.Inject; import com.google.inject.Provider; import com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.RepositoryNotFoundException; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitBuilder; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.MergeStrategy; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.Merger; import org.eclipse.jgit.merge.ThreeWayMerger; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.FooterKey; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.FooterLine; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevFlag; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevSort; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Merges changes in submission order into a single branch. * <p> * Branches are reduced to the minimum number of heads needed to merge * everything. This allows commits to be entered into the queue in any order * (such as ancestors before descendants) and only the most recent commit on any * line of development will be merged. All unmerged commits along a line of * development must be in the submission queue in order to merge the tip of that * line. * <p> * Conflicts are handled by discarding the entire line of development and * marking it as conflicting, even if an earlier commit along that same line can * be merged cleanly. */ public class MergeOp { public interface Factory { MergeOp create(Branch.NameKey branch); } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MergeOp.class); private static final String R_HEADS_MASTER = Constants.R_HEADS + Constants.MASTER; private static final ApprovalCategory.Id CRVW = new ApprovalCategory.Id("CRVW"); private static final ApprovalCategory.Id VRIF = new ApprovalCategory.Id("VRIF"); private static final FooterKey REVIEWED_ON = new FooterKey("Reviewed-on"); private static final FooterKey CHANGE_ID = new FooterKey("Change-Id"); /** Amount of time to wait between submit and checking for missing deps. */ private static final long DEPENDENCY_DELAY = MILLISECONDS.convert(15, MINUTES); private final GitRepositoryManager repoManager; private final SchemaFactory<ReviewDb> schemaFactory; private final ProjectCache projectCache; private final FunctionState.Factory functionState; private final ReplicationQueue replication; private final MergedSender.Factory mergedSenderFactory; private final MergeFailSender.Factory mergeFailSenderFactory; private final Provider<String> urlProvider; private final ApprovalTypes approvalTypes; private final PatchSetInfoFactory patchSetInfoFactory; private final IdentifiedUser.GenericFactory identifiedUserFactory; private final MergeQueue mergeQueue; private final PersonIdent myIdent; private final Branch.NameKey destBranch; private Project destProject; private final List<CodeReviewCommit> toMerge; private List<Change> submitted; private final Map<Change.Id, CodeReviewCommit> commits; private ReviewDb schema; private Repository db; private RevWalk rw; private RevFlag CAN_MERGE; private CodeReviewCommit branchTip; private CodeReviewCommit mergeTip; private Set<RevCommit> alreadyAccepted; private RefUpdate branchUpdate; private final ChangeHookRunner hooks; private final AccountCache accountCache; @Inject MergeOp(final GitRepositoryManager grm, final SchemaFactory<ReviewDb> sf, final ProjectCache pc, final FunctionState.Factory fs, final ReplicationQueue rq, final MergedSender.Factory msf, final MergeFailSender.Factory mfsf, @CanonicalWebUrl @Nullable final Provider<String> cwu, final ApprovalTypes approvalTypes, final PatchSetInfoFactory psif, final IdentifiedUser.GenericFactory iuf, @GerritPersonIdent final PersonIdent myIdent, final MergeQueue mergeQueue, @Assisted final Branch.NameKey branch, final ChangeHookRunner hooks, final AccountCache accountCache) { repoManager = grm; schemaFactory = sf; functionState = fs; projectCache = pc; replication = rq; mergedSenderFactory = msf; mergeFailSenderFactory = mfsf; urlProvider = cwu; this.approvalTypes = approvalTypes; patchSetInfoFactory = psif; identifiedUserFactory = iuf; this.mergeQueue = mergeQueue; this.hooks = hooks; this.accountCache = accountCache; this.myIdent = myIdent; destBranch = branch; toMerge = new ArrayList<CodeReviewCommit>(); commits = new HashMap<Change.Id, CodeReviewCommit>(); } public void merge() throws MergeException { final ProjectState pe = projectCache.get(destBranch.getParentKey()); if (pe == null) { throw new MergeException("No such project: " + destBranch.getParentKey()); } destProject = pe.getProject(); try { schema = schemaFactory.open(); } catch (OrmException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot open database", e); } try { mergeImpl(); } finally { if (rw != null) { rw.release(); } if (db != null) { db.close(); } schema.close(); schema = null; } } private void mergeImpl() throws MergeException { openRepository(); openBranch(); listPendingSubmits(); validateChangeList(); mergeTip = branchTip; switch (destProject.getSubmitType()) { case CHERRY_PICK: cherryPickChanges(); break; case FAST_FORWARD_ONLY: case MERGE_ALWAYS: case MERGE_IF_NECESSARY: default: reduceToMinimalMerge(); mergeTopics(); markCleanMerges(); break; } updateBranch(); updateChangeStatus(); } private void openRepository() throws MergeException { final String name = destBranch.getParentKey().get(); try { db = repoManager.openRepository(name); } catch (RepositoryNotFoundException notGit) { final String m = "Repository \"" + name + "\" unknown."; throw new MergeException(m, notGit); } rw = new RevWalk(db) { @Override protected RevCommit createCommit(final AnyObjectId id) { return new CodeReviewCommit(id); } }; rw.sort(RevSort.TOPO); rw.sort(RevSort.COMMIT_TIME_DESC, true); CAN_MERGE = rw.newFlag("CAN_MERGE"); } private void openBranch() throws MergeException { alreadyAccepted = new HashSet<RevCommit>(); try { branchUpdate = db.updateRef(destBranch.get()); if (branchUpdate.getOldObjectId() != null) { branchTip = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.parseCommit(branchUpdate.getOldObjectId()); alreadyAccepted.add(branchTip); } else { branchTip = null; } for (final Ref r : db.getAllRefs().values()) { if (r.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_HEADS) || r.getName().startsWith(Constants.R_TAGS)) { try { alreadyAccepted.add(rw.parseCommit(r.getObjectId())); } catch (IncorrectObjectTypeException iote) { // Not a commit? Skip over it. } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot open branch", e); } } private void listPendingSubmits() throws MergeException { try { submitted = schema.changes().submitted(destBranch).toList(); } catch (OrmException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot query the database", e); } } private void validateChangeList() throws MergeException { final Set<ObjectId> tips = new HashSet<ObjectId>(); for (final Ref r : db.getAllRefs().values()) { tips.add(r.getObjectId()); } int commitOrder = 0; for (final Change chg : submitted) { final Change.Id changeId = chg.getId(); if (chg.currentPatchSetId() == null) { commits.put(changeId, CodeReviewCommit .error(CommitMergeStatus.NO_PATCH_SET)); continue; } final PatchSet ps; try { ps = schema.patchSets().get(chg.currentPatchSetId()); } catch (OrmException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot query the database", e); } if (ps == null || ps.getRevision() == null || ps.getRevision().get() == null) { commits.put(changeId, CodeReviewCommit .error(CommitMergeStatus.NO_PATCH_SET)); continue; } final String idstr = ps.getRevision().get(); final ObjectId id; try { id = ObjectId.fromString(idstr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { commits.put(changeId, CodeReviewCommit .error(CommitMergeStatus.NO_PATCH_SET)); continue; } if (!tips.contains(id)) { // TODO Technically the proper way to do this test is to use a // RevWalk on "$id --not --all" and test for an empty set. But // that is way slower than looking for a ref directly pointing // at the desired tip. We should always have a ref available. // // TODO this is actually an error, the branch is gone but we // want to merge the issue. We can't safely do that if the // tip is not reachable. // commits.put(changeId, CodeReviewCommit .error(CommitMergeStatus.REVISION_GONE)); continue; } final CodeReviewCommit commit; try { commit = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.parseCommit(id); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Invalid commit " + id.name() + " on " + chg.getKey(), e); commits.put(changeId, CodeReviewCommit .error(CommitMergeStatus.REVISION_GONE)); continue; } commit.change = chg; commit.patchsetId = ps.getId(); commit.originalOrder = commitOrder++; commits.put(changeId, commit); if (branchTip != null) { // If this commit is already merged its a bug in the queuing code // that we got back here. Just mark it complete and move on. Its // merged and that is all that mattered to the requestor. // try { if (rw.isMergedInto(commit, branchTip)) { commit.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.ALREADY_MERGED; continue; } } catch (IOException err) { throw new MergeException("Cannot perform merge base test", err); } } commit.add(CAN_MERGE); toMerge.add(commit); } } private void reduceToMinimalMerge() throws MergeException { final Collection<CodeReviewCommit> heads; try { heads = new MergeSorter(rw, alreadyAccepted, CAN_MERGE).sort(toMerge); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Branch head sorting failed", e); } toMerge.clear(); toMerge.addAll(heads); Collections.sort(toMerge, new Comparator<CodeReviewCommit>() { public int compare(final CodeReviewCommit a, final CodeReviewCommit b) { return a.originalOrder - b.originalOrder; } }); } private void mergeTopics() throws MergeException { // Take the first fast-forward available, if any is available in the set. // if (destProject.getSubmitType() != Project.SubmitType.MERGE_ALWAYS) { for (final Iterator<CodeReviewCommit> i = toMerge.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { try { final CodeReviewCommit n = i.next(); if (mergeTip == null || rw.isMergedInto(mergeTip, n)) { mergeTip = n; i.remove(); break; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot fast-forward test during merge", e); } } } if (destProject.getSubmitType() == Project.SubmitType.FAST_FORWARD_ONLY) { // If this project only permits fast-forwards, abort everything else. // while (!toMerge.isEmpty()) { final CodeReviewCommit n = toMerge.remove(0); n.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.NOT_FAST_FORWARD; } } else { // For every other commit do a pair-wise merge. // while (!toMerge.isEmpty()) { mergeOneCommit(toMerge.remove(0)); } } } private void mergeOneCommit(final CodeReviewCommit n) throws MergeException { final Merger m = MergeStrategy.SIMPLE_TWO_WAY_IN_CORE.newMerger(db); try { if (m.merge(new AnyObjectId[] {mergeTip, n})) { writeMergeCommit(m, n); } else { failed(n, CommitMergeStatus.PATH_CONFLICT); } } catch (IOException e) { if (e.getMessage().startsWith("Multiple merge bases for")) { try { failed(n, CommitMergeStatus.CRISS_CROSS_MERGE); } catch (IOException e2) { throw new MergeException("Cannot merge " + n.name(), e); } } else { throw new MergeException("Cannot merge " + n.name(), e); } } } private CodeReviewCommit failed(final CodeReviewCommit n, final CommitMergeStatus failure) throws MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException, IOException { rw.reset(); rw.markStart(n); rw.markUninteresting(mergeTip); CodeReviewCommit failed; while ((failed = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.next()) != null) { failed.statusCode = failure; } return failed; } private void writeMergeCommit(final Merger m, final CodeReviewCommit n) throws IOException, MissingObjectException, IncorrectObjectTypeException { final List<CodeReviewCommit> merged = new ArrayList<CodeReviewCommit>(); rw.reset(); rw.markStart(n); rw.markUninteresting(mergeTip); for (final RevCommit c : rw) { final CodeReviewCommit crc = (CodeReviewCommit) c; if (crc.patchsetId != null) { merged.add(crc); } } final StringBuilder msgbuf = new StringBuilder(); if (merged.size() == 1) { final CodeReviewCommit c = merged.get(0); rw.parseBody(c); msgbuf.append("Merge \""); msgbuf.append(c.getShortMessage()); msgbuf.append("\""); } else { msgbuf.append("Merge changes "); for (final Iterator<CodeReviewCommit> i = merged.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { msgbuf.append(i.next().change.getKey().abbreviate()); if (i.hasNext()) { msgbuf.append(','); } } } if (!R_HEADS_MASTER.equals(destBranch.get())) { msgbuf.append(" into "); msgbuf.append(destBranch.getShortName()); } if (merged.size() > 1) { msgbuf.append("\n\n* changes:\n"); for (final CodeReviewCommit c : merged) { rw.parseBody(c); msgbuf.append(" "); msgbuf.append(c.getShortMessage()); msgbuf.append("\n"); } } PatchSetApproval submitter = null; for (final CodeReviewCommit c : merged) { PatchSetApproval s = getSubmitter(c.patchsetId); if (submitter == null || (s != null && s.getGranted().compareTo(submitter.getGranted()) > 0)) { submitter = s; } } // Try to use the submitter's identity for the merge commit author. // If all of the commits being merged are created by the submitter, // prefer the identity line they used in the commits rather than the // preferred identity stored in the user account. This way the Git // commit records are more consistent internally. // PersonIdent authorIdent; if (submitter != null) { IdentifiedUser who = identifiedUserFactory.create(submitter.getAccountId()); Set<String> emails = new HashSet<String>(); for (RevCommit c : merged) { emails.add(c.getAuthorIdent().getEmailAddress()); } final Timestamp dt = submitter.getGranted(); final TimeZone tz = myIdent.getTimeZone(); if (emails.size() == 1 && who.getEmailAddresses().contains(emails.iterator().next())) { authorIdent = new PersonIdent(merged.get(0).getAuthorIdent(), dt, tz); } else { authorIdent = who.newCommitterIdent(dt, tz); } } else { authorIdent = myIdent; } final CommitBuilder mergeCommit = new CommitBuilder(); mergeCommit.setTreeId(m.getResultTreeId()); mergeCommit.setParentIds(mergeTip, n); mergeCommit.setAuthor(authorIdent); mergeCommit.setCommitter(myIdent); mergeCommit.setMessage(msgbuf.toString()); mergeTip = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.parseCommit(commit(m, mergeCommit)); } private void markCleanMerges() throws MergeException { if (mergeTip == null) { // If mergeTip is null here, branchTip was null, indicating a new branch // at the start of the merge process. We also elected to merge nothing, // probably due to missing dependencies. Nothing was cleanly merged. // return; } try { rw.reset(); rw.sort(RevSort.TOPO); rw.sort(RevSort.REVERSE, true); rw.markStart(mergeTip); for (RevCommit c : alreadyAccepted) { rw.markUninteresting(c); } CodeReviewCommit c; while ((c = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.next()) != null) { if (c.patchsetId != null) { c.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.CLEAN_MERGE; if (branchUpdate.getRefLogIdent() == null) { setRefLogIdent(getSubmitter(c.patchsetId)); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot mark clean merges", e); } } private void setRefLogIdent(final PatchSetApproval submitAudit) { if (submitAudit != null) { branchUpdate.setRefLogIdent(identifiedUserFactory.create( submitAudit.getAccountId()).newRefLogIdent()); } } private void cherryPickChanges() throws MergeException { while (!toMerge.isEmpty()) { final CodeReviewCommit n = toMerge.remove(0); final ThreeWayMerger m; m = MergeStrategy.SIMPLE_TWO_WAY_IN_CORE.newMerger(db); try { if (mergeTip == null) { // The branch is unborn. Take a fast-forward resolution to // create the branch. // mergeTip = n; n.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.CLEAN_MERGE; } else if (n.getParentCount() == 0) { // Refuse to merge a root commit into an existing branch, // we cannot obtain a delta for the cherry-pick to apply. // n.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.CANNOT_CHERRY_PICK_ROOT; } else if (n.getParentCount() == 1) { // If there is only one parent, a cherry-pick can be done by // taking the delta relative to that one parent and redoing // that on the current merge tip. // m.setBase(n.getParent(0)); if (m.merge(mergeTip, n)) { writeCherryPickCommit(m, n); } else { n.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.PATH_CONFLICT; } } else { // There are multiple parents, so this is a merge commit. We // don't want to cherry-pick the merge as clients can't easily // rebase their history with that merge present and replaced // by an equivalent merge with a different first parent. So // instead behave as though MERGE_IF_NECESSARY was configured. // if (hasDependenciesMet(n)) { if (rw.isMergedInto(mergeTip, n)) { mergeTip = n; } else { mergeOneCommit(n); } markCleanMerges(); } else { // One or more dependencies were not met. The status was // already marked on the commit so we have nothing further // to perform at this time. // } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot merge " + n.name(), e); } } } private boolean hasDependenciesMet(final CodeReviewCommit n) throws IOException { // Oddly we can determine this by running the merge sorter and // look for the one commit to come out as a result. This works // as the merge sorter checks the dependency chain as part of // its logic trying to find a minimal merge path. // return new MergeSorter(rw, alreadyAccepted, CAN_MERGE).sort( Collections.singleton(n)).contains(n); } private void writeCherryPickCommit(final Merger m, final CodeReviewCommit n) throws IOException { rw.parseBody(n); final List<FooterLine> footers = n.getFooterLines(); final StringBuilder msgbuf = new StringBuilder(); msgbuf.append(n.getFullMessage()); if (msgbuf.length() == 0) { // WTF, an empty commit message? msgbuf.append("<no commit message provided>"); } if (msgbuf.charAt(msgbuf.length() - 1) != '\n') { // Missing a trailing LF? Correct it (perhaps the editor was broken). msgbuf.append('\n'); } if (footers.isEmpty()) { // Doesn't end in a "Signed-off-by: ..." style line? Add another line // break to start a new paragraph for the reviewed-by tag lines. // msgbuf.append('\n'); } if (!contains(footers, CHANGE_ID, n.change.getKey().get())) { msgbuf.append(CHANGE_ID.getName()); msgbuf.append(": "); msgbuf.append(n.change.getKey().get()); msgbuf.append('\n'); } final String siteUrl = urlProvider.get(); if (siteUrl != null) { final String url = siteUrl + n.patchsetId.getParentKey().get(); if (!contains(footers, REVIEWED_ON, url)) { msgbuf.append(REVIEWED_ON.getName()); msgbuf.append(": "); msgbuf.append(url); msgbuf.append('\n'); } } PatchSetApproval submitAudit = null; try { final List<PatchSetApproval> approvalList = schema.patchSetApprovals().byPatchSet(n.patchsetId).toList(); Collections.sort(approvalList, new Comparator<PatchSetApproval>() { public int compare(final PatchSetApproval a, final PatchSetApproval b) { return a.getGranted().compareTo(b.getGranted()); } }); for (final PatchSetApproval a : approvalList) { if (a.getValue() <= 0) { // Negative votes aren't counted. continue; } if (ApprovalCategory.SUBMIT.equals(a.getCategoryId())) { // Submit is treated specially, below (becomes committer) // if (submitAudit == null || a.getGranted().compareTo(submitAudit.getGranted()) > 0) { submitAudit = a; } continue; } final Account acc = identifiedUserFactory.create(a.getAccountId()).getAccount(); final StringBuilder identbuf = new StringBuilder(); if (acc.getFullName() != null && acc.getFullName().length() > 0) { if (identbuf.length() > 0) { identbuf.append(' '); } identbuf.append(acc.getFullName()); } if (acc.getPreferredEmail() != null && acc.getPreferredEmail().length() > 0) { if (isSignedOffBy(footers, acc.getPreferredEmail())) { continue; } if (identbuf.length() > 0) { identbuf.append(' '); } identbuf.append('<'); identbuf.append(acc.getPreferredEmail()); identbuf.append('>'); } if (identbuf.length() == 0) { // Nothing reasonable to describe them by? Ignore them. continue; } final String tag; if (CRVW.equals(a.getCategoryId())) { tag = "Reviewed-by"; } else if (VRIF.equals(a.getCategoryId())) { tag = "Tested-by"; } else { final ApprovalType at = approvalTypes.getApprovalType(a.getCategoryId()); if (at == null) { // A deprecated/deleted approval type, ignore it. continue; } tag = at.getCategory().getName().replace(' ', '-'); } if (!contains(footers, new FooterKey(tag), identbuf.toString())) { msgbuf.append(tag); msgbuf.append(": "); msgbuf.append(identbuf); msgbuf.append('\n'); } } } catch (OrmException e) { log.error("Can't read approval records for " + n.patchsetId, e); } final CommitBuilder mergeCommit = new CommitBuilder(); mergeCommit.setTreeId(m.getResultTreeId()); mergeCommit.setParentId(mergeTip); mergeCommit.setAuthor(n.getAuthorIdent()); mergeCommit.setCommitter(toCommitterIdent(submitAudit)); mergeCommit.setMessage(msgbuf.toString()); final ObjectId id = commit(m, mergeCommit); final CodeReviewCommit newCommit = (CodeReviewCommit) rw.parseCommit(id); newCommit.copyFrom(n); newCommit.statusCode = CommitMergeStatus.CLEAN_PICK; commits.put(newCommit.patchsetId.getParentKey(), newCommit); mergeTip = newCommit; setRefLogIdent(submitAudit); } private ObjectId commit(final Merger m, final CommitBuilder mergeCommit) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException { ObjectInserter oi = m.getObjectInserter(); try { ObjectId id = oi.insert(mergeCommit); oi.flush(); return id; } finally { oi.release(); } } private boolean contains(List<FooterLine> footers, FooterKey key, String val) { for (final FooterLine line : footers) { if (line.matches(key) && val.equals(line.getValue())) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isSignedOffBy(List<FooterLine> footers, String email) { for (final FooterLine line : footers) { if (line.matches(FooterKey.SIGNED_OFF_BY) && email.equals(line.getEmailAddress())) { return true; } } return false; } private PersonIdent toCommitterIdent(final PatchSetApproval audit) { if (audit != null) { return identifiedUserFactory.create(audit.getAccountId()) .newCommitterIdent(audit.getGranted(), myIdent.getTimeZone()); } return myIdent; } private void updateBranch() throws MergeException { if (mergeTip != null && (branchTip == null || branchTip != mergeTip)) { branchUpdate.setForceUpdate(false); branchUpdate.setNewObjectId(mergeTip); branchUpdate.setRefLogMessage("merged", true); try { switch (branchUpdate.update(rw)) { case NEW: case FAST_FORWARD: replication.scheduleUpdate(destBranch.getParentKey(), branchUpdate .getName()); break; default: throw new IOException(branchUpdate.getResult().name()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new MergeException("Cannot update " + branchUpdate.getName(), e); } } } private void updateChangeStatus() { for (final Change c : submitted) { final CodeReviewCommit commit = commits.get(c.getId()); final CommitMergeStatus s = commit != null ? commit.statusCode : null; if (s == null) { // Shouldn't ever happen, but leave the change alone. We'll pick // it up on the next pass. // continue; } switch (s) { case CLEAN_MERGE: { final String txt = "Change has been successfully merged into the git repository."; setMerged(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case CLEAN_PICK: { final String txt = "Change has been successfully cherry-picked as " + commit.name() + "."; setMerged(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case ALREADY_MERGED: setMerged(c, null); break; case PATH_CONFLICT: { final String txt = "Your change could not be merged due to a path conflict.\n" + "\n" + "Please merge (or rebase) the change locally and upload the resolution for review."; setNew(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case CRISS_CROSS_MERGE: { final String txt = "Your change requires a recursive merge to resolve.\n" + "\n" + "Please merge (or rebase) the change locally and upload the resolution for review."; setNew(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case CANNOT_CHERRY_PICK_ROOT: { final String txt = "Cannot cherry-pick an initial commit onto an existing branch.\n" + "\n" + "Please merge the change locally and upload the merge commit for review."; setNew(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case NOT_FAST_FORWARD: { final String txt = "Project policy requires all submissions to be a fast-forward.\n" + "\n" + "Please rebase the change locally and upload again for review."; setNew(c, message(c, txt)); break; } case MISSING_DEPENDENCY: { dependencyError(commit); break; } default: setNew(c, message(c, "Unspecified merge failure: " + s.name())); break; } } } private void dependencyError(final CodeReviewCommit commit) { final Change c = commit.change; if (commit.missing == null) { commit.missing = new ArrayList<CodeReviewCommit>(); } boolean submitStillPossible = commit.missing.size() > 0; for (CodeReviewCommit missingCommit : commit.missing) { loadChangeInfo(missingCommit); if (missingCommit.patchsetId == null) { // The commit doesn't have a patch set, so it cannot be // submitted to the branch. // submitStillPossible = false; break; } if (!missingCommit.change.currentPatchSetId().equals( missingCommit.patchsetId)) { // If the missing commit is not the current patch set, // the change must be rebased to use the proper parent. // submitStillPossible = false; break; } } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long waitUntil = c.getLastUpdatedOn().getTime() + DEPENDENCY_DELAY; if (submitStillPossible && now < waitUntil) { // If we waited a short while we might still be able to get // this change submitted. Reschedule an attempt in a bit. // mergeQueue.recheckAfter(destBranch, waitUntil - now, MILLISECONDS); } else if (submitStillPossible) { // It would be possible to submit the change if the missing // dependencies are also submitted. Perhaps the user just // forgot to submit those. // String txt = "Change could not be merged because of a missing dependency."; if (!isAlreadySent(c, txt)) { StringBuilder m = new StringBuilder(); m.append(txt); m.append("\n"); m.append("\n"); m.append("The following changes must also be submitted:\n"); m.append("\n"); for (CodeReviewCommit missingCommit : commit.missing) { m.append("* "); m.append(missingCommit.change.getKey().get()); m.append("\n"); } txt = m.toString(); } sendMergeFail(c, message(c, txt), false, false); } else { // It is impossible to submit this change as-is. The author // needs to rebase it in order to work around the missing // dependencies. // StringBuilder m = new StringBuilder(); m.append("Change cannot be merged due" + " to unsatisfiable dependencies.\n"); m.append("\n"); m.append("The following dependency errors were found:\n"); m.append("\n"); for (CodeReviewCommit missingCommit : commit.missing) { if (missingCommit.patchsetId != null) { m.append("* Depends on patch set "); m.append(missingCommit.patchsetId.get()); m.append(" of "); m.append(missingCommit.change.getKey().abbreviate()); m.append(", however the current patch set is "); m.append(missingCommit.change.currentPatchSetId().get()); m.append(".\n"); } else { m.append("* Depends on commit "); m.append(missingCommit.name()); m.append(" which has no change associated with it.\n"); } } m.append("\n"); m.append("Please rebase the change and upload a replacement commit."); setNew(c, message(c, m.toString())); } } private void loadChangeInfo(final CodeReviewCommit commit) { if (commit.patchsetId == null) { try { List<PatchSet> matches = schema.patchSets().byRevision(new RevId(commit.name())).toList(); if (matches.size() == 1) { final PatchSet ps = matches.get(0); commit.patchsetId = ps.getId(); commit.change = schema.changes().get(ps.getId().getParentKey()); } } catch (OrmException e) { } } } private boolean isAlreadySent(final Change c, final String prefix) { try { final List<ChangeMessage> msgList = schema.changeMessages().byChange(c.getId()).toList(); if (msgList.size() > 0) { final ChangeMessage last = msgList.get(msgList.size() - 1); if (last.getAuthor() == null && last.getMessage().startsWith(prefix)) { // The last message was written by us, and it said this // same message already. Its unlikely anything has changed // that would cause us to need to repeat ourselves. // return true; } } // The last message was not sent by us, or doesn't match the text // we are about to send. // return false; } catch (OrmException e) { return true; } } private ChangeMessage message(final Change c, final String body) { final String uuid; try { uuid = ChangeUtil.messageUUID(schema); } catch (OrmException e) { return null; } final ChangeMessage m = new ChangeMessage(new ChangeMessage.Key(c.getId(), uuid), null); m.setMessage(body); return m; } private PatchSetApproval getSubmitter(PatchSet.Id c) { if (c == null) { return null; } PatchSetApproval submitter = null; try { final List<PatchSetApproval> approvals = schema.patchSetApprovals().byPatchSet(c).toList(); for (PatchSetApproval a : approvals) { if (a.getValue() > 0 && ApprovalCategory.SUBMIT.equals(a.getCategoryId())) { if (submitter == null || a.getGranted().compareTo(submitter.getGranted()) > 0) { submitter = a; } } } } catch (OrmException e) { } return submitter; } private void setMerged(Change c, ChangeMessage msg) { final Change.Id changeId = c.getId(); final PatchSet.Id merged = c.currentPatchSetId(); try { schema.changes().atomicUpdate(changeId, new AtomicUpdate<Change>() { @Override public Change update(Change c) { c.setStatus(Change.Status.MERGED); if (!merged.equals(c.currentPatchSetId())) { // Uncool; the patch set changed after we merged it. // Go back to the patch set that was actually merged. // try { c.setCurrentPatchSet(patchSetInfoFactory.get(merged)); } catch (PatchSetInfoNotAvailableException e1) { log.error("Cannot read merged patch set " + merged, e1); } } ChangeUtil.updated(c); return c; } }); } catch (OrmConcurrencyException err) { } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot update change status", err); } // Flatten out all existing approvals based upon the current // permissions. Once the change is closed the approvals are // not updated at presentation view time, so we need to make. // sure they are accurate now. This way if permissions get // modified in the future, historical records stay accurate. // PatchSetApproval submitter = null; try { c.setStatus(Change.Status.MERGED); final List<PatchSetApproval> approvals = schema.patchSetApprovals().byChange(changeId).toList(); final FunctionState fs = functionState.create(c, merged, approvals); for (ApprovalType at : approvalTypes.getApprovalTypes()) { CategoryFunction.forCategory(at.getCategory()).run(at, fs); } for (PatchSetApproval a : approvals) { if (a.getValue() > 0 && ApprovalCategory.SUBMIT.equals(a.getCategoryId()) && a.getPatchSetId().equals(merged)) { if (submitter == null || a.getGranted().compareTo(submitter.getGranted()) > 0) { submitter = a; } } a.cache(c); } schema.patchSetApprovals().update(approvals); } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot normalize approvals for change " + changeId, err); } if (msg != null) { if (submitter != null && msg.getAuthor() == null) { msg.setAuthor(submitter.getAccountId()); } try { schema.changeMessages().insert(Collections.singleton(msg)); } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot store message on change", err); } } try { final MergedSender cm = mergedSenderFactory.create(c); if (submitter != null) { cm.setFrom(submitter.getAccountId()); } cm.setPatchSet(schema.patchSets().get(c.currentPatchSetId())); cm.send(); } catch (OrmException e) { log.error("Cannot send email for submitted patch set " + c.getId(), e); } catch (EmailException e) { log.error("Cannot send email for submitted patch set " + c.getId(), e); } try { hooks.doChangeMergedHook(c, // accountCache.get(submitter.getAccountId()).getAccount(), // schema.patchSets().get(c.currentPatchSetId())); } catch (OrmException ex) { log.error("Cannot run hook for submitted patch set " + c.getId(), ex); } } private void setNew(Change c, ChangeMessage msg) { sendMergeFail(c, msg, true, true); } private void sendMergeFail(Change c, ChangeMessage msg, final boolean makeNew, final boolean useSubmitter) { try { schema.changeMessages().insert(Collections.singleton(msg)); } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot record merge failure message", err); } if (makeNew) { try { schema.changes().atomicUpdate(c.getId(), new AtomicUpdate<Change>() { @Override public Change update(Change c) { if (c.getStatus().isOpen()) { c.setStatus(Change.Status.NEW); ChangeUtil.updated(c); } return c; } }); } catch (OrmConcurrencyException err) { } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot update change status", err); } } else { try { ChangeUtil.touch(c, schema); } catch (OrmException err) { log.warn("Cannot update change timestamp", err); } } try { final MergeFailSender cm = mergeFailSenderFactory.create(c); if (useSubmitter) { final PatchSetApproval submitter = getSubmitter(c.currentPatchSetId()); if (submitter != null) { cm.setFrom(submitter.getAccountId()); } } cm.setPatchSet(schema.patchSets().get(c.currentPatchSetId())); cm.setChangeMessage(msg); cm.send(); } catch (OrmException e) { log.error("Cannot send email notifications about merge failure", e); } catch (EmailException e) { log.error("Cannot send email notifications about merge failure", e); } } }