// Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.reviewdb; import com.google.gwtorm.client.Column; /** Diff formatting preferences of an account */ public class AccountDiffPreference { /** Default number of lines of context. */ public static final short DEFAULT_CONTEXT = 10; /** Context setting to display the entire file. */ public static final short WHOLE_FILE_CONTEXT = -1; /** Typical valid choices for the default context setting. */ public static final short[] CONTEXT_CHOICES = {3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, WHOLE_FILE_CONTEXT}; public static enum Whitespace implements CodedEnum { IGNORE_NONE('N'), // IGNORE_SPACE_AT_EOL('E'), // IGNORE_SPACE_CHANGE('S'), // IGNORE_ALL_SPACE('A'); private final char code; private Whitespace(final char c) { code = c; } public char getCode() { return code; } public static Whitespace forCode(final char c) { for (final Whitespace s : Whitespace.values()) { if (s.code == c) { return s; } } return null; } } public static AccountDiffPreference createDefault(Account.Id accountId) { AccountDiffPreference p = new AccountDiffPreference(accountId); p.setIgnoreWhitespace(Whitespace.IGNORE_NONE); p.setTabSize(8); p.setLineLength(100); p.setSyntaxHighlighting(true); p.setShowWhitespaceErrors(true); p.setIntralineDifference(true); p.setShowTabs(true); p.setContext(DEFAULT_CONTEXT); return p; } @Column(id = 1, name = Column.NONE) protected Account.Id accountId; @Column(id = 2) protected char ignoreWhitespace; @Column(id = 3) protected int tabSize; @Column(id = 4) protected int lineLength; @Column(id = 5) protected boolean syntaxHighlighting; @Column(id = 6) protected boolean showWhitespaceErrors; @Column(id = 7) protected boolean intralineDifference; @Column(id = 8) protected boolean showTabs; /** Number of lines of context when viewing a patch. */ @Column(id = 9) protected short context; protected AccountDiffPreference() { } public AccountDiffPreference(Account.Id accountId) { this.accountId = accountId; } public AccountDiffPreference(AccountDiffPreference p) { this.accountId = p.accountId; this.ignoreWhitespace = p.ignoreWhitespace; this.tabSize = p.tabSize; this.lineLength = p.lineLength; this.syntaxHighlighting = p.syntaxHighlighting; this.showWhitespaceErrors = p.showWhitespaceErrors; this.intralineDifference = p.intralineDifference; this.showTabs = p.showTabs; this.context = p.context; } public Account.Id getAccountId() { return accountId; } public Whitespace getIgnoreWhitespace() { return Whitespace.forCode(ignoreWhitespace); } public void setIgnoreWhitespace(Whitespace ignoreWhitespace) { this.ignoreWhitespace = ignoreWhitespace.getCode(); } public int getTabSize() { return tabSize; } public void setTabSize(int tabSize) { this.tabSize = tabSize; } public int getLineLength() { return lineLength; } public void setLineLength(int lineLength) { this.lineLength = lineLength; } public boolean isSyntaxHighlighting() { return syntaxHighlighting; } public void setSyntaxHighlighting(boolean syntaxHighlighting) { this.syntaxHighlighting = syntaxHighlighting; } public boolean isShowWhitespaceErrors() { return showWhitespaceErrors; } public void setShowWhitespaceErrors(boolean showWhitespaceErrors) { this.showWhitespaceErrors = showWhitespaceErrors; } public boolean isIntralineDifference() { return intralineDifference; } public void setIntralineDifference(boolean intralineDifference) { this.intralineDifference = intralineDifference; } public boolean isShowTabs() { return showTabs; } public void setShowTabs(boolean showTabs) { this.showTabs = showTabs; } /** Get the number of lines of context when viewing a patch. */ public short getContext() { return context; } /** Set the number of lines of context when viewing a patch. */ public void setContext(final short context) { assert 0 <= context || context == WHOLE_FILE_CONTEXT; this.context = context; } }