/* * ============================================================================= * * Copyright (c) 2011-2016, The THYMELEAF team (http://www.thymeleaf.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ============================================================================= */ package org.thymeleaf.standard.expression; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.thymeleaf.context.IExpressionContext; /** * <p> * Expression preprocessor, in charge of executing <tt>__...__</tt> fragments in Thymeleaf Standard Expressions. * </p> * <p> * Note a class with this name existed since 2.1.0, but it was completely reimplemented * in Thymeleaf 3.0 * </p> * * @author Daniel Fernández * * @since 3.0.0 * */ final class StandardExpressionPreprocessor { private static final char PREPROCESS_DELIMITER = '_'; private static final String PREPROCESS_EVAL = "\\_\\_(.*?)\\_\\_"; private static final Pattern PREPROCESS_EVAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(PREPROCESS_EVAL, Pattern.DOTALL); static String preprocess( final IExpressionContext context, final String input) { if (input.indexOf(PREPROCESS_DELIMITER) == -1) { // Fail quick return input; } final IStandardExpressionParser expressionParser = StandardExpressions.getExpressionParser(context.getConfiguration()); if (!(expressionParser instanceof StandardExpressionParser)) { // Preprocess will be only available for the StandardExpressionParser, because the preprocessor // depends on this specific implementation of the parser. return input; } final Matcher matcher = PREPROCESS_EVAL_PATTERN.matcher(input); if (matcher.find()) { final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(input.length() + 24); int curr = 0; do { final String previousText = checkPreprocessingMarkUnescaping(input.substring(curr,matcher.start(0))); final String expressionText = checkPreprocessingMarkUnescaping(matcher.group(1)); strBuilder.append(previousText); final IStandardExpression expression = StandardExpressionParser.parseExpression(context, expressionText, false); if (expression == null) { return null; } final Object result = expression.execute(context, StandardExpressionExecutionContext.RESTRICTED); strBuilder.append(result); curr = matcher.end(0); } while (matcher.find()); final String remaining = checkPreprocessingMarkUnescaping(input.substring(curr)); strBuilder.append(remaining); return strBuilder.toString().trim(); } return checkPreprocessingMarkUnescaping(input); } private static String checkPreprocessingMarkUnescaping(final String input) { boolean structureFound = false; // for fast failing byte state = 0; // 1 = \, 2 = _, 3 = \, 4 = _ final int inputLen = input.length(); for (int i = 0; i < inputLen; i++) { final char c = input.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' && (state == 0 || state == 2)) { state++; continue; } if (c == '_' && state == 1) { state++; continue; } if (c == '_' && state == 3) { structureFound = true; break; } state = 0; } if (!structureFound) { // This avoids creating a new String object in the most common case (= nothing to unescape) return input; } state = 0; // 1 = \, 2 = _, 3 = \, 4 = _ final StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(inputLen + 6); for (int i = 0; i < inputLen; i++) { final char c = input.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' && (state == 0 || state == 2)) { state++; strBuilder.append('\\'); } else if (c == '_' && state == 1) { state++; strBuilder.append('_'); } else if (c == '_' && state == 3) { state = 0; final int builderLen = strBuilder.length(); strBuilder.delete(builderLen - 3, builderLen); strBuilder.append("__"); } else { state = 0; strBuilder.append(c); } } return strBuilder.toString(); } private StandardExpressionPreprocessor() { super(); } }