/** * The Blue Alliance APIv3 * Access data about the FIRST Robotics Competition * * OpenAPI spec version: 3 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git * Do not edit the class manually. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thebluealliance.api.model; import java.util.Objects; import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; import com.thebluealliance.api.model.IDistrict; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import java.util.Date; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Event */ @javax.annotation.Generated(value = "class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2017-04-12T17:25:08.276-04:00") public interface IEvent { /** * Address of the event venue * @return address **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Address of the event venue") @Nullable public String getAddress(); public void setAddress(String address); /** * Get district * @return district **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "") @Nullable public IDistrict getDistrict(); public void setDistrict(IDistrict district); /** * When the event ends * @return endDate **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "When the event ends") @Nullable public Date getEndDate(); public void setEndDate(Date endDate); /** * IEvent short code, as provided by FIRST * @return eventCode **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "Event short code, as provided by FIRST") public String getEventCode(); public void setEventCode(String eventCode); /** * An integer that represents the event type as a constant. * @return eventType **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "An integer that represents the event type as a constant.") @Nullable public Integer getEventType(); public void setEventType(Integer eventType); /** * A human readable string that defines the event type. * @return eventTypeString **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "A human readable string that defines the event type.") @Nullable public String getEventTypeString(); public void setEventTypeString(String eventTypeString); /** * URL for the venue on Google Maps * @return gmapsUrl **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "URL for the venue on Google Maps") @Nullable public String getGmapsUrl(); public void setGmapsUrl(String gmapsUrl); /** * TBA event key with the format yyyy[EVENT_CODE], where yyyy is the year, and EVENT_CODE is the event code of the event. * @return key **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "TBA event key with the format yyyy[EVENT_CODE], where yyyy is the year, and EVENT_CODE is the event code of the event.") public String getKey(); public void setKey(String key); /** * Timestamp this model was last modified * @return lastModified **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Timestamp this model was last modified") @Nullable public Long getLastModified(); public void setLastModified(Long lastModified); /** * Short name of the venue * @return locationName **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Short name of the venue") @Nullable public String getLocationName(); public void setLocationName(String locationName); /** * Official name of event on record either provided by FIRST or organizers of offseason event. * @return name **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "Official name of event on record either provided by FIRST or organizers of offseason event.") public String getName(); public void setName(String name); /** * Same as name but doesn't include event specifiers, such as 'Regional' or 'District'. May be null. * @return shortName **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Same as name but doesn't include event specifiers, such as 'Regional' or 'District'. May be null.") @Nullable public String getShortName(); public void setShortName(String shortName); /** * When the event starts * @return startDate **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "When the event starts") @Nullable public Date getStartDate(); public void setStartDate(Date startDate); /** * Timezone name * @return timezone **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Timezone name") @Nullable public String getTimezone(); public void setTimezone(String timezone); /** * If the event has webcast data associated with it, this contains JSON data of the streams * @return webcasts **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "If the event has webcast data associated with it, this contains JSON data of the streams") @Nullable public String getWebcasts(); public void setWebcasts(String webcasts); /** * The event's website, if any. * @return website **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "The event's website, if any.") @Nullable public String getWebsite(); public void setWebsite(String website); /** * Week of the season the event occurs on * @return week **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", value = "Week of the season the event occurs on") @Nullable public Integer getWeek(); public void setWeek(Integer week); /** * Year the event data is for. * @return year **/ @ApiModelProperty(example = "null", required = true, value = "Year the event data is for.") public Integer getYear(); public void setYear(Integer year); }