package com.thebluealliance.androidclient.database.tables; import; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.TbaLogger; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.Utilities; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.database.Database; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.database.ModelInflater; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.database.ModelTable; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.models.District; import com.thebluealliance.androidclient.models.Event; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class EventsTable extends ModelTable<Event> { public static final String KEY = "key", YEAR = "year", NAME = "name", SHORTNAME = "shortName", LOCATION = "location", CITY = "city", VENUE = "venue", ADDRESS = "venue_address", TYPE = "eventType", START = "startDate", END = "endDate", WEEK = "competitionWeek", WEBCASTS = "webcasts", WEBSITE = "website", DISTRICT_KEY = "district_key", LAST_MODIFIED = "last_modified"; public static @Deprecated final String DISTRICT = "eventDistrict", DISTRICT_STRING = "districtString", DISTRICT_POINTS = "districtPoints", RANKINGS = "rankings", ALLIANCES = "alliances", OFFICIAL = "official", TEAMS = "teams", STATS = "stats"; private DistrictsTable mDistrictsTable; public EventsTable(SQLiteDatabase db, Gson gson, DistrictsTable districtsTable) { super(db, gson); mDistrictsTable = districtsTable; } /** * Generates a comma-separated list of all this model's columns, like the following: * <p> * event.key,, events.year... and so on. * <p> * This is useful for when we only want to select the event table's columns during a join, it * saves us from having to type all this out in place. * * @return comma-separated list of this model's columns */ static String getAllColumnsForJoin() { List<String> columns = new ArrayList<>(); columns.add(KEY); columns.add(YEAR); columns.add(NAME); columns.add(SHORTNAME); columns.add(LOCATION); columns.add(VENUE); columns.add(TYPE); columns.add(START); columns.add(END); columns.add(WEEK); columns.add(WEBCASTS); columns.add(WEBSITE); columns.add(DISTRICT_KEY); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { builder.append(Database.TABLE_EVENTS); builder.append("."); builder.append(columns.get(i)); if (i != columns.size() - 1) { builder.append(", "); } } return builder.toString(); } @Override protected void insertCallback(Event event) { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.KEY, event.getKey()); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.TITLES, Utilities.getAsciiApproximationOfUnicode(event.getSearchTitles())); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.YEAR, event.getYear()); mDb.insert(Database.TABLE_SEARCH_EVENTS, null, cv); if (event.getDistrict() != null) { District district = (District) event.getDistrict(); mDistrictsTable.add(district, event.getLastModified()); } mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Error in Event insert callback", ex); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } @Override protected void updateCallback(Event event) { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.KEY, event.getKey()); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.TITLES, Utilities.getAsciiApproximationOfUnicode(event.getSearchTitles())); cv.put(Database.SearchEvent.YEAR, event.getYear()); mDb.update(Database.TABLE_SEARCH_EVENTS, cv, Database.SearchEvent.KEY + "=?", new String[]{event.getKey()}); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Error in Event update callback", ex); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } @Override protected void deleteCallback(Event event) { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { mDb.delete(Database.TABLE_SEARCH_EVENTS, Database.SearchEvent.KEY + " = ?", new String[]{event.getKey()}); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Error in Event delete callback", ex); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } @Override protected void deleteAllCallback() { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { mDb.execSQL("delete from " + Database.TABLE_SEARCH_EVENTS); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Error in Event delete all callback", ex); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } @Override public String getTableName() { return Database.TABLE_EVENTS; } @Override public String getKeyColumn() { return KEY; } @Override public String getLastModifiedColumn() { return LAST_MODIFIED; } @Override public Event inflate(Cursor cursor) { Event event = ModelInflater.inflateEvent(cursor); if (event.getDistrictKey() != null) { District district = mDistrictsTable.get(event.getDistrictKey()); event.setDistrict(district); } return event; } public void deleteAllSearchIndexes() { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { mDb.rawQuery("DELETE FROM " + getTableName(), new String[]{}); mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Error in delete all search indexes", ex); } finally { mDb.endTransaction(); } } public void deleteSearchIndex(Event event) { deleteCallback(event); } public void recreateAllSearchIndexes(List<Event> events) { Database.beginTransaction(mDb); try { for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) { insertCallback(events.get(i)); } } finally { mDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); } mDb.endTransaction(); } /** * Used in {@link com.thebluealliance.androidclient.activities.MoreSearchResultsActivity} * If you change the ordering of the rows selected, be sure that you also updated indexes in * {@link com.thebluealliance.androidclient.adapters.EventCursorAdapter} */ public Cursor getForSearchQuery(String query) { String table = getTableName(); String searchTable = Database.TABLE_SEARCH_EVENTS; String rawQuery = "SELECT " + table + ".rowid as '_id'," + table + "." + KEY + "," + table + "." + NAME + "," + table + "." + SHORTNAME + "," + table + "." + TYPE + "," + table + "." + START + "," + table + "." + END + "," + table + "." + LOCATION + "," + table + "." + VENUE + " FROM " + getTableName() + " JOIN (SELECT " + searchTable + "." + Database.SearchEvent.KEY + " FROM " + searchTable + " WHERE " + searchTable + "." + Database.SearchEvent.TITLES + " MATCH ?)" + " as 'tempevents' ON tempevents." + Database.SearchEvent.KEY + " = " + table + "." + KEY + " ORDER BY " + table + "." + YEAR + " DESC"; Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = mDb.rawQuery(rawQuery, new String[]{query}); } catch (Exception ex) { TbaLogger.w("Can't fetch events from search query", ex); } if (cursor == null) { return null; } else if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { cursor.close(); return null; } return cursor; } }