package org.testng.eclipse.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.variables.IStringVariableManager; import org.eclipse.core.variables.VariablesPlugin; import org.testng.TestNGException; import org.testng.eclipse.TestNGPlugin; import org.testng.internal.Utils; import org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG; import org.testng.reporters.XMLStringBuffer; import org.testng.xml.LaunchSuite; import org.testng.xml.Parser; import org.testng.xml.XmlMethodSelector; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; /** * Base class used by classes that generate XML suite files. * * @author cbeust */ abstract public class CustomSuite extends LaunchSuite { /** * The name of the <suite> tag used when the user is launching something else than * an XML file. */ public static final String DEFAULT_SUITE_TAG_NAME = "Default suite"; /** * The name of the <test> tag used when the user is launching something else than * an XML file. */ public static final String DEFAULT_TEST_TAG_NAME = "Default test"; protected String m_projectName; protected String m_suiteName; protected Map<String, String> m_parameters; protected int m_logLevel; private String workingDir; private XMLStringBuffer m_suiteBuffer; // private List<String> m_suiteFiles; // public CustomSuite(List<String> suiteFiles, String projectName, int logLevel) { // super(false); // init(suiteFiles, projectName, "Suites", Collections.<String, String>emptyMap(), // TestNG.JDK_ANNOTATION_TYPE, logLevel); // } public CustomSuite(final String projectName, final String suiteName, final Map<String, String> parameters, final int logLevel, final String workingDir) { super(true); init(Collections.<String>emptyList(), projectName, suiteName, parameters, logLevel); this.workingDir = workingDir; } private void init(List<String> suiteFiles, String projectName, final String suiteName, final Map<String, String> parameters, final int logLevel) { // m_suiteFiles = suiteFiles; m_projectName= projectName; m_suiteName= suiteName; m_parameters= parameters; m_logLevel= logLevel; } abstract protected String getTestName(); protected String getSuiteName() { return m_suiteName; } private void put(Properties p, String key, Object value) { if (value != null) p.put(key, value); } protected XMLStringBuffer createContentBuffer() { PreferenceStoreUtil storage = new PreferenceStoreUtil(TestNGPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore()); String xmlFile = storage.getXmlTemplateFile(m_projectName, false /* not only project */); boolean hasEclipseXmlFile = !Utils.isStringEmpty(xmlFile); XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer(); //$NON-NLS-1$ suiteBuffer.setDocType("suite SYSTEM \"" + Parser.TESTNG_DTD_URL + "\""); if (hasEclipseXmlFile) { try { IStringVariableManager manager = VariablesPlugin.getDefault().getStringVariableManager(); String resolvedXmlFile = manager.performStringSubstitution(xmlFile); if (!(new Path(resolvedXmlFile).isAbsolute()) && !Utils.isStringEmpty(workingDir)) { resolvedXmlFile = workingDir + "/" + resolvedXmlFile; } createXmlFileFromTemplate(suiteBuffer, resolvedXmlFile); } catch (CoreException e) { TestNGPlugin.log(e); } } else { createXmlFileFromParameters(suiteBuffer); } // Done with the top of the XML file, now generate the <test> elements initContentBuffer(suiteBuffer); suiteBuffer.pop("suite"); return suiteBuffer; } private void createXmlFileFromParameters(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { Properties attrs= new Properties(); attrs.setProperty("name", getSuiteName()); // attrs.setProperty("parallel", TestNGPlugin.getPluginPreferenceStore() // .getParallel(m_projectName, false /* not project only */)); suiteBuffer.push("suite", attrs); if (m_parameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : m_parameters.entrySet()) { Properties paramAttrs= new Properties(); paramAttrs.setProperty("name", entry.getKey()); paramAttrs.setProperty("value", entry.getValue()); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("parameter", paramAttrs); } } // if (m_suiteFiles.size() > 0) { // suiteBuffer.push("suite-files"); // for (String suite : m_suiteFiles) { // Properties s = new Properties(); // s.put("path", suite); // suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("suite-file", s); // } // suiteBuffer.pop("suite-files"); // } } /** * Fill the top of the XML suiteBuffer with the top of the XML template file * @throws CoreException */ private void createXmlFileFromTemplate(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer, String fileName) throws CoreException { try { Parser parser = new Parser(fileName); parser.setLoadClasses(false); // we don't want to load the classes from the template file Collection<XmlSuite> suites = parser.parse(); if (suites.size() > 0) { XmlSuite s = suites.iterator().next(); // Retrieve the <suite> attributes from the template file and transfer // them in the suite we are creating. Properties attr = new Properties(); put(attr, "name", s.getName()); put(attr, "junit", s.isJUnit()); put(attr, "verbose", s.getVerbose()); put(attr, "parallel", s.getParallel()); put(attr, "thread-count", s.getThreadCount()); // put(attr, "annotations", s.getAnnotations()); put(attr, "time-out", s.getTimeOut()); put(attr, "skipfailedinvocationcounts", s.skipFailedInvocationCounts()); put(attr, "configfailurepolicy", s.getConfigFailurePolicy()); put(attr, "data-provider-thread-count", s.getDataProviderThreadCount()); put(attr, "object-factory", s.getObjectFactory()); put(attr, "allow-return-values", s.getAllowReturnValues()); put(attr, "preserve-order", s.getPreserveOrder()); put(attr, "group-by-instances", s.getGroupByInstances()); suiteBuffer.push("suite", attr); // Children of <suite> // Listeners if (s.getListeners().size() > 0) { suiteBuffer.push("listeners"); for (String l : s.getListeners()) { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("class-name", l); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("listener", p); } suiteBuffer.pop("listeners"); } // Parameters for (Map.Entry<String, String> parameter : s.getParameters().entrySet()) { Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("name", parameter.getKey()); p.put("value", parameter.getValue()); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("parameter", p); } // Method selectors if (s.getMethodSelectors().size() > 0) { suiteBuffer.push("method-selectors"); for (XmlMethodSelector ms : s.getMethodSelectors()) { String cls = ms.getClassName(); if (cls != null && cls.length() > 0) { suiteBuffer.push("method-selector"); Properties p = new Properties(); p.put("name", cls); p.put("priority", ms.getPriority()); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("selector-class", p); suiteBuffer.pop("method-selector"); } // TODO: <script> tag of method-selector } suiteBuffer.pop("method-selectors"); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new TestNGException(e); } } @Override public XMLStringBuffer getSuiteBuffer() { if(null == m_suiteBuffer) { m_suiteBuffer= createContentBuffer(); } return m_suiteBuffer; } public String getFileName() { return RemoteTestNG.DEBUG_SUITE_FILE; } /** * Generate the current suite to a file. * @see org.testng.xml.LaunchSuite#save( */ @Override public File save(File directory) { directory.mkdirs(); final File suiteFile= new File(directory, getFileName()); saveSuiteContent(suiteFile, getSuiteBuffer()); return suiteFile; } protected void saveSuiteContent(final File file, final XMLStringBuffer content) { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = null; OutputStreamWriter osw = null; try { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); bufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream); // use utf8 to solve special character problem osw = new OutputStreamWriter(bufferedOutputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); osw.write(content.getStringBuffer().toString()); } catch (IOException ioException) { TestNGPlugin.log(ioException); } finally { try { if (osw != null) osw.close(); if (bufferedOutputStream != null) bufferedOutputStream.close(); if (fileOutputStream != null) fileOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { TestNGPlugin.log(e); } } } protected void initContentBuffer(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { Properties testAttrs= new Properties(); testAttrs.setProperty("name", getTestName()); // if(m_annotationType != null) { // testAttrs.setProperty("annotations", m_annotationType); // } testAttrs.setProperty("verbose", String.valueOf(m_logLevel)); suiteBuffer.push("test", testAttrs); groupsElement(suiteBuffer); packagesElement(suiteBuffer); classesElement(suiteBuffer); suiteBuffer.pop("test"); } /** * Override to generate the groups element. */ protected void groupsElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { } /** * Override to generate the packages element. */ protected void packagesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { } /** * Override to generate the classes element. */ protected void classesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { } /** * An utility method that generates the groups element using the passed in * collection of names (order of group names ia not important). */ protected void generateDefaultGroupsElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer, Collection<String> groupNames) { if((null == groupNames) || groupNames.isEmpty()) { return; } suiteBuffer.push("groups"); suiteBuffer.push("run"); for(String groupName : groupNames) { Properties includeAttrs= new Properties(); includeAttrs.setProperty("name", groupName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("include", includeAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("run"); suiteBuffer.pop("groups"); } protected void generateDefaultPackagesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer, List<String> packageNames) { if((null == packageNames) || packageNames.isEmpty()) { return; } suiteBuffer.push("packages"); for (String packageName : packageNames) { Properties packageAttrs= new Properties(); packageAttrs.setProperty("name", packageName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("package", packageAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("packages"); } protected void generateDefaultClassesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer, List<String> classNames) { if((null == classNames) || classNames.isEmpty()) { return; } suiteBuffer.push("classes"); for (String className : classNames) { Properties classAttrs= new Properties(); classAttrs.setProperty("name", className); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("class", classAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("classes"); } } /** * A type based generator. If specific method filtering applies to types * then <code></code> should be used. */ class ClassMethodsSuite extends CustomSuite { protected List<String> m_classNames; protected Map<String, List<String>> m_classMethods; protected boolean m_useMethods; public ClassMethodsSuite(final String projectName, final List<String> classNames, final Map<String, List<String>> classMethods, final Map<String, String> parameters, final int logLevel, final String workingDir) { super(projectName, DEFAULT_SUITE_TAG_NAME, parameters, logLevel, workingDir); m_classNames = classNames; m_classMethods = classMethods != null ? sanitize(classMethods): classMethods; if(m_useMethods) { m_classNames = new ArrayList<String>(m_classMethods.keySet()); } } private Map<String, List<String>> sanitize(Map<String, List<String>> classMethods) { Map<String, List<String>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : classMethods.entrySet()) { String clsName= entry.getKey(); List<String> methods= entry.getValue(); if(null == methods || methods.isEmpty()) { result.put(clsName, null); } else { List<String> methodNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (String meth : methods) { if(null != meth && !"".equals(meth)) { methodNames.add(meth); } } if(methodNames.isEmpty()) { result.put(clsName, null); } else { result.put(clsName, methodNames); m_useMethods= true; } } } return result; } @Override protected String getTestName() { return DEFAULT_TEST_TAG_NAME; // return m_classNames.size() == 1 ? (String) m_classNames.iterator().next() // : DEFAULT_TEST_TAG_NAME; } @Override protected void classesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { if(m_useMethods) { generateClassesWithMethodsElement(suiteBuffer); } else { generateDefaultClassesElement(suiteBuffer, m_classNames); } } protected void generateClassesWithMethodsElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { suiteBuffer.push("classes"); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : m_classMethods.entrySet()) { String className = entry.getKey(); Properties classAttrs= new Properties(); classAttrs.setProperty("name", className); List<String> methodNames = entry.getValue(); if(null == methodNames) { suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("class", classAttrs); } else { suiteBuffer.push("class", classAttrs); suiteBuffer.push("methods"); for (String name : methodNames) { Properties methodAttrs = new Properties(); methodAttrs.setProperty("name", name); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("include", methodAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("methods"); suiteBuffer.pop("class"); } } suiteBuffer.pop("classes"); } } class GroupListSuite extends CustomSuite { protected List<String> m_packageNames; protected List<String> m_classNames; protected List<String> m_groupNames; protected StringBuffer m_testName= new StringBuffer("GRP-"); public GroupListSuite(final String projectName, final List<String> packageNames, final List<String> classNames, final List<String> groupNames, final Map<String, String> parameters, final int logLevel, final String workingDir) { super(projectName, projectName + " by groups", parameters, logLevel, workingDir); m_packageNames= packageNames; m_classNames= classNames; m_groupNames= groupNames; m_testName.append(StringUtils.listToString(groupNames)); } @Override protected String getTestName() { return m_testName.toString(); } @Override protected void classesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { generateDefaultClassesElement(suiteBuffer, m_classNames); } @Override protected void groupsElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { generateDefaultGroupsElement(suiteBuffer, m_groupNames); } @Override protected void packagesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { generateDefaultPackagesElement(suiteBuffer, m_packageNames); } } /** * A package based generator. */ class PackageSuite extends CustomSuite { protected List<String> m_packageNames; public PackageSuite(final String projectName, final List<String> packageNames, final Map<String, String> parameters, final int logLevel, final String workingDir) { super(projectName, projectName + " by packages", parameters, logLevel, workingDir); m_packageNames= packageNames; } @Override protected String getTestName() { return m_packageNames.size() == 1 ? (String) m_packageNames.iterator().next() : m_projectName + " by packages"; } @Override protected void packagesElement(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { generateDefaultPackagesElement(suiteBuffer, m_packageNames); } }