package org.testng.eclipse.ui.conversion; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IExtendedModifier; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ImportDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MemberValuePair; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Name; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.NormalAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SingleMemberAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperConstructorInvocation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SuperMethodInvocation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Type; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration; import org.testng.AssertJUnit; import junit.framework.Assert; /** * This visitor stores all the interesting things in a JUnit class: * - JUnit imports * - "extends TestCase" declaration * - Methods that start with test * - setUp and tearDown * - ... * * Created on Aug 8, 2005 * @author Cedric Beust <> */ public class JUnitVisitor extends Visitor { private List<MethodDeclaration> m_testMethods = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MethodDeclaration> m_disabledTestMethods = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MethodDeclaration> m_beforeMethods = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MethodDeclaration> m_afterMethods = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MethodDeclaration> m_beforeClasses = new ArrayList<>(); private List<MethodDeclaration> m_afterClasses = new ArrayList<>(); private MethodDeclaration m_suite = null; // Parent classes private SimpleType m_testCase = null; private boolean m_isTestSuite = false; // The JUnit imports found on this class private List<ImportDeclaration> m_junitImports = new ArrayList<>(); // Static imports for assert methods private Set<String> m_assertStaticImports = new HashSet<>(); // List of all the methods that have @Test(expected) or @Test(timeout) private Map<MemberValuePair, String> m_testsWithExpected = new HashMap<>(); // The position and length of all the Assert references that are not statically // imported private Set<MethodInvocation> m_asserts = new HashSet<>(); // The position and length of all the fail() calls private Set<MethodInvocation> m_fails = new HashSet<>(); // True if there are test methods (if they are annotated with @Test, they won't // show up in m_testMethods). private boolean m_hasTestMethods = false; // Nodes that need to be removed by the refactoring private List<ASTNode> m_nodesToRemove = new ArrayList<>(); private SuperConstructorInvocation m_superConstructorInvocation; private String m_className; private SingleMemberAnnotation m_runWithParameterized; private MethodDeclaration m_parametersMethod; private TypeDeclaration m_type; private boolean m_hasDefaultConstructor = false; private Map<MethodDeclaration, Annotation> m_ignoredMethods = new HashMap<>(); // The list of methods that are present on JUnit's Assert class private static Set<String> m_assertMethods = new HashSet<>(); static { for (Method m : Assert.class.getDeclaredMethods()) { m_assertMethods.add(m.getName()); } // Also add a few methods from the JUnit4 Assert class m_assertMethods.add("assertArrayEquals"); } @Override public boolean visit(ImportDeclaration id) { Name simpleName = id.getName(); String name = simpleName.getFullyQualifiedName(); if (name.indexOf("junit") != -1) { int ind = simpleName.toString().indexOf("assert"); if (id.isStatic() && ind > 0) { m_assertStaticImports.add(simpleName.toString().substring(ind)); } m_junitImports.add(id); } return super.visit(id); } @Override public boolean visit(SuperMethodInvocation smi) { String name = smi.getName().toString(); // Only remove the call to super if the class extends TestCase directly if (m_testCase != null && ("setUp".equals(name) || "tearDown".equals(name))) { m_nodesToRemove.add(smi.getParent()); } return super.visit(smi); } /** * Remember if we find a constructor that calls super(String). */ @Override public boolean visit(SuperConstructorInvocation sci) { // Only remove the call to super if the class extends TestCase directly if (m_testCase != null) { List args = sci.arguments(); if (args.size() == 1) { Expression arg = (Expression) args.get(0); ITypeBinding binding = arg.resolveTypeBinding(); if (binding != null && String.class.getName().equals(binding.getBinaryName())) { m_superConstructorInvocation = sci; } } } return super.visit(sci); } public SuperConstructorInvocation getSuperConstructorInvocation() { return m_superConstructorInvocation; } @Override public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration md) { String methodName = md.getName().getFullyQualifiedName(); if (methodName.equals("setUp") || hasAnnotation(md, "Before")) { m_beforeMethods.add(md); } else if (methodName.equals("tearDown") || hasAnnotation(md, "After")) { m_afterMethods.add(md); } else if (methodName.equals("suite")) { m_suite = md; } else if (methodName.equals(m_type.getName().toString())) { // A constructor if (md.parameters().size() == 0) { m_hasDefaultConstructor = true; } } else if (hasAnnotation(md, "Parameters")) { m_parametersMethod = md; } else if (hasAnnotation(md, "BeforeClass")) { m_beforeClasses.add(md); } else if (hasAnnotation(md, "AfterClass")) { m_afterClasses.add(md); } else if (hasAnnotation(md, "Ignore")) { m_ignoredMethods.put(md, getAnnotation(md, "Ignore")); } else if (! hasAnnotation(md, "Test")) { // Public methods that start with "test" are tests. // Methods that start with "_test" or private test methods that start with "test" are disabled boolean isPrivate = (md.getModifiers() & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0; if (methodName.startsWith("test") && ! isPrivate) { m_testMethods.add(md); } else if (methodName.startsWith("_test") || (methodName.startsWith("test") && isPrivate)) { m_disabledTestMethods.add(md); } } else if (hasAnnotation(md, "Test")) { m_hasTestMethods = true; // to make sure we import org.testng.annotations.Test MemberValuePair mvp = getAttribute(md, "expected"); if (mvp != null) { m_testsWithExpected.put(mvp, "expectedExceptions"); } mvp = getAttribute(md, "timeout"); if (mvp != null) { m_testsWithExpected.put(mvp, "timeOut"); } } return super.visit(md); } /** * @return true if the given method is annotated @Test(expected = ...) */ private MemberValuePair getAttribute(MethodDeclaration md, String attribute) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<IExtendedModifier> modifiers = md.modifiers(); for (IExtendedModifier m : modifiers) { if (m.isAnnotation()) { Annotation a = (Annotation) m; if ("Test".equals(a.getTypeName().toString()) && a instanceof NormalAnnotation) { NormalAnnotation na = (NormalAnnotation) a; for (Object o : na.values()) { MemberValuePair mvp = (MemberValuePair) o; if (mvp.getName().toString().equals(attribute)) return mvp; } } } } return null; } /** * Record whether this type declaration is a TestCase or a TestSuite. */ @Override public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration td) { m_className = td.getName().toString(); m_type = td; // // Is this class annotated with @RunWith(Parameterized.class)? // List<IExtendedModifier> modifiers = td.modifiers(); for (IExtendedModifier m : modifiers) { if (m.isAnnotation() && m instanceof SingleMemberAnnotation) { SingleMemberAnnotation a = (SingleMemberAnnotation) m; if ("RunWith".equals(a.getTypeName().toString()) && "Parameterized.class".equals(a.getValue().toString())) { m_runWithParameterized = a; } } } // // Is the class a direct subclass of TestCase? // Type superClass = td.getSuperclassType(); if (superClass instanceof SimpleType) { SimpleType st = (SimpleType) superClass; if ("TestCase".equals(st.getName().getFullyQualifiedName())) { m_testCase = st; } } // Is the class a subclass of TestSuite? if (superClass != null) { ITypeBinding binding = superClass.resolveBinding(); while (binding != null) { if ("TestSuite".equals(binding.getName())) { m_isTestSuite = true; break; } else { binding = binding.getSuperclass(); } } } return super.visit(td); } public SingleMemberAnnotation getRunWithParameterized() { return m_runWithParameterized; } public MethodDeclaration getParametersMethod() { return m_parametersMethod; } /** * Find occurrences of "", which need to be replaced with "". */ @Override public boolean visit(MethodInvocation node) { Expression exp = node.getExpression(); String method = node.getName().toString(); if ((exp != null && "Assert".equals(exp.toString())) || method.startsWith("assert")) { // Method prefixed with "Assert." if (belongsToAssertJUnit(node) && ! m_assertStaticImports.contains(node.getName().toString())) { m_asserts.add(node); } } else if ("fail".equals(method)) { // assert or fail not prefixed with "Assert." if (belongsToAssertJUnit(node)) m_fails.add(node); } return super.visit(node); } // Class internal names, according to // private static Map<String, Class> BINARY_CLASS_NAMES = new HashMap<String, Class>() {{ put("B", byte.class); put("C", char.class); put("D", double.class); put("F", float.class); put("I", int.class); put("J", long.class); put("L", Class.class); put("S", short.class); put("Z", boolean.class); put("[", Object[].class); }}; private Class getBinaryClassName(String binaryName) { return BINARY_CLASS_NAMES.get(binaryName); } /** * @return true if this method is defined on the AssertJUnit class. */ private boolean belongsToAssertJUnit(MethodInvocation method) { if (! m_assertMethods.contains(method.getName().toString())) return false; List<Expression> arguments = method.arguments(); List<Class> types = new ArrayList<>(); for (Expression e : arguments) { ITypeBinding binding = e.resolveTypeBinding(); // Early abort if a binding fails if (binding == null) { return true; } Class c = bindingToClass(binding); types.add(c); } boolean result = false; adjustForOverloading(types); // We need to correct types[1] and types[2] so they match here, in order to // emulate type conversions (for example, (int, long) should become (long, long) // Try to find a method with the exact signature. This can fail for a few reasons // (such as not being able to resolve the binary name), in which case I should try // to fall back on a simple name search try { Object m = AssertJUnit.class.getMethod(method.getName().getFullyQualifiedName(), types.toArray(new Class[types.size()])); result = true; } catch (SecurityException e1) { // e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) { // e1.printStackTrace(); } if (! result && (arguments.size() == 2 || arguments.size() == 3)) { // An assert with two or three parameters will match assertTrue(Object, Object) result = true; } return result; } /** * Modify the list of parameter types to try to match how the compiler will * resolve the type conversion. For example, an invocation of assert(..., int, long) * will probably end up calling assert(..., long, long). */ private void adjustForOverloading(List<Class> types) { if (types.size() > 2) { Class t2 = types.get(1); Class t3 = types.get(2); if ((t2 == long.class && t3 == int.class) || (t3 == long.class && t2 == int.class)) { types.set(1, long.class); types.set(2, long.class); } } } /** * Use heuristics to try to find the right class for this binding. */ private Class bindingToClass(ITypeBinding binding) { Class result = getBinaryClassName(binding.getBinaryName()); if (result == null) { try { result = Class.forName(binding.getQualifiedName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignore } } if (result == null) result = Object.class; return result; } public Set<MethodInvocation> getAsserts() { return m_asserts; } private static void ppp(String s) { System.out.println("[JUnitVisitor] " + s); Assert.assertTrue(true); } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getBeforeMethods() { return m_beforeMethods; } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getAfterMethods() { return m_afterMethods; } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getBeforeClasses() { return m_beforeClasses; } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getAfterClasses() { return m_afterClasses; } public MethodDeclaration getSuite() { return m_suite; } public void setSuite(MethodDeclaration suite) { m_suite = suite; } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getTestMethods() { return m_testMethods; } public Collection<MethodDeclaration> getDisabledTestMethods() { return m_disabledTestMethods; } public boolean hasTestMethods() { return m_hasTestMethods || m_testMethods.size() > 0 || m_disabledTestMethods.size() > 0; } public void setTestMethods(List<MethodDeclaration> testMethods) { m_testMethods = testMethods; } public SimpleType getTestCase() { return m_testCase; } public List<ImportDeclaration> getJUnitImports() { return m_junitImports; } public Set<String> getStaticImports() { return m_assertStaticImports; } public boolean hasAsserts() { return m_asserts.size() > 0; } public Set<MethodInvocation> getFails() { return m_fails; } public boolean hasFail() { return m_fails.size() > 0; } /** * All the @Test annotated methods that have attributes that need to be replaced. */ public Map<MemberValuePair, String> getTestsWithExpected() { return m_testsWithExpected; } @Override public String toString() { return "[JUnitVisitor for class " + m_className + "]"; } public List<ASTNode> getNodesToRemove() { return m_nodesToRemove; } /** * @return whether this file needs to be changed in order to be converted to TestNG. */ public boolean needsConversion() { if (m_isTestSuite) { return false; } if (m_hasTestMethods || getTestMethods().size() > 0 || getDisabledTestMethods().size() > 0 || getBeforeMethods().size() > 0 || getAfterMethods().size() > 0 || m_suite != null) { return true; } return false; } public TypeDeclaration getType() { return m_type; } public boolean hasDefaultConstructor() { return m_hasDefaultConstructor; } public Map<MethodDeclaration, Annotation> getIgnoredMethods() { return m_ignoredMethods; } }