package org.teiid.test.framework.datasource; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.teiid.core.util.PropertiesUtils; import org.teiid.core.util.StringUtil; import org.teiid.test.framework.ConfigPropertyLoader; import org.teiid.test.framework.ConfigPropertyNames; import org.teiid.test.framework.TestLogger; import org.teiid.test.framework.exception.QueryTestFailedException; import org.teiid.test.framework.exception.TransactionRuntimeException; /** * The DataSourceFactory is responsible for managing the datasources used during a single test. * It ensures the same data source is used in both the connector binding and during validation to ensure validation is performed * against the same datasource the test was performed on. * * The following are the available options for controlling which datasources are used during a test: * <li>Control which datasources are used and to which model they are assigned</li> * * <p> * Use the {@link ConfigPropertyNames#USE_DATASOURCES_PROP} property to specify a comma delimited ordered list to control which data sources to use. * * <br><br> * This will enable integration testing to be setup to use well known combinations, to ensure coverage and makes it easier to replicate issues. * * This indicates to use only the specified datasources for this test. This option can be used in test cases where only * specific sources are to be used and tested against. * * This ordered list will map to the model:order mapping in the file. * <br><br> * Example: in the file, the models in the test and their order can be specified: * <li> pm1=1 </li> * <li> pm2=2 </li> * <br> * * Then set property: ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP=oracle,sqlserver * * This will use oracle and sqlserver datasources in the test, and when a datasource is requested for model "pm1", the oracle datasource will be returned. And when a data source * for "pm2" is requested, the data source mapped to 2nd ordered datasource of sqlserver will be returned. * * </p> * <li>Control which datasources of a specific database type to exclude</li> * <p> * * Use the {@link ConfigPropertyNames#EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP} property to specify a comma delimited list of {@link DataBaseTypes} to exclude. * <br><br> * This will remove all datasources of a specific database type from the list of available datasources. This option will be applied after * {@link ConfigPropertyNames#USE_DATASOURCES_PROP} option. This is done because there are some test that will not work with certain database * types, and therefore, if the required datasources are not met, the test will be bypassed for execution. *</p> * <li>Control for a specfic model, which database type of datasource to be assigned</li> * <p> * This option gives the developer even more fine grain control of how datasources are assigned. There are cases where a specific model must be assigned * to a datasource of a specific database type. * * To use this option, * * </p> * @author vanhalbert * */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class DataSourceFactory { /** * These types match the "ddl" directories for supported database types * and it also found in the datasources defined by the DB_TYPE property * These are also the values used to specify the required database types. * */ public static interface DataBaseTypes{ public static String MYSQL = "mysql"; public static String ORACLE = "oracle"; public static String POSTRES = "postgres"; public static String SQLSERVER = "sqlserver"; public static String DB2 = "db2"; public static String SYBASE = "sybase"; public static String DERBY = "derby"; public static String ANY = "any"; } // the DO_NO_USE_DEFAULT will be passed in when the test are run from maven and no property is passed in for UseDataSources private static final String DO_NOT_USE_DEFAULT="${" + ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP + "}"; private Properties configprops; // contains the names of the datasources when the -Dusedatasources option is used private Map<String, String> useDS = null; // contains all the datasources available to be used private Map<String, DataSource> availDS = null; // contains any dbtype preconditions on a model, which requires a model to be assigned a certain database type private Map<String, String> requiredDataBaseTypes = null; // key=modelname value=dbtype // this set is use to track datasources that have already been assigned private Set<String> assignedDataSources = new HashSet<String>(); private int lastassigned = 0; // indicates if the datasource requirements have been, it will be false in the case // a specific dbtype is required and that type was not one of the available types defined private boolean metDBRequiredTypes = true; // indicates that there are required dbtypes to consider private boolean hasRequiredDBTypes = false; public DataSourceFactory(ConfigPropertyLoader config) { this.configprops = PropertiesUtils.clone(config.getProperties(), null, true); this.requiredDataBaseTypes = config.getModelAssignedDatabaseTypes(); } public Properties getConfigProperties() { return this.configprops; } /** * config is called at the start / setup of the {@link * TransactionContainer#} test. This is to ensure any exclusions / * inclusions are considered for the next executed set of test. * * * 1st, check for the usedatasource property, if exist, then only add those specific datasources * to the useDataSources, otherwise add all available. * 2nd, if the exclude option is used, then remove any excluded datasources from the useDataSources. * * @since */ protected void config(DataSourceMgr dsmgr) { TestLogger.logDebug("Configure Datasource Factory "); dsmgr = DataSourceMgr.getInstance(); Map<String, DataSource> availDatasources = dsmgr.getDataSources(); availDS = new HashMap<String, DataSource>(availDatasources.size()); String usedstypeprop = configprops .getProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCE_TYPES_PROP); Set<String> useDBTypes = null; if (usedstypeprop != null && usedstypeprop.length() > 0) { List<String> eprops = StringUtil.split(usedstypeprop, ","); useDBTypes = new HashSet<String>(eprops.size()); useDBTypes.addAll(eprops); System.out.println("EXCLUDE datasources: " + usedstypeprop); } else { useDBTypes = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } String excludeprop = configprops .getProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP); Set<String> excludedDBTypes = null; if (excludeprop != null && excludeprop.length() > 0) { List<String> eprops = StringUtil.split(excludeprop, ","); excludedDBTypes = new HashSet<String>(eprops.size()); excludedDBTypes.addAll(eprops); System.out.println("EXCLUDE datasources: " + excludeprop); } else { excludedDBTypes = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } String limitdsprop = configprops .getProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP); if (limitdsprop != null && limitdsprop.length() > 0 && ! limitdsprop.equalsIgnoreCase(DO_NOT_USE_DEFAULT)) { TestLogger.log("Use ONLY datasources: " + limitdsprop); List<String> dss = StringUtil.split(limitdsprop, ","); useDS = new HashMap<String, String>(dss.size()); DataSource ds = null; int i = 1; for (Iterator<String> it = dss.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) { String dssName =; ds = availDatasources.get(dssName); if (ds != null && !excludedDBTypes.contains(ds.getDBType())) { useDS.put(String.valueOf(i), dssName); availDS.put(dssName, ds); TestLogger.logInfo("Using ds: " + dssName); } } } else { for (Iterator<DataSource> it = availDatasources.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { DataSource ds =; // if the datasource type is not excluded, then consider for usages if (!excludedDBTypes.contains(ds.getDBType())) { // if use a specific db type is specified, then it must match, // otherwise add it to the available list if (useDBTypes.size() > 0) { if ( usedstypeprop.contains(ds.getDBType())) { availDS.put(ds.getName(), ds); } } else { availDS.put(ds.getName(), ds); } } } } if (requiredDataBaseTypes != null && requiredDataBaseTypes.size() > 0) { this.hasRequiredDBTypes = true; Iterator<String> rit = this.requiredDataBaseTypes.keySet().iterator(); // go thru all the datasources and remove those that are excluded while (rit.hasNext()) { String modelName =; String rdbtype = this.requiredDataBaseTypes.get(modelName); Iterator<DataSource> ait = availDS.values().iterator(); metDBRequiredTypes = false; // go thru all the datasources and find the matching datasource of the correct dbtype while (ait.hasNext()) { DataSource ds =; if (ds.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(rdbtype)) { assignedDataSources.add(ds.getName()); dsmgr.setDataSource(modelName, ds); // modelToDatasourceMap.put(modelName, ds); metDBRequiredTypes = true; } } if (!metDBRequiredTypes) { // did find a required dbtype, no need going any further break; } } } } public int getNumberAvailableDataSources() { return (metDBRequiredTypes ? this.availDS.size() :0); } public synchronized DataSource getDatasource(String modelName) throws QueryTestFailedException { DataSource ds = null; // map the datasource to the model and datasourceid // this is so the next time this combination is requested, // the same datasource is returned to ensure when consecutive calls // during the process // corresponds to the same datasource String key = null; key = modelName; //+ "_" + datasourceid; // if the datasourceid represents a group name, then use the group name // so that all future request using that group name for a specified // model // will use the same datasource if (this.hasRequiredDBTypes) { if (this.requiredDataBaseTypes.containsKey(modelName)) { String dbtype = this.requiredDataBaseTypes.get(modelName); Iterator<DataSource> it = availDS.values().iterator(); // need to go thru all the datasources to know if any has already been // assigned // because the datasourceid passed in was a group name while (it.hasNext()) { DataSource checkit =; if (dbtype.equalsIgnoreCase(checkit.getDBType())) { ds = checkit; break; } } } } else if (useDS != null) { String dsname = useDS.get(modelName); if (dsname != null) { ds = availDS.get(dsname); if (ds == null) { throw new QueryTestFailedException("Datasource name " + dsname + " was not found in the allDatasources map"); } } } else { Iterator<DataSource> it = availDS.values().iterator(); // need to go thru all the datasources to know if any has already been // assigned // because the datasourceid passed in was a group name while (it.hasNext()) { DataSource checkit =; if (!assignedDataSources.contains(checkit.getName())) { ds = checkit; break; } } } if (ds == null) { int cnt = 0; Iterator<String> itds = assignedDataSources.iterator(); // when all the datasources have been assigned, but a new model // datasource id is // passed in, need to reassign a previously assigned datasource // This case will happen when more models are defined than there are // defined datasources. while (itds.hasNext()) { String dsname =; if (cnt == this.lastassigned) { ds = availDS.get(dsname); this.lastassigned++; if (lastassigned >= assignedDataSources.size()) { this.lastassigned = 0; } break; } } } if (ds != null) { assignedDataSources.add(ds.getName()); } return ds; } public void cleanup() { assignedDataSources.clear(); // requiredDataBaseTypes.clear(); if (useDS != null) useDS.clear(); // if (availDS != null) availDS.clear(); } public static void main(String[] args) { //NOTE: to run this test to validate the DataSourceMgr, do the following: // --- need 3 datasources, Oracle, SqlServer and 1 other ConfigPropertyLoader config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); DataSourceFactory factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); try { if (factory.getDatasource("model1") == null) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("No datasource was not found"); } } catch (QueryTestFailedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } factory.cleanup(); ConfigPropertyLoader.reset(); // the following verifies that order of "use" datasources is applied to request for datasources. config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); config.setProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP, "oracle,sqlserver"); factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); try { DataSource dsfind = factory.getDatasource( "model2"); if (dsfind == null) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("No datasource was not found as the 2nd datasource"); } if (dsfind.getConnectorType() == null) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Connector types was not defined"); } if (!dsfind.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sqlserver")) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Sqlserver was not found as the 2nd datasource"); } dsfind = factory.getDatasource( "model1"); if (dsfind == null) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("No datasource was not found as the 2nd datasource"); } if (!dsfind.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Oracle was not found as the 2nd datasource"); } System.out.println("Datasource :" + dsfind.getName() + " was found"); // the following test verifies that a sqlserver datasource is not // returned (excluded) factory.cleanup(); ConfigPropertyLoader.reset(); config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); config.setProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP, "sqlserver"); factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); int n = factory.getNumberAvailableDataSources(); TestLogger.log("Num avail datasources: " + n); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { String k = String.valueOf(i); DataSource ds1 = factory.getDatasource( "model" + k); if (ds1 == null) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("No datasource was found for: model:" + k); } if (ds1.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.SQLSERVER)) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("sqlserver dbtype should have been excluded"); } } DataSource reuse = factory.getDatasource( "model1"); if (reuse != null) { } else { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("The process was not able to reassign an already used datasource"); } factory.cleanup(); ConfigPropertyLoader.reset(); // test required database types // test 1 source config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); config.setModelAssignedToDatabaseType("pm1", DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.ORACLE); factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); DataSource ds1 = factory.getDatasource("pm1"); if (!ds1.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.ORACLE)) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Required DB Type of oracle for model pm1 is :" + ds1.getDBType()); } TestLogger.log("Test1 Required DS1 " + ds1.getDBType()); factory.cleanup(); ConfigPropertyLoader.reset(); // test required database types // test 2 sources, 1 required and other ANY config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); config.setModelAssignedToDatabaseType("pm2", DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.SQLSERVER); config.setModelAssignedToDatabaseType("pm1", DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.ANY); factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); DataSource ds2 = factory.getDatasource("pm2"); if (!ds2.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.SQLSERVER)) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Required DB Type of sqlserver for model pm2 is :" + ds2.getDBType()); } TestLogger.log("Test2 Required DS2 " + ds2.getDBType()); factory.cleanup(); ConfigPropertyLoader.reset(); // test required database types // test 2 sources, 2 required config = ConfigPropertyLoader.getInstance(); config.setModelAssignedToDatabaseType("pm2", DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.SQLSERVER); config.setModelAssignedToDatabaseType("pm1", DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.ORACLE); factory = new DataSourceFactory(config); DataSource ds3a = factory.getDatasource("pm2"); if (!ds3a.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.SQLSERVER)) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Required DB Type of sqlserver for model pm12 is :" + ds3a.getDBType()); } DataSource ds3b = factory.getDatasource("pm1"); if (!ds3b.getDBType().equalsIgnoreCase(DataSourceFactory.DataBaseTypes.ORACLE)) { throw new TransactionRuntimeException("Required DB Type of oracle for model pm1 is :" + ds3b.getDBType()); } TestLogger.log("Test3 Required DS3a " + ds3a.getDBType()); TestLogger.log("Test3 Required DS3b " + ds3b.getDBType()); factory.cleanup(); } catch (QueryTestFailedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }