/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. */ package org.teiid.jdbc; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.teiid.jdbc.BatchResults.Batch; import org.teiid.jdbc.BatchResults.BatchFetcher; /** * @since 4.3 */ @SuppressWarnings({"nls","unchecked"}) public class TestBatchResults { static class MockBatchFetcher implements BatchFetcher { private int totalRows; private boolean throwException; private boolean useLastRow; List<Integer> batchCalls = new ArrayList<Integer>(); public MockBatchFetcher() { this(50); } public MockBatchFetcher(int totalRows) { this.totalRows = totalRows; } public void setUseLastRow(boolean useLastRow) { this.useLastRow = useLastRow; } public Batch requestBatch(int beginRow) throws SQLException { batchCalls.add(beginRow); if (throwException) { throw new SQLException(); } int endRow = beginRow + 9; if (beginRow%10==0) { endRow = beginRow - 9; } if (beginRow > totalRows) { beginRow = totalRows + 1; endRow = totalRows; } else if(beginRow > endRow) { if(endRow < 1) { endRow = 1; } int i = beginRow; beginRow = endRow; endRow = i; } boolean last = false; if(endRow >= totalRows) { endRow = totalRows; last = true; } Batch batch = new Batch(createBatch(beginRow, endRow), beginRow, endRow); if (last || useLastRow) { batch.setLastRow(totalRows); } return batch; } public void throwException() { this.throwException = true; } } private static List<?>[] createBatch(int begin, int end) { List<Integer>[] results = new List[end - begin + 1]; for(int i=0; i<(end - begin + 1); i++) { results[i] = new ArrayList<Integer>(); results[i].add(new Integer(i+begin)); } return results; } private List<?>[] createEmptyBatch() { return new List[0]; } @Test public void testGetCurrentRow1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), true); assertNull(batchResults.getCurrentRow()); batchResults.next(); assertNull(batchResults.getCurrentRow()); } @Test public void testGetCurrentRow2() throws Exception{ BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); assertNull(batchResults.getCurrentRow()); batchResults.next(); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } @Test public void testHasNext1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), true); assertFalse(batchResults.hasNext()); } @Test public void testHasNext2() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertTrue(batchResults.hasNext()); } @Test public void testHasNext3() throws Exception{ BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); assertTrue(batchResults.hasNext()); } @Test public void testNext1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), true); assertFalse(batchResults.next()); } @Test public void testNext2() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), true); assertTrue(batchResults.next()); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); assertFalse(batchResults.next()); } @Test public void testNext3() throws Exception{ //one row batch, multiple batches BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertTrue(batchResults.next()); assertTrue(batchResults.next()); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(2)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } @Test public void testNext4() throws Exception{ BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); int i; for(i=0; i<10; i++) { assertTrue(batchResults.next()); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(i+1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } while(batchResults.next()) { List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer((i++)+1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } assertFalse(batchResults.next()); } @Test public void testHasPrevious1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), false); assertFalse(batchResults.hasPrevious()); } @Test public void testHasPrevious2() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), true); assertFalse(batchResults.hasPrevious()); batchResults.next(); assertFalse(batchResults.hasPrevious()); batchResults.next(); assertTrue(batchResults.hasPrevious()); } @Test public void testPrevious1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), false); assertFalse(batchResults.previous()); } @Test public void testPrevious2() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), true); assertTrue(batchResults.next()); assertFalse(batchResults.previous()); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(1)); while(batchResults.next()) { } assertTrue(batchResults.previous()); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } @Test public void testPrevious3() throws Exception{ //one row batch, multiple batches BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertFalse(batchResults.previous()); assertTrue(batchResults.next()); assertFalse(batchResults.previous()); while(batchResults.next()) { } assertTrue(batchResults.previous()); while(batchResults.previous()) { } batchResults.next(); batchResults.next(); batchResults.next(); batchResults.previous(); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(2)); assertEquals(expectedResult, batchResults.getCurrentRow()); } @Test public void testPrevious4() throws Exception{ BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); int i; for(i=0; i<=10; i++) { assertTrue(batchResults.next()); } for(i=10; i>0; i--) { batchResults.previous(); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(i)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } } @Test public void testAbsolute1() throws Exception{ //empty batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createEmptyBatch(), true); assertFalse(batchResults.absolute(0)); assertFalse(batchResults.absolute(1)); } @Test public void testAbsolute2() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertFalse(batchResults.absolute(0)); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(1)); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(1)); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } @Test public void testAbsolute3() throws Exception{ BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); batchResults.setBatchFetcher(new MockBatchFetcher(200)); assertFalse(batchResults.absolute(0)); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(11)); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(11)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(1)); expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(1)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(100)); expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(100)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } //move backwards with absolute @Test public void testAbsolute4() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(10)); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(2)); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(2)); assertEquals(batchResults.getCurrentRow(), expectedResult); } @Test public void testAbsolute5() throws Exception{ //one row batch BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(-1)); List<Integer> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Integer>(); expectedResult.add(new Integer(50)); assertEquals(expectedResult, batchResults.getCurrentRow()); assertFalse(batchResults.absolute(-100)); } @Test public void testAbsoluteWithLastRow() throws Exception{ Batch batch = new Batch(createBatch(1, 10), 1, 10); batch.setLastRow(50); MockBatchFetcher mbf = new MockBatchFetcher(); mbf.setUseLastRow(true); BatchResults batchResults = new BatchResults(mbf, batch, BatchResults.DEFAULT_SAVED_BATCHES); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(41)); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(41), batchResults.getCurrentRow()); //check to ensure that we skipped all the other batches assertEquals(Arrays.asList(41), mbf.batchCalls); } @Test public void testCurrentRowNumber() throws Exception { BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), true); assertEquals(0, batchResults.getCurrentRowNumber()); batchResults.next(); assertEquals(1, batchResults.getCurrentRowNumber()); batchResults.next(); assertEquals(2, batchResults.getCurrentRowNumber()); assertFalse(batchResults.next()); assertEquals(2, batchResults.getCurrentRowNumber()); } @Test(expected=SQLException.class) public void testSetException() throws Exception { BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 1), false); MockBatchFetcher batchFetcher = new MockBatchFetcher(); batchResults.setBatchFetcher(batchFetcher); batchFetcher.throwException(); batchResults.next(); batchResults.hasNext(); } BatchResults getBatchResults(List<?>[] batch, boolean isLast) { Batch batch2 = new Batch(batch, 1, batch.length); if (isLast) { batch2.setLastRow(batch.length); } BatchResults results = new BatchResults(null, batch2, BatchResults.DEFAULT_SAVED_BATCHES); if (!isLast) { results.setBatchFetcher(new MockBatchFetcher()); } return results; } @Test public void testBatching() throws Exception { BatchResults batchResults = getBatchResults(createBatch(1, 10), false); MockBatchFetcher batchFetcher = new MockBatchFetcher(60); batchResults.setBatchFetcher(batchFetcher); for(int i=0; i<45; i++) { assertTrue(batchResults.next()); } for(int i=0; i<44; i++) { assertTrue(batchResults.previous()); assertEquals(new Integer(44 - i), batchResults.getCurrentRow().get(0)); } // verify batch calls checkResults(new int[] { // going forwards - end > begin 11, 21, 31, 41, // going backwards - begin > end // last 3 batches were saved, only need the first 2 again 20, 10, }, batchFetcher.batchCalls); assertTrue(batchResults.absolute(50)); assertEquals(new Integer(50), batchResults.getCurrentRow().get(0)); } private void checkResults(int[] expectedCalls, List<Integer> batchCalls) { assertEquals(expectedCalls.length, batchCalls.size()); for(int i=0; i<batchCalls.size(); i++) { int range = batchCalls.get(i); int expected = expectedCalls[i]; assertEquals("On call " + i + " expected different begin", expected, range); } } }