/** * Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.3) * * DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING * @generated */ package alluxio.thrift; import org.apache.thrift.scheme.IScheme; import org.apache.thrift.scheme.SchemeFactory; import org.apache.thrift.scheme.StandardScheme; import org.apache.thrift.scheme.TupleScheme; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TTupleProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException; import org.apache.thrift.EncodingUtils; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback; import org.apache.thrift.server.AbstractNonblockingServer.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.BitSet; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.annotation.Generated; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @SuppressWarnings({"cast", "rawtypes", "serial", "unchecked"}) @Generated(value = "Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.3)") public class BlockMasterWorkerService { /** * This interface contains block master service endpoints for Alluxio workers. */ public interface Iface extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService.Iface { /** * Marks the given block as committed. * * @param workerId the id of the worker * * @param usedBytesOnTier the space used in bytes on the target tier * * @param tierAlias the alias of the target tier * * @param blockId the id of the block being committed * * @param length the length of the block being committed */ public void commitBlock(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException; /** * Returns a worker id for the given network address. * * @param workerNetAddress the worker network address */ public long getWorkerId(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException; /** * Periodic worker heartbeat returns an optional command for the worker to execute. * * @param workerId the id of the worker * * @param usedBytesOnTiers the map of space used in bytes on all tiers * * @param removedBlockIds the list of removed block ids * * @param addedBlocksOnTiers the map of added blocks on all tiers */ public alluxio.thrift.Command heartbeat(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException; /** * Registers a worker. * * @param workerId the id of the worker * * @param storageTiers the list of storage tiers * * @param totalBytesOnTiers the map of total bytes on each tier * * @param usedBytesOnTiers the map of used bytes on each tier * * @param currentBlocksOnTiers the map of list of blocks on each tier */ public void registerWorker(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException; } public interface AsyncIface extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService .AsyncIface { public void commitBlock(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException; public void getWorkerId(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException; public void heartbeat(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException; public void registerWorker(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException; } public static class Client extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService.Client implements Iface { public static class Factory implements org.apache.thrift.TServiceClientFactory<Client> { public Factory() {} public Client getClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) { return new Client(prot); } public Client getClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) { return new Client(iprot, oprot); } } public Client(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) { super(prot, prot); } public Client(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) { super(iprot, oprot); } public void commitBlock(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { send_commitBlock(workerId, usedBytesOnTier, tierAlias, blockId, length); recv_commitBlock(); } public void send_commitBlock(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { commitBlock_args args = new commitBlock_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setUsedBytesOnTier(usedBytesOnTier); args.setTierAlias(tierAlias); args.setBlockId(blockId); args.setLength(length); sendBase("commitBlock", args); } public void recv_commitBlock() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { commitBlock_result result = new commitBlock_result(); receiveBase(result, "commitBlock"); if (result.e != null) { throw result.e; } return; } public long getWorkerId(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { send_getWorkerId(workerNetAddress); return recv_getWorkerId(); } public void send_getWorkerId(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { getWorkerId_args args = new getWorkerId_args(); args.setWorkerNetAddress(workerNetAddress); sendBase("getWorkerId", args); } public long recv_getWorkerId() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { getWorkerId_result result = new getWorkerId_result(); receiveBase(result, "getWorkerId"); if (result.isSetSuccess()) { return result.success; } if (result.e != null) { throw result.e; } throw new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getWorkerId failed: unknown result"); } public alluxio.thrift.Command heartbeat(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { send_heartbeat(workerId, usedBytesOnTiers, removedBlockIds, addedBlocksOnTiers); return recv_heartbeat(); } public void send_heartbeat(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { heartbeat_args args = new heartbeat_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setUsedBytesOnTiers(usedBytesOnTiers); args.setRemovedBlockIds(removedBlockIds); args.setAddedBlocksOnTiers(addedBlocksOnTiers); sendBase("heartbeat", args); } public alluxio.thrift.Command recv_heartbeat() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { heartbeat_result result = new heartbeat_result(); receiveBase(result, "heartbeat"); if (result.isSetSuccess()) { return result.success; } if (result.e != null) { throw result.e; } throw new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "heartbeat failed: unknown result"); } public void registerWorker(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers) throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { send_registerWorker(workerId, storageTiers, totalBytesOnTiers, usedBytesOnTiers, currentBlocksOnTiers); recv_registerWorker(); } public void send_registerWorker(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { registerWorker_args args = new registerWorker_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setStorageTiers(storageTiers); args.setTotalBytesOnTiers(totalBytesOnTiers); args.setUsedBytesOnTiers(usedBytesOnTiers); args.setCurrentBlocksOnTiers(currentBlocksOnTiers); sendBase("registerWorker", args); } public void recv_registerWorker() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { registerWorker_result result = new registerWorker_result(); receiveBase(result, "registerWorker"); if (result.e != null) { throw result.e; } return; } } public static class AsyncClient extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService.AsyncClient implements AsyncIface { public static class Factory implements org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientFactory<AsyncClient> { private org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager; private org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory; public Factory(org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory) { this.clientManager = clientManager; this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory; } public AsyncClient getAsyncClient(org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) { return new AsyncClient(protocolFactory, clientManager, transport); } } public AsyncClient(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClientManager clientManager, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) { super(protocolFactory, clientManager, transport); } public void commitBlock(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { checkReady(); commitBlock_call method_call = new commitBlock_call(workerId, usedBytesOnTier, tierAlias, blockId, length, resultHandler, this, ___protocolFactory, ___transport); this.___currentMethod = method_call; ___manager.call(method_call); } public static class commitBlock_call extends org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall { private long workerId; private long usedBytesOnTier; private String tierAlias; private long blockId; private long length; public commitBlock_call(long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient client, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { super(client, protocolFactory, transport, resultHandler, false); this.workerId = workerId; this.usedBytesOnTier = usedBytesOnTier; this.tierAlias = tierAlias; this.blockId = blockId; this.length = length; } public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage("commitBlock", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0)); commitBlock_args args = new commitBlock_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setUsedBytesOnTier(usedBytesOnTier); args.setTierAlias(tierAlias); args.setBlockId(blockId); args.setLength(length); args.write(prot); prot.writeMessageEnd(); } public void getResult() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { if (getState() != org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall.State.RESPONSE_READ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Method call not finished!"); } org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport memoryTransport = new org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport(getFrameBuffer().array()); org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot = client.getProtocolFactory().getProtocol(memoryTransport); (new Client(prot)).recv_commitBlock(); } } public void getWorkerId(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { checkReady(); getWorkerId_call method_call = new getWorkerId_call(workerNetAddress, resultHandler, this, ___protocolFactory, ___transport); this.___currentMethod = method_call; ___manager.call(method_call); } public static class getWorkerId_call extends org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall { private alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress; public getWorkerId_call(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient client, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { super(client, protocolFactory, transport, resultHandler, false); this.workerNetAddress = workerNetAddress; } public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage("getWorkerId", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0)); getWorkerId_args args = new getWorkerId_args(); args.setWorkerNetAddress(workerNetAddress); args.write(prot); prot.writeMessageEnd(); } public long getResult() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { if (getState() != org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall.State.RESPONSE_READ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Method call not finished!"); } org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport memoryTransport = new org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport(getFrameBuffer().array()); org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot = client.getProtocolFactory().getProtocol(memoryTransport); return (new Client(prot)).recv_getWorkerId(); } } public void heartbeat(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { checkReady(); heartbeat_call method_call = new heartbeat_call(workerId, usedBytesOnTiers, removedBlockIds, addedBlocksOnTiers, resultHandler, this, ___protocolFactory, ___transport); this.___currentMethod = method_call; ___manager.call(method_call); } public static class heartbeat_call extends org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall { private long workerId; private Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers; private List<Long> removedBlockIds; private Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers; public heartbeat_call(long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient client, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { super(client, protocolFactory, transport, resultHandler, false); this.workerId = workerId; this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; this.removedBlockIds = removedBlockIds; this.addedBlocksOnTiers = addedBlocksOnTiers; } public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage("heartbeat", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0)); heartbeat_args args = new heartbeat_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setUsedBytesOnTiers(usedBytesOnTiers); args.setRemovedBlockIds(removedBlockIds); args.setAddedBlocksOnTiers(addedBlocksOnTiers); args.write(prot); prot.writeMessageEnd(); } public alluxio.thrift.Command getResult() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { if (getState() != org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall.State.RESPONSE_READ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Method call not finished!"); } org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport memoryTransport = new org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport(getFrameBuffer().array()); org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot = client.getProtocolFactory().getProtocol(memoryTransport); return (new Client(prot)).recv_heartbeat(); } } public void registerWorker(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { checkReady(); registerWorker_call method_call = new registerWorker_call(workerId, storageTiers, totalBytesOnTiers, usedBytesOnTiers, currentBlocksOnTiers, resultHandler, this, ___protocolFactory, ___transport); this.___currentMethod = method_call; ___manager.call(method_call); } public static class registerWorker_call extends org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall { private long workerId; private List<String> storageTiers; private Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers; private Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers; private Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers; public registerWorker_call(long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback resultHandler, org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncClient client, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolFactory protocolFactory, org.apache.thrift.transport.TNonblockingTransport transport) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { super(client, protocolFactory, transport, resultHandler, false); this.workerId = workerId; this.storageTiers = storageTiers; this.totalBytesOnTiers = totalBytesOnTiers; this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; this.currentBlocksOnTiers = currentBlocksOnTiers; } public void write_args(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { prot.writeMessageBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessage("registerWorker", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.CALL, 0)); registerWorker_args args = new registerWorker_args(); args.setWorkerId(workerId); args.setStorageTiers(storageTiers); args.setTotalBytesOnTiers(totalBytesOnTiers); args.setUsedBytesOnTiers(usedBytesOnTiers); args.setCurrentBlocksOnTiers(currentBlocksOnTiers); args.write(prot); prot.writeMessageEnd(); } public void getResult() throws alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException, org.apache.thrift.TException { if (getState() != org.apache.thrift.async.TAsyncMethodCall.State.RESPONSE_READ) { throw new IllegalStateException("Method call not finished!"); } org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport memoryTransport = new org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryInputTransport(getFrameBuffer().array()); org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot = client.getProtocolFactory().getProtocol(memoryTransport); (new Client(prot)).recv_registerWorker(); } } } public static class Processor<I extends Iface> extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService.Processor<I> implements org.apache.thrift.TProcessor { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Processor.class.getName()); public Processor(I iface) { super(iface, getProcessMap(new HashMap<String, org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase>>())); } protected Processor(I iface, Map<String, org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase>> processMap) { super(iface, getProcessMap(processMap)); } private static <I extends Iface> Map<String, org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase>> getProcessMap(Map<String, org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase>> processMap) { processMap.put("commitBlock", new commitBlock()); processMap.put("getWorkerId", new getWorkerId()); processMap.put("heartbeat", new heartbeat()); processMap.put("registerWorker", new registerWorker()); return processMap; } public static class commitBlock<I extends Iface> extends org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, commitBlock_args> { public commitBlock() { super("commitBlock"); } public commitBlock_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new commitBlock_args(); } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public commitBlock_result getResult(I iface, commitBlock_args args) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { commitBlock_result result = new commitBlock_result(); try { iface.commitBlock(args.workerId, args.usedBytesOnTier, args.tierAlias, args.blockId, args.length); } catch (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { result.e = e; } return result; } } public static class getWorkerId<I extends Iface> extends org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, getWorkerId_args> { public getWorkerId() { super("getWorkerId"); } public getWorkerId_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new getWorkerId_args(); } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public getWorkerId_result getResult(I iface, getWorkerId_args args) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { getWorkerId_result result = new getWorkerId_result(); try { result.success = iface.getWorkerId(args.workerNetAddress); result.setSuccessIsSet(true); } catch (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { result.e = e; } return result; } } public static class heartbeat<I extends Iface> extends org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, heartbeat_args> { public heartbeat() { super("heartbeat"); } public heartbeat_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new heartbeat_args(); } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public heartbeat_result getResult(I iface, heartbeat_args args) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { heartbeat_result result = new heartbeat_result(); try { result.success = iface.heartbeat(args.workerId, args.usedBytesOnTiers, args.removedBlockIds, args.addedBlocksOnTiers); } catch (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { result.e = e; } return result; } } public static class registerWorker<I extends Iface> extends org.apache.thrift.ProcessFunction<I, registerWorker_args> { public registerWorker() { super("registerWorker"); } public registerWorker_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new registerWorker_args(); } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public registerWorker_result getResult(I iface, registerWorker_args args) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { registerWorker_result result = new registerWorker_result(); try { iface.registerWorker(args.workerId, args.storageTiers, args.totalBytesOnTiers, args.usedBytesOnTiers, args.currentBlocksOnTiers); } catch (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { result.e = e; } return result; } } } public static class AsyncProcessor<I extends AsyncIface> extends alluxio.thrift.AlluxioService.AsyncProcessor<I> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AsyncProcessor.class.getName()); public AsyncProcessor(I iface) { super(iface, getProcessMap(new HashMap<String, org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase, ?>>())); } protected AsyncProcessor(I iface, Map<String, org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase, ?>> processMap) { super(iface, getProcessMap(processMap)); } private static <I extends AsyncIface> Map<String, org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase,?>> getProcessMap(Map<String, org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, ? extends org.apache.thrift.TBase, ?>> processMap) { processMap.put("commitBlock", new commitBlock()); processMap.put("getWorkerId", new getWorkerId()); processMap.put("heartbeat", new heartbeat()); processMap.put("registerWorker", new registerWorker()); return processMap; } public static class commitBlock<I extends AsyncIface> extends org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, commitBlock_args, Void> { public commitBlock() { super("commitBlock"); } public commitBlock_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new commitBlock_args(); } public AsyncMethodCallback<Void> getResultHandler(final AsyncFrameBuffer fb, final int seqid) { final org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction fcall = this; return new AsyncMethodCallback<Void>() { public void onComplete(Void o) { commitBlock_result result = new commitBlock_result(); try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,result, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY,seqid); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", e); } fb.close(); } public void onError(Exception e) { byte msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY; org.apache.thrift.TBase msg; commitBlock_result result = new commitBlock_result(); if (e instanceof alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) { result.e = (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) e; result.setEIsSet(true); msg = result; } else { msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.EXCEPTION; msg = (org.apache.thrift.TBase)new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,msg,msgType,seqid); return; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", ex); } fb.close(); } }; } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public void start(I iface, commitBlock_args args, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback<Void> resultHandler) throws TException { iface.commitBlock(args.workerId, args.usedBytesOnTier, args.tierAlias, args.blockId, args.length,resultHandler); } } public static class getWorkerId<I extends AsyncIface> extends org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, getWorkerId_args, Long> { public getWorkerId() { super("getWorkerId"); } public getWorkerId_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new getWorkerId_args(); } public AsyncMethodCallback<Long> getResultHandler(final AsyncFrameBuffer fb, final int seqid) { final org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction fcall = this; return new AsyncMethodCallback<Long>() { public void onComplete(Long o) { getWorkerId_result result = new getWorkerId_result(); result.success = o; result.setSuccessIsSet(true); try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,result, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY,seqid); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", e); } fb.close(); } public void onError(Exception e) { byte msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY; org.apache.thrift.TBase msg; getWorkerId_result result = new getWorkerId_result(); if (e instanceof alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) { result.e = (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) e; result.setEIsSet(true); msg = result; } else { msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.EXCEPTION; msg = (org.apache.thrift.TBase)new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,msg,msgType,seqid); return; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", ex); } fb.close(); } }; } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public void start(I iface, getWorkerId_args args, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback<Long> resultHandler) throws TException { iface.getWorkerId(args.workerNetAddress,resultHandler); } } public static class heartbeat<I extends AsyncIface> extends org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, heartbeat_args, alluxio.thrift.Command> { public heartbeat() { super("heartbeat"); } public heartbeat_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new heartbeat_args(); } public AsyncMethodCallback<alluxio.thrift.Command> getResultHandler(final AsyncFrameBuffer fb, final int seqid) { final org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction fcall = this; return new AsyncMethodCallback<alluxio.thrift.Command>() { public void onComplete(alluxio.thrift.Command o) { heartbeat_result result = new heartbeat_result(); result.success = o; try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,result, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY,seqid); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", e); } fb.close(); } public void onError(Exception e) { byte msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY; org.apache.thrift.TBase msg; heartbeat_result result = new heartbeat_result(); if (e instanceof alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) { result.e = (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) e; result.setEIsSet(true); msg = result; } else { msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.EXCEPTION; msg = (org.apache.thrift.TBase)new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,msg,msgType,seqid); return; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", ex); } fb.close(); } }; } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public void start(I iface, heartbeat_args args, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback<alluxio.thrift.Command> resultHandler) throws TException { iface.heartbeat(args.workerId, args.usedBytesOnTiers, args.removedBlockIds, args.addedBlocksOnTiers,resultHandler); } } public static class registerWorker<I extends AsyncIface> extends org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction<I, registerWorker_args, Void> { public registerWorker() { super("registerWorker"); } public registerWorker_args getEmptyArgsInstance() { return new registerWorker_args(); } public AsyncMethodCallback<Void> getResultHandler(final AsyncFrameBuffer fb, final int seqid) { final org.apache.thrift.AsyncProcessFunction fcall = this; return new AsyncMethodCallback<Void>() { public void onComplete(Void o) { registerWorker_result result = new registerWorker_result(); try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,result, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY,seqid); return; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", e); } fb.close(); } public void onError(Exception e) { byte msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.REPLY; org.apache.thrift.TBase msg; registerWorker_result result = new registerWorker_result(); if (e instanceof alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) { result.e = (alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException) e; result.setEIsSet(true); msg = result; } else { msgType = org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMessageType.EXCEPTION; msg = (org.apache.thrift.TBase)new org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException(org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException.INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } try { fcall.sendResponse(fb,msg,msgType,seqid); return; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Exception writing to internal frame buffer", ex); } fb.close(); } }; } protected boolean isOneway() { return false; } public void start(I iface, registerWorker_args args, org.apache.thrift.async.AsyncMethodCallback<Void> resultHandler) throws TException { iface.registerWorker(args.workerId, args.storageTiers, args.totalBytesOnTiers, args.usedBytesOnTiers, args.currentBlocksOnTiers,resultHandler); } } } public static class commitBlock_args implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<commitBlock_args, commitBlock_args._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<commitBlock_args> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("commitBlock_args"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("workerId", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)1); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField USED_BYTES_ON_TIER_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("usedBytesOnTier", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)2); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField TIER_ALIAS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("tierAlias", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, (short)3); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField BLOCK_ID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("blockId", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)4); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField LENGTH_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("length", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)5); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new commitBlock_argsStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new commitBlock_argsTupleSchemeFactory()); } private long workerId; // required private long usedBytesOnTier; // required private String tierAlias; // required private long blockId; // required private long length; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { /** * the id of the worker */ WORKER_ID((short)1, "workerId"), /** * the space used in bytes on the target tier */ USED_BYTES_ON_TIER((short)2, "usedBytesOnTier"), /** * the alias of the target tier */ TIER_ALIAS((short)3, "tierAlias"), /** * the id of the block being committed */ BLOCK_ID((short)4, "blockId"), /** * the length of the block being committed */ LENGTH((short)5, "length"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // WORKER_ID return WORKER_ID; case 2: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIER return USED_BYTES_ON_TIER; case 3: // TIER_ALIAS return TIER_ALIAS; case 4: // BLOCK_ID return BLOCK_ID; case 5: // LENGTH return LENGTH; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments private static final int __WORKERID_ISSET_ID = 0; private static final int __USEDBYTESONTIER_ISSET_ID = 1; private static final int __BLOCKID_ISSET_ID = 2; private static final int __LENGTH_ISSET_ID = 3; private byte __isset_bitfield = 0; public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.WORKER_ID, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("workerId", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.USED_BYTES_ON_TIER, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("usedBytesOnTier", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.TIER_ALIAS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("tierAlias", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.BLOCK_ID, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("blockId", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.LENGTH, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("length", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(commitBlock_args.class, metaDataMap); } public commitBlock_args() { } public commitBlock_args( long workerId, long usedBytesOnTier, String tierAlias, long blockId, long length) { this(); this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); this.usedBytesOnTier = usedBytesOnTier; setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(true); this.tierAlias = tierAlias; this.blockId = blockId; setBlockIdIsSet(true); this.length = length; setLengthIsSet(true); } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public commitBlock_args(commitBlock_args other) { __isset_bitfield = other.__isset_bitfield; this.workerId = other.workerId; this.usedBytesOnTier = other.usedBytesOnTier; if (other.isSetTierAlias()) { this.tierAlias = other.tierAlias; } this.blockId = other.blockId; this.length = other.length; } public commitBlock_args deepCopy() { return new commitBlock_args(this); } @Override public void clear() { setWorkerIdIsSet(false); this.workerId = 0; setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(false); this.usedBytesOnTier = 0; this.tierAlias = null; setBlockIdIsSet(false); this.blockId = 0; setLengthIsSet(false); this.length = 0; } /** * the id of the worker */ public long getWorkerId() { return this.workerId; } /** * the id of the worker */ public commitBlock_args setWorkerId(long workerId) { this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetWorkerId() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field workerId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetWorkerId() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } public void setWorkerIdIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID, value); } /** * the space used in bytes on the target tier */ public long getUsedBytesOnTier() { return this.usedBytesOnTier; } /** * the space used in bytes on the target tier */ public commitBlock_args setUsedBytesOnTier(long usedBytesOnTier) { this.usedBytesOnTier = usedBytesOnTier; setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetUsedBytesOnTier() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __USEDBYTESONTIER_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field usedBytesOnTier is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetUsedBytesOnTier() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __USEDBYTESONTIER_ISSET_ID); } public void setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __USEDBYTESONTIER_ISSET_ID, value); } /** * the alias of the target tier */ public String getTierAlias() { return this.tierAlias; } /** * the alias of the target tier */ public commitBlock_args setTierAlias(String tierAlias) { this.tierAlias = tierAlias; return this; } public void unsetTierAlias() { this.tierAlias = null; } /** Returns true if field tierAlias is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetTierAlias() { return this.tierAlias != null; } public void setTierAliasIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.tierAlias = null; } } /** * the id of the block being committed */ public long getBlockId() { return this.blockId; } /** * the id of the block being committed */ public commitBlock_args setBlockId(long blockId) { this.blockId = blockId; setBlockIdIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetBlockId() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __BLOCKID_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field blockId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetBlockId() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __BLOCKID_ISSET_ID); } public void setBlockIdIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __BLOCKID_ISSET_ID, value); } /** * the length of the block being committed */ public long getLength() { return this.length; } /** * the length of the block being committed */ public commitBlock_args setLength(long length) { this.length = length; setLengthIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetLength() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __LENGTH_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field length is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetLength() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __LENGTH_ISSET_ID); } public void setLengthIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __LENGTH_ISSET_ID, value); } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: if (value == null) { unsetWorkerId(); } else { setWorkerId((Long)value); } break; case USED_BYTES_ON_TIER: if (value == null) { unsetUsedBytesOnTier(); } else { setUsedBytesOnTier((Long)value); } break; case TIER_ALIAS: if (value == null) { unsetTierAlias(); } else { setTierAlias((String)value); } break; case BLOCK_ID: if (value == null) { unsetBlockId(); } else { setBlockId((Long)value); } break; case LENGTH: if (value == null) { unsetLength(); } else { setLength((Long)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return getWorkerId(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIER: return getUsedBytesOnTier(); case TIER_ALIAS: return getTierAlias(); case BLOCK_ID: return getBlockId(); case LENGTH: return getLength(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return isSetWorkerId(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIER: return isSetUsedBytesOnTier(); case TIER_ALIAS: return isSetTierAlias(); case BLOCK_ID: return isSetBlockId(); case LENGTH: return isSetLength(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof commitBlock_args) return this.equals((commitBlock_args)that); return false; } public boolean equals(commitBlock_args that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_workerId = true; boolean that_present_workerId = true; if (this_present_workerId || that_present_workerId) { if (!(this_present_workerId && that_present_workerId)) return false; if (this.workerId != that.workerId) return false; } boolean this_present_usedBytesOnTier = true; boolean that_present_usedBytesOnTier = true; if (this_present_usedBytesOnTier || that_present_usedBytesOnTier) { if (!(this_present_usedBytesOnTier && that_present_usedBytesOnTier)) return false; if (this.usedBytesOnTier != that.usedBytesOnTier) return false; } boolean this_present_tierAlias = true && this.isSetTierAlias(); boolean that_present_tierAlias = true && that.isSetTierAlias(); if (this_present_tierAlias || that_present_tierAlias) { if (!(this_present_tierAlias && that_present_tierAlias)) return false; if (!this.tierAlias.equals(that.tierAlias)) return false; } boolean this_present_blockId = true; boolean that_present_blockId = true; if (this_present_blockId || that_present_blockId) { if (!(this_present_blockId && that_present_blockId)) return false; if (this.blockId != that.blockId) return false; } boolean this_present_length = true; boolean that_present_length = true; if (this_present_length || that_present_length) { if (!(this_present_length && that_present_length)) return false; if (this.length != that.length) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_workerId = true; list.add(present_workerId); if (present_workerId) list.add(workerId); boolean present_usedBytesOnTier = true; list.add(present_usedBytesOnTier); if (present_usedBytesOnTier) list.add(usedBytesOnTier); boolean present_tierAlias = true && (isSetTierAlias()); list.add(present_tierAlias); if (present_tierAlias) list.add(tierAlias); boolean present_blockId = true; list.add(present_blockId); if (present_blockId) list.add(blockId); boolean present_length = true; list.add(present_length); if (present_length) list.add(length); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(commitBlock_args other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetWorkerId()).compareTo(other.isSetWorkerId()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetWorkerId()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.workerId, other.workerId); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetUsedBytesOnTier()).compareTo(other.isSetUsedBytesOnTier()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetUsedBytesOnTier()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.usedBytesOnTier, other.usedBytesOnTier); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetTierAlias()).compareTo(other.isSetTierAlias()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetTierAlias()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.tierAlias, other.tierAlias); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetBlockId()).compareTo(other.isSetBlockId()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetBlockId()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.blockId, other.blockId); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetLength()).compareTo(other.isSetLength()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetLength()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.length, other.length); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("commitBlock_args("); boolean first = true; sb.append("workerId:"); sb.append(this.workerId); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("usedBytesOnTier:"); sb.append(this.usedBytesOnTier); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("tierAlias:"); if (this.tierAlias == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.tierAlias); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("blockId:"); sb.append(this.blockId); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("length:"); sb.append(this.length); first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { // it doesn't seem like you should have to do this, but java serialization is wacky, and doesn't call the default constructor. __isset_bitfield = 0; read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class commitBlock_argsStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public commitBlock_argsStandardScheme getScheme() { return new commitBlock_argsStandardScheme(); } } private static class commitBlock_argsStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<commitBlock_args> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, commitBlock_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // WORKER_ID if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 2: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIER if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.usedBytesOnTier = iprot.readI64(); struct.setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 3: // TIER_ALIAS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING) { struct.tierAlias = iprot.readString(); struct.setTierAliasIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 4: // BLOCK_ID if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.blockId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setBlockIdIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 5: // LENGTH if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.length = iprot.readI64(); struct.setLengthIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, commitBlock_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); oprot.writeFieldBegin(WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(USED_BYTES_ON_TIER_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.usedBytesOnTier); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); if (struct.tierAlias != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(TIER_ALIAS_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeString(struct.tierAlias); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldBegin(BLOCK_ID_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.blockId); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldBegin(LENGTH_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.length); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class commitBlock_argsTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public commitBlock_argsTupleScheme getScheme() { return new commitBlock_argsTupleScheme(); } } private static class commitBlock_argsTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<commitBlock_args> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, commitBlock_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { optionals.set(0); } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTier()) { optionals.set(1); } if (struct.isSetTierAlias()) { optionals.set(2); } if (struct.isSetBlockId()) { optionals.set(3); } if (struct.isSetLength()) { optionals.set(4); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 5); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTier()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.usedBytesOnTier); } if (struct.isSetTierAlias()) { oprot.writeString(struct.tierAlias); } if (struct.isSetBlockId()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.blockId); } if (struct.isSetLength()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.length); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, commitBlock_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(5); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(1)) { struct.usedBytesOnTier = iprot.readI64(); struct.setUsedBytesOnTierIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(2)) { struct.tierAlias = iprot.readString(); struct.setTierAliasIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(3)) { struct.blockId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setBlockIdIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(4)) { struct.length = iprot.readI64(); struct.setLengthIsSet(true); } } } } public static class commitBlock_result implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<commitBlock_result, commitBlock_result._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<commitBlock_result> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("commitBlock_result"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField E_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("e", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)1); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new commitBlock_resultStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new commitBlock_resultTupleSchemeFactory()); } private alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { E((short)1, "e"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // E return E; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.E, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("e", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(commitBlock_result.class, metaDataMap); } public commitBlock_result() { } public commitBlock_result( alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this(); this.e = e; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public commitBlock_result(commitBlock_result other) { if (other.isSetE()) { this.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(other.e); } } public commitBlock_result deepCopy() { return new commitBlock_result(this); } @Override public void clear() { this.e = null; } public alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException getE() { return this.e; } public commitBlock_result setE(alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this.e = e; return this; } public void unsetE() { this.e = null; } /** Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetE() { return this.e != null; } public void setEIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.e = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case E: if (value == null) { unsetE(); } else { setE((alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case E: return getE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case E: return isSetE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof commitBlock_result) return this.equals((commitBlock_result)that); return false; } public boolean equals(commitBlock_result that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_e = true && this.isSetE(); boolean that_present_e = true && that.isSetE(); if (this_present_e || that_present_e) { if (!(this_present_e && that_present_e)) return false; if (!this.e.equals(that.e)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_e = true && (isSetE()); list.add(present_e); if (present_e) list.add(e); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(commitBlock_result other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetE()).compareTo(other.isSetE()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetE()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.e, other.e); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("commitBlock_result("); boolean first = true; sb.append("e:"); if (this.e == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.e); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class commitBlock_resultStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public commitBlock_resultStandardScheme getScheme() { return new commitBlock_resultStandardScheme(); } } private static class commitBlock_resultStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<commitBlock_result> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, commitBlock_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // E if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, commitBlock_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (struct.e != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(E_FIELD_DESC); struct.e.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class commitBlock_resultTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public commitBlock_resultTupleScheme getScheme() { return new commitBlock_resultTupleScheme(); } } private static class commitBlock_resultTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<commitBlock_result> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, commitBlock_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetE()) { optionals.set(0); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 1); if (struct.isSetE()) { struct.e.write(oprot); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, commitBlock_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(1); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } } } } public static class getWorkerId_args implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<getWorkerId_args, getWorkerId_args._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<getWorkerId_args> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("getWorkerId_args"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField WORKER_NET_ADDRESS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("workerNetAddress", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)1); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new getWorkerId_argsStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new getWorkerId_argsTupleSchemeFactory()); } private alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { /** * the worker network address */ WORKER_NET_ADDRESS((short)1, "workerNetAddress"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // WORKER_NET_ADDRESS return WORKER_NET_ADDRESS; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.WORKER_NET_ADDRESS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("workerNetAddress", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.StructMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress.class))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(getWorkerId_args.class, metaDataMap); } public getWorkerId_args() { } public getWorkerId_args( alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) { this(); this.workerNetAddress = workerNetAddress; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public getWorkerId_args(getWorkerId_args other) { if (other.isSetWorkerNetAddress()) { this.workerNetAddress = new alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress(other.workerNetAddress); } } public getWorkerId_args deepCopy() { return new getWorkerId_args(this); } @Override public void clear() { this.workerNetAddress = null; } /** * the worker network address */ public alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress getWorkerNetAddress() { return this.workerNetAddress; } /** * the worker network address */ public getWorkerId_args setWorkerNetAddress(alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress workerNetAddress) { this.workerNetAddress = workerNetAddress; return this; } public void unsetWorkerNetAddress() { this.workerNetAddress = null; } /** Returns true if field workerNetAddress is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetWorkerNetAddress() { return this.workerNetAddress != null; } public void setWorkerNetAddressIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.workerNetAddress = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case WORKER_NET_ADDRESS: if (value == null) { unsetWorkerNetAddress(); } else { setWorkerNetAddress((alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case WORKER_NET_ADDRESS: return getWorkerNetAddress(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case WORKER_NET_ADDRESS: return isSetWorkerNetAddress(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof getWorkerId_args) return this.equals((getWorkerId_args)that); return false; } public boolean equals(getWorkerId_args that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_workerNetAddress = true && this.isSetWorkerNetAddress(); boolean that_present_workerNetAddress = true && that.isSetWorkerNetAddress(); if (this_present_workerNetAddress || that_present_workerNetAddress) { if (!(this_present_workerNetAddress && that_present_workerNetAddress)) return false; if (!this.workerNetAddress.equals(that.workerNetAddress)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_workerNetAddress = true && (isSetWorkerNetAddress()); list.add(present_workerNetAddress); if (present_workerNetAddress) list.add(workerNetAddress); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(getWorkerId_args other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetWorkerNetAddress()).compareTo(other.isSetWorkerNetAddress()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetWorkerNetAddress()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.workerNetAddress, other.workerNetAddress); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("getWorkerId_args("); boolean first = true; sb.append("workerNetAddress:"); if (this.workerNetAddress == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.workerNetAddress); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity if (workerNetAddress != null) { workerNetAddress.validate(); } } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class getWorkerId_argsStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public getWorkerId_argsStandardScheme getScheme() { return new getWorkerId_argsStandardScheme(); } } private static class getWorkerId_argsStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<getWorkerId_args> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, getWorkerId_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // WORKER_NET_ADDRESS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.workerNetAddress = new alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress(); struct.workerNetAddress.read(iprot); struct.setWorkerNetAddressIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, getWorkerId_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (struct.workerNetAddress != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(WORKER_NET_ADDRESS_FIELD_DESC); struct.workerNetAddress.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class getWorkerId_argsTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public getWorkerId_argsTupleScheme getScheme() { return new getWorkerId_argsTupleScheme(); } } private static class getWorkerId_argsTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<getWorkerId_args> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, getWorkerId_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetWorkerNetAddress()) { optionals.set(0); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 1); if (struct.isSetWorkerNetAddress()) { struct.workerNetAddress.write(oprot); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, getWorkerId_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(1); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.workerNetAddress = new alluxio.thrift.WorkerNetAddress(); struct.workerNetAddress.read(iprot); struct.setWorkerNetAddressIsSet(true); } } } } public static class getWorkerId_result implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<getWorkerId_result, getWorkerId_result._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<getWorkerId_result> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("getWorkerId_result"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField SUCCESS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("success", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)0); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField E_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("e", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)1); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new getWorkerId_resultStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new getWorkerId_resultTupleSchemeFactory()); } private long success; // required private alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { SUCCESS((short)0, "success"), E((short)1, "e"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 0: // SUCCESS return SUCCESS; case 1: // E return E; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments private static final int __SUCCESS_ISSET_ID = 0; private byte __isset_bitfield = 0; public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.SUCCESS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("success", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.E, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("e", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(getWorkerId_result.class, metaDataMap); } public getWorkerId_result() { } public getWorkerId_result( long success, alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this(); this.success = success; setSuccessIsSet(true); this.e = e; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public getWorkerId_result(getWorkerId_result other) { __isset_bitfield = other.__isset_bitfield; this.success = other.success; if (other.isSetE()) { this.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(other.e); } } public getWorkerId_result deepCopy() { return new getWorkerId_result(this); } @Override public void clear() { setSuccessIsSet(false); this.success = 0; this.e = null; } public long getSuccess() { return this.success; } public getWorkerId_result setSuccess(long success) { this.success = success; setSuccessIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetSuccess() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __SUCCESS_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetSuccess() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __SUCCESS_ISSET_ID); } public void setSuccessIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __SUCCESS_ISSET_ID, value); } public alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException getE() { return this.e; } public getWorkerId_result setE(alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this.e = e; return this; } public void unsetE() { this.e = null; } /** Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetE() { return this.e != null; } public void setEIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.e = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case SUCCESS: if (value == null) { unsetSuccess(); } else { setSuccess((Long)value); } break; case E: if (value == null) { unsetE(); } else { setE((alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case SUCCESS: return getSuccess(); case E: return getE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case SUCCESS: return isSetSuccess(); case E: return isSetE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof getWorkerId_result) return this.equals((getWorkerId_result)that); return false; } public boolean equals(getWorkerId_result that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_success = true; boolean that_present_success = true; if (this_present_success || that_present_success) { if (!(this_present_success && that_present_success)) return false; if (this.success != that.success) return false; } boolean this_present_e = true && this.isSetE(); boolean that_present_e = true && that.isSetE(); if (this_present_e || that_present_e) { if (!(this_present_e && that_present_e)) return false; if (!this.e.equals(that.e)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_success = true; list.add(present_success); if (present_success) list.add(success); boolean present_e = true && (isSetE()); list.add(present_e); if (present_e) list.add(e); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(getWorkerId_result other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetSuccess()).compareTo(other.isSetSuccess()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetSuccess()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.success, other.success); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetE()).compareTo(other.isSetE()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetE()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.e, other.e); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("getWorkerId_result("); boolean first = true; sb.append("success:"); sb.append(this.success); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("e:"); if (this.e == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.e); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { // it doesn't seem like you should have to do this, but java serialization is wacky, and doesn't call the default constructor. __isset_bitfield = 0; read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class getWorkerId_resultStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public getWorkerId_resultStandardScheme getScheme() { return new getWorkerId_resultStandardScheme(); } } private static class getWorkerId_resultStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<getWorkerId_result> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, getWorkerId_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 0: // SUCCESS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.success = iprot.readI64(); struct.setSuccessIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 1: // E if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, getWorkerId_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (struct.isSetSuccess()) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SUCCESS_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.success); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.e != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(E_FIELD_DESC); struct.e.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class getWorkerId_resultTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public getWorkerId_resultTupleScheme getScheme() { return new getWorkerId_resultTupleScheme(); } } private static class getWorkerId_resultTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<getWorkerId_result> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, getWorkerId_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetSuccess()) { optionals.set(0); } if (struct.isSetE()) { optionals.set(1); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 2); if (struct.isSetSuccess()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.success); } if (struct.isSetE()) { struct.e.write(oprot); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, getWorkerId_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(2); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.success = iprot.readI64(); struct.setSuccessIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(1)) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } } } } public static class heartbeat_args implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<heartbeat_args, heartbeat_args._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<heartbeat_args> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("heartbeat_args"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("workerId", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)1); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("usedBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)2); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("removedBlockIds", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, (short)3); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("addedBlocksOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)4); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new heartbeat_argsStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new heartbeat_argsTupleSchemeFactory()); } private long workerId; // required private Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers; // required private List<Long> removedBlockIds; // required private Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { /** * the id of the worker */ WORKER_ID((short)1, "workerId"), /** * the map of space used in bytes on all tiers */ USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS((short)2, "usedBytesOnTiers"), /** * the list of removed block ids */ REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS((short)3, "removedBlockIds"), /** * the map of added blocks on all tiers */ ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS((short)4, "addedBlocksOnTiers"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // WORKER_ID return WORKER_ID; case 2: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS return USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS; case 3: // REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS return REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS; case 4: // ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS return ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments private static final int __WORKERID_ISSET_ID = 0; private byte __isset_bitfield = 0; public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.WORKER_ID, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("workerId", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("usedBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING), new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64)))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("removedBlockIds", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64)))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("addedBlocksOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING), new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(heartbeat_args.class, metaDataMap); } public heartbeat_args() { } public heartbeat_args( long workerId, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, List<Long> removedBlockIds, Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) { this(); this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; this.removedBlockIds = removedBlockIds; this.addedBlocksOnTiers = addedBlocksOnTiers; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public heartbeat_args(heartbeat_args other) { __isset_bitfield = other.__isset_bitfield; this.workerId = other.workerId; if (other.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { Map<String,Long> __this__usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(other.usedBytesOnTiers); this.usedBytesOnTiers = __this__usedBytesOnTiers; } if (other.isSetRemovedBlockIds()) { List<Long> __this__removedBlockIds = new ArrayList<Long>(other.removedBlockIds); this.removedBlockIds = __this__removedBlockIds; } if (other.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()) { Map<String,List<Long>> __this__addedBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(other.addedBlocksOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> other_element : other.addedBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { String other_element_key = other_element.getKey(); List<Long> other_element_value = other_element.getValue(); String __this__addedBlocksOnTiers_copy_key = other_element_key; List<Long> __this__addedBlocksOnTiers_copy_value = new ArrayList<Long>(other_element_value); __this__addedBlocksOnTiers.put(__this__addedBlocksOnTiers_copy_key, __this__addedBlocksOnTiers_copy_value); } this.addedBlocksOnTiers = __this__addedBlocksOnTiers; } } public heartbeat_args deepCopy() { return new heartbeat_args(this); } @Override public void clear() { setWorkerIdIsSet(false); this.workerId = 0; this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; this.removedBlockIds = null; this.addedBlocksOnTiers = null; } /** * the id of the worker */ public long getWorkerId() { return this.workerId; } /** * the id of the worker */ public heartbeat_args setWorkerId(long workerId) { this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetWorkerId() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field workerId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetWorkerId() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } public void setWorkerIdIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID, value); } public int getUsedBytesOnTiersSize() { return (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) ? 0 : this.usedBytesOnTiers.size(); } public void putToUsedBytesOnTiers(String key, long val) { if (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(); } this.usedBytesOnTiers.put(key, val); } /** * the map of space used in bytes on all tiers */ public Map<String,Long> getUsedBytesOnTiers() { return this.usedBytesOnTiers; } /** * the map of space used in bytes on all tiers */ public heartbeat_args setUsedBytesOnTiers(Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; return this; } public void unsetUsedBytesOnTiers() { this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field usedBytesOnTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetUsedBytesOnTiers() { return this.usedBytesOnTiers != null; } public void setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; } } public int getRemovedBlockIdsSize() { return (this.removedBlockIds == null) ? 0 : this.removedBlockIds.size(); } public java.util.Iterator<Long> getRemovedBlockIdsIterator() { return (this.removedBlockIds == null) ? null : this.removedBlockIds.iterator(); } public void addToRemovedBlockIds(long elem) { if (this.removedBlockIds == null) { this.removedBlockIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); } this.removedBlockIds.add(elem); } /** * the list of removed block ids */ public List<Long> getRemovedBlockIds() { return this.removedBlockIds; } /** * the list of removed block ids */ public heartbeat_args setRemovedBlockIds(List<Long> removedBlockIds) { this.removedBlockIds = removedBlockIds; return this; } public void unsetRemovedBlockIds() { this.removedBlockIds = null; } /** Returns true if field removedBlockIds is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetRemovedBlockIds() { return this.removedBlockIds != null; } public void setRemovedBlockIdsIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.removedBlockIds = null; } } public int getAddedBlocksOnTiersSize() { return (this.addedBlocksOnTiers == null) ? 0 : this.addedBlocksOnTiers.size(); } public void putToAddedBlocksOnTiers(String key, List<Long> val) { if (this.addedBlocksOnTiers == null) { this.addedBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(); } this.addedBlocksOnTiers.put(key, val); } /** * the map of added blocks on all tiers */ public Map<String,List<Long>> getAddedBlocksOnTiers() { return this.addedBlocksOnTiers; } /** * the map of added blocks on all tiers */ public heartbeat_args setAddedBlocksOnTiers(Map<String,List<Long>> addedBlocksOnTiers) { this.addedBlocksOnTiers = addedBlocksOnTiers; return this; } public void unsetAddedBlocksOnTiers() { this.addedBlocksOnTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field addedBlocksOnTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers() { return this.addedBlocksOnTiers != null; } public void setAddedBlocksOnTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.addedBlocksOnTiers = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: if (value == null) { unsetWorkerId(); } else { setWorkerId((Long)value); } break; case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetUsedBytesOnTiers(); } else { setUsedBytesOnTiers((Map<String,Long>)value); } break; case REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS: if (value == null) { unsetRemovedBlockIds(); } else { setRemovedBlockIds((List<Long>)value); } break; case ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetAddedBlocksOnTiers(); } else { setAddedBlocksOnTiers((Map<String,List<Long>>)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return getWorkerId(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return getUsedBytesOnTiers(); case REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS: return getRemovedBlockIds(); case ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: return getAddedBlocksOnTiers(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return isSetWorkerId(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); case REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS: return isSetRemovedBlockIds(); case ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: return isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof heartbeat_args) return this.equals((heartbeat_args)that); return false; } public boolean equals(heartbeat_args that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_workerId = true; boolean that_present_workerId = true; if (this_present_workerId || that_present_workerId) { if (!(this_present_workerId && that_present_workerId)) return false; if (this.workerId != that.workerId) return false; } boolean this_present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && this.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); boolean that_present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && that.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); if (this_present_usedBytesOnTiers || that_present_usedBytesOnTiers) { if (!(this_present_usedBytesOnTiers && that_present_usedBytesOnTiers)) return false; if (!this.usedBytesOnTiers.equals(that.usedBytesOnTiers)) return false; } boolean this_present_removedBlockIds = true && this.isSetRemovedBlockIds(); boolean that_present_removedBlockIds = true && that.isSetRemovedBlockIds(); if (this_present_removedBlockIds || that_present_removedBlockIds) { if (!(this_present_removedBlockIds && that_present_removedBlockIds)) return false; if (!this.removedBlockIds.equals(that.removedBlockIds)) return false; } boolean this_present_addedBlocksOnTiers = true && this.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers(); boolean that_present_addedBlocksOnTiers = true && that.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers(); if (this_present_addedBlocksOnTiers || that_present_addedBlocksOnTiers) { if (!(this_present_addedBlocksOnTiers && that_present_addedBlocksOnTiers)) return false; if (!this.addedBlocksOnTiers.equals(that.addedBlocksOnTiers)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_workerId = true; list.add(present_workerId); if (present_workerId) list.add(workerId); boolean present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && (isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()); list.add(present_usedBytesOnTiers); if (present_usedBytesOnTiers) list.add(usedBytesOnTiers); boolean present_removedBlockIds = true && (isSetRemovedBlockIds()); list.add(present_removedBlockIds); if (present_removedBlockIds) list.add(removedBlockIds); boolean present_addedBlocksOnTiers = true && (isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()); list.add(present_addedBlocksOnTiers); if (present_addedBlocksOnTiers) list.add(addedBlocksOnTiers); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(heartbeat_args other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetWorkerId()).compareTo(other.isSetWorkerId()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetWorkerId()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.workerId, other.workerId); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.usedBytesOnTiers, other.usedBytesOnTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetRemovedBlockIds()).compareTo(other.isSetRemovedBlockIds()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetRemovedBlockIds()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.removedBlockIds, other.removedBlockIds); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.addedBlocksOnTiers, other.addedBlocksOnTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("heartbeat_args("); boolean first = true; sb.append("workerId:"); sb.append(this.workerId); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("usedBytesOnTiers:"); if (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.usedBytesOnTiers); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("removedBlockIds:"); if (this.removedBlockIds == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.removedBlockIds); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("addedBlocksOnTiers:"); if (this.addedBlocksOnTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.addedBlocksOnTiers); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { // it doesn't seem like you should have to do this, but java serialization is wacky, and doesn't call the default constructor. __isset_bitfield = 0; read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class heartbeat_argsStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public heartbeat_argsStandardScheme getScheme() { return new heartbeat_argsStandardScheme(); } } private static class heartbeat_argsStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<heartbeat_args> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, heartbeat_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // WORKER_ID if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 2: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map8 = iprot.readMapBegin(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map8.size); String _key9; long _val10; for (int _i11 = 0; _i11 < _map8.size; ++_i11) { _key9 = iprot.readString(); _val10 = iprot.readI64(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers.put(_key9, _val10); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } struct.setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 3: // REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list12 = iprot.readListBegin(); struct.removedBlockIds = new ArrayList<Long>(_list12.size); long _elem13; for (int _i14 = 0; _i14 < _list12.size; ++_i14) { _elem13 = iprot.readI64(); struct.removedBlockIds.add(_elem13); } iprot.readListEnd(); } struct.setRemovedBlockIdsIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 4: // ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map15 = iprot.readMapBegin(); struct.addedBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(2*_map15.size); String _key16; List<Long> _val17; for (int _i18 = 0; _i18 < _map15.size; ++_i18) { _key16 = iprot.readString(); { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list19 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val17 = new ArrayList<Long>(_list19.size); long _elem20; for (int _i21 = 0; _i21 < _list19.size; ++_i21) { _elem20 = iprot.readI64(); _val17.add(_elem20); } iprot.readListEnd(); } struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.put(_key16, _val17); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } struct.setAddedBlocksOnTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, heartbeat_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); oprot.writeFieldBegin(WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); if (struct.usedBytesOnTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, struct.usedBytesOnTiers.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter22 : struct.usedBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter22.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter22.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.removedBlockIds != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(REMOVED_BLOCK_IDS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, struct.removedBlockIds.size())); for (long _iter23 : struct.removedBlockIds) { oprot.writeI64(_iter23); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.addedBlocksOnTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(ADDED_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> _iter24 : struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter24.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, _iter24.getValue().size())); for (long _iter25 : _iter24.getValue()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter25); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class heartbeat_argsTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public heartbeat_argsTupleScheme getScheme() { return new heartbeat_argsTupleScheme(); } } private static class heartbeat_argsTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<heartbeat_args> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, heartbeat_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { optionals.set(0); } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { optionals.set(1); } if (struct.isSetRemovedBlockIds()) { optionals.set(2); } if (struct.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()) { optionals.set(3); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 4); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.usedBytesOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter26 : struct.usedBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter26.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter26.getValue()); } } } if (struct.isSetRemovedBlockIds()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.removedBlockIds.size()); for (long _iter27 : struct.removedBlockIds) { oprot.writeI64(_iter27); } } } if (struct.isSetAddedBlocksOnTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> _iter28 : struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter28.getKey()); { oprot.writeI32(_iter28.getValue().size()); for (long _iter29 : _iter28.getValue()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter29); } } } } } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, heartbeat_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(4); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(1)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map30 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); struct.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map30.size); String _key31; long _val32; for (int _i33 = 0; _i33 < _map30.size; ++_i33) { _key31 = iprot.readString(); _val32 = iprot.readI64(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers.put(_key31, _val32); } } struct.setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(2)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list34 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); struct.removedBlockIds = new ArrayList<Long>(_list34.size); long _elem35; for (int _i36 = 0; _i36 < _list34.size; ++_i36) { _elem35 = iprot.readI64(); struct.removedBlockIds.add(_elem35); } } struct.setRemovedBlockIdsIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(3)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map37 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, iprot.readI32()); struct.addedBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(2*_map37.size); String _key38; List<Long> _val39; for (int _i40 = 0; _i40 < _map37.size; ++_i40) { _key38 = iprot.readString(); { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list41 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); _val39 = new ArrayList<Long>(_list41.size); long _elem42; for (int _i43 = 0; _i43 < _list41.size; ++_i43) { _elem42 = iprot.readI64(); _val39.add(_elem42); } } struct.addedBlocksOnTiers.put(_key38, _val39); } } struct.setAddedBlocksOnTiersIsSet(true); } } } } public static class heartbeat_result implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<heartbeat_result, heartbeat_result._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<heartbeat_result> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("heartbeat_result"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField SUCCESS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("success", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)0); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField E_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("e", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)1); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new heartbeat_resultStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new heartbeat_resultTupleSchemeFactory()); } private alluxio.thrift.Command success; // required private alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { SUCCESS((short)0, "success"), E((short)1, "e"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 0: // SUCCESS return SUCCESS; case 1: // E return E; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.SUCCESS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("success", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.StructMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, alluxio.thrift.Command.class))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.E, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("e", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(heartbeat_result.class, metaDataMap); } public heartbeat_result() { } public heartbeat_result( alluxio.thrift.Command success, alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this(); this.success = success; this.e = e; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public heartbeat_result(heartbeat_result other) { if (other.isSetSuccess()) { this.success = new alluxio.thrift.Command(other.success); } if (other.isSetE()) { this.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(other.e); } } public heartbeat_result deepCopy() { return new heartbeat_result(this); } @Override public void clear() { this.success = null; this.e = null; } public alluxio.thrift.Command getSuccess() { return this.success; } public heartbeat_result setSuccess(alluxio.thrift.Command success) { this.success = success; return this; } public void unsetSuccess() { this.success = null; } /** Returns true if field success is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetSuccess() { return this.success != null; } public void setSuccessIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.success = null; } } public alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException getE() { return this.e; } public heartbeat_result setE(alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this.e = e; return this; } public void unsetE() { this.e = null; } /** Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetE() { return this.e != null; } public void setEIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.e = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case SUCCESS: if (value == null) { unsetSuccess(); } else { setSuccess((alluxio.thrift.Command)value); } break; case E: if (value == null) { unsetE(); } else { setE((alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case SUCCESS: return getSuccess(); case E: return getE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case SUCCESS: return isSetSuccess(); case E: return isSetE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof heartbeat_result) return this.equals((heartbeat_result)that); return false; } public boolean equals(heartbeat_result that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_success = true && this.isSetSuccess(); boolean that_present_success = true && that.isSetSuccess(); if (this_present_success || that_present_success) { if (!(this_present_success && that_present_success)) return false; if (!this.success.equals(that.success)) return false; } boolean this_present_e = true && this.isSetE(); boolean that_present_e = true && that.isSetE(); if (this_present_e || that_present_e) { if (!(this_present_e && that_present_e)) return false; if (!this.e.equals(that.e)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_success = true && (isSetSuccess()); list.add(present_success); if (present_success) list.add(success); boolean present_e = true && (isSetE()); list.add(present_e); if (present_e) list.add(e); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(heartbeat_result other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetSuccess()).compareTo(other.isSetSuccess()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetSuccess()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.success, other.success); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetE()).compareTo(other.isSetE()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetE()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.e, other.e); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("heartbeat_result("); boolean first = true; sb.append("success:"); if (this.success == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.success); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("e:"); if (this.e == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.e); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity if (success != null) { success.validate(); } } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class heartbeat_resultStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public heartbeat_resultStandardScheme getScheme() { return new heartbeat_resultStandardScheme(); } } private static class heartbeat_resultStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<heartbeat_result> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, heartbeat_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 0: // SUCCESS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.success = new alluxio.thrift.Command(); struct.success.read(iprot); struct.setSuccessIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 1: // E if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, heartbeat_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (struct.success != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(SUCCESS_FIELD_DESC); struct.success.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.e != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(E_FIELD_DESC); struct.e.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class heartbeat_resultTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public heartbeat_resultTupleScheme getScheme() { return new heartbeat_resultTupleScheme(); } } private static class heartbeat_resultTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<heartbeat_result> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, heartbeat_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetSuccess()) { optionals.set(0); } if (struct.isSetE()) { optionals.set(1); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 2); if (struct.isSetSuccess()) { struct.success.write(oprot); } if (struct.isSetE()) { struct.e.write(oprot); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, heartbeat_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(2); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.success = new alluxio.thrift.Command(); struct.success.read(iprot); struct.setSuccessIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(1)) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } } } } public static class registerWorker_args implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<registerWorker_args, registerWorker_args._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<registerWorker_args> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("registerWorker_args"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("workerId", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, (short)1); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField STORAGE_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("storageTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, (short)2); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("totalBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)3); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("usedBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)4); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("currentBlocksOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, (short)5); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new registerWorker_argsStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new registerWorker_argsTupleSchemeFactory()); } private long workerId; // required private List<String> storageTiers; // required private Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers; // required private Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers; // required private Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { /** * the id of the worker */ WORKER_ID((short)1, "workerId"), /** * the list of storage tiers */ STORAGE_TIERS((short)2, "storageTiers"), /** * the map of total bytes on each tier */ TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS((short)3, "totalBytesOnTiers"), /** * the map of used bytes on each tier */ USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS((short)4, "usedBytesOnTiers"), /** * the map of list of blocks on each tier */ CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS((short)5, "currentBlocksOnTiers"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // WORKER_ID return WORKER_ID; case 2: // STORAGE_TIERS return STORAGE_TIERS; case 3: // TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS return TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS; case 4: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS return USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS; case 5: // CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS return CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments private static final int __WORKERID_ISSET_ID = 0; private byte __isset_bitfield = 0; public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.WORKER_ID, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("workerId", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.STORAGE_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("storageTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING)))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("totalBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING), new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64)))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("usedBytesOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING), new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64)))); tmpMap.put(_Fields.CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("currentBlocksOnTiers", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.MapMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING), new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.ListMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64))))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(registerWorker_args.class, metaDataMap); } public registerWorker_args() { } public registerWorker_args( long workerId, List<String> storageTiers, Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers, Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers, Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers) { this(); this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); this.storageTiers = storageTiers; this.totalBytesOnTiers = totalBytesOnTiers; this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; this.currentBlocksOnTiers = currentBlocksOnTiers; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public registerWorker_args(registerWorker_args other) { __isset_bitfield = other.__isset_bitfield; this.workerId = other.workerId; if (other.isSetStorageTiers()) { List<String> __this__storageTiers = new ArrayList<String>(other.storageTiers); this.storageTiers = __this__storageTiers; } if (other.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()) { Map<String,Long> __this__totalBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(other.totalBytesOnTiers); this.totalBytesOnTiers = __this__totalBytesOnTiers; } if (other.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { Map<String,Long> __this__usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(other.usedBytesOnTiers); this.usedBytesOnTiers = __this__usedBytesOnTiers; } if (other.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()) { Map<String,List<Long>> __this__currentBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(other.currentBlocksOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> other_element : other.currentBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { String other_element_key = other_element.getKey(); List<Long> other_element_value = other_element.getValue(); String __this__currentBlocksOnTiers_copy_key = other_element_key; List<Long> __this__currentBlocksOnTiers_copy_value = new ArrayList<Long>(other_element_value); __this__currentBlocksOnTiers.put(__this__currentBlocksOnTiers_copy_key, __this__currentBlocksOnTiers_copy_value); } this.currentBlocksOnTiers = __this__currentBlocksOnTiers; } } public registerWorker_args deepCopy() { return new registerWorker_args(this); } @Override public void clear() { setWorkerIdIsSet(false); this.workerId = 0; this.storageTiers = null; this.totalBytesOnTiers = null; this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; this.currentBlocksOnTiers = null; } /** * the id of the worker */ public long getWorkerId() { return this.workerId; } /** * the id of the worker */ public registerWorker_args setWorkerId(long workerId) { this.workerId = workerId; setWorkerIdIsSet(true); return this; } public void unsetWorkerId() { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.clearBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } /** Returns true if field workerId is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetWorkerId() { return EncodingUtils.testBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID); } public void setWorkerIdIsSet(boolean value) { __isset_bitfield = EncodingUtils.setBit(__isset_bitfield, __WORKERID_ISSET_ID, value); } public int getStorageTiersSize() { return (this.storageTiers == null) ? 0 : this.storageTiers.size(); } public java.util.Iterator<String> getStorageTiersIterator() { return (this.storageTiers == null) ? null : this.storageTiers.iterator(); } public void addToStorageTiers(String elem) { if (this.storageTiers == null) { this.storageTiers = new ArrayList<String>(); } this.storageTiers.add(elem); } /** * the list of storage tiers */ public List<String> getStorageTiers() { return this.storageTiers; } /** * the list of storage tiers */ public registerWorker_args setStorageTiers(List<String> storageTiers) { this.storageTiers = storageTiers; return this; } public void unsetStorageTiers() { this.storageTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field storageTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetStorageTiers() { return this.storageTiers != null; } public void setStorageTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.storageTiers = null; } } public int getTotalBytesOnTiersSize() { return (this.totalBytesOnTiers == null) ? 0 : this.totalBytesOnTiers.size(); } public void putToTotalBytesOnTiers(String key, long val) { if (this.totalBytesOnTiers == null) { this.totalBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(); } this.totalBytesOnTiers.put(key, val); } /** * the map of total bytes on each tier */ public Map<String,Long> getTotalBytesOnTiers() { return this.totalBytesOnTiers; } /** * the map of total bytes on each tier */ public registerWorker_args setTotalBytesOnTiers(Map<String,Long> totalBytesOnTiers) { this.totalBytesOnTiers = totalBytesOnTiers; return this; } public void unsetTotalBytesOnTiers() { this.totalBytesOnTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field totalBytesOnTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetTotalBytesOnTiers() { return this.totalBytesOnTiers != null; } public void setTotalBytesOnTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.totalBytesOnTiers = null; } } public int getUsedBytesOnTiersSize() { return (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) ? 0 : this.usedBytesOnTiers.size(); } public void putToUsedBytesOnTiers(String key, long val) { if (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(); } this.usedBytesOnTiers.put(key, val); } /** * the map of used bytes on each tier */ public Map<String,Long> getUsedBytesOnTiers() { return this.usedBytesOnTiers; } /** * the map of used bytes on each tier */ public registerWorker_args setUsedBytesOnTiers(Map<String,Long> usedBytesOnTiers) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = usedBytesOnTiers; return this; } public void unsetUsedBytesOnTiers() { this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field usedBytesOnTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetUsedBytesOnTiers() { return this.usedBytesOnTiers != null; } public void setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.usedBytesOnTiers = null; } } public int getCurrentBlocksOnTiersSize() { return (this.currentBlocksOnTiers == null) ? 0 : this.currentBlocksOnTiers.size(); } public void putToCurrentBlocksOnTiers(String key, List<Long> val) { if (this.currentBlocksOnTiers == null) { this.currentBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(); } this.currentBlocksOnTiers.put(key, val); } /** * the map of list of blocks on each tier */ public Map<String,List<Long>> getCurrentBlocksOnTiers() { return this.currentBlocksOnTiers; } /** * the map of list of blocks on each tier */ public registerWorker_args setCurrentBlocksOnTiers(Map<String,List<Long>> currentBlocksOnTiers) { this.currentBlocksOnTiers = currentBlocksOnTiers; return this; } public void unsetCurrentBlocksOnTiers() { this.currentBlocksOnTiers = null; } /** Returns true if field currentBlocksOnTiers is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers() { return this.currentBlocksOnTiers != null; } public void setCurrentBlocksOnTiersIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.currentBlocksOnTiers = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: if (value == null) { unsetWorkerId(); } else { setWorkerId((Long)value); } break; case STORAGE_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetStorageTiers(); } else { setStorageTiers((List<String>)value); } break; case TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetTotalBytesOnTiers(); } else { setTotalBytesOnTiers((Map<String,Long>)value); } break; case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetUsedBytesOnTiers(); } else { setUsedBytesOnTiers((Map<String,Long>)value); } break; case CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: if (value == null) { unsetCurrentBlocksOnTiers(); } else { setCurrentBlocksOnTiers((Map<String,List<Long>>)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return getWorkerId(); case STORAGE_TIERS: return getStorageTiers(); case TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return getTotalBytesOnTiers(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return getUsedBytesOnTiers(); case CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: return getCurrentBlocksOnTiers(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case WORKER_ID: return isSetWorkerId(); case STORAGE_TIERS: return isSetStorageTiers(); case TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return isSetTotalBytesOnTiers(); case USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS: return isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); case CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS: return isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof registerWorker_args) return this.equals((registerWorker_args)that); return false; } public boolean equals(registerWorker_args that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_workerId = true; boolean that_present_workerId = true; if (this_present_workerId || that_present_workerId) { if (!(this_present_workerId && that_present_workerId)) return false; if (this.workerId != that.workerId) return false; } boolean this_present_storageTiers = true && this.isSetStorageTiers(); boolean that_present_storageTiers = true && that.isSetStorageTiers(); if (this_present_storageTiers || that_present_storageTiers) { if (!(this_present_storageTiers && that_present_storageTiers)) return false; if (!this.storageTiers.equals(that.storageTiers)) return false; } boolean this_present_totalBytesOnTiers = true && this.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers(); boolean that_present_totalBytesOnTiers = true && that.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers(); if (this_present_totalBytesOnTiers || that_present_totalBytesOnTiers) { if (!(this_present_totalBytesOnTiers && that_present_totalBytesOnTiers)) return false; if (!this.totalBytesOnTiers.equals(that.totalBytesOnTiers)) return false; } boolean this_present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && this.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); boolean that_present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && that.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers(); if (this_present_usedBytesOnTiers || that_present_usedBytesOnTiers) { if (!(this_present_usedBytesOnTiers && that_present_usedBytesOnTiers)) return false; if (!this.usedBytesOnTiers.equals(that.usedBytesOnTiers)) return false; } boolean this_present_currentBlocksOnTiers = true && this.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers(); boolean that_present_currentBlocksOnTiers = true && that.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers(); if (this_present_currentBlocksOnTiers || that_present_currentBlocksOnTiers) { if (!(this_present_currentBlocksOnTiers && that_present_currentBlocksOnTiers)) return false; if (!this.currentBlocksOnTiers.equals(that.currentBlocksOnTiers)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_workerId = true; list.add(present_workerId); if (present_workerId) list.add(workerId); boolean present_storageTiers = true && (isSetStorageTiers()); list.add(present_storageTiers); if (present_storageTiers) list.add(storageTiers); boolean present_totalBytesOnTiers = true && (isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()); list.add(present_totalBytesOnTiers); if (present_totalBytesOnTiers) list.add(totalBytesOnTiers); boolean present_usedBytesOnTiers = true && (isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()); list.add(present_usedBytesOnTiers); if (present_usedBytesOnTiers) list.add(usedBytesOnTiers); boolean present_currentBlocksOnTiers = true && (isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()); list.add(present_currentBlocksOnTiers); if (present_currentBlocksOnTiers) list.add(currentBlocksOnTiers); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(registerWorker_args other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetWorkerId()).compareTo(other.isSetWorkerId()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetWorkerId()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.workerId, other.workerId); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetStorageTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetStorageTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetStorageTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.storageTiers, other.storageTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.totalBytesOnTiers, other.totalBytesOnTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.usedBytesOnTiers, other.usedBytesOnTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()).compareTo(other.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.currentBlocksOnTiers, other.currentBlocksOnTiers); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("registerWorker_args("); boolean first = true; sb.append("workerId:"); sb.append(this.workerId); first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("storageTiers:"); if (this.storageTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.storageTiers); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("totalBytesOnTiers:"); if (this.totalBytesOnTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.totalBytesOnTiers); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("usedBytesOnTiers:"); if (this.usedBytesOnTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.usedBytesOnTiers); } first = false; if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append("currentBlocksOnTiers:"); if (this.currentBlocksOnTiers == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.currentBlocksOnTiers); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { // it doesn't seem like you should have to do this, but java serialization is wacky, and doesn't call the default constructor. __isset_bitfield = 0; read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class registerWorker_argsStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public registerWorker_argsStandardScheme getScheme() { return new registerWorker_argsStandardScheme(); } } private static class registerWorker_argsStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<registerWorker_args> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, registerWorker_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // WORKER_ID if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 2: // STORAGE_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list44 = iprot.readListBegin(); struct.storageTiers = new ArrayList<String>(_list44.size); String _elem45; for (int _i46 = 0; _i46 < _list44.size; ++_i46) { _elem45 = iprot.readString(); struct.storageTiers.add(_elem45); } iprot.readListEnd(); } struct.setStorageTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 3: // TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map47 = iprot.readMapBegin(); struct.totalBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map47.size); String _key48; long _val49; for (int _i50 = 0; _i50 < _map47.size; ++_i50) { _key48 = iprot.readString(); _val49 = iprot.readI64(); struct.totalBytesOnTiers.put(_key48, _val49); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } struct.setTotalBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 4: // USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map51 = iprot.readMapBegin(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map51.size); String _key52; long _val53; for (int _i54 = 0; _i54 < _map51.size; ++_i54) { _key52 = iprot.readString(); _val53 = iprot.readI64(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers.put(_key52, _val53); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } struct.setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; case 5: // CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.MAP) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map55 = iprot.readMapBegin(); struct.currentBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(2*_map55.size); String _key56; List<Long> _val57; for (int _i58 = 0; _i58 < _map55.size; ++_i58) { _key56 = iprot.readString(); { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list59 = iprot.readListBegin(); _val57 = new ArrayList<Long>(_list59.size); long _elem60; for (int _i61 = 0; _i61 < _list59.size; ++_i61) { _elem60 = iprot.readI64(); _val57.add(_elem60); } iprot.readListEnd(); } struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.put(_key56, _val57); } iprot.readMapEnd(); } struct.setCurrentBlocksOnTiersIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, registerWorker_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); oprot.writeFieldBegin(WORKER_ID_FIELD_DESC); oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); if (struct.storageTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(STORAGE_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeListBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, struct.storageTiers.size())); for (String _iter62 : struct.storageTiers) { oprot.writeString(_iter62); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.totalBytesOnTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(TOTAL_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, struct.totalBytesOnTiers.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter63 : struct.totalBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter63.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter63.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.usedBytesOnTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(USED_BYTES_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, struct.usedBytesOnTiers.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter64 : struct.usedBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter64.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter64.getValue()); } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } if (struct.currentBlocksOnTiers != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(CURRENT_BLOCKS_ON_TIERS_FIELD_DESC); { oprot.writeMapBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.size())); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> _iter65 : struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter65.getKey()); { oprot.writeListBegin(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, _iter65.getValue().size())); for (long _iter66 : _iter65.getValue()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter66); } oprot.writeListEnd(); } } oprot.writeMapEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class registerWorker_argsTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public registerWorker_argsTupleScheme getScheme() { return new registerWorker_argsTupleScheme(); } } private static class registerWorker_argsTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<registerWorker_args> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, registerWorker_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { optionals.set(0); } if (struct.isSetStorageTiers()) { optionals.set(1); } if (struct.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()) { optionals.set(2); } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { optionals.set(3); } if (struct.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()) { optionals.set(4); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 5); if (struct.isSetWorkerId()) { oprot.writeI64(struct.workerId); } if (struct.isSetStorageTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.storageTiers.size()); for (String _iter67 : struct.storageTiers) { oprot.writeString(_iter67); } } } if (struct.isSetTotalBytesOnTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.totalBytesOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter68 : struct.totalBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter68.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter68.getValue()); } } } if (struct.isSetUsedBytesOnTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.usedBytesOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Long> _iter69 : struct.usedBytesOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter69.getKey()); oprot.writeI64(_iter69.getValue()); } } } if (struct.isSetCurrentBlocksOnTiers()) { { oprot.writeI32(struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Long>> _iter70 : struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.entrySet()) { oprot.writeString(_iter70.getKey()); { oprot.writeI32(_iter70.getValue().size()); for (long _iter71 : _iter70.getValue()) { oprot.writeI64(_iter71); } } } } } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, registerWorker_args struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(5); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.workerId = iprot.readI64(); struct.setWorkerIdIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(1)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list72 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, iprot.readI32()); struct.storageTiers = new ArrayList<String>(_list72.size); String _elem73; for (int _i74 = 0; _i74 < _list72.size; ++_i74) { _elem73 = iprot.readString(); struct.storageTiers.add(_elem73); } } struct.setStorageTiersIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(2)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map75 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); struct.totalBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map75.size); String _key76; long _val77; for (int _i78 = 0; _i78 < _map75.size; ++_i78) { _key76 = iprot.readString(); _val77 = iprot.readI64(); struct.totalBytesOnTiers.put(_key76, _val77); } } struct.setTotalBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(3)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map79 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); struct.usedBytesOnTiers = new HashMap<String,Long>(2*_map79.size); String _key80; long _val81; for (int _i82 = 0; _i82 < _map79.size; ++_i82) { _key80 = iprot.readString(); _val81 = iprot.readI64(); struct.usedBytesOnTiers.put(_key80, _val81); } } struct.setUsedBytesOnTiersIsSet(true); } if (incoming.get(4)) { { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap _map83 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TMap(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRING, org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.LIST, iprot.readI32()); struct.currentBlocksOnTiers = new HashMap<String,List<Long>>(2*_map83.size); String _key84; List<Long> _val85; for (int _i86 = 0; _i86 < _map83.size; ++_i86) { _key84 = iprot.readString(); { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList _list87 = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TList(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.I64, iprot.readI32()); _val85 = new ArrayList<Long>(_list87.size); long _elem88; for (int _i89 = 0; _i89 < _list87.size; ++_i89) { _elem88 = iprot.readI64(); _val85.add(_elem88); } } struct.currentBlocksOnTiers.put(_key84, _val85); } } struct.setCurrentBlocksOnTiersIsSet(true); } } } } public static class registerWorker_result implements org.apache.thrift.TBase<registerWorker_result, registerWorker_result._Fields>, java.io.Serializable, Cloneable, Comparable<registerWorker_result> { private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct STRUCT_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TStruct("registerWorker_result"); private static final org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField E_FIELD_DESC = new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField("e", org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT, (short)1); private static final Map<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory> schemes = new HashMap<Class<? extends IScheme>, SchemeFactory>(); static { schemes.put(StandardScheme.class, new registerWorker_resultStandardSchemeFactory()); schemes.put(TupleScheme.class, new registerWorker_resultTupleSchemeFactory()); } private alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e; // required /** The set of fields this struct contains, along with convenience methods for finding and manipulating them. */ public enum _Fields implements org.apache.thrift.TFieldIdEnum { E((short)1, "e"); private static final Map<String, _Fields> byName = new HashMap<String, _Fields>(); static { for (_Fields field : EnumSet.allOf(_Fields.class)) { byName.put(field.getFieldName(), field); } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftId(int fieldId) { switch(fieldId) { case 1: // E return E; default: return null; } } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches fieldId, throwing an exception * if it is not found. */ public static _Fields findByThriftIdOrThrow(int fieldId) { _Fields fields = findByThriftId(fieldId); if (fields == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field " + fieldId + " doesn't exist!"); return fields; } /** * Find the _Fields constant that matches name, or null if its not found. */ public static _Fields findByName(String name) { return byName.get(name); } private final short _thriftId; private final String _fieldName; _Fields(short thriftId, String fieldName) { _thriftId = thriftId; _fieldName = fieldName; } public short getThriftFieldId() { return _thriftId; } public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; } } // isset id assignments public static final Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> metaDataMap; static { Map<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData> tmpMap = new EnumMap<_Fields, org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData>(_Fields.class); tmpMap.put(_Fields.E, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData("e", org.apache.thrift.TFieldRequirementType.DEFAULT, new org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldValueMetaData(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT))); metaDataMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tmpMap); org.apache.thrift.meta_data.FieldMetaData.addStructMetaDataMap(registerWorker_result.class, metaDataMap); } public registerWorker_result() { } public registerWorker_result( alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this(); this.e = e; } /** * Performs a deep copy on <i>other</i>. */ public registerWorker_result(registerWorker_result other) { if (other.isSetE()) { this.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(other.e); } } public registerWorker_result deepCopy() { return new registerWorker_result(this); } @Override public void clear() { this.e = null; } public alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException getE() { return this.e; } public registerWorker_result setE(alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException e) { this.e = e; return this; } public void unsetE() { this.e = null; } /** Returns true if field e is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSetE() { return this.e != null; } public void setEIsSet(boolean value) { if (!value) { this.e = null; } } public void setFieldValue(_Fields field, Object value) { switch (field) { case E: if (value == null) { unsetE(); } else { setE((alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException)value); } break; } } public Object getFieldValue(_Fields field) { switch (field) { case E: return getE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /** Returns true if field corresponding to fieldID is set (has been assigned a value) and false otherwise */ public boolean isSet(_Fields field) { if (field == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } switch (field) { case E: return isSetE(); } throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that == null) return false; if (that instanceof registerWorker_result) return this.equals((registerWorker_result)that); return false; } public boolean equals(registerWorker_result that) { if (that == null) return false; boolean this_present_e = true && this.isSetE(); boolean that_present_e = true && that.isSetE(); if (this_present_e || that_present_e) { if (!(this_present_e && that_present_e)) return false; if (!this.e.equals(that.e)) return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); boolean present_e = true && (isSetE()); list.add(present_e); if (present_e) list.add(e); return list.hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(registerWorker_result other) { if (!getClass().equals(other.getClass())) { return getClass().getName().compareTo(other.getClass().getName()); } int lastComparison = 0; lastComparison = Boolean.valueOf(isSetE()).compareTo(other.isSetE()); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } if (isSetE()) { lastComparison = org.apache.thrift.TBaseHelper.compareTo(this.e, other.e); if (lastComparison != 0) { return lastComparison; } } return 0; } public _Fields fieldForId(int fieldId) { return _Fields.findByThriftId(fieldId); } public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(iprot.getScheme()).getScheme().read(iprot, this); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { schemes.get(oprot.getScheme()).getScheme().write(oprot, this); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("registerWorker_result("); boolean first = true; sb.append("e:"); if (this.e == null) { sb.append("null"); } else { sb.append(this.e); } first = false; sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public void validate() throws org.apache.thrift.TException { // check for required fields // check for sub-struct validity } private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws java.io.IOException { try { write(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(out))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream in) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException { try { read(new org.apache.thrift.protocol.TCompactProtocol(new org.apache.thrift.transport.TIOStreamTransport(in))); } catch (org.apache.thrift.TException te) { throw new java.io.IOException(te); } } private static class registerWorker_resultStandardSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public registerWorker_resultStandardScheme getScheme() { return new registerWorker_resultStandardScheme(); } } private static class registerWorker_resultStandardScheme extends StandardScheme<registerWorker_result> { public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol iprot, registerWorker_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TField schemeField; iprot.readStructBegin(); while (true) { schemeField = iprot.readFieldBegin(); if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STOP) { break; } switch (schemeField.id) { case 1: // E if (schemeField.type == org.apache.thrift.protocol.TType.STRUCT) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } else { org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } break; default: org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolUtil.skip(iprot, schemeField.type); } iprot.readFieldEnd(); } iprot.readStructEnd(); // check for required fields of primitive type, which can't be checked in the validate method struct.validate(); } public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol oprot, registerWorker_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { struct.validate(); oprot.writeStructBegin(STRUCT_DESC); if (struct.e != null) { oprot.writeFieldBegin(E_FIELD_DESC); struct.e.write(oprot); oprot.writeFieldEnd(); } oprot.writeFieldStop(); oprot.writeStructEnd(); } } private static class registerWorker_resultTupleSchemeFactory implements SchemeFactory { public registerWorker_resultTupleScheme getScheme() { return new registerWorker_resultTupleScheme(); } } private static class registerWorker_resultTupleScheme extends TupleScheme<registerWorker_result> { @Override public void write(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, registerWorker_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol oprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet optionals = new BitSet(); if (struct.isSetE()) { optionals.set(0); } oprot.writeBitSet(optionals, 1); if (struct.isSetE()) { struct.e.write(oprot); } } @Override public void read(org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol prot, registerWorker_result struct) throws org.apache.thrift.TException { TTupleProtocol iprot = (TTupleProtocol) prot; BitSet incoming = iprot.readBitSet(1); if (incoming.get(0)) { struct.e = new alluxio.thrift.AlluxioTException(); struct.e.read(iprot); struct.setEIsSet(true); } } } } }