/* * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 TMate Software Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://svnkit.com/license.html * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * ==================================================================== */ package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperties; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNCharsetOutputStream; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNAdminArea; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.DefaultSVNDiffGenerator; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.ISVNDiffGenerator; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNStatusType; import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType; /** * @author TMate Software Ltd. * @version 1.3 */ public class SVNDiffCallback extends AbstractDiffCallback { private ISVNDiffGenerator myGenerator; private OutputStream myResult; private long myRevision2; private long myRevision1; private static final SVNStatusType[] EMPTY_STATUS = {SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN, SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN}; public SVNDiffCallback(SVNAdminArea adminArea, ISVNDiffGenerator generator, long rev1, long rev2, OutputStream result) { super(adminArea); myGenerator = generator; myResult = result; myRevision1 = rev1; myRevision2 = rev2; } public File createTempDirectory() throws SVNException { return myGenerator.createTempDirectory(); } public boolean isDiffUnversioned() { return myGenerator.isDiffUnversioned(); } public boolean isDiffCopiedAsAdded() { return myGenerator.isDiffCopied(); } public SVNStatusType directoryAdded(String path, long revision, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { setIsConflicted(isTreeConflicted, false); myGenerator.displayAddedDirectory(getDisplayPath(path), getRevision(myRevision1), getRevision(revision)); return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } public SVNStatusType directoryDeleted(String path) throws SVNException { myGenerator.displayDeletedDirectory(getDisplayPath(path), getRevision(myRevision1), getRevision(myRevision2)); return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } public SVNStatusType[] fileAdded(String path, File file1, File file2, long revision1, long revision2, String mimeType1, String mimeType2, SVNProperties originalProperties, SVNProperties diff, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { if (!myGenerator.isDiffAdded()) { return EMPTY_STATUS; } if (file2 != null) { displayFileDiff(path, null, file2, revision1, revision2, mimeType1, mimeType2, originalProperties, diff); } if (diff != null && !diff.isEmpty()) { propertiesChanged(path, originalProperties, diff, null); } return EMPTY_STATUS; } public SVNStatusType[] fileChanged(String path, File file1, File file2, long revision1, long revision2, String mimeType1, String mimeType2, SVNProperties originalProperties, SVNProperties diff, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { if (file1 != null) { displayFileDiff(path, file1, file2, revision1, revision2, mimeType1, mimeType2, originalProperties, diff); } if (diff != null && !diff.isEmpty()) { propertiesChanged(path, originalProperties, diff, null); } return EMPTY_STATUS; } public SVNStatusType fileDeleted(String path, File file1, File file2, String mimeType1, String mimeType2, SVNProperties originalProperties, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { if (!myGenerator.isDiffDeleted()) { return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } if (file1 != null) { displayFileDiff(path, file1, file2, myRevision1, myRevision2, mimeType1, mimeType2, originalProperties, null); } return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } private void displayFileDiff(String path, File file1, File file2, long revision1, long revision2, String mimeType1, String mimeType2, SVNProperties originalProperties, SVNProperties diff) throws SVNException { boolean resetEncoding = false; OutputStream result = myResult; String encoding = defineEncoding(originalProperties, diff); if (encoding != null) { myGenerator.setEncoding(encoding); resetEncoding = true; } else { String conversionEncoding = defineConversionEncoding(originalProperties, diff); if (conversionEncoding != null) { resetEncoding = adjustDiffGenerator("UTF-8"); result = new SVNCharsetOutputStream(result, Charset.forName("UTF-8"), Charset.forName(conversionEncoding), CodingErrorAction.IGNORE, CodingErrorAction.IGNORE); } } try { myGenerator.displayFileDiff(getDisplayPath(path), file1, file2, getRevision(revision1), getRevision(revision2), mimeType1, mimeType2, result); } finally { if (resetEncoding) { myGenerator.setEncoding(null); myGenerator.setEOL(null); } if (result instanceof SVNCharsetOutputStream) { try { result.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, e), e, SVNLogType.WC); } } } } private boolean adjustDiffGenerator(String charset) { if (myGenerator instanceof DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) { DefaultSVNDiffGenerator generator = (DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) myGenerator; boolean encodingAdjusted = false; if (!generator.hasEncoding()) { generator.setEncoding(charset); encodingAdjusted = true; } if (!generator.hasEOL()) { byte[] eol; String eolString = System.getProperty("line.separator"); try { eol = eolString.getBytes(charset); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { eol = eolString.getBytes(); } generator.setEOL(eol); } return encodingAdjusted; } return false; } public SVNStatusType propertiesChanged(String path, SVNProperties originalProperties, SVNProperties diff, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { originalProperties = originalProperties == null ? new SVNProperties() : originalProperties; diff = diff == null ? new SVNProperties() : diff; SVNProperties regularDiff = new SVNProperties(); categorizeProperties(diff, regularDiff, null, null); if (regularDiff.isEmpty()) { return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } myGenerator.displayPropDiff(getDisplayPath(path), originalProperties, regularDiff, myResult); return SVNStatusType.UNKNOWN; } private String getRevision(long revision) { if (revision >= 0) { return "(revision " + revision + ")"; } return "(working copy)"; } private String defineEncoding(SVNProperties properties, SVNProperties diff) { if (myGenerator instanceof DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) { DefaultSVNDiffGenerator defaultGenerator = (DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) myGenerator; if (defaultGenerator.hasEncoding()) { return null; } String originalEncoding = getCharsetByMimeType(properties, defaultGenerator); if (originalEncoding != null) { return originalEncoding; } String changedEncoding = getCharsetByMimeType(diff, defaultGenerator); if (changedEncoding != null) { return changedEncoding; } } return null; } private String defineConversionEncoding(SVNProperties properties, SVNProperties diff) { if (myGenerator instanceof DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) { DefaultSVNDiffGenerator defaultGenerator = (DefaultSVNDiffGenerator) myGenerator; if (defaultGenerator.hasEncoding()) { return null; } String originalCharset = getCharset(properties, defaultGenerator); if (originalCharset != null) { return originalCharset; } String changedCharset = getCharset(diff, defaultGenerator); if (changedCharset != null) { return changedCharset; } String globalEncoding = getCharset(defaultGenerator.getGlobalEncoding(), defaultGenerator, false); if (globalEncoding != null) { return globalEncoding; } } return null; } private String getCharsetByMimeType(SVNProperties properties, DefaultSVNDiffGenerator generator) { if (properties == null) { return null; } String mimeType = properties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE); String charset = SVNPropertiesManager.determineEncodingByMimeType(mimeType); return getCharset(charset, generator, false); } private String getCharset(SVNProperties properties, DefaultSVNDiffGenerator generator) { if (properties == null) { return null; } String charset = properties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.CHARSET); return getCharset(charset, generator, true); } private String getCharset(String charset, DefaultSVNDiffGenerator generator, boolean allowNative) { if (charset == null) { return null; } if (allowNative && SVNProperty.NATIVE.equals(charset)) { return generator.getEncoding(); } if (Charset.isSupported(charset)) { return charset; } return null; } public SVNStatusType directoryDeleted(String path, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { setIsConflicted(isTreeConflicted, false); return directoryDeleted(path); } public void directoryOpened(String path, long revision, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { setIsConflicted(isTreeConflicted, false); } public SVNStatusType[] directoryClosed(String path, boolean[] isTreeConflicted) throws SVNException { setIsConflicted(isTreeConflicted, false); return EMPTY_STATUS; } }