/* * ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 TMate Software Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms * are also available at http://svnkit.com/license.html * If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a * newer version instead, at your option. * ==================================================================== */ package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.io.svn; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.ISVNDirEntryHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.ISVNLogEntryHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNAuthenticationException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDirEntry; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorCode; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNErrorMessage; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLock; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntry; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNLogEntryPath; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNMergeInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNMergeInfoInheritance; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNNodeKind; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperties; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperty; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNPropertyValue; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNRevisionProperty; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.delta.SVNDeltaReader; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNDate; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNHashMap; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNMergeInfoUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.SVNPathUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNDepthFilterEditor; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNErrorManager; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNFileUtil; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNEditor; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNFileRevisionHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNLocationEntryHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNLocationSegmentHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNLockHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNReplayHandler; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNReporter; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNReporterBaton; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNSession; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.ISVNWorkspaceMediator; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNCapability; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNFileRevision; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNLocationEntry; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNLocationSegment; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.io.SVNRepository; import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType; /** * @author TMate Software Ltd. * @version 1.3 */ public class SVNRepositoryImpl extends SVNRepository implements ISVNReporter { private static final String DIRENT_KIND = "kind"; private static final String DIRENT_SIZE = "size"; private static final String DIRENT_HAS_PROPS = "has-props"; private static final String DIRENT_CREATED_REV = "created-rev"; private static final String DIRENT_TIME = "time"; private static final String DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR = "last-author"; private SVNConnection myConnection; private String myRealm; private String myExternalUserName; protected SVNRepositoryImpl(SVNURL location, ISVNSession options) { super(location, options); } public void testConnection() throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void setLocation(SVNURL url, boolean forceReconnect) throws SVNException { if (url == null) { return; } else if (!url.getProtocol().equals(myLocation.getProtocol())) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "SVNRepository URL could not be changed from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''; create new SVNRepository instance instead", new Object[]{myLocation, url}); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (myConnection == null) { // force normal relocate, no attempt to reparent. forceReconnect = true; } if (forceReconnect) { closeSession(); myLocation = url; myRealm = null; myRepositoryRoot = null; myRepositoryUUID = null; return; } try { openConnection(); if (reparent(url)) { myLocation = url; return; } setLocation(url, true); } catch (SVNException e) { // thrown by reparent or open connection. closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } private boolean reparent(SVNURL url) throws SVNException { if (myConnection != null) { if (getLocation().equals(url)) { return true; } try { Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"reparent", url.toString()}; write("(w(s))", buffer); authenticate(); read("", null, false); String newLocation = url.toString(); String rootLocation = myRepositoryRoot.toString(); return newLocation.startsWith(rootLocation) && (newLocation.length() == rootLocation.length() || (newLocation.length() > rootLocation.length() && newLocation.charAt(rootLocation.length()) == '/')); } catch (SVNException e) { if (e instanceof SVNCancelException || e instanceof SVNAuthenticationException) { throw e; } } } return false; } public long getLatestRevision() throws SVNException { Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-latest-rev"}; List values = null; try { openConnection(); write("(w())", buffer); authenticate(); values = read("r", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } return SVNReader.getLong(values, 0); } public long getDatedRevision(Date date) throws SVNException { if (date == null) { date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); } Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-dated-rev", date}; List values = null; try { openConnection(); write("(w(s))", buffer); authenticate(); values = read("r", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } return SVNReader.getLong(values, 0); } public SVNProperties getRevisionProperties(long revision, SVNProperties properties) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(revision); if (properties == null) { properties = new SVNProperties(); } Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"rev-proplist", getRevisionObject(revision)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w(n))", buffer); authenticate(); List items = read("l", null, false); properties = SVNReader.getProperties(items, 0, properties); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } return properties; } public SVNPropertyValue getRevisionPropertyValue(long revision, String propertyName) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(revision); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"rev-prop", getRevisionObject(revision), propertyName}; List values = null; try { openConnection(); write("(w(ns))", buffer); authenticate(); values = read("(?b)", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } byte[] bytes = SVNReader.getBytes(values, 0); return bytes == null ? null : SVNPropertyValue.create(propertyName, bytes); } public SVNNodeKind checkPath(String path, long revision) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"check-path", path, getRevisionObject(revision)}; write("(w(s(n)))", buffer); authenticate(); List values = read("w", null, false); return SVNNodeKind.parseKind(SVNReader.getString(values, 0)); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } protected int getLocationsImpl(String path, long pegRevision, long[] revisions, ISVNLocationEntryHandler handler) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(pegRevision); for (int i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) { assertValidRevision(revisions[i]); } int count = 0; try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-locations", path, getRevisionObject(pegRevision), revisions}; write("(w(sn(*n)))", buffer); authenticate(); while (true) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { break; } else if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Location entry not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { List values = SVNReader.parseTuple("rs", item.getItems(), null); count++; if (handler != null) { long revision = SVNReader.getLong(values, 0); String locationPath = SVNReader.getString(values, 1); if (locationPath != null) { locationPath = ensureAbsolutePath(locationPath); handler.handleLocationEntry(new SVNLocationEntry(revision, locationPath)); } } } } read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "'get-locations' not implemented"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return count; } protected long getLocationSegmentsImpl(String path, long pegRevision, long startRevision, long endRevision, ISVNLocationSegmentHandler handler) throws SVNException { long count = 0; try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[] { "get-location-segments", path, getRevisionObject(pegRevision), getRevisionObject(startRevision), getRevisionObject(endRevision) }; write("(w(s(n)(n)(n)))", buffer); authenticate(); boolean isDone = false; while (!isDone) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { isDone = true; } else if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Location segment entry not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } else { List segmentAttrs = SVNReader.parseTuple("rr(?s)", item.getItems(), null); long rangeStartRevision = SVNReader.getLong(segmentAttrs, 0); long rangeEndRevision = SVNReader.getLong(segmentAttrs, 1); String rangePath = SVNReader.getString(segmentAttrs, 2); if (SVNRepository.isInvalidRevision(rangeStartRevision) || SVNRepository.isInvalidRevision(rangeEndRevision)) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Expected valid revision range"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (rangePath != null) { rangePath = ensureAbsolutePath(rangePath); } if (handler != null) { handler.handleLocationSegment(new SVNLocationSegment(rangeStartRevision, rangeEndRevision, rangePath)); } count += rangeEndRevision - rangeStartRevision + 1; } } read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "'get-location-segments' not implemented"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return count; } public long getFile(String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties, OutputStream contents) throws SVNException { Long rev = revision > 0 ? new Long(revision) : null; try { openConnection(); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-file", getLocationRelativePath(path), rev, Boolean.valueOf(properties != null), Boolean.valueOf(contents != null)}; write("(w(s(n)ww))", buffer); authenticate(); List values = read("(?s)rl", null, false); MessageDigest digest = null; try { digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.IO_ERROR, "MD5 implementation not found: {0}", e.getMessage()); SVNErrorManager.error(err, e, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } String expectedChecksum = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); if (properties != null) { properties = SVNReader.getProperties(values, 2, properties); properties.put(SVNProperty.REVISION, SVNReader.getString(values, 1)); properties.put(SVNProperty.CHECKSUM, expectedChecksum); } if (contents != null) { while (true) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.BYTES) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Non-string as part of file contents"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (item.getBytes().length == 0) { break; } if (expectedChecksum != null) { digest.update(item.getBytes()); } try { contents.write(item.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_IO_ERROR, e.getMessage()); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } read("", null, false); if (expectedChecksum != null) { String resultChecksum = SVNFileUtil.toHexDigest(digest); if (!expectedChecksum.equals(resultChecksum)) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.CHECKSUM_MISMATCH, "Checksum mismatch for ''{0}''\nexpected checksum: ''{1}''\nactual checksum: ''{2}''", new Object[]{path, expectedChecksum, resultChecksum}); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } } return SVNReader.getLong(values, 1); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public long getDir(String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties, final ISVNDirEntryHandler handler) throws SVNException { return getDir(path, revision, properties, SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_ALL, handler); } public long getDir(String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties, int entryFields, final ISVNDirEntryHandler handler) throws SVNException { Long rev = getRevisionObject(revision); try { openConnection(); String fullPath = getFullPath(path); final SVNURL url = getLocation().setPath(fullPath, false); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); List individualProps = new LinkedList(); if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_KIND) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_KIND); } if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_SIZE) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_SIZE); } if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_HAS_PROPERTIES) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_HAS_PROPS); } if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_CREATED_REVISION) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_CREATED_REV); } if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_TIME) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_TIME); } if ((entryFields & SVNDirEntry.DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR) != 0) { individualProps.add(DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR); } Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-dir", path, rev, Boolean.valueOf(properties != null), Boolean.valueOf(handler != null), individualProps.size() > 0 ? (String[]) individualProps.toArray(new String[individualProps.size()]) : null}; write("(w(s(n)ww(*w)))", buffer); authenticate(); List values = read("rll", null, false); revision = values.get(0) != null ? SVNReader.getLong(values, 0) : revision; if (properties != null) { SVNReader.getProperties(values, 1, properties); } if (handler != null) { SVNURL repositoryRoot = getRepositoryRoot(false); List dirents = (List) values.get(2); for (Iterator iterator = dirents.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SVNItem item = (SVNItem) iterator.next(); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Dirlist element not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List direntProps = SVNReader.parseTuple("swnsr(?s)(?s)", item.getItems(), null); String name = SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 0); SVNNodeKind kind = SVNNodeKind.parseKind(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 1)); long size = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 2); boolean hasProps = SVNReader.getBoolean(direntProps, 3); long createdRevision = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 4); Date createdDate = SVNDate.parseDate(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 5)); String lastAuthor = SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 6); handler.handleDirEntry(new SVNDirEntry(url.appendPath(name, false), repositoryRoot, "".equals(name) ? SVNPathUtil.tail(url.getPath()) : name, kind, size, hasProps, createdRevision, createdDate, lastAuthor)); } } } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } return revision; } public SVNDirEntry getDir(String path, long revision, boolean includeComment, final Collection entries) throws SVNException { Long rev = getRevisionObject(revision); // convert path to path relative to repos root. SVNDirEntry parentEntry = null; try { openConnection(); final SVNURL url = getLocation().setPath(getFullPath(path), false); final SVNURL repositoryRoot = getRepositoryRoot(false); ISVNDirEntryHandler handler = new ISVNDirEntryHandler() { public void handleDirEntry(SVNDirEntry dirEntry) throws SVNException { if (entries != null) { dirEntry = new SVNDirEntry(url.appendPath(dirEntry.getName(), false), repositoryRoot, dirEntry.getName(), dirEntry.getKind(), dirEntry.getSize(), dirEntry.hasProperties(), dirEntry.getRevision(), dirEntry.getDate(), dirEntry.getAuthor()); entries.add(dirEntry); } } }; path = getLocationRelativePath(path); // get parent Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"stat", path, getRevisionObject(revision)}; write("(w(s(n)))", buffer); authenticate(); List values = read("(?l)", null, false); values = (List) values.get(0); if (values != null) { List direntProps = SVNReader.parseTuple("wnsr(?s)(?s)", values, null); SVNNodeKind kind = SVNNodeKind.parseKind(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 0)); long size = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 1); boolean hasProps = SVNReader.getBoolean(direntProps, 2); long createdRevision = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 3); Date createdDate = SVNDate.parseDate(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 4)); String lastAuthor = SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 5); parentEntry = new SVNDirEntry(url, repositoryRoot, "", kind, size, hasProps, createdRevision, createdDate, lastAuthor); } // get entries. buffer = new Object[]{"get-dir", path, rev, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.TRUE}; write("(w(s(n)ww))", buffer); authenticate(); values = read("rll", null, false); revision = values.get(0) != null ? SVNReader.getLong(values, 0) : revision; if (handler != null) { List dirents = (List) values.get(2); for (Iterator iterator = dirents.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SVNItem item = (SVNItem) iterator.next(); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Dirlist element not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List direntProps = SVNReader.parseTuple("swnsr(?s)(?s)", item.getItems(), null); String name = SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 0); SVNNodeKind kind = SVNNodeKind.parseKind(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 1)); long size = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 2); boolean hasProps = SVNReader.getBoolean(direntProps, 3); long createdRevision = SVNReader.getLong(direntProps, 4); Date createdDate = SVNDate.parseDate(SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 5)); String lastAuthor = SVNReader.getString(direntProps, 6); handler.handleDirEntry(new SVNDirEntry(url.appendPath(name, false), repositoryRoot, name, kind, size, hasProps, createdRevision, createdDate, lastAuthor)); } } // get comments. if (includeComment && entries != null) { Map messages = new SVNHashMap(); for (Iterator ents = entries.iterator(); ents.hasNext();) { SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry) ents.next(); Long key = getRevisionObject(entry.getRevision()); if (messages.containsKey(key)) { entry.setCommitMessage((String) messages.get(key)); continue; } buffer = new Object[]{"rev-prop", key, SVNRevisionProperty.LOG}; write("(w(ns))", buffer); authenticate(); values = read("(?s)", null, false); String msg = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); messages.put(key, msg); entry.setCommitMessage(msg); } } } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } return parentEntry; } protected int getFileRevisionsImpl(String path, long startRevision, long endRevision, boolean includeMergedRevisions, ISVNFileRevisionHandler handler) throws SVNException { Long srev = getRevisionObject(startRevision); Long erev = getRevisionObject(endRevision); SVNDeltaReader deltaReader = new SVNDeltaReader(); try { openConnection(); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-file-revs", getLocationRelativePath(path), srev, erev, Boolean.toString(includeMergedRevisions)}; write("(w(s(n)(n)w))", buffer); authenticate(); boolean hasRevision = false; int count = 0; while (true) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { break; } hasRevision = true; if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Revision entry not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List items = SVNReader.parseTuple("srll?s", item.getItems(), null); String name = null; SVNFileRevision fileRevision = null; if (handler != null) { name = SVNReader.getString(items, 0); long revision = SVNReader.getLong(items, 1); SVNProperties properties = SVNReader.getProperties(items, 2, null); SVNProperties propertiesDelta = SVNReader.getPropertyDiffs(items, 3, null); boolean isMergedRevision = SVNReader.getBoolean(items, 4); if (name != null) { fileRevision = new SVNFileRevision(name, revision, properties, propertiesDelta, isMergedRevision); } } SVNItem chunkItem = readItem(false); if (chunkItem.getKind() != SVNItem.BYTES) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Text delta chunk not a string"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } boolean hasDelta = chunkItem.getBytes().length > 0; if (handler != null && fileRevision != null) { handler.openRevision(fileRevision); } if (hasDelta) { if (handler != null) { handler.applyTextDelta(name == null ? path : name, null); } while (true) { byte[] line = chunkItem.getBytes(); if (line == null || line.length == 0) { break; } deltaReader.nextWindow(line, 0, line.length, name == null ? path : name, handler); chunkItem = readItem(false); if (chunkItem.getKind() != SVNItem.BYTES) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Text delta chunk not a string"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } deltaReader.reset(name == null ? path : name, handler); if (handler != null) { handler.textDeltaEnd(name == null ? path : name); } } if (handler != null) { handler.closeRevision(name == null ? path : name); count++; } } read("", null, false); if (!hasRevision) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "The get-file-revs command didn't return any revisions"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } return count; } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "'get-file-revs' not implemented"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return -1; } protected long logImpl(String[] targetPaths, long startRevision, long endRevision, boolean changedPaths, boolean strictNode, long limit, boolean includeMergedRevisions, String[] revisionPropertyNames, ISVNLogEntryHandler handler) throws SVNException { long count = 0; int nestLevel = 0; long latestRev = -1; if (isInvalidRevision(startRevision)) { startRevision = latestRev = getLatestRevision(); } if (isInvalidRevision(endRevision)) { endRevision = latestRev != -1 ? latestRev : getLatestRevision(); } try { openConnection(); String[] repositoryPaths = getRepositoryPaths(targetPaths); if (repositoryPaths == null || repositoryPaths.length == 0) { repositoryPaths = new String[]{""}; } if (repositoryPaths.length == 1 && "/".equals(repositoryPaths[0])) { repositoryPaths[0] = ""; } Object[] buffer; boolean wantCustomRevProps = false; if (revisionPropertyNames != null && revisionPropertyNames.length > 0) { Object[] realBuffer = new Object[]{"log", repositoryPaths, getRevisionObject(startRevision), getRevisionObject(endRevision), Boolean.valueOf(changedPaths), Boolean.valueOf(strictNode), new Long(limit > 0 ? limit : 0), Boolean.valueOf(includeMergedRevisions), "revprops", revisionPropertyNames}; for (int i = 0; i < revisionPropertyNames.length; i++) { String propName = revisionPropertyNames[i]; if (!SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR.equals(propName) && !SVNRevisionProperty.DATE.equals(propName) && !SVNRevisionProperty.LOG.equals(propName)) { wantCustomRevProps = true; break; } } buffer = realBuffer; write("(w((*s)(n)(n)wwnww(*s)))", buffer); } else { buffer = new Object[]{"log", repositoryPaths, getRevisionObject(startRevision), getRevisionObject(endRevision), Boolean.valueOf(changedPaths), Boolean.valueOf(strictNode), new Long(limit > 0 ? limit : 0), Boolean.valueOf(includeMergedRevisions), "all-revprops"}; write("(w((*s)(n)(n)wwnww()))", buffer); } authenticate(); while (true) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { break; } if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Log entry not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } //now we read log response kind of // ( ( ) 1 ( ) ( 27:2008-04-02T13:32:15.165405Z ) ( 27:Log message for revision 1. ) false false 0 ( ) ) // paths athr date log msg hasChrn invR rProps // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 List items = SVNReader.parseTuple("lr(?s)(?s)(?s)?ssnl?s", item.getItems(), null); List changedPathsList = (List) items.get(0); Map changedPathsMap = new SVNHashMap(); if (changedPathsList != null && changedPathsList.size() > 0) { for (Iterator iterator = changedPathsList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SVNItem pathItem = (SVNItem) iterator.next(); if (pathItem.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Changed-path entry not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List pathItems = SVNReader.parseTuple("sw(?sr)?(?s)", pathItem.getItems(), null); String path = SVNReader.getString(pathItems, 0); String action = SVNReader.getString(pathItems, 1); String copyPath = SVNReader.getString(pathItems, 2); long copyRevision = SVNReader.getLong(pathItems, 3); String kind = SVNReader.getString(pathItems, 4); changedPathsMap.put(path, new SVNLogEntryPath(path, action.charAt(0), copyPath, copyRevision, kind != null ? SVNNodeKind.parseKind(kind) : SVNNodeKind.UNKNOWN)); } } if (nestLevel == 0) { count++; } long revision = 0; SVNProperties revisionProperties = null; SVNProperties logEntryProperties = new SVNProperties(); boolean hasChildren = false; boolean isSubtractiveMerge = false; if (handler != null && !(limit > 0 && count > limit && nestLevel == 0)) { revision = SVNReader.getLong(items, 1); String author = SVNReader.getString(items, 2); Date date = SVNReader.getDate(items, 3); if (date == SVNDate.NULL) { date = null; } String message = SVNReader.getString(items, 4); hasChildren = SVNReader.getBoolean(items, 5); boolean invalidRevision = SVNReader.getBoolean(items, 6); revisionProperties = SVNReader.getProperties(items, 8, null); if (invalidRevision) { revision = SVNRepository.INVALID_REVISION; } isSubtractiveMerge =SVNReader.getBoolean(items, 9); if (wantCustomRevProps && (revisionProperties == null)) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Server does not support custom revprops via log"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } if (revisionProperties != null) { for (Iterator iterator = revisionProperties.nameSet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String name = (String) iterator.next(); logEntryProperties.put(name, revisionProperties.getSVNPropertyValue(name)); } } if (revisionPropertyNames == null || revisionPropertyNames.length == 0) { if (author != null) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR, author); } if (date != null) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE, SVNDate.formatDate(date)); } if (message != null) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.LOG, message); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < revisionPropertyNames.length; i++) { String revPropName = revisionPropertyNames[i]; if (author != null && SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR.equals(revPropName)) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.AUTHOR, author); } if (date != null && SVNRevisionProperty.DATE.equals(revPropName)) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.DATE, SVNDate.formatDate(date)); } if (message != null && SVNRevisionProperty.LOG.equals(revPropName)) { logEntryProperties.put(SVNRevisionProperty.LOG, message); } } } } if (handler != null && !(limit > 0 && count > limit && nestLevel == 0)) { SVNLogEntry logEntry = new SVNLogEntry(changedPathsMap, revision, logEntryProperties, hasChildren); logEntry.setSubtractiveMerge(isSubtractiveMerge); handler.handleLogEntry(logEntry); if (logEntry.hasChildren()) { nestLevel++; } if (logEntry.getRevision() < 0) { nestLevel--; if (nestLevel < 0) { nestLevel = 0; } } } } read("", null, false); return count; } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void replay(long lowRevision, long highRevision, boolean sendDeltas, ISVNEditor editor) throws SVNException { Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"replay", getRevisionObject(highRevision), getRevisionObject(lowRevision), Boolean.valueOf(sendDeltas)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w(nnw))", buffer); authenticate(); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, true); editReader.driveEditor(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "Server doesn't support the replay command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void setRevisionPropertyValue(long revision, String propertyName, SVNPropertyValue propertyValue) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(revision); byte[] bytes = SVNPropertyValue.getPropertyAsBytes(propertyValue); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"change-rev-prop", getRevisionObject(revision), propertyName, bytes}; try { openConnection(); write("(w(nsb))", buffer); authenticate(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public ISVNEditor getCommitEditor(String logMessage, Map locks, boolean keepLocks, final ISVNWorkspaceMediator mediator) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); if (locks != null) { write("(w(s(*l)w))", new Object[]{"commit", logMessage, locks, Boolean.valueOf(keepLocks)}); } else { write("(w(s))", new Object[]{"commit", logMessage}); } authenticate(); read("", null, false); return new SVNCommitEditor(this, myConnection, new SVNCommitEditor.ISVNCommitCallback() { public void run(SVNException error) { if (error != null) { closeSession(); } closeConnection(); } }); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); closeConnection(); throw e; } } public SVNLock getLock(String path) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-lock", path}; write("(w(s))", buffer); authenticate(); List items = read("(?l)", null, false); items = (List) items.get(0); return SVNReader.getLock(items); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "Server doesn't support the get-lock command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return null; } public SVNLock[] getLocks(String path) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-locks", path}; write("(w(s))", buffer); authenticate(); List items = read("l", null, false); items = (List) items.get(0); Collection locks = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator iterator = items.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SVNItem item = (SVNItem) iterator.next(); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Lock element not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } SVNLock lock = SVNReader.getLock(item.getItems()); if (lock != null) { locks.add(lock); } } return (SVNLock[]) locks.toArray(new SVNLock[locks.size()]); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "Server doesn't support the get-lock command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return null; } public void lock(Map pathsToRevisions, String comment, boolean force, ISVNLockHandler handler) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"lock-many", comment, Boolean.valueOf(force)}; write("(w((s)w(", buffer); buffer = new Object[2]; for (Iterator paths = pathsToRevisions.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { buffer[0] = getLocationRelativePath((String) paths.next()); buffer[1] = pathsToRevisions.get(buffer[0]); write("(s(n))", buffer); } write(")))", buffer); try { authenticate(); } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getErrorMessage() != null && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_UNKNOWN_CMD) { closeSession(); closeConnection(); openConnection(); lock12(pathsToRevisions, comment, force, handler); return; } closeSession(); throw e; } boolean done = false; for (Iterator paths = pathsToRevisions.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String) paths.next(); SVNLock lock = null; SVNErrorMessage error = null; SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { done = true; break; } if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Lock response not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } try { List values = SVNReader.parseTuple("wl", item.getItems(), null); String status = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); List items = (List) values.get(1); if ("success".equals(status)) { lock = SVNReader.getLock(items); if (lock == null) { continue; } path = lock.getPath(); } else if ("failure".equals(status)) { SVNReader.handleFailureStatus(items); } else { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } catch (SVNException e) { path = getRepositoryPath(path); error = e.getErrorMessage(); } if (handler != null) { handler.handleLock(path, lock, error); } } if (!done) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.WORD || !"done".equals(item.getWord())) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Didn't receive end marker for lock responses"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "Server doesn't support the lock command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private void lock12(Map pathsToRevisions, String comment, boolean force, ISVNLockHandler handler) throws SVNException { for (Iterator paths = pathsToRevisions.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String) paths.next(); Long revision = (Long) pathsToRevisions.get(path); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"lock", path, comment, Boolean.valueOf(force), revision}; write("(w(s(s)w(n)))", buffer); authenticate(); SVNErrorMessage error = null; List items = null; try { items = read("l", null, false); items = (List) items.get(0); } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getErrorMessage() != null) { SVNErrorCode code = e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode(); if (code == SVNErrorCode.FS_PATH_ALREADY_LOCKED || code == SVNErrorCode.FS_OUT_OF_DATE) { error = e.getErrorMessage(); } } if (error == null) { throw e; } } if (handler != null) { SVNLock lock = items == null ? null : SVNReader.getLock(items); if (lock != null) { path = lock.getPath(); } else { path = getRepositoryPath(path); } handler.handleLock(path, lock, error); } } } public void unlock(Map pathToTokens, boolean force, ISVNLockHandler handler) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"unlock-many", Boolean.valueOf(force)}; write("(w(w(", buffer); buffer = new Object[2]; for (Iterator paths = pathToTokens.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { buffer[0] = paths.next(); buffer[1] = pathToTokens.get(buffer[0]); write("(s(s))", buffer); } write(")))", buffer); try { authenticate(); } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getErrorMessage() != null && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_UNKNOWN_CMD) { closeSession(); closeConnection(); openConnection(); unlock12(pathToTokens, force, handler); return; } throw e; } boolean done = false; for (Iterator paths = pathToTokens.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String) paths.next(); String id = (String) pathToTokens.get(path); SVNErrorMessage error = null; try { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() == SVNItem.WORD && "done".equals(item.getWord())) { done = true; break; } if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Unlock response not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List values = SVNReader.parseTuple("wl", item.getItems(), null); String status = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); List items = (List) values.get(1); if ("success".equals(status)) { values = SVNReader.parseTuple("s", items, null); path = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); } else if ("failure".equals(status)) { SVNReader.handleFailureStatus(items); } else { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } catch (SVNException e) { error = e.getErrorMessage(); } path = getRepositoryPath(path); if (handler != null) { handler.handleUnlock(path, new SVNLock(path, id, null, null, null, null), error); } } if (!done) { SVNItem item = readItem(false); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.WORD || !"done".equals(item.getWord())) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Didn't receive end marker for unlock responses"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } } read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "Server doesn't support the unlock command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } } private void unlock12(Map pathToTokens, boolean force, ISVNLockHandler handler) throws SVNException { for (Iterator paths = pathToTokens.keySet().iterator(); paths.hasNext();) { String path = (String) paths.next(); String id = (String) pathToTokens.get(path); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); if (id == null) { Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-lock", path}; write("(w(s))", buffer); authenticate(); List items = read("l", null, false); items = (List) items.get(0); SVNLock lock = SVNReader.getLock(items); if (lock == null) { lock = new SVNLock(path, "", null, null, null, null); SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_LOCKED, "No lock on path ''{0}''", path); if (handler != null) { handler.handleUnlock(path, lock, err); } continue; } id = lock.getID(); } Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"unlock", path, id, Boolean.valueOf(force)}; write("(w(s(s)w))", buffer); authenticate(); SVNErrorMessage error = null; try { read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { if (e.getErrorMessage() != null && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_LOCKED) { error = e.getErrorMessage(); error = SVNErrorMessage.create(error.getErrorCode(), error.getMessageTemplate(), path); } else { throw e; } } if (handler != null) { path = getRepositoryPath(path); SVNLock lock = new SVNLock(path, id, null, null, null, null); handler.handleUnlock(path, lock, error); } } } public SVNDirEntry info(String path, long revision) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); String fullPath = getFullPath(path); SVNURL url = getLocation().setPath(fullPath, false); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"stat", path, getRevisionObject(revision)}; write("(w(s(n)))", buffer); authenticate(); SVNDirEntry entry = null; List items = read("(?l)", null, false); if (items == null || items.isEmpty()) { return null; } items = (List) items.get(0); if (items != null && !items.isEmpty()) { SVNURL repositoryRoot = getRepositoryRoot(false); List values = SVNReader.parseTuple("wnsr(?s)(?s)", items, null); SVNNodeKind kind = SVNNodeKind.parseKind(SVNReader.getString(values, 0)); long size = SVNReader.getLong(values, 1); boolean hasProperties = SVNReader.getBoolean(values, 2); long createdRevision = SVNReader.getLong(values, 3); Date createdDate = SVNDate.parseDate(SVNReader.getString(values, 4)); String lastAuthor = SVNReader.getString(values, 5); entry = new SVNDirEntry(url, repositoryRoot, "".equals(path) ? SVNPathUtil.tail(getLocation().getPath()) : SVNPathUtil.tail(path), kind, size, hasProperties, createdRevision, createdDate, lastAuthor); } return entry; } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "'stat' not implemented"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return null; } void updateCredentials(String uuid, SVNURL rootURL) throws SVNException { if (getRepositoryRoot(false) != null) { return; } setRepositoryCredentials(uuid, rootURL); } protected void openConnection() throws SVNException { fireConnectionOpened(); lock(); // check if connection is stale. if (myConnection != null && myConnection.isConnectionStale()) { closeSession(); } if (myConnection != null) { if (reparent(getLocation())) { return; } closeSession(); } ISVNConnector connector = SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.getConnectorFactory().createConnector(this); myConnection = new SVNConnection(connector, this); try { myConnection.open(this); authenticate(); } finally { if (myConnection != null) { myRealm = myConnection.getRealm(); } } } protected void closeConnection() { if (!getOptions().keepConnection(this)) { closeSession(); } unlock(); fireConnectionClosed(); } public String getRealm() { return myRealm; } void authenticate() throws SVNException { if (myConnection != null) { myConnection.authenticate(this); } } private void write(String template, Object[] values) throws SVNException { if (myConnection == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_CONNECTION_CLOSED), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } myConnection.write(template, values); } private List read(String template, List values, boolean readMalformedData) throws SVNException { if (myConnection == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_CONNECTION_CLOSED), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } return myConnection.read(template, values, readMalformedData); } private SVNItem readItem(boolean readMalformedData) throws SVNException { if (myConnection == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_CONNECTION_CLOSED), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } return myConnection.readItem(readMalformedData); } private List readTuple(String template, boolean readMalformedData) throws SVNException { if (myConnection == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_CONNECTION_CLOSED), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } return myConnection.readTuple(template, readMalformedData); } /* * ISVNReporter methods */ public void setPath(String path, String lockToken, long revision, boolean startEmpty) throws SVNException { setPath(path, lockToken, revision, SVNDepth.INFINITY, startEmpty); } public void deletePath(String path) throws SVNException { write("(w(s))", new Object[]{"delete-path", path}); } public void linkPath(SVNURL url, String path, String lockToken, long revision, boolean startEmpty) throws SVNException { linkPath(url, path, lockToken, revision, SVNDepth.INFINITY, startEmpty); } public void finishReport() throws SVNException { write("(w())", new Object[]{"finish-report"}); } public void abortReport() throws SVNException { write("(w())", new Object[]{"abort-report"}); } private String[] getRepositoryPaths(String[] paths) throws SVNException { if (paths == null || paths.length == 0) { return paths; } String[] fullPaths = new String[paths.length]; for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { fullPaths[i] = getLocationRelativePath(paths[i]); } return fullPaths; } // all paths are uri-decoded. // // get repository path (path starting with /, relative to repository root). // get full path (path starting with /, relative to host). // get relative path (repository path, now relative to repository location, not starting with '/'). public void setExternalUserName(String userName) { myExternalUserName = userName; } public String getExternalUserName() { return myExternalUserName; } public void closeSession() { lock(true); try { if (myConnection != null) { try { myConnection.close(); } catch (SVNException e) { // } finally { myConnection = null; } } } finally { unlock(); } } private void handleUnsupportedCommand(SVNException e, String message) throws SVNException { if (e.getErrorMessage() != null && e.getErrorMessage().getErrorCode() == SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_UNKNOWN_CMD) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, message); SVNErrorManager.error(err, e.getErrorMessage(), e, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } throw e; } public void linkPath(SVNURL url, String path, String lockToken, long revision, SVNDepth depth, boolean startEmpty) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(revision); write("(w(ssnw(s)w))", new Object[]{"link-path", path, url.toString(), getRevisionObject(revision), Boolean.valueOf(startEmpty), lockToken, SVNDepth.asString(depth)}); } public void setPath(String path, String lockToken, long revision, SVNDepth depth, boolean startEmpty) throws SVNException { assertValidRevision(revision); write("(w(snw(s)w))", new Object[]{"set-path", path, getRevisionObject(revision), Boolean.valueOf(startEmpty), lockToken, SVNDepth.asString(depth)}); } public void diff(SVNURL url, long targetRevision, long revision, String target, boolean ignoreAncestry, SVNDepth depth, boolean getContents, ISVNReporterBaton reporter, ISVNEditor editor) throws SVNException { boolean recursive = getRecurseFromDepth(depth); boolean hasTarget = target != null; target = target == null ? "" : target; if (url == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.BAD_URL, "URL can not be NULL"), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } editor = getDepthFilterEditor(editor, depth, hasTarget); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"diff", getRevisionObject(targetRevision), target, Boolean.valueOf(recursive), Boolean.valueOf(ignoreAncestry), url.toString(), Boolean.valueOf(getContents), SVNDepth.asString(depth)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w((n)swwsww))", buffer); authenticate(); reporter.report(this); authenticate(); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, false); editReader.driveEditor(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void status(long revision, String target, SVNDepth depth, ISVNReporterBaton reporter, ISVNEditor editor) throws SVNException { boolean recursive = getRecurseFromDepth(depth); boolean hasTarget = target != null; target = target == null ? "" : target; editor = getDepthFilterEditor(editor, depth, hasTarget); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"status", target, Boolean.valueOf(recursive), getRevisionObject(revision), SVNDepth.asString(depth)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w(sw(n)w))", buffer); authenticate(); reporter.report(this); authenticate(); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, false); editReader.driveEditor(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void update(SVNURL url, long revision, String target, SVNDepth depth, ISVNReporterBaton reporter, ISVNEditor editor) throws SVNException { boolean recursive = getRecurseFromDepth(depth); boolean hasTarget = target != null; target = target == null ? "" : target; if (url == null) { SVNErrorManager.error(SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.BAD_URL, "URL can not be NULL"), SVNLogType.NETWORK); } editor = getDepthFilterEditor(editor, depth, hasTarget); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"switch", getRevisionObject(revision), target, Boolean.valueOf(recursive), url.toString(), SVNDepth.asString(depth)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w((n)swsw))", buffer); authenticate(); reporter.report(this); authenticate(); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, false); editReader.driveEditor(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public void update(long revision, String target, SVNDepth depth, boolean sendCopyFromArgs, ISVNReporterBaton reporter, ISVNEditor editor) throws SVNException { boolean hasTarget = target != null; target = target == null ? "" : target; boolean recursive = getRecurseFromDepth(depth); editor = getDepthFilterEditor(editor, depth, hasTarget); Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"update", getRevisionObject(revision), target, Boolean.valueOf(recursive), SVNDepth.asString(depth), Boolean.valueOf(sendCopyFromArgs)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w((n)swww))", buffer); authenticate(); reporter.report(this); authenticate(); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, false); editReader.driveEditor(); read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } protected Map getMergeInfoImpl(String[] paths, long revision, SVNMergeInfoInheritance inherit, boolean includeDescendants) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); String[] repositoryPaths = getRepositoryPaths(paths); if (repositoryPaths == null || repositoryPaths.length == 0) { repositoryPaths = new String[]{""}; } Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"get-mergeinfo", repositoryPaths, getRevisionObject(revision), inherit.toString(), Boolean.valueOf(includeDescendants)}; write("(w((*s)(n)ww))", buffer); authenticate(); List items = read("l", null, false); items = (List) items.get(0); Map pathsToMergeInfos = new SVNHashMap(); for (Iterator iterator = items.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { SVNItem item = (SVNItem) iterator.next(); if (item.getKind() != SVNItem.LIST) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Merge info element is not a list"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } List values = SVNReader.parseTuple("ss", item.getItems(), null); String path = SVNReader.getString(values, 0); path = path.startsWith("/") ? path.substring(1) : path; path = getRepositoryPath(path); String mergeInfoToParse = SVNReader.getString(values, 1); Map srcsToRangeLists = SVNMergeInfoUtil.parseMergeInfo(new StringBuffer(mergeInfoToParse), null); SVNMergeInfo mergeInfo = new SVNMergeInfo(path, srcsToRangeLists); pathsToMergeInfos.put(path, mergeInfo); } return pathsToMergeInfos; } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } public boolean hasCapability(SVNCapability capability) throws SVNException { if (capability == null) { return false; } try { openConnection(); return myConnection.hasCapability(capability.toString()); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); throw e; } finally { closeConnection(); } } protected ISVNEditor getCommitEditorInternal(Map locks, boolean keepLocks, SVNProperties revProps, ISVNWorkspaceMediator mediator) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); String logMessage = revProps.getStringValue(SVNRevisionProperty.LOG); if (revProps.size() > 1 && !myConnection.isCommitRevprops()) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Server doesn't support setting arbitrary revision properties during commit"); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } write("(w(s(*l)w(*l)))", new Object[]{"commit", logMessage, locks, Boolean.valueOf(keepLocks), revProps}); authenticate(); read("", null, false); return new SVNCommitEditor(this, myConnection, new SVNCommitEditor.ISVNCommitCallback() { public void run(SVNException error) { if (error != null) { closeSession(); } closeConnection(); } }); } catch (SVNException e) { closeConnection(); closeSession(); throw e; } } protected void replayRangeImpl(long startRevision, long endRevision, long lowRevision, boolean sendDeltas, ISVNReplayHandler handler) throws SVNException { Object[] buffer = new Object[]{"replay-range", getRevisionObject(startRevision), getRevisionObject(endRevision), getRevisionObject(lowRevision), Boolean.valueOf(sendDeltas)}; try { openConnection(); write("(w(nnnw))", buffer); authenticate(); for (long rev = startRevision; rev <= endRevision; rev++) { List items = readTuple("wl", false); String word = SVNReader.getString(items, 0); if (!"revprops".equals(word)) { SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.RA_SVN_MALFORMED_DATA, "Expected ''revprops'', found ''{0}''", word); SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.NETWORK); } SVNProperties revProps = SVNReader.getProperties(items, 1, null); ISVNEditor editor = handler.handleStartRevision(rev, revProps); SVNEditModeReader editReader = new SVNEditModeReader(myConnection, editor, true); editReader.driveEditor(); handler.handleEndRevision(rev, revProps, editor); } read("", null, false); } catch (SVNException svne) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(svne, "Server doesn't support the replay-range command"); } finally { closeConnection(); } } protected long getDeletedRevisionImpl(String path, long pegRevision, long endRevision) throws SVNException { try { openConnection(); path = getLocationRelativePath(path); Long srev = getRevisionObject(pegRevision); Long erev = getRevisionObject(endRevision); Object[] buffer = new Object[] { "get-deleted-rev", path, srev, erev }; write("(w(snn))", buffer); authenticate(); List values = read("r", null, false); return SVNReader.getLong(values, 0); } catch (SVNException e) { closeSession(); handleUnsupportedCommand(e, "'get-deleted-rev' not implemented"); } finally { closeConnection(); } return INVALID_REVISION; } private static boolean getRecurseFromDepth(SVNDepth depth) { return depth == null || depth == SVNDepth.UNKNOWN || depth.compareTo(SVNDepth.FILES) > 0; } private static String ensureAbsolutePath(String path) { if (path != null) { path = SVNPathUtil.canonicalizePath(path); } if (path != null && (path.length() == 0 || path.charAt(0) != '/')) { return "/" + path; } return path; } private ISVNEditor getDepthFilterEditor(ISVNEditor editor, SVNDepth depth, boolean hasTarget) { if (depth != SVNDepth.FILES && depth != SVNDepth.INFINITY) { return SVNDepthFilterEditor.getDepthFilterEditor(depth, editor, hasTarget); } return editor; } }