/* * Copyright 2013 Martin Smock <smock.martin@gmail.com> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package li.strolch.utils.iso8601; /** * <p> * Duration is defined as a duration of time, as specified in ISO 8601, Section Its lexical representation is * the ISO 8601 extended format: <b>PnYnMnDnTnHnMnS</b> * </p> * <ul> * <li>The "P" (period) is required</li> * <li>"n" represents a positive number</li> * <li>years is (Y)</li> * <li>months is (M)</li> * <li>days is (D)</li> * <li>time separator is (T), required if any lower terms are given</li> * <li>hours is (H)</li> * <li>minutes is (M)</li> * <li>seconds is (S)</li> * </ul> * <p> * An optional preceding minus sign ("-") is also allowed to indicate a negative duration. If the sign is omitted then a * positive duration is assumed. For example: <b><an_element duration="PT2H5M2.37S" /></b> is a 2 hour, 5 minute, and * 2.37 second duration * </p> * <p> * <b>Remark:</b> since a duration of a day may be measured in hours may vary from 23 an 25 a duration day unit doesn't * have a meaning, if we do not know either the start or the end, we restrict ourself to measure a duration in hours, * minutes and seconds * </p> * * @author Martin Smock <smock.martin@gmail.com> * @author Michael Gatto <michael@gatto.ch> (reimplementation using enum) */ @SuppressWarnings("nls") public class ISO8601Duration implements DurationFormat { /** * The time representations available, as enum, with the associated millis. * * @author gattom */ public enum TimeDuration { SECOND(1000, 'S'), MINUTE(60 * SECOND.duration(), 'M'), HOUR(60 * MINUTE.duration(), 'H'), DAY(24 * HOUR.duration(), 'D'), WEEK(7 * DAY.duration(), 'W'), MONTH(30 * DAY.duration(), 'M'), YEAR(12 * MONTH.duration(), 'Y'); final long millis; final char isoChar; TimeDuration(long milli, char isorep) { this.millis = milli; this.isoChar = isorep; } public long duration() { return this.millis; } public static TimeDuration getTimeDurationFor(String isostring, int unitIndex) { char duration = isostring.charAt(unitIndex); switch (duration) { case 'S': if (isostring.substring(0, unitIndex).contains("T")) return SECOND; throw new NumberFormatException( duration + " is not a valid unit of time in ISO8601 without a preceeding T (e.g.: PT1S)"); case 'H': if (isostring.substring(0, unitIndex).contains("T")) return HOUR; throw new NumberFormatException( duration + " is not a valid unit of time in ISO8601 without a preceeding T (e.g.: PT1H)"); case 'D': return DAY; case 'W': return WEEK; case 'Y': return YEAR; case 'M': if (isostring.substring(0, unitIndex).contains("T")) return MINUTE; return MONTH; default: throw new NumberFormatException(duration + " is not a valid unit of time in ISO8601"); } } } /** * check if c is a number char including the decimal decimal dot (.) * * @param c * the character to check * @return boolean return true if the given char is a number or a decimal dot (.), false otherwise */ private static boolean isNumber(char c) { boolean isNumber = Character.isDigit(c) || (c == '.'); return isNumber; } /** * Parses the given string to a pseudo ISO 8601 duration * * @param s * the string to be parsed to a duration which must be coded as a ISO8601 value * @return long the time value which represents the duration */ @Override public long parse(String s) { long newResult = 0; // throw exception, if the string is not of length > 2 if (s == null || s.length() < 3) throw new NumberFormatException(s + " cannot be parsed to ISO 8601 Duration"); char p = s.charAt(0); // the first char must be a P for ISO8601 duration if (p != 'P') throw new NumberFormatException(s + " cannot be parsed to ISO 8601 Duration"); int newposition = 1; do { if (s.charAt(newposition) == 'T') { // skip the separator specifying where the time starts. newposition++; } // read the string representing the numeric value String val = parseNumber(newposition, s); double numVal = Double.parseDouble(val); newposition += val.length(); // get the time unit TimeDuration unit = TimeDuration.getTimeDurationFor(s, newposition); // skip the time duration character newposition++; // increment the value. newResult += unit.duration() * numVal; } while (newposition < s.length()); return newResult; } /** * Return the substring of s starting at index i (in s) that contains a numeric string. * * @param index * The start index in string s * @param s * The string to analyze * @return the substring containing the numeric portion of s starting at index i. */ private String parseNumber(int index, String s) { int i = index; int start = i; while (i < s.length()) { if (!isNumber(s.charAt(i))) break; i++; } String substring = s.substring(start, i); return substring; } /** * Format the given time duration unit into the string buffer. This function displays the given duration in units of * the given unit, and returns the remainder. * <p> * Thus, a duration of 86401000 (one day and one second) will add the representation of one day if unit is DAY (1D) * and return 1000 as the remainder with respect of this unit. If the given unit is HOUR, then this function adds * 24H to the {@link StringBuilder}, and returns 1000 as the remainder. * * @param sb * The {@link StringBuilder} to add the given duration with the right unit * @param duration * The duration to add * @param unit * The unit of this duration * @return The remainder of the given duration, modulo the time unit. */ private long formatTimeDuration(StringBuilder sb, long duration, TimeDuration unit) { long remainder = duration; if (unit.equals(TimeDuration.SECOND) || remainder >= unit.duration()) { long quantity = remainder / unit.duration(); remainder = remainder % unit.duration(); sb.append(quantity); if (unit.equals(TimeDuration.SECOND)) { long millis = remainder; if (millis == 0) { // to not have the decimal point } else if (millis > 99) { sb.append("." + millis); } else if (millis > 9) { sb.append(".0" + millis); } else { sb.append(".00" + millis); } } sb.append(unit.isoChar); } return remainder; } /** * Formats the given time duration to a pseudo ISO 8601 duration string * * @param duration * @return String the duration formatted as a ISO8601 duration string */ @Override public String format(long duration) { // XXX this is a preliminary help to solve the situation where this method sometimes returns P if (duration < 0l) throw new RuntimeException("A duration can not be negative!"); if (duration == 0l) return "P0D"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('P'); long remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, duration, TimeDuration.YEAR); remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, remainder, TimeDuration.MONTH); remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, remainder, TimeDuration.DAY); if (remainder > 0) { sb.append('T'); remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, remainder, TimeDuration.HOUR); remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, remainder, TimeDuration.MINUTE); remainder = formatTimeDuration(sb, remainder, TimeDuration.SECOND); } return sb.toString(); } }