package; import org.junit.Test; public class SimpleDBParserWhereTest { private SimpleDBParser parser; @Test public void should_pass_for_eq() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x = '1'"); parser.selectQuery(); parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where `` = 'tpg'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_malformed_eq() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x = 1"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_gt() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x > '1'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_gteq() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x >= '123.3'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_lt() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x < '123.3'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_lteq() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where x <= '123.3'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_like() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where stringField like '%asd%'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_notlike() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where stringField not like 'asd%'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_wrong_like_expression() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where stringField like 'asd'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_between() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField between '1' and '4'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_between_with_only_one_parameter() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField between '1'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_in() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField in ('1', '2', '3')"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_in_without_range() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField in '1'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_is_null() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField is null"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_is_not_null() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField is not null"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_is_null_with_extra_parameters() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where intField is null '1'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_every() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where every(intField) between '1' and '4'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_every_without_operator() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where every(intField)"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_every_without_parameter() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where every() between '1' and '4'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_complex_where() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser( "select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where not \t (attr5 in ('1','2') or (attr10 <= '1.3' and attr10 > '0')) intersection attr1 > '2.3' and (attr2 like 'asd%' or every(attr3) between '1' and '4')"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test(expected = ParseException.class) public void should_fail_for_malformed_complex_where() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser( "select * from `testDB.simpleUser` where attr1 > '2.3' and attr2 like or every(attr3) between '1' and '4'"); parser.selectQuery(); } @Test public void should_pass_for_where_in_parantheses() throws ParseException { parser = new SimpleDBParser("select * from `testDB.simpleDbUser` where (itemName()='Item_0')"); parser.selectQuery(); } }