package; import java.util.List; import; import; import; /** * Convenience type for access to finder methods of enclosing * {@link SimpleDbOperations} object. * * @author Sayantam Dey * */ public class SdbItemQuery<T> { private final SimpleDbOperations simpleDbOps; private final String query; private final Class<T> entityClass; private final boolean defaultConsistentRead; public SdbItemQuery(Class<T> entityClass, String query, SimpleDbOperations simpleDbOps) { this.simpleDbOps = simpleDbOps; this.query = query; this.entityClass = entityClass; this.defaultConsistentRead = simpleDbOps.getSimpleDb().isConsistentRead(); } public List<T> find() { return find(defaultConsistentRead); } public List<T> find(boolean consistentRead) { return simpleDbOps.find(entityClass, query, consistentRead); } public Page<T> executePagedQuery(Pageable pageable) { return executePagedQuery(pageable, defaultConsistentRead); } public Page<T> executePagedQuery(Pageable pageable, boolean consistentRead) { return simpleDbOps.executePagedQuery(entityClass, query, pageable, consistentRead); } public long count() { return count(defaultConsistentRead); } public long count(boolean consistentRead) { return simpleDbOps.count(query, entityClass, consistentRead); } }