package; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Unit tests of class IdDateObjectList. * * @author Stefan Saring */ public class IdDateObjectListTest { /** * The instance to test. */ private IdDateObjectList<DateNameObject> list; @Before public void setUp() { list = new IdDateObjectList<>(); list.set(new DateNameObject(1, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 05, 21, 30, 0), "one")); list.set(new DateNameObject(2, LocalDateTime.of(2008, 12, 11, 20, 30, 0), "two")); list.set(new DateNameObject(3, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 07, 11, 40, 0), "three")); checkDateOrder(); } /** * Test of set(): must add a new object to list at position 2. */ @Test public void testSetAdd() { list.set(new DateNameObject(4, LocalDateTime.of(2008, 12, 25, 21, 30, 0), "four")); assertEquals(list.size(), 4); assertEquals("four", list.getAt(1).getName()); checkDateOrder(); } /** * Test of set(): must replace the object in list at position 3 with the new * one with the allready used ID. */ @Test public void testSetReplaceNew() { assertEquals("three", list.getAt(2).getName()); list.set(new DateNameObject(3, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 07, 11, 40, 0), "three-new")); assertEquals(list.size(), 3); assertEquals("three-new", list.getAt(2).getName()); checkDateOrder(); } /** * Test of set(): must store the modified object in list from position 3 at * the proper list position for the modified date. */ @Test public void testSetReplaceModified() { DateNameObject no3 = list.getAt(2); assertEquals("three", no3.getName()); no3.setDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(2008, 07, 12, 12, 45, 0)); no3.setName("three-new"); list.set(no3); assertEquals(list.size(), 3); assertEquals("three-new", list.getAt(0).getName()); checkDateOrder(); } /** * Test of method clearAndAddAll(). The previous list content must be removed, the * list must contain only the new entries, sorted by date. */ @Test public void clearAndAddAll() { ArrayList<DateNameObject> tempEntries = new ArrayList<>(); tempEntries.add(new DateNameObject(5, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 05, 21, 30, 0), "five")); tempEntries.add(new DateNameObject(6, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 01, 21, 30, 0), "six")); list.clearAndAddAll(tempEntries); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertEquals("six", list.getAt(0).getName()); assertEquals("five", list.getAt(1).getName()); } /** * Test of method clearAndAddAll(). Must fail when null is passed. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void clearAndAddAllNull() { list.clearAndAddAll(null); } /** * Test of method clearAndAddAll(). Must fail when an entry contain an invalid ID. */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void clearAndAddAllInvalidId() { ArrayList<DateNameObject> tempEntries = new ArrayList<>(); list.set(new DateNameObject(5, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 05, 21, 30, 0), "five")); list.set(new DateNameObject(-6, LocalDateTime.of(2009, 02, 01, 21, 30, 0), "minus six")); list.clearAndAddAll(tempEntries); } /** * Test of set(): must fail when the entry is null. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testSetNull() { list.set(null); } /** * Test of set(): must fail when date is null. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testSetDateNull() { list.set(new DateNameObject(4, null, "four")); } /** * Test of getEntriesInDateRange(): must find all entries, the date range * includes the earliest and latest entry. */ @Test public void testGetEntriesInDateRangeFindAll() { List<DateNameObject> lFound = list.getEntriesInDateRange( LocalDate.of(2008, 12, 11), LocalDate.of(2009, 02, 07)); assertEquals(3, lFound.size()); assertEquals("two", lFound.get(0).getName()); assertEquals("one", lFound.get(1).getName()); assertEquals("three", lFound.get(2).getName()); } /** * Test of getEntriesInDateRange(): must find only one entries, the date * range does not include the earliest and latest entry. */ @Test public void testGetEntriesInDateRangeFindOne() { List<DateNameObject> lFound = list.getEntriesInDateRange( LocalDate.of(2008, 12, 12), LocalDate.of(2009, 2, 6)); assertEquals(1, lFound.size()); assertEquals("one", lFound.get(0).getName()); } /** * Test of getEntriesInDateRange(): must fail when one of the dates is null. */ @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testGetEntriesInDateRangeNull() { list.getEntriesInDateRange(, null); } /** * Test of getEntriesInDateRange(): must fail when the begin date ist after end date. */ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetEntriesInDateRangeInvalidRange() { list.getEntriesInDateRange( LocalDate.of(2009, 12, 11), LocalDate.of(2009, 11, 11)); } /** * This helper method makes sure that all IdDateObjects in the list are in * correct chronological order (the date of the previous exercise is never * bigger then the date of the current exercise). */ private void checkDateOrder() { LocalDateTime previousDate = LocalDateTime.of(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); for (IdDateObject temp : list) { assertTrue(previousDate.isBefore(temp.getDateTime())); previousDate = temp.getDateTime(); } } /** * Subclass of abstract class IdDateObject for testing. */ static class DateNameObject extends IdDateObject { private String name; public DateNameObject(int id, LocalDateTime dateTime, String name) { super(id); setDateTime(dateTime); = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } }