package de.saring.exerciseviewer.parser.impl; import de.saring.exerciseviewer.core.EVException; import*; import de.saring.exerciseviewer.parser.AbstractExerciseParser; import de.saring.exerciseviewer.parser.ExerciseParserInfo; import de.saring.util.unitcalc.ConvertUtils; import java.time.LocalDateTime; /** * This implementation of an ExerciseParser is for reading RAW files of the * Polar S4- and S5-Series devices. The exercises of these devices are very * similar, better models are containing more informations, which can be * found on different indices, depending on the model. * <br/> * Currently only the S510 device is supported: Other models in the S4 and S5 * series should not be too hard to add. * <br/> * It is assumed that the exercise files have the extension ".hsr". You can use * SonicRead ( to extract the exercise data * from your Polar device to a hsr file. * <p/> * This file is based on by Stefan Saring * * @author Remco den Breeje * @version 1.0 */ public class PolarHsrRawParser extends AbstractExerciseParser { /** * Informations about this parser. */ private final ExerciseParserInfo info = new ExerciseParserInfo("Polar HSR", new String[]{"hsr", "HSR"}); /** * The binary data of the exercise file. */ private int[] fileContent; /** * section data */ private int[][] s; @Override public ExerciseParserInfo getInfo() { return info; } private int sdata(int section, int index) throws EVException { section += index / 60; index %= 60; if (section >= s.length) { throw new EVException(String.format("Error! Section %d does not exist", section)); } if (index >= s[section].length) { throw new EVException(String.format("Error! Byte %d in section %d does not exist (%d)", index, section, s[section].length)); } return s[section][index]; } @Override public EVExercise parseExercise(String filename) throws EVException { // interval values used by Polar short[] interval = {5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 300, 480}; // read binary file content to array fileContent = readFileToByteArray(filename); // create an PVExercise object from this data and set file type // TODO - support S410 and S520 EVExercise exercise = new EVExercise(); exercise.setFileType(EVExercise.ExerciseFileType.S510RAW); exercise.setDeviceName("Polar S4xx/S5xx Series"); // get bytes in file int bytesInFile = (fileContent[1] * 0x100) + fileContent[0]; if (bytesInFile != fileContent.length) { throw new EVException("The exercise file is not valid, the file length is not correct ..."); } // get data bytes int bytesInData = bytesInFile - 2; int[] data = new int[bytesInData]; System.arraycopy(fileContent, 2, data, 0, bytesInData); // process data int ii = 0; int sectionIx = 0; int sectionsInData = 0; s = new int[1][1]; while (ii < bytesInData) { if (sectionIx == 0) { // get first section if (data[0] == 85) { sectionsInData = data[3]; // alloc mem s = new int[sectionsInData + 1][]; // ok, first section read, continue sectionIx++; ii += 8; continue; } else { throw new EVException("The exercise file is not valid, the first section could not be found"); } } else { // find new section if (data[ii] == 85) { // check section number if (data[ii + 1] != sectionIx) { throw new EVException("Wrong section index in file"); } // allocate memory for this section int sectionLength = data[ii + 2]; s[sectionIx] = new int[sectionLength]; // set data in sections array (s) System.arraycopy(data, ii + 3, s[sectionIx], 0, sectionLength); //System.out.format(">>> new section #%d(%d) found at %d with %d bytes\n", // sectionIx, sectionsInData, ii, sectionLength); // ok, section read, continue sectionIx++; ii += sectionLength + 5; // +5 -> section header length continue; } } // done. check for no-more-sections byte at the end of the file if ((sectionIx - 1) != sectionsInData) { throw new EVException("Could not find all sections"); } if (data[ii] != 7) { throw new EVException("Could not find no-more-sections byte in file"); } // ok, all set break; } // get the number of samples recorded. floor of (seconds / hertz). // Watch seems to always record a last entry, even partial seconds: +1; int numberOfSamples = sdata(1, 0); // get recording interval int intix = sdata(1, 1) - 95; if (intix >= interval.length) throw new EVException("Recording interval is not valid ..."); exercise.setRecordingInterval(interval[intix]); // TODO does the heartrate ranges are specified by absolute or percentual values? boolean fHeartRateRangeAbsolute = true; //(sdata(1,1) & 0x10) == 0; // get exercise type byte typeNr = (byte) sdata(1, 2); if (typeNr > 0) { // get exercise type label StringBuilder sbExerciseLabel = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { sbExerciseLabel.append(decodeChar(sdata(1, i + 3))); } exercise.setType(sbExerciseLabel.toString()); } else { exercise.setType("BasicUse"); } // get exercise date int dateSeconds = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 10)); int dateMinutes = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 11)); int dateHours = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 12) & 0x7f); int dateDay = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 13) & 0x7f); int dateYear = (2000 + sdata(1, 14)); int dateMonth = sdata(1, 15) & 0x0f; // when bit 7 of byte 12 is set, then the hour is in PM mode if (dateHours < 12 && (sdata(1, 12) & 0x80) == 0x80) { dateHours += 12; } exercise.setDateTime(LocalDateTime.of(dateYear, dateMonth, dateDay, dateHours, dateMinutes, dateSeconds)); // get duration int durationTenthSeconds = (sdata(1, 15) >> 4); int durationSeconds = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 16)); int durationMinutes = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 17)); int durationHours = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 18)); exercise.setDuration((durationHours * 60 * 60 * 10) + (durationMinutes * 60 * 10) + durationSeconds * 10 + durationTenthSeconds); // get heartrate data exercise.setHeartRateAVG((short) sdata(1, 19)); exercise.setHeartRateMax((short) sdata(1, 20)); // get number of laps int numberOfMeas = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 21)); int numberOfLaps = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 22)); // get unit format from bit 1 of byte 25 // => 0 = metric, 1 = english boolean fMetricUnits = (sdata(1, 25) & 0x02) == 0x00; // decode recording mode (heartrate is always recorded) RecordingMode recMode = new RecordingMode(); exercise.setRecordingMode(recMode); boolean fBike2 = (sdata(1, 26) & 0x20) == 0x20; boolean fBike1 = (sdata(1, 26) & 0x10) == 0x10; recMode.setPower(false); recMode.setCadence(false); recMode.setAltitude(false); if (!fBike1 && !fBike2) { recMode.setSpeed(false); recMode.setBikeNumber((byte) 0); } else { recMode.setSpeed(true); if (fBike1) { recMode.setBikeNumber((byte) 1); } else { recMode.setBikeNumber((byte) 2); } } // if more measurements than laps are taken -> interval training recMode.setIntervalExercise(numberOfMeas != numberOfLaps); // get the heartrate limit data (Polar S510 has 3 limits) int indexHRLimitStart = 28; exercise.setHeartRateLimits(new HeartRateLimit[3]); exercise.getHeartRateLimits()[0] = decodeHeartRateLimit(indexHRLimitStart + 0, indexHRLimitStart + 9); exercise.getHeartRateLimits()[1] = decodeHeartRateLimit(indexHRLimitStart + 2, indexHRLimitStart + 18); exercise.getHeartRateLimits()[2] = decodeHeartRateLimit(indexHRLimitStart + 4, indexHRLimitStart + 27); for (HeartRateLimit hrLimit : exercise.getHeartRateLimits()) { hrLimit.setAbsoluteRange(fHeartRateRangeAbsolute); } // get energy (in kCal) int energyPart1 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 69 + 0)); int energyPart2 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 69 + 1)); int energyPart3 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 69 + 2)); exercise.setEnergy((energyPart1 + (energyPart2 * 100) + (energyPart3 * 10000)) / 10); // get total energy (in kCal) int energyTotalPart1 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 72 + 0)); int energyTotalPart2 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 72 + 1)); int energyTotalPart3 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 72 + 2)); exercise.setEnergyTotal(energyTotalPart1 + (energyTotalPart2 * 100) + (energyTotalPart3 * 10000)); // get cumulative workout time int cumWorkoutPart1 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 75 + 0)); int cumWorkoutPart2 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 75 + 1)); int cumWorkoutPart3 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 75 + 2)); exercise.setSumExerciseTime(cumWorkoutPart3 + (cumWorkoutPart1 * 60) + (cumWorkoutPart2 * 60 * 100)); // get cumulative ride time int cumRidePart1 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 78 + 0)); int cumRidePart2 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 78 + 1)); int cumRidePart3 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 78 + 2)); exercise.setSumRideTime(cumRidePart3 + (cumRidePart1 * 60) + (cumRidePart2 * 60 * 100)); // get odometer int odometerPart1 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 81 + 0)); int odometerPart2 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 81 + 1)); int odometerPart3 = decodeBCD(sdata(1, 81 + 2)); int odometer = odometerPart1 + (odometerPart2 * 100) + (odometerPart3 * 10000); if (fMetricUnits) { exercise.setOdometer(odometer); } else { exercise.setOdometer(ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(odometer)); } // get speed (bicycle) related data of exercise (if recorded) if (recMode.isSpeed()) { ExerciseSpeed speed = new ExerciseSpeed(); exercise.setSpeed(speed); // get exercise distance (in 1/10th of km) int distance = (sdata(1, 84) + (sdata(1, 85) << 8)) * 100; if (fMetricUnits) { speed.setDistance(distance); } else { speed.setDistance(ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(distance)); } // get AVG speed int avgSpeedPart1 = sdata(1, 86); int avgSpeedPart2 = (sdata(1, 87) & 0x0f); float avgSpeed = ((avgSpeedPart2 << 8) | avgSpeedPart1) / 16f; if (fMetricUnits) { speed.setSpeedAVG(avgSpeed); } else { speed.setSpeedAVG((float) ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(avgSpeed)); } // get max speed int maxSpeedPart1 = sdata(1, 87) >> 4; int maxSpeedPart2 = sdata(1, 88); float maxSpeed = ((maxSpeedPart2 << 4) | maxSpeedPart1) / 16f; if (fMetricUnits) { speed.setSpeedMax(maxSpeed); } else { speed.setSpeedMax((float) ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(maxSpeed)); } } // get cadence (bicycle) data of exercise (if recorded) /* if (recMode.isCadence ()) { ExerciseCadence cadence = new ExerciseCadence (); exercise.setCadence (cadence); cadence.setCadenceAVG ((short) sdata(1, 89)); // TODO, does this work? cadence.setCadenceMax ((short) sdata(1, 90)); } */ ////////// decode lap data ///////////// // calculate lap length (bytes) => depends on what is recorded int lapSize = 11; if (recMode.isIntervalExercise()) lapSize += 5; if (recMode.isAltitude()) lapSize += 5; //if (recMode.isSpeed ()) other size? // determine in which section the lap data starts int lapsec = 4 + (numberOfSamples - 1) / 60; // add offset for speed data if (recMode.isSpeed()) lapsec += 1 + (numberOfSamples - 1) / 60; // determine in how _many_ sections the lap data resides int lapseccnt = (int) (((double) (numberOfMeas * lapSize) / 60) + .9999); // check section size if (s[lapsec + lapseccnt - 1].length != (numberOfMeas * lapSize) % 60) { throw new EVException(String.format("Lap-data section (%d) has wrong size (%d instead of %d)", lapsec + lapseccnt - 1, s[lapsec + lapseccnt - 1].length, (numberOfMeas * lapSize) % 60)); } // process all laps if (recMode.isIntervalExercise()) { exercise.setLapList(new Lap[numberOfMeas]); } else { exercise.setLapList(new Lap[numberOfLaps]); } for (int l = 0; l < exercise.getLapList().length; l++) { int os = l * lapSize; // data offset // get offset where the current lap starts Lap lap = new Lap(); exercise.getLapList()[l] = lap; // get lap split time (in 1/10th seconds) int bLapEndHour = sdata(lapsec, os + 2); int bLapEndMinute = sdata(lapsec, os + 1) & 0x3f; int bLapEndSecond = sdata(lapsec, os + 0) & 0x3f; int bLapEndTenthSecond = 4 * (sdata(lapsec, os + 1) >> 6) + (sdata(lapsec, os + 0) >> 6); lap.setTimeSplit(bLapEndTenthSecond + (bLapEndSecond * 10) + (bLapEndMinute * 60 * 10) + (bLapEndHour * 60 * 60 * 10)); // get heartrate data of lap lap.setHeartRateSplit((short) sdata(lapsec, os + 3)); lap.setHeartRateAVG((short) sdata(lapsec, os + 4)); lap.setHeartRateMax((short) sdata(lapsec, os + 5)); // get speed (bicycle) related data of lap (if recorded) if (recMode.isSpeed()) { lap.setSpeed(new LapSpeed()); // TODO get lap distance (in 1/10th of km) int lapDistance = sdata(lapsec, os + 6); lapDistance += (sdata(lapsec, os + 7) << 8); //lapDistance += (sdata(lapsec, os + 8) << 16); not sure about this byte.. lapDistance *= 100; if (fMetricUnits) { lap.getSpeed().setDistance(lapDistance); } else { lap.getSpeed().setDistance(ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(lapDistance)); } // get speed at end of lap float lapEndSpeed = sdata(lapsec, os + 9); lapEndSpeed += sdata(lapsec, os + 10) << 8; lapEndSpeed *= 5.0f / 80; if (fMetricUnits) { lap.getSpeed().setSpeedEnd(lapEndSpeed); } else { lap.getSpeed().setSpeedEnd((float) ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(lapEndSpeed)); } } // end of if(isSpeed()) // process exercise interval data | TODO, implement in polarviewer // flag stands for (TBC): 1 == warmup, 2 == interval, 3 == cooling down, 0 == basicuse //System.out.format("flag: %d\n", sdata(lapsec, os + 15) >> 5); //System.out.format("recovery time: %d [sec]\n", sdata(lapsec, os + 13)*60, sdata(lapsec, os + 12)); //System.out.format("recovery heart rate: %d [bpm]\n", ( (sdata(lapsec, os+14) < 254 ) ? sdata(lapsec, os+14) : -1)); } ////////// decode sample data ///////////// int hrsec = 3; int spdsec = 4 + (numberOfSamples - 1) / 60; // create sample list exercise.setSampleList(new ExerciseSample[numberOfSamples]); // process all recorded samples for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++) { ExerciseSample exeSample = new ExerciseSample(); exeSample.setTimestamp(i * exercise.getRecordingInterval() * 1000L); exercise.getSampleList()[i] = exeSample; // get sample heartrate exeSample.setHeartRate((short) sdata(hrsec, i)); // get bicycle related data (if recorded) if (recMode.isSpeed()) { // get sample speed float sampleSpeed = (float) (sdata(spdsec, i)) / 2f; if (fMetricUnits) { exeSample.setSpeed(sampleSpeed); } else { exeSample.setSpeed((float) ConvertUtils.convertMiles2Kilometer(sampleSpeed)); } } } // when speed is recorded => calculate distance for each recorded sample // (distance is not recorded for each sample) if (recMode.isSpeed()) { // helper for compute sample distance (meters) double distanceAccum = 0f; // process all recorded samples for (ExerciseSample exeSample : exercise.getSampleList()) { // compute sample distance (it's not recorded) exeSample.setDistance((int) distanceAccum); distanceAccum += (exeSample.getSpeed() * exercise.getRecordingInterval()) / 3.6f; } } // repair distance values of samples exercise.repairSamples(); // done :-) return exercise; } /** * Decodes a character in Polar format to normal character value. * * @param value value to decode * @return normal character value of Polar character value */ private char decodeChar(int value) { char cDecoded = '?'; switch (value) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: cDecoded = (char) ('0' + value); break; case 10: cDecoded = ' '; break; case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: cDecoded = (char) ('A' + value - 11); break; case 37: case 38: case 39: case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 58: case 59: case 60: case 61: case 62: cDecoded = (char) ('a' + value - 37); break; case 63: cDecoded = '-'; break; case 64: cDecoded = '%'; break; case 65: cDecoded = '/'; break; case 66: cDecoded = '('; break; case 67: cDecoded = ')'; break; case 68: cDecoded = '*'; break; case 69: cDecoded = '+'; break; case 70: cDecoded = '.'; break; case 71: cDecoded = ':'; break; case 72: cDecoded = '?'; break; default: break; } return cDecoded; } /** * Decodes a BCD "byte" (in Polar format) to normal int value. * * @param value BCD "byte" to decode * @return normal int value of BCD value */ private int decodeBCD(int value) { // (upper 4 bits * 10) + lower 4 bits return ((value >> 4) * 10) + (value & 0x0f); } /** * This method decodes the data for a HeartRateLimit object (limits and times * below, within and above) and returns it. * * @param offsetLimits offset in fileContent, where the limit data starts * @param offsetTimes offset in fileContent, where the times data starts * @return the filled HeartRateLimit object */ private HeartRateLimit decodeHeartRateLimit(int offsetLimits, int offsetTimes) throws EVException { HeartRateLimit hrLimit = new HeartRateLimit(); hrLimit.setLowerHeartRate((short) sdata(1, offsetLimits + 0)); hrLimit.setUpperHeartRate((short) sdata(1, offsetLimits + 1)); int hrLimitBelowSecs = decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 0)); hrLimitBelowSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 1)) * 60; hrLimitBelowSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 2)) * 60 * 60; hrLimit.setTimeBelow(hrLimitBelowSecs); int hrLimitWithinSecs = decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 3)); hrLimitWithinSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 4)) * 60; hrLimitWithinSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 5)) * 60 * 60; hrLimit.setTimeWithin(hrLimitWithinSecs); int hrLimitAboveSecs = decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 6)); hrLimitAboveSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 7)) * 60; hrLimitAboveSecs += decodeBCD(sdata(1, offsetTimes + 8)) * 60 * 60; hrLimit.setTimeAbove(hrLimitAboveSecs); return hrLimit; } }