class A { int[] a, b, c[][][][][], // Noncompliant {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} d[], // Noncompliant {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} e, f []; // Noncompliant [[sc=9;ec=10]] {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} } interface B { int a[] = null; // Noncompliant {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} int[] b = null; // Compliant } class C { private void foo( int[] a, int b[]) { // Noncompliant {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} for (String a[]: null) { // Noncompliant {{Move the array designator from the variable to the type.}} } for (String[] a: null) { // Compliant } } private int bar()[] { // Compliant return 0; } private int lum(int ... a) {// Compliant return 0; } }