package; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; public class HungrySnakeTest { /* * tests if being is Snake */ @Test public void BeingIsSnake(){ Point point = mock(Point.class); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(point,1); BeingKind actual = target.getKind(); assertEquals(BeingKind.Snake, actual); } /* * Tests if head is set correctly */ @Test public void ConstructorSetsHead() { Point point = mock(Point.class); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(point,1); assertEquals(point, target.getHead()); } /* * Tests if head moves correctly */ @Test public void TestMoveToNormal(){ HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(new Point(5, 5),2); Point point = new Point(4,5); target.moveTo(point); assertEquals(target.getHead().X,point.X); assertEquals(target.getHead().Y,point.Y); } /* * Tests if Limit is Reached and Snake length is Decreased */ @Test public void TestMoveToLimitIsReachedAndLengthDecreases(){ HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(new Point(5, 5),1); Point point = new Point(4,5); target.moveTo(point); assertEquals(target.getLength(),2); } /* * tests if Snake kills other */ @Test public void TestInteractWithOtherIsKilled(){ Point point = mock(Point.class); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(point,1); Being other = mock(Being.class); target.interactWith(other); verify(other).kill(); } /* * tests if Snake length is increased */ @Test public void TestInteractWithLengthIsChanged(){ Point point = mock(Point.class); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(point,1); Being other = mock(Being.class); target.interactWith(other); Assert.assertEquals(4, target.getLength()); } /* * tests if snake kills someone and move limit isn't reached */ @Test public void TestMoveToAndInteractWith(){ Point firstPoint = new Point(5,5); Point secondPoint = new Point(4,5); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(firstPoint,2); Being other = mock(Being.class); target.moveTo(secondPoint); target.interactWith(other); target.moveTo(firstPoint); Assert.assertEquals(4, target.getLength()); } /* * tests if Snake kills someone but after 2 moves limit * is reached and length is decreased */ @Test public void TestMoveToAndInteractWithTwiceAndDecreasedLength(){ Point firstPoint = new Point(5,5); Point secondPoint = new Point(4,5); HungrySnake target = new HungrySnake(firstPoint,2); Being other = mock(Being.class); target.moveTo(secondPoint); target.interactWith(other); target.moveTo(firstPoint); target.moveTo(secondPoint); Assert.assertEquals(3, target.getLength()); } }