package; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; import org.junit.*; import java.util.Random; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class EvilSnakeTest { private Clock clock; private Random rand; private EvilSnake target; private Topology top; private Configuration config; @Before public void setUp(){ top = mock(SphericTopology.class); clock = mock(Clock.class); rand = mock(Random.class); config = mock(Configuration.class); target = new EvilSnake(new Point(2,2), 1, config, rand,clock); } //EvilSnake Is Going Left and than still going Left . Doesn't Change Direction @Test public void notChangeDirection(){ when(top.getNextTo(new Point(2,2),Direction.LEFT)).thenReturn(new Point(1, 2)); when(top.getNextTo(new Point(1, 2), Direction.LEFT)).thenReturn(new Point(0, 2)); when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(4000L); target.move(top); target.move(top); Point head = target.getHead(); assertEquals(0,head.X); assertEquals(2,head.Y); } //EvilSnake Is Going Left and then Down. Changes Direction @Test public void changesDirectionToDown(){ when(rand.nextInt(4)).thenReturn(3); when(top.getNextTo(new Point(2, 2), Direction.LEFT)).thenReturn(new Point(1, 2)); when(top.getNextTo(new Point(1,2),Direction.DOWN)).thenReturn(new Point(1, 3)); when(clock.currentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(6000L); target.move(top); target.move(top); Point head = target.getHead(); assertEquals(1,head.X); assertEquals(3,head.Y); } @Test public void constructorSetsHead() { Point point = mock(Point.class); EvilSnake target = new EvilSnake(point, 1, config, rand,clock); assertEquals(point, target.getHead()); } }