package org.esa.beam.smos.ee2netcdf; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorException; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorSpi; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.OperatorMetadata; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.Parameter; import org.esa.beam.util.StringUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeSet; @OperatorMetadata( alias = GPToNetCDFExporterOp.ALIAS, version = "0.1", authors = "Tom Block", copyright = "(c) 2014 by Brockmann Consult", description = "Converts SMOS EE Products to NetCDF-GridPoint format.", autoWriteDisabled = true) public class GPToNetCDFExporterOp extends AbstractNetCDFExporterOp { public static final String ALIAS = "SmosGP2NetCDF"; @Parameter(description = "Set institution field for file metadata. If left empty, no institution metadata is written to output file.") private String institution; @Parameter(description = "Set contact field for file metadata. If left empty, no contact information is written to output file.") private String contact; @Parameter(defaultValue = "", description = "Comma separated list of band names to export. If left empty, no band subsetting is applied.") private String outputBandNames; @Parameter(defaultValue = "6", valueSet = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}, description = "Output file compression level. 0 - no compression, 9 - highest compression.") private int compressionLevel; @Override public void initialize() throws OperatorException { final ExportParameter exportParameter = new ExportParameter(); exportParameter.setTargetDirectory(targetDirectory); exportParameter.setInstitution(institution); exportParameter.setContact(contact); exportParameter.setOverwriteTarget(overwriteTarget); exportParameter.setCompressionLevel(compressionLevel); exportParameter.setRegion(region); if (StringUtils.isNotNullAndNotEmpty(outputBandNames)) { final String[] bandNames = StringUtils.csvToArray(outputBandNames); final ArrayList<String> bandNamesList = new ArrayList<>(bandNames.length); for (String bandName : bandNames) { bandNamesList.add(bandName.trim()); } exportParameter.setVariableNames(bandNamesList.toArray(new String[bandNamesList.size()])); } setDummyTargetProduct(); final GPToNetCDFExporter gpToNetCDFExporter = new GPToNetCDFExporter(exportParameter); gpToNetCDFExporter.initialize(); if (sourceProducts != null) { for (Product sourceProduct : sourceProducts) { gpToNetCDFExporter.exportProduct(sourceProduct, getLogger()); } } if (sourceProductPaths != null) { final TreeSet<File> sourceFileSet = ExporterUtils.createInputFileSet(sourceProductPaths); for (File inputFile : sourceFileSet) { gpToNetCDFExporter.exportFile(inputFile, getLogger()); } } } public static class Spi extends OperatorSpi { public Spi() { super(GPToNetCDFExporterOp.class); } } }