package org.esa.beam.smos.ee2netcdf; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.ProductData; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.Operator; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.Parameter; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.SourceProducts; import org.esa.beam.util.converters.JtsGeometryConverter; import; abstract class AbstractNetCDFExporterOp extends Operator { @SourceProducts(type = ExportParameter.PRODUCT_TYPE_REGEX, description = "The source products to be converted. If not given, the parameter 'sourceProductPaths' must be provided.") protected Product[] sourceProducts; @Parameter(description = "Comma-separated list of file paths specifying the source products.\n" + "Each path may contain the wildcards '**' (matches recursively any directory),\n" + "'*' (matches any character sequence in path names) and\n" + "'?' (matches any single character).") protected String[] sourceProductPaths; @Parameter(description = "The target directory for the converted data. If not existing, directory will be created.", defaultValue = ".", notEmpty = true, notNull = true) protected File targetDirectory; @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", description = "Set true to overwrite already existing target files.") protected boolean overwriteTarget; @Parameter(description = "Target geographical region as a geometry in well-known text format (WKT). The output product will be tailored according to the region.", converter = JtsGeometryConverter.class) protected Geometry region; protected void setDummyTargetProduct() { final Product product = new Product("dummy", "dummy", 2, 2); product.addBand("dummy", ProductData.TYPE_INT8); setTargetProduct(product); } }