package com.vladium.utils; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The main interface for exploring an object profile tree. See individual methods * for details. * * @see ObjectProfiler#profile(Object) * * @author (C) <a href="">Vlad Roubtsov</a>, 2003 */ public interface IObjectProfileNode { // public: ................................................................ /** * A generic interface for defining node filters. A node filter is used * as a guard to determine whether a given visitor should be given a shot * as doing something with a profile tree node. */ interface INodeFilter { /** * @param node about to be visited [never null] * @return 'true' if 'node' and its children should be visited */ boolean accept (IObjectProfileNode node); } // end of nested interface /** * A generic interface for defining node visitors. A node visitor is applied * to a profile tree node both before and after visiting the node's children, * if any. */ interface INodeVisitor { /** * Pre-order visit. * * @param node being visited [never null] */ void previsit (IObjectProfileNode node); /** * Post-order visit. * * @param node being visited [never null] */ void postvisit (IObjectProfileNode node); } // end of nested interface /** * Returns the object associated with this node. This is never null except * for shell pseudo-nodes. * * @return object instance [null only for shell nodes] */ Object object (); /** * Returns a human-readable name for this node, usually derived from the * class field or array index that was used to reach the {@link #object() object} * associated with this node. * * @return node name [never null] */ String name (); /** * Returns the full size (in bytes) assigned to this node in its profile * tree. This is the sum of sizes of the node class's {@link #shell() shell} * and its non-primitive non-null {@link #children() instance fields}, * computed as a closure over the spanning tree produced by {@link ObjectProfiler#profile}. * * @return total node size [always positive] */ int size (); /** * Returns the reference count for the associated {@link #object()}. This is * exactly the number of unique references to this object in the object * graph submitted to {@link ObjectProfiler#profile}. * * @return reference count [always positive] */ int refcount (); /** * Returns the assigned ownership parent for this node. This is null for the * root node. * * @return parent node [null only for the root node] */ IObjectProfileNode parent (); /** * Returns all children of this node. These are non-null references found * in this object's class fields (or array slots if the object is of an * array type). The result is sorted in decreasing {@link #size() size} order.<P> * * Note: the returned array also contains the {@link #shell() shell} pseudo-node. * * @return array of children nodes, sorted by size [never null, may be empty] */ IObjectProfileNode [] children (); /** * Returns the shell pseudo-node for this node. This represents all instance * data fields that are "inlined" in the class definition represented by * this node (including all superclasses all the way to java.lang.Object). * This includes primitive data fields, object references representing * non-primitive fields, and (for arrays) the array length field and storage * required for the array slots.<P> * * Another way to describe this is that is the minimum * size an instance of node.object().getClass() can be (when all non-primitive * instance fields are set to 'null').<P> * * The returned reference is also guaranteed to be present somewhere in * the array returned by {@link #children()}. This data is kept in a * separate node instance to simplify tree visiting and node filtering. * * @return shell pseudo-node [null only for shell nodes] */ IObjectProfileNode shell (); /** * Returns the full path from the profile tree root to this node, in that * direction. The result includes the root node as well as the current node.<P> * * Invariant: node.root() == node.path()[0] * Invariant: node.path()[node.path().length - 1] == node * Invariant: node.path().length == node.pathlength() * * @return node tree path [never null/empty] */ IObjectProfileNode [] path (); /** * A convenience method for retrieving the root node from any node in a profile * tree.<P> * * Invariant: node.root() == node iff 'node' is the root of its profile tree * Invariant: node.root() == node.path()[0] * * @return the root node for the profile tree that the current node is * a part of [never null] */ IObjectProfileNode root (); /** * A convenience method for retrieving this node's tree path length. * * @return path length [always positive] */ int pathlength (); /** * A generic hook for traversing profile trees using {@link INodeFilter filters} * and {@link INodeVisitor visitors}. See IObjectProfileNode.INodeFilter and * IObjectProfileNode.INodeVisitor for more details * * @param filter [null is equivalent to no filtering] * @param visitor [may not be null] * * @return 'true' iff either 'filter' was null or it returned 'true' for this node */ boolean traverse (INodeFilter filter, INodeVisitor visitor); /** * Dumps this node into a flat-text format used by the {@link ObjectProfileVisitors#newDefaultNodePrinter()} * default node visitor. * * @return indented dump string [could be very large] */ String dump (); } // end of interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------