package com.vladium.utils; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Abstract base class for all shell pseudo-node implementations in this package. * It is used primarily to lower memory consumption by shell nodes. * * @author (C) <a href="">Vlad Roubtsov</a>, 2003 */ abstract class AbstractShellProfileNode extends AbstractProfileNode { // public: ................................................................ public final Object object () { return null; } public final IObjectProfileNode shell () { return null; } public final IObjectProfileNode [] children () { return EMPTY_OBJECTPROFILENODE_ARRAY; } public final int refcount () { return 0; } public final boolean traverse (final INodeFilter filter, final INodeVisitor visitor) { if ((visitor != null) && ((filter == null) || filter.accept (this))) { visitor.previsit (this); visitor.postvisit (this); return true; } return false; } // protected: ............................................................. // package: ............................................................... AbstractShellProfileNode (final IObjectProfileNode parent) { super (parent); } // private: ............................................................... } // end of class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------