/* * Copyright 2016, Google Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jf.baksmali; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import com.beust.jcommander.ParametersDelegate; import com.beust.jcommander.validators.PositiveInteger; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import org.jf.dexlib2.util.SyntheticAccessorResolver; import org.jf.util.StringWrapper; import org.jf.util.jcommander.ExtendedParameter; import org.jf.util.jcommander.ExtendedParameters; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Parameters(commandDescription = "Disassembles a dex file.") @ExtendedParameters( commandName = "disassemble", commandAliases = { "dis", "d" }) public class DisassembleCommand extends DexInputCommand { @Parameter(names = {"-h", "-?", "--help"}, help = true, description = "Show usage information for this command.") private boolean help; @ParametersDelegate protected AnalysisArguments analysisArguments = new AnalysisArguments(); @Parameter(names = {"--debug-info", "--di"}, arity = 1, description = "Whether to include debug information in the output (.local, .param, .line, etc.). True " + "by default, use --debug-info=false to disable.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "boolean") private boolean debugInfo = true; @Parameter(names = {"--code-offsets", "--offsets", "--off"}, description = "Add a comment before each instruction with it's code offset within the method.") private boolean codeOffsets = false; @Parameter(names = {"--resolve-resources", "--rr"}, arity = 2, description = "This will attempt to find any resource id references within the bytecode and add a " + "comment with the name of the resource being referenced. The parameter accepts 2 values:" + "an arbitrary resource prefix and the path to a public.xml file. For example: " + "--resolve-resources android.R framework/res/values/public.xml. This option can be specified " + "multiple times to provide resources from multiple packages.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = {"resource prefix", "public.xml file"}) private List<String> resourceIdFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); @Parameter(names = {"-j", "--jobs"}, description = "The number of threads to use. Defaults to the number of cores available.", validateWith = PositiveInteger.class) @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "n") private int jobs = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); @Parameter(names = {"-l", "--use-locals"}, description = "When disassembling, output the .locals directive with the number of non-parameter " + "registers instead of the .registers directive with the total number of registers.") private boolean localsDirective = false; @Parameter(names = {"--accessor-comments", "--ac"}, arity = 1, description = "Generate helper comments for synthetic accessors. True by default, use " + "--accessor-comments=false to disable.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "boolean") private boolean accessorComments = true; @Parameter(names = {"--normalize-virtual-methods", "--norm", "--nvm"}, description = "Normalize virtual method references to use the base class where the method is " + "originally declared.") private boolean normalizeVirtualMethods = false; @Parameter(names = {"-o", "--output"}, description = "The directory to write the disassembled files to.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "dir") private String outputDir = "out"; @Parameter(names = {"--parameter-registers", "--preg", "--pr"}, arity = 1, description = "Use the pNN syntax for registers that refer to a method parameter on method entry. True " + "by default, use --parameter-registers=false to disable.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "boolean") private boolean parameterRegisters = true; @Parameter(names = {"-r", "--register-info"}, description = "Add comments before/after each instruction with information about register types. " + "The value is a comma-separated list of any of ALL, ALLPRE, ALLPOST, ARGS, DEST, MERGE and " + "FULLMERGE. See \"baksmali help register-info\" for more information.") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "register info specifier") private List<String> registerInfoTypes = Lists.newArrayList(); @Parameter(names = {"--sequential-labels", "--seq", "--sl"}, description = "Create label names using a sequential numbering scheme per label type, rather than " + "using the bytecode address.") private boolean sequentialLabels = false; @Parameter(names = {"--implicit-references", "--implicit", "--ir"}, description = "Use implicit method and field references (without the class name) for methods and " + "fields from the current class.") private boolean implicitReferences = false; @Parameter(names = "--allow-odex-opcodes", description = "Allows odex opcodes to be disassembled, even if the result won't be able to be reassembled.") private boolean allowOdex = false; @Parameter(names = "--classes", description = "A comma separated list of classes. Only disassemble these classes") @ExtendedParameter(argumentNames = "classes") private List<String> classes = null; public DisassembleCommand(@Nonnull List<JCommander> commandAncestors) { super(commandAncestors); } public void run() { if (help || inputList == null || inputList.isEmpty()) { usage(); return; } if (inputList.size() > 1) { System.err.println("Too many files specified"); usage(); return; } String input = inputList.get(0); loadDexFile(input); if (showDeodexWarning() && dexFile.hasOdexOpcodes()) { StringWrapper.printWrappedString(System.err, "Warning: You are disassembling an odex/oat file without deodexing it. You won't be able to " + "re-assemble the results unless you deodex it. See \"baksmali help deodex\""); } File outputDirectoryFile = new File(outputDir); if (!outputDirectoryFile.exists()) { if (!outputDirectoryFile.mkdirs()) { System.err.println("Can't create the output directory " + outputDir); System.exit(-1); } } if (analysisArguments.classPathDirectories == null || analysisArguments.classPathDirectories.isEmpty()) { analysisArguments.classPathDirectories = Lists.newArrayList(inputFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParent()); } if (!Baksmali.disassembleDexFile(dexFile, outputDirectoryFile, jobs, getOptions(), classes)) { System.exit(-1); } } protected boolean needsClassPath() { return !registerInfoTypes.isEmpty() || normalizeVirtualMethods; } protected boolean shouldCheckPackagePrivateAccess() { return false; } protected boolean showDeodexWarning() { return true; } protected BaksmaliOptions getOptions() { if (dexFile == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("You must call loadDexFile first"); } final BaksmaliOptions options = new BaksmaliOptions(); if (needsClassPath()) { try { options.classPath = analysisArguments.loadClassPathForDexFile( inputFile.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile(), dexFile, shouldCheckPackagePrivateAccess()); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("\n\nError occurred while loading class path files. Aborting."); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } } if (!resourceIdFiles.isEmpty()) { Map<String, File> resourceFiles = Maps.newHashMap(); assert (resourceIdFiles.size() % 2) == 0; for (int i=0; i<resourceIdFiles.size(); i+=2) { String resourcePrefix = resourceIdFiles.get(i); String publicXml = resourceIdFiles.get(i+1); File publicXmlFile = new File(publicXml); if (!publicXmlFile.exists()) { System.err.println(String.format("Can't find file: %s", publicXmlFile)); System.exit(-1); } resourceFiles.put(resourcePrefix, publicXmlFile); } try { options.loadResourceIds(resourceFiles); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Error while loading resource files:"); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } catch (SAXException ex) { System.err.println("Error while loading resource files:"); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(-1); } } options.parameterRegisters = parameterRegisters; options.localsDirective = localsDirective; options.sequentialLabels = sequentialLabels; options.debugInfo = debugInfo; options.codeOffsets = codeOffsets; options.accessorComments = accessorComments; options.implicitReferences = implicitReferences; options.normalizeVirtualMethods = normalizeVirtualMethods; options.registerInfo = 0; for (String registerInfoType: registerInfoTypes) { if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALL")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.ALL; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALLPRE")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.ALLPRE; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ALLPOST")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.ALLPOST; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("ARGS")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.ARGS; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("DEST")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.DEST; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("MERGE")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.MERGE; } else if (registerInfoType.equalsIgnoreCase("FULLMERGE")) { options.registerInfo |= BaksmaliOptions.FULLMERGE; } else { System.err.println(String.format("Invalid register info type: %s", registerInfoType)); usage(); System.exit(-1); } if ((options.registerInfo & BaksmaliOptions.FULLMERGE) != 0) { options.registerInfo &= ~BaksmaliOptions.MERGE; } } if (accessorComments) { options.syntheticAccessorResolver = new SyntheticAccessorResolver(dexFile.getOpcodes(), dexFile.getClasses()); } if (allowOdex) { options.allowOdex = true; } return options; } }