/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sling.junit.performance.runner; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; public class PerformanceRunnerTest { private Result runTest(Class<?> testClass) { return JUnitCore.runClasses(testClass); } private void assertTestFails(Class<?> testClass, String message) { Result result = runTest(testClass); boolean isInitializationError = false; for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) { isInitializationError = isInitializationError || failure.getException().getMessage().equals(message); } Assert.assertEquals(true, isInitializationError); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class PrivateListenerField { @Listen private static Listener listener = new Listener(); @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testPrivateListenerField() { assertTestFails(PrivateListenerField.class, "Field listener should be public"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class InstanceListenerField { @Listen public Listener listener = new Listener(); @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testInstanceListenerField() { assertTestFails(InstanceListenerField.class, "Field listener should be static"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class WrongTypeListenerField { @Listen public static Integer listener = 42; @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testWrongTypeListenerField() { assertTestFails(WrongTypeListenerField.class, "Field listener should be of type Listener"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class NullListenerField { @Listen public static Listener listener = null; @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testNullListenerField() { assertTestFails(NullListenerField.class, "Field listener should not be null"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class PrivateListenerMethod { @Listen private static Listener listener() { return new Listener(); } @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testPrivateListenerMethod() { assertTestFails(PrivateListenerMethod.class, "Method listener() should be public"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class InstanceListenerMethod { @Listen public Listener listener() { return new Listener(); } @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testInstanceListenerMethod() { assertTestFails(InstanceListenerMethod.class, "Method listener() should be static"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class WrongTypeListenerMethod { @Listen public static Integer listener() { return 42; } @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testWrongTypeListenerMethod() { assertTestFails(WrongTypeListenerMethod.class, "Method listener() should return an object of type Listener"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class BuggyListenerMethod { @Listen public static Listener listener() { throw new RuntimeException("error message"); } @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testBuggyListenerMethod() { assertTestFails(BuggyListenerMethod.class, "error message"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class NullListenerMethod { @Listen public static Listener listener() { return null; } @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 1, runInvocations = 1) public void test() { } } @Test public void testNullListenerMethod() { assertTestFails(NullListenerMethod.class, "Method listener() should not return null"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class ExecutionStrategyNotSpecified { @PerformanceTest(warmUpInvocations = 10) public void test() { } } @Test public void testExecutionStrategyNotSpecified() { assertTestFails(ExecutionStrategyNotSpecified.class, "Method test() should provide a valid runInvocations or runTime"); } @RunWith(PerformanceRunner.class) public static class WarmUpStrategyNotSpecified { @PerformanceTest(runInvocations = 10) public void test() { } } @Test public void testWarmUpStrategyNotSpecified() { assertTestFails(WarmUpStrategyNotSpecified.class, "Method test() should provide a valid warmUpInvocations or warmUpTime"); } }