/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.compiler; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*; import org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.JasperException; /** * Class responsible for determining the scripting variables that every * custom action needs to declare. * * @author Jan Luehe */ class ScriptingVariabler { private static final Integer MAX_SCOPE = new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE); /* * Assigns an identifier (of type integer) to every custom tag, in order * to help identify, for every custom tag, the scripting variables that it * needs to declare. */ static class CustomTagCounter extends Node.Visitor { private int count; private Node.CustomTag parent; public void visit(Node.CustomTag n) throws JasperException { n.setCustomTagParent(parent); Node.CustomTag tmpParent = parent; parent = n; visitBody(n); parent = tmpParent; n.setNumCount(new Integer(count++)); } } /* * For every custom tag, determines the scripting variables it needs to * declare. */ static class ScriptingVariableVisitor extends Node.Visitor { private ErrorDispatcher err; private Hashtable scriptVars; public ScriptingVariableVisitor(ErrorDispatcher err) { this.err = err; scriptVars = new Hashtable(); } public void visit(Node.CustomTag n) throws JasperException { setScriptingVars(n, VariableInfo.AT_BEGIN); setScriptingVars(n, VariableInfo.NESTED); visitBody(n); setScriptingVars(n, VariableInfo.AT_END); } private void setScriptingVars(Node.CustomTag n, int scope) throws JasperException { TagVariableInfo[] tagVarInfos = n.getTagVariableInfos(); VariableInfo[] varInfos = n.getVariableInfos(); if (tagVarInfos.length == 0 && varInfos.length == 0) { return; } Vector vec = new Vector(); Integer ownRange = null; if (scope == VariableInfo.AT_BEGIN || scope == VariableInfo.AT_END) { Node.CustomTag parent = n.getCustomTagParent(); if (parent == null) ownRange = MAX_SCOPE; else ownRange = parent.getNumCount(); } else { // NESTED ownRange = n.getNumCount(); } if (varInfos.length > 0) { for (int i=0; i<varInfos.length; i++) { if (varInfos[i].getScope() != scope || !varInfos[i].getDeclare()) { continue; } String varName = varInfos[i].getVarName(); Integer currentRange = (Integer) scriptVars.get(varName); if (currentRange == null || ownRange.compareTo(currentRange) > 0) { scriptVars.put(varName, ownRange); vec.add(varInfos[i]); } } } else { for (int i=0; i<tagVarInfos.length; i++) { if (tagVarInfos[i].getScope() != scope || !tagVarInfos[i].getDeclare()) { continue; } String varName = tagVarInfos[i].getNameGiven(); if (varName == null) { varName = n.getTagData().getAttributeString( tagVarInfos[i].getNameFromAttribute()); if (varName == null) { err.jspError(n, "jsp.error.scripting.variable.missing_name", tagVarInfos[i].getNameFromAttribute()); } } Integer currentRange = (Integer) scriptVars.get(varName); if (currentRange == null || ownRange.compareTo(currentRange) > 0) { scriptVars.put(varName, ownRange); vec.add(tagVarInfos[i]); } } } n.setScriptingVars(vec, scope); } } public static void set(Node.Nodes page, ErrorDispatcher err) throws JasperException { page.visit(new CustomTagCounter()); page.visit(new ScriptingVariableVisitor(err)); } }