package siena.sdb; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import siena.ClassInfo; import siena.Id; import siena.Json; import siena.Query; import siena.QueryData; import siena.QueryFilter; import siena.QueryFilterSearch; import siena.QueryFilterSimple; import siena.QueryOrder; import siena.SienaException; import siena.SienaRestrictedApiException; import siena.Util; import siena.core.Base64; import siena.core.DecimalPrecision; import siena.core.options.QueryOptionFetchType; import siena.core.options.QueryOptionOffset; import siena.core.options.QueryOptionPage; import siena.core.options.QueryOptionState; import siena.embed.Embedded; import siena.embed.JavaSerializer; import siena.embed.JsonSerializer; import siena.gae.GaeNativeSerializer; import siena.gae.QueryOptionGaeContext; import siena.gae.Unindexed; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SdbMappingUtils { private static long ioffset = Math.abs(0L+Integer.MIN_VALUE); public static String getDomainName(Class<?> clazz, String prefix) { ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); if(ClassInfo.isAutoIncrement(ci.getIdField())){ throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "getItemName", "@Id AUTO_INCREMENT not supported by SDB"); } String domain = prefix + ci.tableName; return domain; } public static void getDomainName(StringBuffer str, Class<?> clazz, String prefix) { str.append(prefix + ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).tableName); } public static String getAttributeName(Field field) { return ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0]; } public static String getItemName(Class<?> clazz, Object obj){ Field idField = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz); Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class); String keyVal = null; if(id != null){ switch(id.value()) { case NONE: { Object idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField); if(idVal == null) throw new SienaException("Id Field " + idField.getName() + " value null"); keyVal = toString(idField, idVal); break; } case AUTO_INCREMENT: // manages String ID as not long!!! throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "getItemName", "@Id AUTO_INCREMENT not supported by SDB"); case UUID: { Object idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField); if(idVal == null){ UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); keyVal = uuid.toString(); if(idField.getType() == UUID.class){ Util.setField(obj, idField, uuid); } else if(idField.getType() == String.class){ Util.setField(obj, idField, uuid.toString()); } else { throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "getItemName", "@Id UUID must be of type String or UUID"); } }else { keyVal = toString(idField, idVal); } break; } default: throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "createEntityInstance", "Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported"); } } else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field"); return keyVal; } public static String getItemNameFromKey(Class<?> clazz, Object key){ Field idField = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz); Id id = idField.getAnnotation(Id.class); String keyVal = null; if(id != null){ switch(id.value()) { case NONE: { keyVal = toString(idField, key); break; } case AUTO_INCREMENT: // manages String ID as not long!!! throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "getItemName", "@Id AUTO_INCREMENT not supported by SDB"); case UUID: { keyVal = toString(idField, key); break; } default: throw new SienaRestrictedApiException("DB", "createEntityInstance", "Id Generator "+id.value()+ " not supported"); } } else throw new SienaException("Field " + idField.getName() + " is not an @Id field"); return keyVal; } public static PutAttributesRequest createPutRequest(String domain, Class<?> clazz, ClassInfo info, Object obj) { PutAttributesRequest req = new PutAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domain); req.withItemName(getItemName(clazz, obj)); for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) { try { String value = objectFieldToString(obj, field); if(value != null){ ReplaceableAttribute attr = new ReplaceableAttribute(getAttributeName(field), value, true); req.withAttributes(attr); }else { if (ClassInfo.isEmbeddedNative(field)){ SdbNativeSerializer.embed(req, ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), value); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } return req; } public static ReplaceableItem createItem(Object obj) { Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass(); ReplaceableItem item = new ReplaceableItem(getItemName(clazz, obj)); for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) { try { String value = objectFieldToString(obj, field); if(value != null){ ReplaceableAttribute attr = new ReplaceableAttribute(getAttributeName(field), value, true); item.withAttributes(attr); }else { if (ClassInfo.isEmbeddedNative(field)){ SdbNativeSerializer.embed(item, ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), value); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } return item; } public static DeletableItem createDeletableItem(Object obj) { Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass(); return new DeletableItem().withName(getItemName(clazz, obj)); } public static <T> DeletableItem createDeletableItemFromKey(Class<T> clazz, Object key) { return new DeletableItem().withName(getItemNameFromKey(clazz, key)); } public static GetAttributesRequest createGetRequest(String domain, Class<?> clazz, Object obj) { GetAttributesRequest req = new GetAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domain).withItemName(getItemName(clazz, obj)); return req; } public static GetAttributesRequest createGetRequestFromKey(String domain, Class<?> clazz, Object key) { GetAttributesRequest req = new GetAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domain).withItemName(key.toString()); return req; } public static DeleteAttributesRequest createDeleteRequest(String domain, Class<?> clazz, Object obj) { DeleteAttributesRequest req = new DeleteAttributesRequest().withDomainName(domain).withItemName(getItemName(clazz, obj)); return req; } public static String objectFieldToString(Object obj, Field field) { Object val = Util.readField(obj, field); if(val == null) return null; return toString(field, val); } public static String toString(Object val){ Class<?> type = val.getClass(); if(type == Integer.class || type == int.class) { return toString((Integer)val); } if(ClassInfo.isModel(type)) { try { return objectFieldToString(val, ClassInfo.getIdField(type)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } else { if (type == Json.class) { return val.toString(); } else if (type == byte[].class) { return Base64.encodeBytes((byte[]) val); } else if (type == BigDecimal.class){ return ((BigDecimal)val).toPlainString(); } // enum is after embedded because an enum can be embedded // don't know if anyone will use it but it will work :) else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return val.toString(); } } return val.toString(); } public static String toString(Field field, Object val) { if(val == null) return null; Class<?> type = field.getType(); if(type == Integer.class || type == int.class) { return intToString((Integer)val); } if(ClassInfo.isModel(type) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) { try { return objectFieldToString(val, ClassInfo.getIdField(type)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } else { if (type == Json.class) { return val.toString(); } else if (type == byte[].class) { return Base64.encodeBytes((byte[]) val); } else if (ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) { Embedded embed = field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class); switch(embed.mode()){ case SERIALIZE_JSON: return JsonSerializer.serialize(val).toString(); case SERIALIZE_JAVA: // this embedding mode doesn't manage @EmbedIgnores try { return Base64.encodeBytes(JavaSerializer.serialize(val)); } catch(IOException ex) { throw new SienaException(ex); } case NATIVE: // returns null because here we need to manage all fields of the embedded entity return null; } } else if (type == BigDecimal.class){ DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class); if(ann == null) { return ((BigDecimal)val).toPlainString(); }else { switch(ann.storageType()){ case DOUBLE: return ((Double)((BigDecimal)val).doubleValue()).toString(); case STRING: case NATIVE: return ((BigDecimal)val).toPlainString(); } } } // enum is after embedded because an enum can be embedded // don't know if anyone will use it but it will work :) else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) { return val.toString(); } } return Util.toString(field, val); } public static String intToString(int i) { return String.format("%010d", i+ioffset); } public static int intFromString(String s) { long l = Long.parseLong(s); return (int) (l-ioffset); } public static void setFromString(Object obj, Field field, String val) { if(val == null) return; Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType(); if(fieldClass == Integer.class || fieldClass == int.class) { Util.setField(obj, field, intFromString(val)); return; } if(ClassInfo.isModel(fieldClass) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) { try { Object relObj = Util.createObjectInstance(fieldClass); Field relIdField = ClassInfo.getIdField(fieldClass); setFromString(relObj, relIdField, val); Util.setField(obj, field, relObj); return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } else { if (fieldClass == byte[].class) { try { Util.setField(obj, field, Base64.decode(val)); return; }catch(Exception ex){ throw new SienaException(ex); } } else if (ClassInfo.isEmbeddedNative(field)) { return; } else if (fieldClass == BigDecimal.class){ DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class); if(ann == null) { Util.setField(obj, field, new BigDecimal((String)val)); return; }else { switch(ann.storageType()){ case DOUBLE: // TODO add bigdecimal double lexicographic storage Util.setField(obj, field, new BigDecimal(val)); return; case STRING: case NATIVE: Util.setField(obj, field, new BigDecimal(val)); return; } } } } Util.setFromObject(obj, field, val); } public static void fillModelKeysOnly(String itemName, Class<?> clazz, Object obj) { Field idField = ClassInfo.getIdField(clazz); setFromString(obj, idField, itemName); } public static void fillModel(String itemName, List<Attribute> attrs, Class<?> clazz, Object obj) { fillModelKeysOnly(itemName, clazz, obj); Attribute theAttr; for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) { if(!ClassInfo.isEmbeddedNative(field)){ theAttr = null; String attrName = getAttributeName(field); // searches attribute and if found, removes it from the list to reduce number of attributes for(Attribute attr: attrs){ if(attrName.equals(attr.getName())){ theAttr = attr; attrs.remove(attr); break; } } if(theAttr != null){ setFromString(obj, field, theAttr.getValue()); } }else { Object value = SdbNativeSerializer.unembed( field.getType(), ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), attrs); Util.setField(obj, field, value); } } } public static void fillModel(String itemName, GetAttributesResult res, Class<?> clazz, Object obj) { fillModel(itemName, res.getAttributes(), clazz, obj); } public static void fillModel(Item item, Class<?> clazz, ClassInfo info, Object obj) { fillModel(item.getName(), item.getAttributes(), clazz, obj); } public static void fillModelKeysOnly(Item item, Class<?> clazz, ClassInfo info, Object obj) { fillModelKeysOnly(item.getName(), clazz, obj); } public static <T> int mapSelectResult(SelectResult res, Iterable<T> objects) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); Class<?> clazz = null; ClassInfo info = null; int nb = 0; for(T obj: objects){ if(clazz == null){ clazz = obj.getClass(); info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); } String itemName = getItemName(clazz, obj); Item theItem = null; for(Item item:items){ if(item.getName().equals(itemName)){ theItem = item; items.remove(item); break; } } if(theItem != null){ fillModel(theItem, clazz, info, obj); nb++; } } return nb; } public static <T> void mapSelectResultToList(SelectResult res, List<T> resList, Class<T> clazz) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); for(Item item: items){ T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); fillModel(item, clazz, info, obj); resList.add(obj); } } public static <T> void mapSelectResultToList(SelectResult res, List<T> resList, Class<T> clazz, int offset) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); for(int i=offset; i<items.size(); i++){ Item item = items.get(i); T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); fillModel(item, clazz, info, obj); resList.add(obj); } } public static <T> void mapSelectResultToListKeysOnly(SelectResult res, List<T> resList, Class<T> clazz) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); for(Item item: items){ T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); fillModelKeysOnly(item, clazz, info, obj); resList.add(obj); } } public static <T> void mapSelectResultToListKeysOnly(SelectResult res, List<T> resList, Class<T> clazz, int offset) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); for(int i=offset; i<items.size(); i++){ Item item = items.get(i); T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); fillModelKeysOnly(item, clazz, info, obj); resList.add(obj); } } public static <T> void mapSelectResultToListOrderedFromKeys(SelectResult res, List<T> resList, Class<T> clazz, Iterable<?> keys) { List<Item> items = res.getItems(); ClassInfo info = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz); boolean found; for(Object key: keys){ found = false; for(Item item: items){ if(item.getName().equals(getItemNameFromKey(clazz, key))){ T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); fillModel(item, clazz, info, obj); resList.add(obj); items.remove(item); found = true; break; } } if(!found){ // if not found, puts NULL in the list resList.add(null); } } } public static int mapSelectResultToCount(SelectResult res) { Item item = res.getItems().get(0); if(item != null){ Attribute attr = item.getAttributes().get(0); if("Count".equals(attr.getName())){ return Integer.parseInt(attr.getValue()); } } return -1; } public static String quote(String s) { return "\""+s.replace("'", "''")+"\""; } public static final String WHERE = " where "; public static final String AND = " and "; public static final String OR = " or "; public static final String IS_NULL = " is null "; public static final String IS_NOT_NULL = " is not null "; public static final String ITEM_NAME = "itemName()"; public static final String ALL_COLS = "*"; public static final String SELECT = "select "; public static final String FROM = " from "; public static final String ORDER_BY = " order by "; public static final String DESC = " desc"; public static final String IN_BEGIN = " in("; public static final String IN_END = ")"; public static final String COUNT_BEGIN = " count("; public static final String COUNT_END = ")"; public static final String LIMIT = " limit "; public static final String LIKE = " like "; public static final String EQ = " = "; public static <T> SelectRequest buildBatchGetQuery(Iterable<T> objects, String prefix, StringBuffer domainBuf) { Class<?> clazz = null; StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); String domain = null; boolean first = true; for(T obj: objects){ if(clazz == null){ clazz = obj.getClass(); domain = getDomainName(clazz, prefix); domainBuf.append(domain); q.append(SELECT + "*" + FROM + domain + WHERE + ITEM_NAME + IN_BEGIN); } String itemName = getItemName(clazz, obj); if(!first){ q.append(","); } else { first = false; } q.append(quote(itemName)); } q.append(IN_END); return new SelectRequest(q.toString()); } public static <T> SelectRequest buildBatchGetQueryByKeys(Class<T> clazz, Iterable<?> keys, String prefix, StringBuffer domainBuf) { String domain = getDomainName(clazz, prefix);; domainBuf.append(domain); StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); q.append(SELECT + "*" + FROM + domain + WHERE + ITEM_NAME + IN_BEGIN); boolean first = true; for(Object key: keys){ String itemName = toString(key); if(!first){ q.append(","); } else { first = false; } q.append(quote(itemName)); } q.append(IN_END); return new SelectRequest(q.toString()); } public static <T> SelectRequest buildCountQuery(Query<T> query, String prefix, StringBuffer domainBuf) { String domain = getDomainName(query.getQueriedClass(), prefix);; domainBuf.append(domain); StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); q.append(SELECT + COUNT_BEGIN + "*" + COUNT_END + FROM + domain); return new SelectRequest(buildFilterOrder(query, q).toString()); } public static <T> SelectRequest buildQuery(Query<T> query, String prefix, StringBuffer domainBuf) { Class<?> clazz = query.getQueriedClass(); String domain = getDomainName(clazz, prefix); domainBuf.append(domain); QueryOptionFetchType fetchType = (QueryOptionFetchType)query.option(QueryOptionFetchType.ID); StringBuilder q = new StringBuilder(); switch(fetchType.fetchType){ case KEYS_ONLY: q.append(SELECT + ITEM_NAME + FROM + domain); break; case NORMAL: default: q.append(SELECT + ALL_COLS + FROM + domain); break; } return new SelectRequest(buildFilterOrder(query, q).toString()); } public static <T> StringBuilder buildFilterOrder(Query<T> query, StringBuilder q){ List<QueryFilter> filters = query.getFilters(); Set<Field> filteredFields = new HashSet<Field>(); boolean first = true; if(!filters.isEmpty()) { q.append(WHERE); for (QueryFilter filter : filters) { if(QueryFilterSimple.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())){ QueryFilterSimple qf = (QueryFilterSimple)filter; Field f = qf.field; Object value = qf.value; String op = qf.operator; // for order verification in case the order is not on a filtered field filteredFields.add(f); if(!first) { q.append(AND); } first = false; String[] columns = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(f); if("IN".equals(op)) { if(!Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) throw new SienaException("Collection needed when using IN operator in filter() query"); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); Collection<?> col = (Collection<?>) value; for (Object object : col) { // TODO manages model collection // TO BE VERIFIED: SHOULD BE MANAGED by toString!!! if(object != null){ s.append(","+SimpleDB.quote(toString(f, object))); }else{ throw new SienaException("Can't use NULL in collection for IN operator"); } } String column = null; if(ClassInfo.isId(f)) { column = ITEM_NAME; } else { column = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(f)[0]; } q.append(column+" in("+s.toString().substring(1)+")"); } else if(ClassInfo.isModel(f.getType())) { // TODO could manage other ops here if(!op.equals("=")) { throw new SienaException("Unsupported operator for relationship: "+op); } ClassInfo relInfo = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(f.getType()); int i = 0; for (Field key : relInfo.keys) { if(value == null) { q.append(columns[i++] + IS_NULL); } else { q.append(columns[i++] + op + SimpleDB.quote(objectFieldToString(value, key))); } } } else { String column = null; if(ClassInfo.isId(f)) { column = "itemName()"; if(value == null && op.equals("=")) { throw new SienaException("SDB filter on @Id field with 'IS NULL' is not possible"); } } else { column = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(f)[0]; } if(value == null && op.equals("=")) { q.append(column + IS_NULL); } else if(value == null && op.equals("!=")) { q.append(column + IS_NOT_NULL); } else { q.append(column + op + SimpleDB.quote(toString(f, value))); } } }else if(QueryFilterSearch.class.isAssignableFrom(filter.getClass())){ Class<T> clazz = query.getQueriedClass(); QueryFilterSearch qf = (QueryFilterSearch)filter; //if(qf.fields.length>1) // throw new SienaException("Search not possible for several fields in SDB: only one field"); try { //Field field = Util.getField(clazz, qf.fields[0]); //if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Unindexed.class)){ // throw new SienaException("Cannot search the @Unindexed field "+field.getName()); //} // cuts match into words String[] words = qf.match.split("\\s"); // if several words, then only OR operator represented by IN GAE Pattern pNormal = Pattern.compile("[\\%]*(\\w+)[\\%]*"); if(!first) { q.append(AND); } // forces true first = true; q.append(" ( "); for(String f: qf.fields){ Field field = Util.getField(clazz, f); if(!first) { q.append(OR); } first = false; q.append(" ( "); String column = null; if(ClassInfo.isId(field)) { column = "itemName()"; } else { column = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0]; } first = true; for(String word:words){ if(!first) { q.append(OR); } first = false; if(!pNormal.matcher(word).matches()){ throw new SienaException("'"+word+"' doesn't match pattern [\\%]*(\\w+)[\\%]*"); } if(word.contains("%")){ q.append(column + LIKE + SimpleDB.quote(word)); }else { q.append(column + EQ + SimpleDB.quote(word)); } } q.append(" ) "); } q.append(" ) "); }catch(Exception e){ throw new SienaException(e); } } } } List<QueryOrder> orders = query.getOrders(); if(!orders.isEmpty()) { QueryOrder last = orders.get(orders.size()-1); Field field = last.field; if(ClassInfo.isId(field)) { if(!filteredFields.contains(field)){ if(filters.isEmpty()) { q.append(WHERE); }else { q.append(AND); } q.append(ITEM_NAME + IS_NOT_NULL); } q.append(ORDER_BY + ITEM_NAME); } else { String column = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0]; if(!filteredFields.contains(field)){ if(filters.isEmpty()) { q.append(WHERE); }else { q.append(AND); } q.append(column + IS_NOT_NULL); } q.append(ORDER_BY + column); } if(!last.ascending) q.append(DESC); } QueryOptionSdbContext sdbCtx = (QueryOptionSdbContext)query.option(QueryOptionSdbContext.ID); QueryOptionOffset off = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); if(sdbCtx != null && sdbCtx.realPageSize != 0){ if(off!=null && off.isActive()){ // if offset is active, adds it to the page size to be sure to retrieve enough elements q.append(LIMIT + (sdbCtx.realPageSize + off.offset)); }else { q.append(LIMIT + sdbCtx.realPageSize); } } return q; } public static <T> void nextPage(QueryData<T> query) { QueryOptionPage pag = (QueryOptionPage)query.option(QueryOptionPage.ID); QueryOptionSdbContext sdbCtx = (QueryOptionSdbContext)query.option(QueryOptionSdbContext.ID); QueryOptionOffset off = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); if(sdbCtx==null){ sdbCtx = new QueryOptionSdbContext(); query.options().put(sdbCtx.type, sdbCtx); } // if no more data after, doesn't try to go after if(sdbCtx.noMoreDataAfter){ return; } // if no more data before, removes flag to be able and stay there if(sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore){ sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore = false; return; } if(pag.isPaginating()){ if(sdbCtx.hasToken()){ if(sdbCtx.nextToken() == null) { // in this case, doesn't advance to the next page // and stays at the offset of the beginning of the // last page sdbCtx.noMoreDataAfter = true; }else{ // follows the real offset and doesn't forget to add the off.offset if(off.isActive()) sdbCtx.realOffset += pag.pageSize + off.offset; else sdbCtx.realOffset += pag.pageSize; // if currentokenoffset is less than next page realoffset // uses offset if(sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset() <= sdbCtx.realOffset){ off.activate(); off.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset - sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset(); } // if currentokenoffset is greater than previous page realoffset // go to previous page again else { nextPage(query); } } }else { // no token yet, so uses the offset to go to next page QueryOptionOffset offset = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); offset.activate(); offset.offset += pag.pageSize; // follows the real offset sdbCtx.realOffset += pag.pageSize; } }else { // throws exception because it's impossible to reuse nextPage when paginating has been interrupted, the cases are too many throw new SienaException("Can't use nextPage after pagination has been interrupted..."); } } public static <T> void previousPage(QueryData<T> query) { QueryOptionPage pag = (QueryOptionPage)query.option(QueryOptionPage.ID); QueryOptionState state = (QueryOptionState)query.option(QueryOptionState.ID); QueryOptionSdbContext sdbCtx = (QueryOptionSdbContext)query.option(QueryOptionSdbContext.ID); if(sdbCtx==null){ sdbCtx = new QueryOptionSdbContext(); query.options().put(sdbCtx.type, sdbCtx); } // if no more data before, doesn't try to go before if(sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore){ return; } // if no more data after, removes flag to be able to go before if(sdbCtx.noMoreDataAfter){ // here the realoffset is not at the end of current pages // but at the beginning of the last page // so need to fake that we are at the end of the last page sdbCtx.realOffset += pag.pageSize; sdbCtx.noMoreDataAfter = false; } if(pag.isPaginating()){ if(sdbCtx.hasToken()) { // if tokenIdx is 0, it means at first page after beginning if(sdbCtx.tokenIdx == 0){ sdbCtx.previousToken(); // follows the real offset sdbCtx.realOffset -= pag.pageSize; // if currentokenoffset is less than previous page realoffset // uses offset if(sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset() <= sdbCtx.realOffset){ QueryOptionOffset offset = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); offset.activate(); offset.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset - sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset(); } // if currentokenoffset is greater than previous page realoffset // go to previous page again else { previousPage(query); } }else { if(sdbCtx.previousToken() == null) { sdbCtx.realOffset -= pag.pageSize; // if the realOffset is not null, it means we are not at the index 0 of the table // so now uses realOffset if(sdbCtx.realOffset >= 0){ QueryOptionOffset offset = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); offset.activate(); offset.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset; }else { // resets realOffset to 0 because it was negative sdbCtx.realOffset = 0; sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore = true; } }else { // follows the real offset sdbCtx.realOffset -= pag.pageSize; // if currentokenoffset is less than previous page realoffset // uses offset if(sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset() <= sdbCtx.realOffset){ QueryOptionOffset offset = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); offset.activate(); offset.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset - sdbCtx.currentTokenOffset(); } // if currentokenoffset is greater than previous page realoffset // go to previous page again else { previousPage(query); } } } }else { QueryOptionOffset offset = (QueryOptionOffset)query.option(QueryOptionOffset.ID); // means there has been a nextPage performed first and the offset has been used // to simulate the nextPage as there was no token yet if(sdbCtx.realOffset != 0){ // follows the real offset sdbCtx.realOffset -= pag.pageSize; offset.activate(); offset.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset; }else { sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore = true; } /*if(offset.offset != 0){ offset.offset -= pag.pageSize; offset.activate(); // follows the real offset sdbCtx.realOffset -= pag.pageSize; }else { // if the realOffset is not null, it means we are not at the index 0 of the table // so now uses realOffset if(sdbCtx.realOffset != 0){ offset.activate(); offset.offset = sdbCtx.realOffset; } sdbCtx.noMoreDataBefore = true; }*/ } } else { // throws exception because it's impossible to reuse nextPage when paginating has been interrupted, the cases are too many throw new SienaException("Can't use nextPage after pagination has been interrupted..."); } } }