package siena.jdbc; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import siena.ClassInfo; import siena.Generator; import siena.Id; import siena.Query; import siena.QueryFilterSearch; import siena.SienaException; import siena.Util; import siena.jdbc.h2.FullText; public class H2PersistenceManager extends JdbcPersistenceManager { private static final String DB = "H2"; private String dbMode = "h2"; protected static Map<String, Boolean> tableIndexMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(); public H2PersistenceManager() { } public H2PersistenceManager(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Class<?> listener) { super(connectionManager, listener); } public H2PersistenceManager(ConnectionManager connectionManager, Class<?> listener, String dbMode) { super(connectionManager, listener); this.dbMode = dbMode; } @Override public void closeConnection() { // In H2, if we close the connection, the DB is closed even when using DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 // H2 Bug??? //super.closeConnection(); } /* * Overrides the batch insert since H2 getGeneratedKeys doesn't return all generated identities but only the last one. * This is a known limitation: * It is planned in H2 v1.4 roadmap: * Meanwhile, no batch insert is possible * * (non-Javadoc) * @see siena.jdbc.JdbcPersistenceManager#insertBatchWithAutoIncrementKey(siena.jdbc.JdbcPersistenceManager.JdbcClassInfo, java.util.Map) */ @Override protected int insertBatchWithAutoIncrementKey(JdbcClassInfo classInfo, Map<JdbcClassInfo, List<Object>> objMap) throws SQLException, IllegalAccessException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ps = getConnection().prepareStatement(classInfo.insertSQL, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); int res = 0; for(Object obj: objMap.get(classInfo)){ for (Field field : classInfo.keys) { Id id = field.getAnnotation(Id.class); if (id.value() == Generator.UUID) { field.set(obj, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } } // TODO: implement primary key generation: SEQUENCE addParameters(obj, classInfo.insertFields, ps, 1); ps.executeUpdate(); if(!classInfo.generatedKeys.isEmpty()){ ResultSet gk = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); int i; while( { i=1; for (Field field : classInfo.generatedKeys) { field.setAccessible(true); JdbcMappingUtils.setFromObject(obj, field, gk.getObject(i++)); } } } res++; } return res; } @Override public void save(Object obj) { JdbcClassInfo classInfo = JdbcClassInfo.getClassInfo(obj.getClass()); List<String> keyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Field field : classInfo.keys) { keyNames.add(field.getName()); } PreparedStatement ps = null; try { Field idField =; Object idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField); if (idVal == null) { insert(obj); } else { // in H2 "on duplicate" is not supported but MERGE is // merge into employees (id, first_name, last_name) values(1, 'test2', 'test2'); List<String> allColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); JdbcClassInfo.calculateColumns(classInfo.allFields, allColumns, null, ""); String[] is = new String[allColumns.size()]; Arrays.fill(is, "?"); ps = getConnection().prepareStatement( "MERGE INTO "+ classInfo.tableName + " (" + Util.join(allColumns, ",") + ") " + "VALUES(" + Util.join(Arrays.asList(is), ",") + ")" ); int i = 1; i = addParameters(obj, classInfo.allFields, ps, i); ps.executeUpdate(); } } catch (SienaException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } finally { JdbcDBUtils.closeStatementAndConnection(this, ps); } } @Override public int save(Object... objects) { return save(Arrays.asList(objects)); } @Override public int save(Iterable<?> objects) { Map<JdbcClassInfo, List<Object>> generatedObjMap = new HashMap<JdbcClassInfo, List<Object>>(); Map<JdbcClassInfo, List<Object>> objMap = new HashMap<JdbcClassInfo, List<Object>>(); PreparedStatement ps = null; for(Object obj:objects){ JdbcClassInfo classInfo = JdbcClassInfo.getClassInfo(obj.getClass()); Field idField =; Object idVal = Util.readField(obj, idField); if(idVal == null && !classInfo.generatedKeys.isEmpty()){ if(!generatedObjMap.containsKey(classInfo)){ List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(); l.add(obj); generatedObjMap.put(classInfo, l); }else{ generatedObjMap.get(classInfo).add(obj); } } else { if(!objMap.containsKey(classInfo)){ List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(); l.add(obj); objMap.put(classInfo, l); }else{ objMap.get(classInfo).add(obj); } } } int total = 0; try { // these are the insertions with generated keys for(JdbcClassInfo classInfo: generatedObjMap.keySet()){ total += insert(generatedObjMap.get(classInfo)); } // these are the insertions or updates without generated keys // can't use batch in Postgres with generated keys... known bug // for(JdbcClassInfo classInfo: objMap.keySet()){ List<String> keyNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Field field : classInfo.keys) { keyNames.add(field.getName()); } // in H2 "on duplicate" is not supported but MERGE is // merge into employees (id, first_name, last_name) values(1, 'test2', 'test2'); List<String> allColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); JdbcClassInfo.calculateColumns(classInfo.allFields, allColumns, null, ""); String[] is = new String[allColumns.size()]; Arrays.fill(is, "?"); ps = getConnection().prepareStatement( "MERGE INTO "+ classInfo.tableName + " (" + Util.join(allColumns, ",") + ") " + "VALUES(" + Util.join(Arrays.asList(is), ",") + ")" ); for(Object obj: objMap.get(classInfo)){ int i = 1; i = addParameters(obj, classInfo.allFields, ps, i); ps.addBatch(); } int[] res = ps.executeBatch(); total+=res.length; } return total; } catch (SienaException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } finally { JdbcDBUtils.closeStatementAndConnection(this, ps); } } @Override public void init(Properties p) { super.init(p); // initializes the search mechanism in H2 try { FullText.init(this.getConnection()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } protected <T> List<T> doSearch(Query<T> query, int limit, int offset){ // TODO this is a very raw impl: need some work certainly try { Connection conn = this.getConnection(); ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(query.getQueriedClass()); // doesn't index a table that has already been indexed if(!tableIndexMap.containsKey(ci.tableName)){ List<String> colList = ci.getUpdateFieldsColumnNames(); String cols = null; if(!colList.isEmpty()){ cols = ""; // removes auto generated IDs from index int sz = colList.size(); for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) { if("h2".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); // !!! mysql mode means case INsensitive to lowercase !!!! else if("mysql".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toLowerCase(); else cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); if(i<sz-1) cols += ","; } } // creates the index FullText.createIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", ci.tableName.toUpperCase(), cols); tableIndexMap.put(ci.tableName, true); } String searchString = ""; Iterator<QueryFilterSearch> it = query.getSearches().iterator(); boolean first = true; while(it.hasNext()){ if(!first){ searchString += " "; }else { first = false; } searchString +=; } ResultSet rs = FullText.searchData(conn, searchString, limit, offset); List<T> res = new ArrayList<T>(); Field idField = ci.getIdField(); Class<?> idClass = idField.getType(); while( { //String queryStr = rs.getString("QUERY"); //String score = rs.getString("SCORE"); //Array columns = rs.getArray("COLUMNS"); Object[] keys = (Object[])rs.getArray("KEYS").getArray(); // convert keys into real type if the key is not a string Object[] realKeys = null; if(idField.getType() != String.class){ realKeys = new Object[keys.length]; for(int i=0; i< keys.length; i++){ realKeys[i] = Util.fromString(idClass, (String)keys[i]); } }else { realKeys = keys; } if(res == null) res = this.getByKeys(query.getQueriedClass(), realKeys); else res.addAll(this.getByKeys(query.getQueriedClass(), realKeys)); } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } protected <T> List<T> doSearchKeys(Query<T> query, int limit, int offset){ // TODO this is a very raw impl: need some work certainly try { Connection conn = this.getConnection(); ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(query.getQueriedClass()); // doesn't index a table that has already been indexed if(!tableIndexMap.containsKey(ci.tableName)){ List<String> colList = ci.getUpdateFieldsColumnNames(); String cols = null; if(!colList.isEmpty()){ cols = ""; // removes auto generated IDs from index int sz = colList.size(); for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) { if("h2".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); // !!! mysql mode means case INsensitive to lowercase !!!! else if("mysql".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toLowerCase(); else cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); if(i<sz-1) cols += ","; } } // creates the index FullText.createIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", ci.tableName.toUpperCase(), cols); tableIndexMap.put(ci.tableName, true); } String searchString = ""; Iterator<QueryFilterSearch> it = query.getSearches().iterator(); boolean first = true; while(it.hasNext()){ if(!first){ searchString += " "; }else { first = false; } searchString +=; } ResultSet rs = FullText.searchData(conn, searchString, limit, offset); List<T> res = new ArrayList<T>(); Class<T> clazz = query.getQueriedClass(); while( { //String queryStr = rs.getString("QUERY"); //String score = rs.getString("SCORE"); //Array columns = rs.getArray("COLUMNS"); Object[] keys = (Object[])rs.getArray("KEYS").getArray(); for(Object key: keys){ T obj = Util.createObjectInstance(clazz); for (Field field : JdbcClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).keys) { JdbcMappingUtils.setFromObject(obj, field, key); } res.add(obj); } } return res; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SienaException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } protected <T> int doSearchCount(Query<T> query){ // TODO this is a very raw impl: need some work certainly try { Connection conn = this.getConnection(); ClassInfo ci = ClassInfo.getClassInfo(query.getQueriedClass()); // doesn't index a table that has already been indexed if(!tableIndexMap.containsKey(ci.tableName)){ List<String> colList = ci.getUpdateFieldsColumnNames(); String cols = null; if(!colList.isEmpty()){ cols = ""; // removes auto generated IDs from index int sz = colList.size(); for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) { if("h2".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); // !!! mysql mode means case INsensitive to lowercase !!!! else if("mysql".equals(dbMode)) cols+=colList.get(i).toLowerCase(); else cols+=colList.get(i).toUpperCase(); if(i<sz-1) cols += ","; } } // creates the index FullText.createIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", ci.tableName.toUpperCase(), cols); tableIndexMap.put(ci.tableName, true); } String searchString = ""; Iterator<QueryFilterSearch> it = query.getSearches().iterator(); boolean first = true; while(it.hasNext()){ if(!first){ searchString += " "; }else { first = false; } searchString +=; } ResultSet rs = FullText.searchData(conn, searchString, 0, 0); int count = 0; while( { //String queryStr = rs.getString("QUERY"); //String score = rs.getString("SCORE"); //Array columns = rs.getArray("COLUMNS"); Object[] keys = (Object[])rs.getArray("KEYS").getArray(); count += keys.length; } return count; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SienaException(e); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetch(Query<T> query) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetch(query); } else { return doSearch(query, 0, 0); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetch(Query<T> query, int limit) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetch(query, limit); } else { return doSearch(query, limit, 0); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetch(Query<T> query, int limit, Object offset) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetch(query, limit, (Integer)offset); } else { return doSearch(query, limit, (Integer)offset); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetchKeys(Query<T> query) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetchKeys(query); } else { return doSearchKeys(query, 0, 0); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetchKeys(Query<T> query, int limit) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetchKeys(query, limit); } else { return doSearchKeys(query, limit, 0); } } @Override public <T> List<T> fetchKeys(Query<T> query, int limit, Object offset) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.fetchKeys(query, limit, (Integer)offset); } else { return doSearchKeys(query, limit, (Integer)offset); } } @Override public <T> Iterable<T> iter(Query<T> query) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.iter(query); } @Override public <T> Iterable<T> iter(Query<T> query, int limit) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.iter(query, limit); } @Override public <T> Iterable<T> iter(Query<T> query, int limit, Object offset) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return super.iter(query, limit, offset); } @Override public <T> int count(Query<T> query) { if(query.getSearches().isEmpty()){ return super.count(query); } else { return doSearchCount(query); } } }