package; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor; import org.hibernate.usertype.UserType; /** * Hbernate user type converting String into json type. A relevant * column type should be registered in used {@link Dialect} * @author timfulmer /see: * @author lukdumi /just copied and removed comments/ */ public class StringJsonUserType implements UserType { @Override public int[] sqlTypes() { return new int[] { Types.JAVA_OBJECT}; } @Override public Class<?> returnedClass() { return String.class; } @Override public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException { if( x== null){ return y== null; } return x.equals( y); } @Override public int hashCode(Object x) throws HibernateException { return x.hashCode(); } @Override public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if(rs.getString(names[0]) == null){ return null; } return rs.getString(names[0]); } @Override public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, SQLException { if (value == null) { st.setNull(index, Types.OTHER); return; } st.setObject(index, value, Types.OTHER); } @Override public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException { return value; } @Override public boolean isMutable() { return true; } @Override public Serializable disassemble(Object value) throws HibernateException { return (String)this.deepCopy( value); } @Override public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return this.deepCopy( cached); } @Override public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException { return original; } }