package; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * @author Ɓukasz Dumiszewski */ public class XmlTagContentExtractor { /** * Extracts the contents of all tags specified by tagName * @return list of trimmed tag contents or empty list if no tag with the given tagName has been found */ public List<String> extractTagContents(String message, String tagName) { List<String> ids = Lists.newArrayList(); Matcher m = createMatcher(message, tagName); while(m.find()) { String tagWithValue =; String value = extractValue(tagWithValue, tagName); ids.add(value); } return ids; } /** * Extracts the content of the first tag specified by tagName * @return trimmed tag content or null if no tag with the given name has been found */ public String extractFirstTagContent(String message, String tagName) { Matcher m = createMatcher(message, tagName); String value = null; if (m.find()) { String tagWithValue =; value = extractValue(tagWithValue, tagName); } return value; } //------------------------ PRIVATE -------------------------- private String extractValue(String tagWithValue, String tagName) { String startTag = getStartTag(tagName); String endTag = getEndTag(tagName); String value = tagWithValue.substring(tagWithValue.indexOf(startTag) + startTag.length(), tagWithValue.indexOf(endTag)).trim(); return value; } private Matcher createMatcher(String message, String tagName) { String regStartTag = getStartTag(tagName); String regEndTag = getEndTag(tagName).replace("/", "\\/"); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regStartTag+"(.*?)"+regEndTag); Matcher m = p.matcher(message); return m; } private String getEndTag(String tagName) { String endTag = "</"+tagName+">"; return endTag; } private String getStartTag(String tagName) { String startTag = "<"+tagName+">"; return startTag; } }