package; import; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.provider.MediaStore; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; /** * Handles preparing Intents used for launching data capture Activities through * the ProcedureRunner class as well as post processing the returned data into * a standardized Intent. * * @author Sana Development Team */ public class PluginService{ public static final String TAG = PluginService.class.getSimpleName(); /** Handles extracting the actual data, if available, when an intent is * returned from startActivityForResult with code RESULT_OK. The data will * be returned in an Intent with * * 1. data - Uri encoded as either: * inline-data: data:[mime-type]#[data] Actual data can be retrieved by * calling Uri.getFragment(); * content uri: content:[authority][path] Actual data can be retrieved * using Android content resolution API * 2. type - as determined by ContentResolver.getType() or text/plain * * Activity accepting the rendered Intent should call Intent.getData() and * Intent.getType() to extract the information. * * Handles these situations: * 1. Data is in result.getData() * 2. Intent action is set to "inline-data" and data is present in extras * through the "data" key-default for many Camera apps. * 3. Data is returned as Intent.EXTRA_STREAM * 4. Data is returned as Intent.EXTRA_TEXT * * @param cr //Deprecated as soon as we change this over to a Service class. * @param result The result that came back to the original launching * Activity * @param obs The observation this was collected for * @param hack String flag indicating this may require a hack. * @return */ public static Intent renderPluginActivityResult(ContentResolver cr, Intent result, Uri obs, String hack) { Log.d(TAG, "Rendering activity result."); String type = ""; String text = ""; Intent rResult = new Intent(); Uri stream = null; if (result != null){ logIntent(TAG, result); Bundle extras = result.getExtras(); Uri data = result.getData(); String action = result.getAction(); type = result.getType(); // handle various returned data scenarios // Standard if(data != null){ // hack for applications which don't return type if(TextUtils.isEmpty(type)){ type = cr.getType(data); type = (TextUtils.isEmpty(type))? "application/octet-stream": type; } stream = data; Log.d(TAG, "....getData() : " + stream.toString()); } // Many camera apps return data as inline-data else if(action != null && action.equals("inline-data")){ Bitmap b = result.getParcelableExtra("data"); Log.d(TAG, "inline-data : " + b); // TODO fix this File extDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); File path = new File(extDir, Constants.PATH_OBSERVATION); path.mkdirs(); File f = new File(path, obs.hashCode() + ".jpg"); stream = Uri.fromFile(f); // TODO Write the bitmap to the File type = (TextUtils.isEmpty(type))? "image/jpg": type; Log.d(TAG, "....inline-data : " + stream); } // Scanner hack else if(action != null && action.equals("")){ text = result.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT"); type = "text/plain"; stream = Uri.fromParts("data", type, text); Log.d(TAG, " : " + stream); } else if(extras != null){ // What we really want for content if(extras.containsKey(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM)){ stream = extras.getParcelable(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); type = cr.getType(stream); type = (TextUtils.isEmpty(type))? "application/octet-stream": type; Log.d(TAG, "....EXTRA_STREAM : " + stream); }else if(extras.containsKey(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)){ text = extras.getString(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); type = "text/plain"; stream = Uri.fromParts("data", type, text); Log.d(TAG, "....EXTRA_TEXT : " + text); } } } else if(hasHack(hack)){ Log.d(TAG, "Attemptig hack"); type = renderHackType(hack); stream = renderHackStream(hack, obs); } else { // To get here the Activity would have had to return a status // RESULT_OK and null data Intent throw new NullPointerException("NULL data returned by intent"); } // set return properly rResult.setDataAndType(stream, type); Log.d(TAG, "Rendered intent: "); logIntent(TAG, rResult); return rResult; } // Infamous image hack for the Camera app. Put more here if we need it. private static final boolean hasHack(String hack){ return hack.contains("image/"); } // More hack private static final String renderHackType(String hack){ return "image/jpg"; } // Makes sure the obs file exists private static final Uri renderHackStream(String hack, Uri obs){ File extDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); File path = new File(extDir, Constants.PATH_OBSERVATION); File f = new File(path, obs.hashCode() + ".jpg"); if(f.exists()) return Uri.fromFile(f); else throw new NullPointerException("NULL data. File Not Found"); } /** * Renders plug in intents for launching data capture activities. This * method handles any of the odd behavior or parameters that need to * be set such as with the stock Android Camera app. For most Activities * this does nothing. * * @param intent The raw launch intent. * @param obs The observation. * @return */ public static Intent renderPluginLaunchIntent(Intent intent, Uri obs){ Intent rIntent = new Intent(); Log.d(TAG, "Rendering launch Intent...."); logIntent(TAG, intent); String action = intent.getAction(); String mime = intent.getType(); if(!TextUtils.isEmpty(action)){ rIntent.setAction(action); if(action.equals(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT)) rIntent.setType(mime); } else { rIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); rIntent.setType(mime); } Log.d(TAG, "..obs: " + obs); if(rIntent.getAction().equals(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE)){ Log.d(TAG, "Got an ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE" ); rIntent = new Intent(intent.getAction()); File extDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); File path = new File(extDir, Constants.PATH_OBSERVATION); path.mkdirs(); File f = new File(path, obs.hashCode() + ".jpg"); Uri fUri = Uri.fromFile(f); Log.d(TAG, "..output: " + fUri); rIntent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fUri); } Log.d(TAG, "Rendered launch Intent...."); logIntent(TAG, rIntent); return rIntent; } /** * Log helper for pulling information out of Intents. * * @param tag The tag that should be associated with the log entry. * @param intent The intent to analyze. */ public static void logIntent(String tag, Intent intent){ Log.d(tag, "Intent: " + intent.toUri(Intent.URI_INTENT_SCHEME)); Log.d(tag, "..action : " + intent.getAction()); Log.d(tag, " : " + intent.getData()); Log.d(tag, "..type : " + intent.getType()); Log.d(tag, "..scheme : " + intent.getScheme()); Bundle extras = intent.getExtras(); // Purely for debugging if(extras != null){ Log.d(tag, "..extras : "); for(String key:extras.keySet()) Log.d(tag, "...." + key + " : " + extras.get(key)); } else Log.d(TAG, "..extras : null"); } }