package; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; /** * Data access object for mapping binary objects to encounter elements, i.e. * observations. * * @author Sana Development Team * */ public class BinaryDAO { private static final String TAG = BinaryDAO.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String DEFAULT_MIME = "application/octet-stream"; /** * Removes the entry for a binary object and . * @param cr * @param uri * @return */ public static int delete(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri) { int result = 0; result = cr.delete(uri, null, null); Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", deleted: " + uri); return result; } /** * Removes the file entry only for a binary object in this table. * * @param cr * @param answer * @return */ public static int deleteFile(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri) { int result = 0; Uri fUri = queryFile(cr,uri); update(cr, uri, null); result = cr.delete(fUri,null,null); Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", deleted: " + fUri); return result; } /** * Inserts a new record for a binary object. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param encounterId The encounter identifier * @param elementId The encounter element identifier * @param fileUri For locating the binary object * @return A Uri for locating the new entry or null if unsuccessful. */ public static Uri insert(ContentResolver cr, String encounterId, String elementId, Uri fileUri, String mime) { Uri result = null; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.ENCOUNTER_ID, encounterId); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.ELEMENT_ID, elementId); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT, fileUri.toString()); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.MIME, mime); result = cr.insert(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT_URI, values); Log.d(TAG, "Result: " + result); return result; } /** * Inserts a new record for a binary object with no file uri or mime type * set. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param encounterId The encounter identifier * @param elementId The encounter element identifier * @return A Uri for locating the new entry or null if unsuccessful. */ public static Uri insert(ContentResolver cr, String encounterId, String elementId) { Uri result = null; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.ENCOUNTER_ID, encounterId); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.ELEMENT_ID, elementId); result = cr.insert(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT_URI, values); Log.d(TAG, "Result: " + result); return result; } /** * Returns the Uri for the row. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param answerUri The row to query * @return The Uri or null. */ public static Uri query(ContentResolver cr, String encounter, String element) { Uri result = null; String[] projection = BinaryProvider.PROJ_ID; String selection = BinaryProvider.OBS_WHERE; String[] selArgs = new String[]{ encounter, element }; Cursor c = null; try{ c = cr.query(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selArgs, null); if(c.moveToFirst()){ result = Uri.parse(c.getString( c.getColumnIndex(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT))); } } catch(Exception e){ Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } finally { if(c != null) c.close(); } Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", For(encounter,element): (" + encounter + "," + element +")"); return result; } /** * Returns the Uri for the binary file object. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param uri The row to query * @return The Uri or null. */ public static Uri queryFile(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri){ Uri result = null; String[] projection = BinaryProvider.PROJ_ITEM_CONTENT; Cursor c = null; try{ c = cr.query(uri, projection,null,null,null); if(c.moveToFirst()){ result = Uri.parse(c.getString( c.getColumnIndex(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT))); } } catch(Exception e){ Log.e(TAG, e.toString()); } finally { if(c != null) c.close(); } Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", From: " + uri); return result; } /** * Updates the file Uri string for the row stored as an answer. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param answerUri The row to update * @param fileUri The new Uri for the binary object. * @return 1 if successful, otherwise 0. */ public static Uri updateOrCreate(ContentResolver cr, String encounterId, String elementId, Uri fileUri, String mime) { int result = 0; Uri uri = query(cr, encounterId, elementId); mime = (TextUtils.isEmpty(mime))? BinaryDAO.DEFAULT_MIME: mime; if(uri == null){ uri = BinaryDAO.insert(cr, encounterId, elementId, fileUri, mime); } else { String newFile = (fileUri != null)? fileUri.toString(): ""; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT, newFile); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.MIME,mime); result = cr.update(uri, values, null, null); } Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", Updated: " + uri + ", with: " + fileUri); return uri; } /** * Updates the file Uri string for the row stored as an answer. * * @param cr A content resolver * @param uri The row to update * @param fileUri The new Uri for the binary object. * @return 1 if successful, otherwise 0. */ public static int update(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri, Uri fileUri) { int result = 0; String newFile = (fileUri != null)? fileUri.toString(): ""; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(BinarySQLFormat.CONTENT, newFile); result = cr.update(uri, values, null, null); Log.d(TAG, "Result: "+ result + ", Updated: " + uri + ", with: " + fileUri); return result; } /** * Returns a unique identifier for the entry mapped to the Uri * * @param uri The entry to get a UUID for. * @return The uuid or null */ public static String getUUID(Uri uri){ if(uri != null) return uri.getPathSegments().get(1); else return null; } public static Uri obsUri(Uri encounter, String element){ Uri.Builder result = encounter.buildUpon(); result.appendPath(element); return; } }