package runjettyrun.tabs.classpath; import java.util.Iterator; import org.eclipse.jdt.launching.IRuntimeClasspathEntry; public class UserClassesClasspathModel extends AbstractClasspathEntry { public static final int USER = 1; public static final int CUSTOM = 4; private ClasspathGroup userEntries; private ClasspathGroup customEntries; private String defaultLabel; private String customLabel; public Object addEntry(Object entry) { if (entry instanceof ClasspathGroup) { if (!childEntries.contains(entry)) { childEntries.add((IRJRClasspathEntry)entry); return entry; } return null; } ClasspathEntry newEntry = createEntry((IRuntimeClasspathEntry) entry, null); Iterator<IRJRClasspathEntry> entries = childEntries.iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Object element =; if (element instanceof ClasspathGroup) { if (((ClasspathGroup) element).contains(newEntry)) { return null; } } else if (element.equals(newEntry)) { return null; } } childEntries.add(newEntry); return newEntry; } public Object addEntry(int entryType, IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry) { IRJRClasspathEntry entryParent = null; switch (entryType) { case USER: entryParent = getUserEntry(); break; case CUSTOM: entryParent = getCustomEntry(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported entryType:"+entryType); } ClasspathEntry newEntry = createEntry(entry, entryParent); newEntry.setCustom(entryType == CUSTOM); Iterator<IRJRClasspathEntry> entries = childEntries.iterator(); while (entries.hasNext()) { Object element =; if (element instanceof ClasspathGroup) { if (((ClasspathGroup) element).contains(newEntry)) { return null; } } else if (element.equals(newEntry)) { return null; } } if (entryParent != null) { ((ClasspathGroup) entryParent).addEntry(newEntry, null); } else { childEntries.add(newEntry); } return newEntry; } /** * Returns the entries of the given type, or an empty collection if none. * * @param entryType * @return the entries of the given type, or an empty collection if none */ public IRJRClasspathEntry[] getEntries(int entryType) { switch (entryType) { case USER: if (userEntries != null) { return userEntries.getEntries(); } break; case CUSTOM: if (customEntries != null) { return customEntries.getEntries(); } break; } return new IRJRClasspathEntry[0]; } public IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] getAllEntries() { IRJRClasspathEntry[] user = getEntries(USER); IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] all = new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[user.length]; if (user.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(user, 0, all, 0, user.length); } return all; } public IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] getCustomEntries() { IRJRClasspathEntry[] user = getEntries(CUSTOM); IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] all = new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[user.length]; if (user.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(user, 0, all, 0, user.length); } return all; } public void remove(Object entry) { childEntries.remove(entry); } public void cleanRootGroup(int type) { if (type == CUSTOM) { customEntries.removeAll(); } else if (type == USER) { userEntries.removeAll(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not supported type:" + type); } } public ClasspathEntry createEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry entry, IRJRClasspathEntry entryParent) { if (entry instanceof ClasspathEntry) { entry = ((ClasspathEntry) entry).getDelegate(); } if (entryParent == null) { entryParent = this; } return new ClasspathEntry(entry, entryParent); } public void clearCustom() { if (this.customEntries != null) { this.customEntries.removeAll(); } } public void removeAll() { if (userEntries != null) { userEntries.removeAll(); } } public void removeAll(Object[] entries) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { Object object = entries[i]; if (object instanceof ClasspathEntry) { IRJRClasspathEntry entryParent = ((ClasspathEntry) object) .getParent(); if (entryParent instanceof ClasspathGroup) { ((ClasspathGroup) entryParent) .removeEntry((ClasspathEntry) object); } else { remove(object); } } else { remove(object); } } } private ClasspathGroup createGroupEntry(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries, ClasspathGroup entryParent, String name, boolean canBeRemoved, boolean addEntry, boolean editable) { ClasspathGroup group = new ClasspathGroup(name, entryParent, canBeRemoved, editable); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { group.addEntry(new ClasspathEntry(entries[i], group), null); } if (addEntry) { addEntry(group); } return group; } public void setUserEntries(IRuntimeClasspathEntry[] entries) { if (userEntries == null) { getUserEntry(); } userEntries.removeAll(); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { userEntries.addEntry(new ClasspathEntry(entries[i], userEntries), null); } } public IRJRClasspathEntry getCustomEntry() { if (customEntries == null) { customEntries = createGroupEntry(new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[0], null, this.customLabel, false, true, true); customEntries.setParent(userEntries); customEntries.setCustom(true); } return customEntries; } public IRJRClasspathEntry getUserEntry() { if (userEntries == null) { userEntries = createGroupEntry(new IRuntimeClasspathEntry[0], null, this.defaultLabel, false, true, false); } return userEntries; } /** * Constructs a new classpath model with root entries */ public UserClassesClasspathModel() { this("Default Project classpath", "User Custom classpath"); } public UserClassesClasspathModel(String defaultLabel,String customLabel) { super(); this.defaultLabel = defaultLabel; this.customLabel = customLabel; getUserEntry(); getCustomEntry(); } public String checkIfCustomEntriesExisting(){ if(customEntries == null){ return null; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean find = false; for(IRJRClasspathEntry entry:customEntries){ if(entry instanceof ClasspathEntry && ((ClasspathEntry) entry).isMissing()){ if(((ClasspathEntry) entry).getDelegate() == null){ throw new IllegalStateException("It shouldn't happened when missing a null IRuntimeClasspath"); } String mesg = ((MissingRuntimeClasspathEntry)((ClasspathEntry) entry).getDelegate()).getMessage(); if(find){ sb.append(","); } sb.append(mesg); find = true; } } if( !find ) { return null; } return sb.toString(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.classpath.IClasspathEntry#isEditable() */ public boolean isEditable() { return false; } public String getRealPath() { return toString(); } }