package runjettyrun.annotation; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationConfiguration; import org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser; import org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.AnnotationParser.DiscoverableAnnotationHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.annotations.ClassNameResolver; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Logger; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.FileResource; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.FragmentDescriptor; import org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext; import runjettyrun.ProjectClassLoader; /** * Since the original design for AnnotationConfiguration only scan WEB-INF/classes , WEB-INF/libs. * We create a specific implemenation for Run-Jetty-Run application to have a better support. * @author TonyQ * */ public class RJRAnnotationConfiguration extends AnnotationConfiguration { private static Logger logger = Log.getLogger(RJRAnnotationConfiguration.class); public void parseWebInfClasses(final WebAppContext context, final AnnotationParser parser) throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Scanning classes in WEB-INF/classes"); List<FragmentDescriptor> frags = context.getMetaData().getFragments(); //email from Rajiv Mordani jsrs 315 7 April 2010 //jars that do not have a web-fragment.xml are still considered fragments //they have to participate in the ordering ArrayList<URI> webInfUris = new ArrayList<URI>(); List<Resource> jars = context.getMetaData().getOrderedWebInfJars(); //No ordering just use the jars in any order if (jars == null || jars.isEmpty()) jars = context.getMetaData().getWebInfJars(); if(jars == null){ jars = new ArrayList<Resource>(); } //Hacked , add RJR classpaths List<String> rjrClasspaths = ProjectClassLoader.getClasspaths(); for (String path : rjrClasspaths) { File file = new File(path); if (file.isDirectory()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("scanning RJR classes for annotation:" + file.getAbsolutePath()); FileResource folder = (new FileResource(file.toURI().toURL())); if(folder.isDirectory()){ parseClasses(context, folder, parser); //load annotation from classes file first }else{ jars.add(new FileResource(file.toURI().toURL())); } } } for (Resource r : jars) { //for each jar, we decide which set of annotations we need to parse for parser.clearHandlers(); URI uri = r.getURI(); FragmentDescriptor f = getFragmentFromJar(r, frags); //if its from a fragment jar that is metadata complete, we should skip scanning for @webservlet etc // but yet we still need to do the scanning for the classes on behalf of the servletcontainerinitializers //if a jar has no web-fragment.xml we scan it (because it is not excluded by the ordering) //or if it has a fragment we scan it if it is not metadata complete if (f == null || !isMetaDataComplete(f) || _classInheritanceHandler != null || !_containerInitializerAnnotationHandlers.isEmpty()) { //register the classinheritance handler if there is one parser.registerHandler(_classInheritanceHandler); //register the handlers for the @HandlesTypes values that are themselves annotations if there are any parser.registerHandlers(_containerInitializerAnnotationHandlers); //only register the discoverable annotation handlers if this fragment is not metadata complete, or has no fragment descriptor if (f == null || !isMetaDataComplete(f)) { for (DiscoverableAnnotationHandler h:_discoverableAnnotationHandlers) { if (h instanceof AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler) ((AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler)h).setResource(r); } parser.registerHandlers(_discoverableAnnotationHandlers); } parser.parse(uri, new ClassNameResolver() { public boolean isExcluded (String name) { if (context.isSystemClass(name)) return true; if (context.isServerClass(name)) return false; return false; } public boolean shouldOverride (String name) { //looking at webapp classpath, found already-parsed class of same name - did it come from system or duplicate in webapp? if (context.isParentLoaderPriority()) return false; return true; } }); } } } /** * Scan classes in WEB-INF/classes * * @param context * @param parser * @throws Exception */ public void parseClasses (final WebAppContext context,Resource classesDir , final AnnotationParser parser) throws Exception { //LOG.debug("Scanning classes in classes folders (hack by RJR)"); if (classesDir.exists()) { parser.clearHandlers(); for (DiscoverableAnnotationHandler h:_discoverableAnnotationHandlers) { if (h instanceof AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler) ((AbstractDiscoverableAnnotationHandler)h).setResource(null); // } parser.registerHandlers(_discoverableAnnotationHandlers); parser.registerHandler(_classInheritanceHandler); parser.registerHandlers(_containerInitializerAnnotationHandlers); parser.parse(classesDir, new ClassNameResolver() { public boolean isExcluded (String name) { if (context.isSystemClass(name)) return true; if (context.isServerClass(name)) return false; return false; } public boolean shouldOverride (String name) { //looking at webapp classpath, found already-parsed class of same name - did it come from system or duplicate in webapp? if (context.isParentLoaderPriority()) return false; return true; } }); } } }