package; import static com.robonobo.common.util.TimeUtil.*; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import com.robonobo.common.async.PushDataChannel; import com.robonobo.common.async.PushDataReceiver; import com.robonobo.common.concurrent.Attempt; import com.robonobo.common.concurrent.CatchingRunnable; import com.robonobo.common.dlugosz.Dlugosz; import; import com.robonobo.common.util.CodeUtil; import com.robonobo.core.api.StreamVelocity; import com.robonobo.core.api.proto.CoreApi.EndPoint; import com.robonobo.core.api.proto.CoreApi.Node; import com.robonobo.mina.instance.MinaInstance; import com.robonobo.mina.message.HelloHelper; import com.robonobo.mina.message.MessageHolder; import com.robonobo.mina.message.handlers.MessageHandler; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Bye; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Hello; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Ping; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Pong; import com.robonobo.mina.util.MinaConnectionException; /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public class ControlConnection implements PushDataReceiver { protected Log log; protected PushDataChannel dataChan; protected MinaInstance mina; protected String nodeId; protected Node nodeDesc; protected Date lastDataRecvd; protected Future<?> pingTask; protected Attempt helloAttempt, pingAttempt; protected Set<LCPair> lcPairs; protected Set<BCPair> bcPairs; protected List<MessageHolder> waitingMsgs; // Messages received before Hello protected boolean handshakeComplete = false; /** All mina-level stuff is done, we're waiting for the network conn to close */ protected boolean closing = false; /** The network connection has been shut down, we're out */ protected boolean closed = false; protected Attempt closeAttempt; protected String closeReason = null; protected EndPoint theirEp; protected EndPoint myEp; /** This provides Broadcast/Listen connections associated with this CC */ protected StreamConnectionFactory scf; /** The gamma that will be set on any bcPairs added to this conn */ protected float broadcastGamma = 1f; public static final int NETWORK_READ_SIZE = 2048; private ByteBufferInputStream incoming; private String msgName = null; private int serialMsgLength = -1; private Date creationDate = new Date(); private ControlConnection(MinaInstance mina) { this.mina = mina; log = mina.getLogger(getClass()); lcPairs = new HashSet<LCPair>(); bcPairs = new HashSet<BCPair>(); waitingMsgs = new ArrayList<MessageHolder>(); } /** Called when we are connecting to a remote endpoint */ public ControlConnection(MinaInstance mina, Node nd, EndPoint myEp, EndPoint theirEp, PushDataChannel dataChan, StreamConnectionFactory scf) { this(mina); nodeDesc = nd; nodeId = nodeDesc.getId(); this.myEp = myEp; this.theirEp = theirEp; this.dataChan = dataChan; this.scf = scf; incoming = new ByteBufferInputStream(); Hello hello = Hello.newBuilder().setNode(mina.getNetMgr().getDescriptorForTalkingTo(nodeDesc, isLocal())) .build(); helloAttempt = new ConnectAttempt(); helloAttempt.start(); try { sendMessageImmediate("Hello", hello); } catch (IOException e) { // Closed already, just return return; } dataChan.setDataReceiver(this); } /** Called when we are responding to a remote request */ public ControlConnection(MinaInstance mina, HelloHelper helHelper, StreamConnectionFactory scf) throws MinaConnectionException { this(mina); nodeDesc = helHelper.getHello().getNode(); nodeId = nodeDesc.getId(); if (nodeDesc.getSupernode() && mina.getConfig().isSupernode()) { // TODO Fix me when supernodes are done properly log.error("Error - node " + nodeId + " is a supernode, it cannot connect to me"); close("Supernodes cannot connect to supernodes"); return; } this.scf = scf; dataChan = helHelper.getDataChannel(); myEp = helHelper.getMyEp(); theirEp = helHelper.getTheirEp(); incoming = helHelper.getIncoming(); // Return from the ctor here and complete the handshake in // completeHandshake as it allows us to be added to the list of // connections - guards against multiple connections to the same node } public void completeHandshake() { handshakeComplete = true; Hello hel = Hello.newBuilder().setNode(mina.getNetMgr().getDescriptorForTalkingTo(nodeDesc, isLocal())).build(); try { sendMessageImmediate("Hello", hel); } catch (IOException e) { // We've closed already, just return return; } lastDataRecvd = new Date(); startPinging(); mina.getCCM().notifySuccessfulConnection(this); dataChan.setDataReceiver(this); } public long getAge() { return msElapsedSince(creationDate); } @Override public String toString() { return "CC[" + nodeId + "]"; } public void providerClosed() { if (!(closing || closed)) { log.error(this + ": network error - closing"); close(); } } public void close() { close(null); } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized void close(String reason) { if (closing) return; closing = true; if (reason != null) { try { Bye bye = Bye.newBuilder().setReason(reason).build(); sendMessage("Bye", bye, false); } catch (Exception ignore) { } }"CC " + nodeId + " exiting"); // Kill our CPairs, and tell our manager to clean up after us // Calling higher syncpriority methods, use separate thread mina.getExecutor().execute(new DoCloseRunner()); if (pingTask != null) pingTask.cancel(true); if (helloAttempt != null) helloAttempt.cancel(); if (pingAttempt != null) pingAttempt.cancel(); if(closeAttempt != null) closeAttempt.cancel(); dataChan.close(); closed = true; } public synchronized boolean isClosing() { return (closed || closing || (closeAttempt != null)); } public synchronized boolean isClosed() { return closed; } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized void abort() { log.debug(this + ": aborting"); if (pingTask != null) pingTask.cancel(true); if (helloAttempt != null) helloAttempt.cancel(); if (pingAttempt != null) pingAttempt.cancel(); dataChan.close(); closed = true; } /** * Die without shutting anything down - when we have detected a duplicate connection and we want to shut this one * down without futzing things up for the other one */ public synchronized void dieSilently() { closing = true; if (pingTask != null) pingTask.cancel(true); if (helloAttempt != null) helloAttempt.cancel(); if (pingAttempt != null) pingAttempt.cancel(); dataChan.close(); closed = true; } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public void sendMessage(String msgName, GeneratedMessage msg) { try { sendMessage(msgName, msg, true); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(this + " Error sending message", e); close(); } } public void sendMessageOrThrow(String msgName, GeneratedMessage msg) throws IOException { try { sendMessage(msgName, msg, true); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(this + " Error sending message", e); close(); throw e; } } private void sendMessageImmediate(String msgName, GeneratedMessage msg) throws IOException { try { sendMessage(msgName, msg, false); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(this + " Error sending message", e); close(); throw e; } } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ private synchronized void sendMessage(String msgName, GeneratedMessage msg, boolean checkReady) throws IOException { // We send the message name, then null byte, then message length, then msg // Send it all in one go to minimise the number of pkts that get sent ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); baos.write(msgName.getBytes()); baos.write(0); baos.write(Dlugosz.encode(msg.getSerializedSize()).array()); msg.writeTo(baos); // This can be called by other threads before the connection's // set up properly - wait if (checkReady) { while (!handshakeComplete) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if(CodeUtil.javaMajorVersion() >= 6) throw new IOException(e); else throw new IOException("Caught InterruptedException waiting for handshake to complete"); } } } byte[] sendData = baos.toByteArray(); log.debug("Sending " + msgName + ": " + msg + " to " + nodeId.toString() + " (" + sendData.length + " bytes)"); try { dataChan.receiveData(ByteBuffer.wrap(sendData), null); } catch (IOException e) { if (!closing) { if (CodeUtil.javaMajorVersion() >= 6) throw new IOException(e); throw new IOException("Caught " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } public String getNodeId() { return nodeId; } public Node getNode() { return nodeDesc; } /** * Returns true if the supplied lcp is the highest-priority non-zero-flowrate lcp on this connection * * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized boolean isHighestPriority(LCPair argLcp) { int argPri = mina.getStreamMgr().getPriority(argLcp.getStreamId()); for (LCPair iterLcp : lcPairs) { if (iterLcp == argLcp) continue; int iterPri = mina.getStreamMgr().getPriority(iterLcp.getStreamId()); if (iterLcp.getFlowRate() > 0 && iterPri > argPri) return false; } return true; } /** * This is a local shop! For local people! We'll have no trouble here! */ public boolean isLocal() { return nodeDesc.getLocal(); } /** * @return true if the update went ok, false if something went wrong and we closed */ public boolean updateDetails(Node newNodeDesc) { String newNodeId = newNodeDesc.getId(); if (!newNodeId.equals(nodeId)) { close("You're not allowed to change your node ID"); return false; } nodeDesc = newNodeDesc; return true; } public void notifyPong(Pong pong) { pingAttempt.succeeded(); } private void handleMessage(MessageHandler handler, final MessageHolder msgHolder) { if (closed) return; GeneratedMessage msg = msgHolder.getMessage(); String msgName = msgHolder.getMsgName(); final MessageHandler myHandler = (handler == null) ? mina.getMessageMgr().getHandler(msgName) : handler; if (myHandler == null) { log.error(this + " ERROR: got unknown message type " + msgName); return; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(this + " received " + msgName + ": " + msg); // If we're still in the handshake, complete it if (!handshakeComplete) { if (msg instanceof Hello) receiveHello((Hello) msg); else waitingMsgs.add(msgHolder); return; } lastDataRecvd = now(); myHandler.handleMessage(msgHolder); } protected void startPinging() { double pingFreq = mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout(); // We +/- 10% randomly on this, as this means that it's much less likely // that two nodes ping each other simultaneously, which wastes bandwidth (not much, but often) int rnd = new Random().nextInt(20); double var = (pingFreq / 100) * (10 - rnd); pingFreq += var; pingTask = mina.getExecutor().scheduleAtFixedRate(new PingChecker(), (int) pingFreq, (int) pingFreq, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** * @syncpriority 140 */ protected void receiveHello(Hello hello) { if (!hello.getNode().getId().equals(nodeId)) { helloAttempt.failed(); log.error("Error: attempting to connect to ID " + nodeId + ", but node claims its ID as " + hello.getNode().getId()); close("Your Node ID is not the one I was expecting"); return; } // Update details of our new buddy nodeDesc = hello.getNode(); nodeId = nodeDesc.getId(); helloAttempt.succeeded(); handshakeComplete = true; synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); } mina.getCCM().notifySuccessfulConnection(this); lastDataRecvd = new Date(); startPinging(); for (MessageHolder msgHolder : waitingMsgs) { handleMessage(null, msgHolder); } waitingMsgs = null; } public EndPoint getTheirEp() { return theirEp; } public EndPoint getMyEp() { return myEp; } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized void addLCPair(LCPair pair) { lcPairs.add(pair); } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized void addBCPair(BCPair pair) { pair.setGamma(broadcastGamma); bcPairs.add(pair); } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public void removeLCPair(ConnectionPair pair) { synchronized (this) { lcPairs.remove(pair); } closeIfUnused(); } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public void removeBCPair(BCPair pair) { synchronized (this) { bcPairs.remove(pair); } closeIfUnused(); } public void closeIfUnused() { if (closing) return; if (!isInUse()) { closeReason = "Connection no longer in use"; closeGracefully(); } } private synchronized boolean isInUse() { return nodeDesc.getSupernode() || mina.getConfig().isSupernode() || isLocal() || lcPairs.size() > 0 || bcPairs.size() > 0; } /** * @syncpriority 170 */ public void closeGracefully(String reason) { closeReason = reason; closeGracefully(); } /** * Shuts down any pending state we have with the other end, eg currency accounts. Guaranteed to close down after a * timeout, whatever happens with state. Note: this method will return immediately - check isClosed() to see if the * closing process has finished. * @syncpriority 170 */ public void closeGracefully() { synchronized (this) { if (closing || closed) return; if (closeAttempt == null) { closeAttempt = new CloseCCAttempt(); closeAttempt.start(); } } // If we have an account with them, or they with us, close it before we // quit if (mina.getConfig().isAgoric() && mina.getSellMgr().haveActiveAccount(nodeId)) { log.debug(this + ": not closing yet as they have an account with us"); // SellMgr will call closeGracefully() on us when acct is closed mina.getSellMgr().closeAccount(nodeId); return; } if (mina.getConfig().isAgoric() && mina.getBuyMgr().haveActiveAccount(nodeId)) { log.debug(this + ": not closing yet as we have an account with them"); // BuyMgr will call closeGracefully() on us when acct is closed mina.getBuyMgr().closeAccount(nodeId); return; } close(); } private class CloseCCAttempt extends Attempt { public CloseCCAttempt() { super(mina.getExecutor(), mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout() * 1000, "CloseCC-" + nodeId); } protected void onFail() { if (closed || closing) return; log.error(ControlConnection.this + " failing attempt to close connection - closing now"); close(); } protected void onTimeout() { if (closed || closing) return; log.error(ControlConnection.this + " timeout closing connection - closing now"); close(); } } /** * Safe to iterate over * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized LCPair[] getLCPairs() { LCPair[] result = new LCPair[lcPairs.size()]; lcPairs.toArray(result); return result; } /** * Safe to iterate over * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized BCPair[] getBCPairs() { BCPair[] result = new BCPair[bcPairs.size()]; bcPairs.toArray(result); return result; } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized LCPair getLCPair(String streamId) { for (LCPair pair : lcPairs) { if (pair.getStreamId().equals(streamId)) return (LCPair) pair; } return null; } /** * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized BCPair getBCPair(String streamId) { for (BCPair pair : bcPairs) { if (pair.getStreamId().equals(streamId)) return pair; } return null; } /** * The total download rate for this connection. Stream data only, doesn't include control data * * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized int getDownFlowRate() { int result = 0; for (LCPair pair : lcPairs) { result += pair.getFlowRate(); } return result; } /** * The total upload rate for this connection. Stream data only, doesn't include control data * * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized int getUpFlowRate() { int result = 0; for (BCPair pair : bcPairs) { result += pair.getFlowRate(); } return result; } /** * The highest (fastest) velocity of all those we are receiving from this node * @syncpriority 60 */ public synchronized StreamVelocity highestVelocity() { StreamVelocity result = StreamVelocity.LowestCost; for (LCPair lcp : lcPairs) { StreamVelocity sv = mina.getBidStrategy().getStreamVelocity(lcp.getStreamId()); if(sv != null && sv.ordinal() > result.ordinal()) result = sv; } return result; } public StreamConnectionFactory getSCF() { return scf; } protected class DoCloseRunner extends CatchingRunnable { public void doRun() { mina.getCCM().notifyDeadConnection(ControlConnection.this); ConnectionPair[] pairs = new ConnectionPair[lcPairs.size()]; lcPairs.toArray(pairs); for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { pairs[i].die(); } pairs = new ConnectionPair[bcPairs.size()]; bcPairs.toArray(pairs); for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { pairs[i].die(); } } } protected class ConnectAttempt extends Attempt { public ConnectAttempt() { super(mina.getExecutor(), mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout() * 1000, "Connect-" + nodeId); } public void onTimeout() { // We might have a simultaneous connection that got through, if so just quit silently if (mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId) != null) { log.debug("Attempted CC to " + nodeId + " failed, but I see a working connection - continuing"); dieSilently(); } else { log.error("Timeout connecting to node " + nodeId + ": closing connection"); close(); } } } protected class PingAttempt extends Attempt { public PingAttempt() { super(mina.getExecutor(), mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout() * 1000, "Ping-" + nodeId); } public void onTimeout() { log.error("Node " + nodeId + " ping timeout: closing connection"); close(); } } /** * We read data in 3 states. 1. Read the msg name as a string, null terminated 2. Read a Dlugosz number - this is * the length of the serialized msg 3. Read the serialized msg as a byte array */ public void receiveData(ByteBuffer buf, Object ignoreMe) throws IOException { incoming.addBuffer(buf); // Now we see what we can see boolean finished = false; do { if (serialMsgLength >= 0) { // We're reading our serialized cmd if (incoming.available() >= serialMsgLength) { // Parse our bytes into a protocol buffer msg MessageHandler handler = mina.getMessageMgr().getHandler(msgName); if (handler == null) { log.error(this + " ERROR: got unknown message type " + msgName); return; } // The protocol buffer parser will read the entire inputstream, so we fake it incoming.setPretendEof(serialMsgLength); GeneratedMessage msg = handler.parse(msgName, incoming); incoming.clearPretendEof(); MessageHolder msgHolder = new MessageHolder(msgName, msg, this, now()); handleMessage(handler, msgHolder); serialMsgLength = -1; msgName = null; } else finished = true; } else if (msgName != null) { // We're reading our serialized msg length if (Dlugosz.startsWithCompleteNum(incoming)) { serialMsgLength = (int) Dlugosz.readLong(incoming); } else finished = true; } else { // We're reading our msg name - look for a null-terminated string int strSz = incoming.locateNullByte(); if (strSz >= 0) { byte[] arr = new byte[strSz + 1]; // Read the null itself too; msgName = new String(arr, 0, strSz); } else finished = true; } } while (!finished); } public float getBroadcastGamma() { return broadcastGamma; } public void setBroadcastGamma(float broadcastGamma) { this.broadcastGamma = broadcastGamma; } protected class PingChecker extends CatchingRunnable { Random rand = new Random(); public void doRun() { if(isClosing() || isClosed()) return; synchronized (ControlConnection.this) { // If we have data flowing, don't bother pinging if (getUpFlowRate() > 0 || getDownFlowRate() > 0) return; int timeoutSecs = mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout(); Date nextPingDate = new Date(lastDataRecvd.getTime() + timeoutSecs * 1000); if (nextPingDate.before(now())) { pingAttempt = new PingAttempt(); pingAttempt.start(); String tok = String.valueOf(rand.nextInt(9999)); sendMessage("Ping", Ping.newBuilder().setPingId(tok).build()); } } } } }