package com.robonobo.mina.agoric; import static com.robonobo.common.util.NumberUtil.*; import static com.robonobo.common.util.TimeUtil.*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import; import com.robonobo.common.concurrent.Attempt; import com.robonobo.common.concurrent.CatchingRunnable; import com.robonobo.common.exceptions.SeekInnerCalmException; import com.robonobo.core.api.CurrencyException; import com.robonobo.core.api.StreamVelocity; import com.robonobo.mina.external.buffer.PageBuffer; import com.robonobo.mina.instance.MinaInstance; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Agorics; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.Bid; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.BidUpdate; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.CloseAcct; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.EscrowBegan; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.ReceivedBid; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.SourceStatus; import com.robonobo.mina.message.proto.MinaProtocol.TopUp; import; import; /** Handles accounts we have with other nodes, and their auction states * * @syncpriority 170 * @author macavity */ public class BuyMgr { private static final int GUESS_PAGE_SIZE = 32768; static final int AUCTION_STATE_HISTORY = 8; MinaInstance mina; Map<String, AuctionState> asMap = new HashMap<String, AuctionState>(); Map<String, Agorics> agMap = new HashMap<String, Agorics>(); Map<String, Account> accounts = new HashMap<String, Account>(); Set<String> accountsInProgress = new HashSet<String>(); Log log; public BuyMgr(MinaInstance mina) { this.mina = mina; log = mina.getLogger(getClass()); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized AuctionState getAuctionState(String nodeId) { return asMap.get(nodeId); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized Agorics getAgorics(String nodeId) { return agMap.get(nodeId); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized boolean haveActiveAccount(String nodeId) { return accounts.containsKey(nodeId); } /** @syncpriority 170 * @return <=0 if no agreed bid yet */ public synchronized double getAgreedBidTo(String nodeId) { if (!accounts.containsKey(nodeId)) return -1; AuctionState as = accounts.get(nodeId).getMostRecentAs(); if (as == null) return -1; return as.getMyBid(); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized float calculateMyGamma(String nodeId) { Account ac = accounts.get(nodeId); if (ac == null) return 0f; AuctionState as = ac.getMostRecentAs(); if (as == null) return 0f; double myBid = as.getMyBid(); if (myBid == 0d) return 0f; double topBid = as.getTopBid(); return (float) (myBid / topBid); } /** Gets the most recent auction status index in nodeId's auction * * @return -1 If no auction status yet received * @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized int getCurrentStatusIdx(String nodeId) { if (!accounts.containsKey(nodeId)) return -1; AuctionState as = accounts.get(nodeId).getMostRecentAs(); if (as == null) return -1; return as.getIndex(); } /** @throws IOException * @syncpriority 170 */ public void setupAccount(SourceStatus ss) throws IOException { String nodeId = ss.getFromNode().getId(); // If our currency client isn't ready yet (fast connection, this one!), // wait until it is while (!mina.getCurrencyClient().isReady()) { try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } if (mina.getCCM().isShuttingDown()) return; } synchronized (this) { if (accounts.containsKey(nodeId) || accountsInProgress.contains(nodeId)) return; accountsInProgress.add(nodeId); asMap.put(nodeId, new AuctionState(ss.getAuctionState())); agMap.put(nodeId, ss.getAgorics()); } String paymentMethod = getBestPaymentMethod(ss.getAgorics()); if (paymentMethod == null) {"Failed to setup account with " + nodeId + " - no acceptable payment methods"); return; } if (paymentMethod.equals("upfront")) { setupUpfrontAccount(nodeId); return; } else if (paymentMethod.startsWith("escrow:")) { String escrowProvId = paymentMethod.substring(7); setupEscrowAccount(nodeId, escrowProvId); return; } log.error("Error: could not setup account with " + nodeId + " - unknown payment method '" + paymentMethod + "'"); } private void setupUpfrontAccount(final String nodeId) throws IOException {"Setting up upfront account with node " + nodeId); ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId); if (cc == null) { log.error("No cc for setting up account with " + nodeId); return; } double cashToSend = mina.getCurrencyClient().getOpeningBalance(); byte[] token; try { token = mina.getCurrencyClient().withdrawToken(cashToSend, "Setting up account with node " + nodeId); } catch (CurrencyException e) { log.error("Error withdrawing token of value " + cashToSend + " while trying to open account with " + nodeId); return; } synchronized (this) { Account a = new Account(); a.addRecentAs(asMap.get(nodeId)); accounts.put(nodeId, a); } try { TopUp tu = TopUp.newBuilder().setCurrencyToken(ByteString.copyFrom(token)).build(); cc.sendMessageOrThrow("TopUp", tu); } catch (IOException e) { // This failed - remove trace of this guy, recover the cash and rethrow the exception synchronized (this) { accounts.remove(nodeId); } final byte[] tok = token; mina.getExecutor().execute(new CatchingRunnable() { public void doRun() throws Exception { log.error("Attempting to return cash for failed openacct"); mina.getCurrencyClient().depositToken(tok, "Returning cash after failing to open account with node " + nodeId); } }); throw e; } synchronized (this) { accounts.get(nodeId).balance += cashToSend; } accountSetupSucceeded(nodeId); } private void setupEscrowAccount(final String nodeId, final String escrowProvId) { // TODO This attempt-based stuff lacks wang... just tell the escrow mgr to open the account, and have it call // our accountSetupSucceeded when it's done // TODO Possibly split off upfront stuff into own UpfrontAccountMgr, and have sibling EscrowAccountMgr...? Attempt a = new Attempt(mina.getExecutor(), mina.getConfig().getMessageTimeout(), "escrow-" + nodeId) { protected void onSuccess() { // We're now connected to the escrow provider double cashToSend = mina.getCurrencyClient().getOpeningBalance(); String escrowId = mina.getEscrowMgr().startNewEscrow(cashToSend); EscrowBegan.Builder ebb = EscrowBegan.newBuilder(); ebb.setAmount(cashToSend); ebb.setEscrowId(escrowId); mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId).sendMessage("EscrowBegan",; synchronized (BuyMgr.this) { Account a = new Account(); a.addRecentAs(asMap.get(nodeId)); a.balance += cashToSend; accounts.put(nodeId, a); } } }; mina.getEscrowMgr().setupEscrowAccount(escrowProvId, a); // TODO finish this - end up by calling accountSetupSucceeded somewhere } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void closeAccount(String nodeId) { boolean gotAccount; synchronized (this) { gotAccount = accounts.containsKey(nodeId); } ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId); if (gotAccount) { if (cc != null) { CloseAcct ca = CloseAcct.newBuilder().build(); cc.sendMessage("CloseAcct", ca); sentBid(nodeId, 0); return; } } else cc.closeGracefully(); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void accountClosed(String nodeId, byte[] currencyToken) { Account acct; synchronized (this) { acct = accounts.remove(nodeId); } if (acct == null) log.error("Received acctclosed from " + nodeId + ", but I have no registered account"); else { try { double val = mina.getCurrencyClient().depositToken(currencyToken, "Balance returned from node " + nodeId); if ((val - acct.balance) < 0) { // TODO Something more serious here log.error("ERROR: balance mismatch when closing acct with " + nodeId + ": I say " + acct.balance + ", he gave me " + val); } } catch (CurrencyException e) { log.error("Error when depositing token from " + nodeId, e); } log.debug("Successfully closed account with " + nodeId); ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId); if (cc != null) cc.closeGracefully(); } } private void accountSetupSucceeded(final String sellerNodeId) { // w00t. Now, we bid long timeUntilBid; synchronized (this) { accountsInProgress.remove(sellerNodeId); AuctionState as = asMap.get(sellerNodeId); if (as == null) throw new SeekInnerCalmException(); timeUntilBid = as.getBidsOpen(); } if (timeUntilBid <= 0) openBidding(sellerNodeId); else { log.debug("Waiting " + timeUntilBid + "ms to open bid to " + sellerNodeId); mina.getExecutor().schedule(new CatchingRunnable() { public void doRun() throws Exception { openBidding(sellerNodeId); } }, timeUntilBid, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } public void possiblyRebid(final String nodeId) { ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId); double lastBid; long timeUntilBid; if (cc == null) { log.error("Not rebidding to " + nodeId + " - no connection"); return; } synchronized (this) { if (!accounts.containsKey(nodeId)) { log.error("Not rebidding to " + nodeId + " - no account"); return; } AuctionState as = asMap.get(nodeId); if (as == null) { log.debug("Not rebidding to " + nodeId + " - no auctionstate"); return; } lastBid = as.getLastSentBid(); timeUntilBid = as.getBidsOpen(); } double bid = mina.getBidStrategy().getOpeningBid(nodeId); if (dblEq(lastBid, bid)) { log.debug("Not rebidding to " + nodeId + " - happy with current bid"); return; } if (timeUntilBid <= 0) openBidding(nodeId); else { log.debug("Waiting " + timeUntilBid + "ms to open bid to " + nodeId); mina.getExecutor().schedule(new CatchingRunnable() { public void doRun() throws Exception { openBidding(nodeId); } }, timeUntilBid, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } private void openBidding(final String nodeId) { ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId); if (cc == null) { log.error("Not opening bidding to " + nodeId + " - no connection"); return; } synchronized (this) { if (!accounts.containsKey(nodeId)) { log.error("Not opening bidding to " + nodeId + " - no account"); return; } } double bid = mina.getBidStrategy().getOpeningBid(nodeId); if (bid == 0) { log.error("Told to open bidding to " + nodeId + ", but now nobody wants to bid!"); return; } Bid bidMsg = Bid.newBuilder().setAmount(bid).build(); cc.sendMessage("Bid", bidMsg); sentBid(nodeId, bid); } /** An auction has moved on - update the bids * * @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized void bidUpdate(String fromNodeId, BidUpdate bu) { AuctionState as = asMap.get(fromNodeId); if (as == null) { log.error("Received bidupdate from " + fromNodeId + ", but I have no auctionstate"); return; } as.setBids(getUpdatedBids(as, bu)); } private List<ReceivedBid> getUpdatedBids(AuctionState as, BidUpdate bu) { Map<String, ReceivedBid> map = new HashMap<String, ReceivedBid>(); for (ReceivedBid bid : as.getBids()) { map.put(bid.getListenerId(), bid); } for (int i = 0; i < bu.getListenerIdCount(); i++) { ReceivedBid.Builder bb = ReceivedBid.newBuilder(); String lId = bu.getListenerId(i); double bidAmt = bu.getBidAmount(i); bb.setListenerId(lId); bb.setBid(bidAmt); map.put(lId,; } ArrayList<ReceivedBid> list = new ArrayList<ReceivedBid>(map.size()); list.addAll(map.values()); Collections.sort(list, new ReceivedBidComparator()); return list; } /** Are we able to bid high enough in this auction to get any data? */ public boolean canListenTo(AuctionState as, StreamVelocity sv) { if (as.getMyBid() > 0) { // wat return true; } int maxRL = as.getMaxRunningListeners(); if (as.getBids().size() < maxRL) return true; double myMaxBid = mina.getCurrencyClient().getMaxBid(sv); int numRLsAboveMe = 0; for (ReceivedBid b : as.getBids()) { if (b.getFlowRate() > 0 && b.getBid() >= myMaxBid) numRLsAboveMe++; } return (numRLsAboveMe < maxRL); } /** @syncpriority 60 */ private void bidFailure(final String sellerNodeId, AuctionState as) { // We bid in this auction, but we weren't in the result // Figure out if we are too cheap for this guy ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(sellerNodeId); if (cc == null) return; if (!canListenTo(as, cc.highestVelocity())) { log.debug("Failed to successfully bid with " + sellerNodeId + ": they're full and/or we are cheap"); for (LCPair lcp : cc.getLCPairs()) { lcp.agoricsFailure(); } return; } // We can listen to this auctionstate... just some networking wibbles maybe // Fire off a task to open bidding again when we're allowed mina.getExecutor().schedule(new CatchingRunnable() { public void doRun() throws Exception { openBidding(sellerNodeId); } }, as.getBidsOpen(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void newAuctionState(final String nodeId, final AuctionState as) { as.setTimeReceived(now()); boolean gotConfirmedBid; synchronized (this) { // Check our quoted bid, check it conforms to the last one we sent AuctionState oldAs = asMap.get(nodeId); if (oldAs != null) { if (AuctionState.INDEX_MOD.gte(oldAs.getIndex(), as.getIndex())) { // This auctionstate isn't newer than what we have, ignore return; } double myLastBid = oldAs.getLastSentBid(); if (myLastBid > 0) { if (as.getMyBid() == 0) { // Oops, I'm not in this result and I expected to be // Spawn a thread to get out of this sync mina.getExecutor().execute(new CatchingRunnable() { public void doRun() throws Exception { bidFailure(nodeId, as); } }); } else { double quotedBid = as.getMyBid(); if ((quotedBid - myLastBid) != 0) { log.error("ERROR: node " + nodeId + " quoted my last bid as " + quotedBid + ", but it was " + myLastBid + " (tid: " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + ")"); // TODO Something much more serious here } } as.setLastSentBid(oldAs.getLastSentBid()); } } // Keep track of this AS if (accounts.containsKey(nodeId)) accounts.get(nodeId).addRecentAs(as); gotConfirmedBid = (as.getMyBid() > 0); asMap.put(nodeId, as); } if (gotConfirmedBid) { // Let everybody know for (LCPair lcp : mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(nodeId).getLCPairs()) { lcp.gotAgreedBid(); } } // TODO Poll our interested SMs at intervals to see if our bid should change } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void sentBid(String nodeId, double bid) { synchronized (this) { AuctionState as = asMap.get(nodeId); as.setLastSentBid(bid); } } public String getBestPaymentMethod(Agorics theirAgs) { String[] theirMethods = theirAgs.getAcceptPaymentMethods().split(","); // If they accept an escrow provider that we're already connected to, use that // Otherwise, if they accept an escrow provider that we also accept, use that // Otherwise use upfront if we support it for (String method : theirMethods) { if (method.startsWith("escrow:")) { String escrowProvNodeId = method.substring(7); if (mina.getEscrowMgr().isAcceptableEscrowProvider(escrowProvNodeId) && mina.getCCM().haveRunningOrPendingCCTo(escrowProvNodeId)) return method; } } for (String method : theirMethods) { if (method.startsWith("escrow:")) { String escrowProvNodeId = method.substring(7); if (mina.getEscrowMgr().isAcceptableEscrowProvider(escrowProvNodeId)) return method; } } boolean gotUpfront = false; for (String method : theirMethods) { if (method.equals("upfront")) gotUpfront = true; } if (!gotUpfront) return null; for (String method : mina.getCurrencyClient().getAcceptPaymentMethods().split(",")) { if (method.equals("upfront")) return "upfront"; } return null; } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void receivedPage(String fromNodeId, int statusIdx, long pageLen) { synchronized (this) { Account acct = accounts.get(fromNodeId); if (acct == null) { log.error("ERROR: received page from " + fromNodeId + " with status index " + statusIdx + ", but I have no account with that node"); // TODO Something much more serious here return; } AuctionState as = acct.getAs(statusIdx); if (as == null) { log.error("ERROR: received page from " + fromNodeId + " with status index " + statusIdx + ", but I have no record of that status!"); // TODO Something much more serious here return; } // Deduct from our account balance. All prices are per megabyte. double pageCost = ((double) pageLen / (1024 * 1024)) * as.getMyBid(); acct.balance -= pageCost; } checkAcctBalance(fromNodeId, false); } private void checkAcctBalance(String fromNodeId, boolean debugForce) { // FIXME There is a bug somewhere in here, sometimes a node doesn't respond to a payup demand when it should... StringBuffer sb = debugForce ? new StringBuffer("DEBUG: checking account balance - ") : null; // Make sure we have enough in our account for 30 secs' worth of // reception for all streams (or the rest of the stream if less) long bytesRequired = 0; ControlConnection cc = mina.getCCM().getCCWithId(fromNodeId); if (cc == null) { // Connection has died, but page made it through gasping and // wheezing before everything got killed if (sb != null) { sb.append("No CC!"); log.error(sb); } return; } LCPair[] lcps = cc.getLCPairs(); for (LCPair lcp : lcps) { PageBuffer pb = mina.getPageBufProvider().getPageBuf(lcp.getStreamId()); // Average page sz might be 0 if we haven't received any pages yet - take a guess long avgPgSz = pb.getAvgPageSize(); if(avgPgSz == 0) avgPgSz = GUESS_PAGE_SIZE; // The flow rate might be 0 if we're in the first second of reception (probably only applies on local // network) - if so, assume we're getting 1 page per sec, which is probably low, but will buy us enough time // to get a more accurate figure int flowRate = lcp.getFlowRate(); if(flowRate == 0) flowRate = (int) avgPgSz; int bytesForTime = flowRate * mina.getConfig().getBalanceBufferTime(); long bytesForRestOfStream = (pb.getTotalPages() - pb.getLastContiguousPage()) * avgPgSz; bytesRequired += Math.min(bytesForTime, bytesForRestOfStream); if (sb != null) sb.append("lcp ").append(lcp.getStreamId()).append(" forTime=").append(bytesForTime).append(", forRest=").append(bytesForRestOfStream).append(" - "); } double myBid; double balance; synchronized (this) { myBid = asMap.get(fromNodeId).getMyBid(); balance = accounts.get(fromNodeId).balance; } double endsRequired = ((double) bytesRequired / (1024 * 1024)) * myBid; if (sb != null) sb.append("bid=").append(myBid).append(", bal=").append(balance).append(", endsReq=").append(endsRequired); if (debugForce || balance < endsRequired) { if (debugForce && balance > endsRequired) { sb.append(" - forcing payment"); log.error(sb); endsRequired = mina.getCurrencyClient().getOpeningBalance(); } byte[] token; try { token = mina.getCurrencyClient().withdrawToken(endsRequired, "Topping up account with node " + fromNodeId); } catch (CurrencyException e) { log.error("Error withdrawing token of value " + endsRequired + " trying to top up account with " + fromNodeId); return; } synchronized (this) { accounts.get(fromNodeId).balance += endsRequired; } TopUp tu = TopUp.newBuilder().setCurrencyToken(ByteString.copyFrom(token)).build(); cc.sendMessage("TopUp", tu); } } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public void gotPayUpDemand(String fromNodeId, double toldBalance) { gotPayUpDemand(fromNodeId, toldBalance, false); } private void gotPayUpDemand(final String fromNodeId, final double toldBalance, boolean tryingAgain) { synchronized (this) { // TODO For now we're just accepting all payment demands, even if we // don't agree with them - obviously need to change this once we've // figured out why the mismatches occur double myBalance = accounts.get(fromNodeId).balance; if ((toldBalance - myBalance) != 0) { log.error("ERROR: got mismatch in payment demand from " + fromNodeId + ": they say " + toldBalance + ", I say " + myBalance); // if (!tryingAgain) { // int catchupSecs = mina.getConfig().getPayUpCatchUpTime(); //"Mismatch in payment demand from " + fromNodeId + // ": waiting " + catchupSecs + "s to catch up"); // // This might be down to some pages still being in flight - // // back off to let them arrive, then calculate again // mina.getExecutor().schedule(new CatchingRunnable() { // public void doRun() throws Exception { // gotPayUpDemand(fromNodeId, toldBalance, true); // } // }, catchupSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // } else { // // We've waited for things to catch up, and there's still a // // discrepancy... // // TODO What should we do here...? // log.error("ERROR: got mismatch in payment demand from " + // fromNodeId + ": they say " + toldBalance + ", I say " + // myBalance); // return; // } } // TODO This will just pay everyone whatever they demand... accounts.get(fromNodeId).balance = toldBalance; } // TODO Pass true to force a payment even if we don't need one - for debugging only! checkAcctBalance(fromNodeId, true); } /** @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized void notifyDeadConnection(String nodeId) { // TODO: We should try and keep account info so that it's still there when we reconnect - but then we // need a way of synchronizing account state when they reconnect - look at this when we're implementing escrow log.debug("BuyMgr cleaning up after " + nodeId); asMap.remove(nodeId); agMap.remove(nodeId); accounts.remove(nodeId); accountsInProgress.remove(nodeId); } /** Notifies that we have had a minimum charge applied to us, as we were the top bidder and weren't receiving data * fast enough * * @syncpriority 170 */ public synchronized void minCharge(String nodeId, double charge) { // You trying to jack me, vato? Account acct = accounts.get(nodeId); AuctionState as = acct.getMostRecentAs(); if (!as.amITopBid()) { log.error("Node " + nodeId + " applied mincharge to me, but I am not top bidder!"); // TODO Something much more serious here return; } long msSinceAuction = msElapsedSince(as.timeReceived); long minBytes = (long) (agMap.get(nodeId).getMinTopRate() * (msSinceAuction / 1000f)); long shortfallBytes = minBytes - acct.bytesRecvdOnMostRecentAs; double calcCharge = (shortfallBytes / (1024d * 1024d)) * as.getMyBid(); if (calcCharge < charge) { // TODO Wiggle room? What should we do here? log.error("Node " + nodeId + " demanded unfair mincharge; he says " + charge + ", I say " + calcCharge); return; } acct.balance -= charge; } class Account { double balance = 0; long bytesRecvdOnMostRecentAs = 0; /** Keep track of the last few auction states we've received */ private Map<Integer, AuctionState> recentAs = new HashMap<Integer, AuctionState>(); private LinkedList<Integer> recentAsIdxs = new LinkedList<Integer>(); void addRecentAs(AuctionState as) { if (recentAs.size() >= AUCTION_STATE_HISTORY) { int oldestAsIdx = recentAsIdxs.remove(); recentAs.remove(oldestAsIdx); } recentAs.put(as.getIndex(), as); recentAsIdxs.add(as.getIndex()); } AuctionState getAs(int asIdx) { return recentAs.get(asIdx); } AuctionState getMostRecentAs() { if (recentAsIdxs.size() == 0) return null; return recentAs.get((int) recentAsIdxs.getLast()); } } }