/* Copyright 2008 Edward Yakop. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.qi4j.api.common.QualifiedName; import org.qi4j.api.common.Visibility; import org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder; import org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork; import org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWorkCompletionException; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.AssemblyException; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.ModuleAssembly; import org.qi4j.entitystore.memory.MemoryEntityStoreService; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.AccountComposite; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.Person; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.PersonComposite; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.test.AbstractTestCase; import org.qi4j.spi.entity.EntityState; import org.qi4j.spi.entity.ManyAssociationState; import org.qi4j.spi.entity.QualifiedIdentity; import org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreException; import org.qi4j.spi.uuid.UuidIdentityGeneratorService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * {@code IBatisEntityStoreTest} tests {@code IBatisEntityStore}. */ @Ignore( "Needs attention" ) public final class IBatisEntityStoreTest extends AbstractTestCase { private static final String NEW_TEST_ID = "111"; private QrmSqlEntityStoreService entityStore; private static final String JOHNS_ACCOUNT = "Johns Account"; @Test public void isThereDataInTheDatabaseAfterInitialization() throws Exception { // entityStore.iterator(); derbyDatabaseHandler.checkDataInitialization(); } @Test public final void newEntityStateIsPersistedToDatabase() throws SQLException, UnitOfWorkCompletionException { final Map<String, String> data = createTestData( "Edward", "Yakop" ); final UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final EntityBuilder<PersonComposite> builder = uow.newEntityBuilder( PersonComposite.class ); PersonComposite person = builder.instance(); person.firstName().set( data.get( "FIRST_NAME" ) ); person.lastName().set( data.get( "LAST_NAME" ) ); person = builder.newInstance(); final String newId = person.identity().get(); uow.complete(); assertPersonEqualsInDatabase( newId, data ); } @Test public final void existingEntityIsDeletedFromPersistentStore() throws SQLException, UnitOfWorkCompletionException { final UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final PersonComposite john = uow.get( PersonComposite.class, TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); uow.remove( john ); uow.complete(); derbyDatabaseHandler.executeStatement( "select count(*) CNT from person where ID= '" + TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID + "'", new DerbyDatabaseHandler.ResultSetCallback() { public void row( final ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException { assertEquals( 0, rs.getInt( "CNT" ) ); } } ); } @Test public final void completeThrowsNPE() throws UnitOfWorkCompletionException { final UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); uow.get( PersonComposite.class, TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); uow.complete(); } @Test public final void existingEntityIsUpdatedInPersistentStore() throws SQLException, UnitOfWorkCompletionException { final UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final PersonComposite john = uow.get( PersonComposite.class, TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); john.lastName().set( "Doe" ); uow.complete(); derbyDatabaseHandler.executeStatement( "select LAST_NAME from person where ID= '" + TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID + "'", new DerbyDatabaseHandler.ResultSetCallback() { public void row( final ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException { assertEquals( "Doe", rs.getString( "LAST_NAME" ) ); } } ); } @Test public final void associationIsPersistedToDatabase() throws SQLException, UnitOfWorkCompletionException { UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final PersonComposite john = uow.get( PersonComposite.class, TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); assertNotNull( "john", john ); final AccountComposite johnsAccount = uow.newEntity( AccountComposite.class ); final String accountId = johnsAccount.identity().get(); johnsAccount.name().set( JOHNS_ACCOUNT ); johnsAccount.primaryContactPerson().set( john ); uow.complete(); uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final AccountComposite account = uow.get( AccountComposite.class, accountId ); assertEquals( "account name", JOHNS_ACCOUNT, account.name().get() ); final Person contactPerson = account.primaryContactPerson().get(); assertEquals( "john is contact", john, contactPerson ); uow.discard(); } @Test( expected = EntityStoreException.class ) public void loadOfNonExistingEntityFails() { loadEntity( "1123123" ); } @Test public void loadExistingEntity() { final EntityState state = loadEntity( TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); assertPersonEntityStateEquals( TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID, "John", "Smith", state ); } @Test public void loadExistingEntityWithAccounts() { final EntityState state = loadEntity( TestConfig.JANE_SMITH_ID ); assertPersonEntityStateEquals( TestConfig.JANE_SMITH_ID, "Jane", "Smith", state ); // assertEquals( "ACCOUNTS", state.manyAssociationNames().iterator().next() ); assertEquals( "no association accounts", null, state.getAssociation( QualifiedName.fromQN( "ACCOUNTS" ) ) ); final ManyAssociationState manyAssociation = state.getManyAssociation( QualifiedName.fromQN( "ACCOUNTS" ) ); assertEquals( "many association accounts", 2, manyAssociation.count() ); // assertTrue( "account reference 1", manyAssociation.contains( createId( "1", Account.class ) ) ); // assertTrue( "account reference 2", manyAssociation.contains( createId( "2", Account.class ) ) ); } private QualifiedIdentity createId( String id, Class<?> compositeClass ) { return new QualifiedIdentity( id, compositeClass ); } @Test public void findExistingPersonComposite() throws UnitOfWorkCompletionException { final UnitOfWork uow = unitOfWorkFactory.newUnitOfWork(); final PersonComposite person = uow.get( PersonComposite.class, TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID ); assertPersonEquals( TestConfig.JOHN_SMITH_ID, "John", "Smith", person ); uow.complete(); } public final void assemble( final ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException { module.entities( PersonComposite.class, AccountComposite.class ); module.services( UuidIdentityGeneratorService.class ); module.services( QrmSqlEntityStoreService.class ); final ModuleAssembly config = module.layer().module( "config" ); config.entities( QrmSqlConfiguration.class ).visibleIn( Visibility.layer ); config.services( MemoryEntityStoreService.class ); config.forMixin( QrmSqlConfiguration.class ) .declareDefaults() .sqlMapConfigURL() .set( derbyDatabaseHandler.getUrlString( TestConfig.SQL_MAP_CONFIG_XML ) ); derbyDatabaseHandler.initDbInitializerInfo( config, TestConfig.SCHEMA_FILE, TestConfig.DATA_FILE ); } private EntityState loadEntity( final String id ) { /* final QualifiedIdentity qualifiedIdentity = id( id ); return this.entityStore.getEntityState( qualifiedIdentity ); */ return null; } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); entityStore = getEntityStore(); /* entityStore.registerEntityType( spi.getEntityDescriptor( PersonComposite.class, moduleInstance ).entityType() ); entityStore.registerEntityType( spi.getEntityDescriptor( AccountComposite.class, moduleInstance ).entityType() ); */ } private QrmSqlEntityStoreService getEntityStore() throws Exception { assertNotNull( moduleInstance ); return moduleInstance.serviceFinder() .<QrmSqlEntityStoreService>findService( QrmSqlEntityStoreService.class ) .get(); } }