package org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.UUID; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.qi4j.api.common.Visibility; import org.qi4j.api.entity.EntityBuilder; import org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.NoSuchEntityException; import org.qi4j.api.unitofwork.UnitOfWork; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.AssemblyException; import org.qi4j.bootstrap.ModuleAssembly; import org.qi4j.core.testsupport.AbstractQi4jTest; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.Account; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.AccountComposite; import org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.internal.QrmMapperService; import org.qi4j.spi.entitystore.EntityNotFoundException; /** * User: alex */ public class CRUDTests extends AbstractQi4jTest { private DerbyDatabaseHandler dbHandler = null; public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException { dbHandler = new DerbyDatabaseHandler(); final Properties props = new Properties(); // props.put("connection.driver_class","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); // props.put("connection.url","jdbc:mysql://localhost/sqlmaps"); // props.put("connection.username","admin"); // props.put("connection.password","secret"); props.put( "connection.driver_class", "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" ); props.put( "connection.url", "jdbc:derby://localhost/testdb;create=true" ); props.put( "connection.username", "sa" ); props.put( "connection.password", "derbypass" ); props.put( "connection.pool_size", "1" ); props.put( "dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect" ); props.put( "current_session_context_class", "thread" ); props.put( "cache.provider_class", "org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider" ); props.put( "show_sql", "true" ); props.put( "", "create-drop" ); QrmEntityStoreDescriptor desc = new QrmEntityStoreDescriptor() { public List<Class> types() { return Arrays.asList( new Class[]{ Account.class } ); } public Properties props() { return props; } }; QrmMapperService.class ); QrmEntityStoreService.class ) .setMetaInfo( desc ) .visibleIn( Visibility.application ) .instantiateOnStartup(); module.entities( AccountComposite.class ); } @Test public void retrieve() throws Exception { dbHandler.executeUpdate( "insert into account (account_id, version, name, balance) " + "values ('org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.Account:23', 0, 'Test account 23', 3909.54)" ); System.err .println( "====================================== retrieve test ======================================" ); UnitOfWork uow = null; try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); Account acc = uow.get( Account.class, "org.qi4j.entitystore.qrm.entity.Account:23" ); Assert.assertEquals( "Test account 23", ); Assert.assertEquals( new BigDecimal( "3909.54" ), acc.balance().get() ); } catch( EntityNotFoundException enfe ) { } finally { uow.discard(); } } @Test public void create() throws Exception { dbHandler.executeUpdate( "delete from account" ); System.err .println( "====================================== create test ======================================" ); UnitOfWork uow = null; Account account = null; String newId = Account.class.getName() + ":" + UUID.randomUUID(); try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); EntityBuilder<Account> eBuilder = uow.newEntityBuilder( Account.class, newId ); Account instance = eBuilder.instance(); instance.balance().set( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ) ); "Big account." ); account = eBuilder.newInstance(); uow.complete(); } catch( EntityNotFoundException enfe ) { uow.discard(); } try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); Account acc_after = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); Assert.assertNotSame( account, acc_after ); Assert.assertEquals( "Big account.", ); Assert.assertEquals( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ), acc_after.balance().get() ); } catch( EntityNotFoundException enfe ) { } finally { uow.discard(); } } @Test public void delete() throws Exception { dbHandler.executeUpdate( "delete from account" ); System.err .println( "====================================== delete test ======================================" ); UnitOfWork uow = null; Account account = null; String newId = Account.class.getName() + ":" + UUID.randomUUID(); { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); EntityBuilder<Account> eBuilder = uow.newEntityBuilder( Account.class, newId ); Account instance = eBuilder.instance(); instance.balance().set( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ) ); "Big account." ); account = eBuilder.newInstance(); uow.complete(); } // make sure we can find it. { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); Account acc_after = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); Assert.assertNotSame( account, acc_after ); Assert.assertEquals( "Big account.", ); Assert.assertEquals( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ), acc_after.balance().get() ); uow.discard(); } { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); Account acc_after = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); uow.remove( acc_after ); uow.complete(); } // make sure we can not find it. try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); Account acc_after = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); if( acc_after != null ) { "should nnot have found anything" ); } } catch( NoSuchEntityException nsee ) { System.err.println( "NoSuchEntityException is thrown. Correct behavior." ); } finally { uow.discard(); } } @Test public void update() throws Exception { dbHandler.executeUpdate( "delete from account" ); System.err .println( "====================================== update test ======================================" ); UnitOfWork uow = null; Account account = null; String newId = Account.class.getName() + ":" + UUID.randomUUID(); try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); EntityBuilder<Account> eBuilder = uow.newEntityBuilder( Account.class, newId ); Account instance = eBuilder.instance(); instance.balance().set( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ) ); "Big account." ); account = eBuilder.newInstance(); uow.complete(); } catch( Throwable enfe ) { uow.discard(); } // find and update it. Account acc_after = null; { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); acc_after = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); Assert.assertNotSame( account, acc_after ); Assert.assertEquals( "Big account.", ); Assert.assertEquals( new BigDecimal( "323423.87" ), acc_after.balance().get() ); acc_after.balance().set( new BigDecimal( "23.45" ) ); "Small Account" ); uow.complete(); } // make sure we can not find it and changes are persisted. Account updatedAcc = null; try { uow = moduleInstance.unitOfWorkFactory().newUnitOfWork(); updatedAcc = uow.get( Account.class, newId ); Assert.assertNotSame( acc_after, updatedAcc ); Assert.assertEquals( "Small Account", ); Assert.assertEquals( new BigDecimal( "23.45" ), updatedAcc.balance().get() ); } catch( NoSuchEntityException nsee ) { System.err.println( "NoSuchEntityException is thrown. Correct behavior." ); } finally { uow.discard(); } } }