package; import fi.internetix.smvc.controllers.JSONRequestContext; import fi.otavanopisto.pyramus.dao.DAOFactory; import; import; import fi.otavanopisto.pyramus.framework.JSONRequestController; import fi.otavanopisto.pyramus.framework.UserRole; /** A JSON request controller responsible for archiving course students. * */ public class ArchiveCourseStudentJSONRequestController extends JSONRequestController { /** Processes a JSON request. * The request should contain the following parameters: * <dl> * <dt><code>courseStudentId</code></dt> * <dd>The ID of the course student to archive.</dd> * </dl> * * @param binaryRequestContext The context of the binary request. */ public void process(JSONRequestContext requestContext) { CourseStudentDAO courseStudentDAO = DAOFactory.getInstance().getCourseStudentDAO(); Long courseStudentId = requestContext.getLong("courseStudentId"); CourseStudent courseStudent = courseStudentDAO.findById(courseStudentId); courseStudentDAO.archive(courseStudent); } /** Returns the user roles allowed to access this controller. * * @return The user roles allowed to access this controller. */ public UserRole[] getAllowedRoles() { return new UserRole[] { UserRole.MANAGER, UserRole.STUDY_PROGRAMME_LEADER, UserRole.ADMINISTRATOR }; } }