package; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import fi.otavanopisto.pyramus.dao.PyramusEntityDAO; import; import; import fi.otavanopisto.pyramus.persistence.usertypes.MonetaryAmount; import; @Stateless public class OtherCostDAO extends PyramusEntityDAO<OtherCost> { /** * Creates an other cost to the database. * * @param course The course the other cost belongs to * @param name Other cost name * @param cost Other cost value * * @return The created other cost */ public OtherCost create(Course course, String name, MonetaryAmount cost) { EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager(); OtherCost otherCost = new OtherCost(course); otherCost.setName(name); otherCost.setCost(cost); entityManager.persist(otherCost); course.getOtherCosts().add(otherCost); entityManager.persist(course); return otherCost; } /** * Updates an other cost to the database. * * @param otherCost The other cost to be updated * @param name Other cost name * @param cost Other cost value */ public void update(OtherCost otherCost, String name, MonetaryAmount cost) { EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager(); otherCost.setName(name); otherCost.setCost(cost); entityManager.persist(otherCost); } /** * Returns a list of all other costs in the course corresponding to the given identifier. * * @param courseId The course identifier * * @return A list of all other costs in the course corresponding to the given identifier */ public List<OtherCost> listByCourse(Course course) { EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager(); CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<OtherCost> criteria = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(OtherCost.class); Root<OtherCost> root = criteria.from(OtherCost.class);; criteria.where( criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get(OtherCost_.course), course) ); return entityManager.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } /** * Deletes the given other cost from the database. * * @param otherCost The other cost to be deleted */ @Override public void delete(OtherCost otherCost) { EntityManager entityManager = getEntityManager(); Course course = otherCost.getCourse(); if (course != null) { course.removeOtherCost(otherCost); entityManager.persist(course); } entityManager.remove(otherCost); } }