/* ==================================================================== Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ==================================================================== */ package org.apache.poi.hpsf.basic; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.ClassID; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.DocumentSummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.HPSFException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.IllegalPropertySetDataException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutableProperty; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutablePropertySet; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.MutableSection; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.NoFormatIDException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.NoPropertySetStreamException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySetFactory; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.ReadingNotSupportedException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.Section; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.UnsupportedVariantTypeException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.Variant; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.VariantSupport; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.WritingNotSupportedException; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.wellknown.PropertyIDMap; import org.apache.poi.hpsf.wellknown.SectionIDMap; import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReader; import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReaderEvent; import org.apache.poi.poifs.eventfilesystem.POIFSReaderListener; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DirectoryEntry; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.DocumentNode; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NDocumentInputStream; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NDocumentOutputStream; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NPOIFSDocument; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NPOIFSFileSystem; import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem; import org.apache.poi.util.CodePageUtil; import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils; import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndianConsts; import org.apache.poi.util.TempFile; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests HPSF's writing functionality */ public class TestWrite { private static final POIDataSamples _samples = POIDataSamples.getHPSFInstance(); private static final int CODEPAGE_DEFAULT = -1; private static final String POI_FS = "TestHPSFWritingFunctionality.doc"; private static final int BYTE_ORDER = 0xfffe; private static final int FORMAT = 0x0000; private static final int OS_VERSION = 0x00020A04; private static final int[] SECTION_COUNT = {1, 2}; private static final boolean[] IS_SUMMARY_INFORMATION = {true, false}; private static final boolean[] IS_DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION = {false, true}; private static final String IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE = "Your default character set is " + getDefaultCharsetName() + ". However, this testcase must be run in an environment " + "with a default character set supporting at least " + "8-bit-characters. You can achieve this by setting the " + "LANG environment variable to a proper value, e.g. " + "\"de_DE\"."; POIFile[] poiFiles; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() { VariantSupport.setLogUnsupportedTypes(false); } /** * <p>Writes an empty property set to a POIFS and reads it back * in.</p> * * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs */ @Test(expected=NoFormatIDException.class) public void withoutAFormatID() throws Exception { final File filename = TempFile.createTempFile(POI_FS, ".doc"); /* Create a mutable property set with a section that does not have the * formatID set: */ final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet(); ps.clearSections(); ps.addSection(new MutableSection()); /* Write it to a POIFS and the latter to disk: */ try { final ByteArrayOutputStream psStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ps.write(psStream); psStream.close(); final byte[] streamData = psStream.toByteArray(); poiFs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamData), SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); } finally { poiFs.close(); out.close(); } } /** * <p>Writes an empty property set to a POIFS and reads it back * in.</p> * * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs * @exception UnsupportedVariantTypeException if HPSF does not yet support * a variant type to be written */ @Test public void writeEmptyPropertySet() throws IOException, UnsupportedVariantTypeException { final File dataDir = _samples.getFile(""); final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS); filename.deleteOnExit(); /* Create a mutable property set and write it to a POIFS: */ final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet(); final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps.getSections().get(0); s.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID); final ByteArrayOutputStream psStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ps.write(psStream); psStream.close(); final byte[] streamData = psStream.toByteArray(); poiFs.createDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(streamData), SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); poiFs.close(); out.close(); /* Read the POIFS: */ final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader(); r.registerListener(new MyPOIFSReaderListener(), SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filename); try { r.read(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } } /** * <p>Writes a simple property set with a SummaryInformation section to a * POIFS and reads it back in.</p> * * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs * @exception UnsupportedVariantTypeException if HPSF does not yet support * a variant type to be written */ @Test public void writeSimplePropertySet() throws IOException, UnsupportedVariantTypeException { final String AUTHOR = "Rainer Klute"; final String TITLE = "Test Document"; final File dataDir = _samples.getFile(""); final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS); filename.deleteOnExit(); final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet(); final MutableSection si = new MutableSection(); si.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID); ps.clearSections(); ps.addSection(si); final MutableProperty p = new MutableProperty(); p.setID(PropertyIDMap.PID_AUTHOR); p.setType(Variant.VT_LPWSTR); p.setValue(AUTHOR); si.setProperty(p); si.setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE, Variant.VT_LPSTR, TITLE); poiFs.createDocument(ps.toInputStream(), SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); poiFs.close(); out.close(); /* Read the POIFS: */ final PropertySet[] psa = new PropertySet[1]; final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader(); r.registerListener(new POIFSReaderListener() { @Override public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(final POIFSReaderEvent event) { try { psa[0] = PropertySetFactory.create(event.getStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } }}, SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME ); InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filename); try { r.read(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } assertNotNull(psa[0]); assertTrue(psa[0].isSummaryInformation()); final Section s = (psa[0].getSections().get(0)); Object p1 = s.getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_AUTHOR); Object p2 = s.getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE); assertEquals(AUTHOR, p1); assertEquals(TITLE, p2); } /** * <p>Writes a simple property set with two sections to a POIFS and reads it * back in.</p> * * @exception IOException if an I/O exception occurs * @exception WritingNotSupportedException if HPSF does not yet support * a variant type to be written */ @Test public void writeTwoSections() throws WritingNotSupportedException, IOException { final String STREAM_NAME = "PropertySetStream"; final String SECTION1 = "Section 1"; final String SECTION2 = "Section 2"; final File dataDir = _samples.getFile(""); final File filename = new File(dataDir, POI_FS); filename.deleteOnExit(); final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(filename); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps = new MutablePropertySet(); ps.clearSections(); final ClassID formatID = new ClassID(); formatID.setBytes(new byte[]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}); final MutableSection s1 = new MutableSection(); s1.setFormatID(formatID); s1.setProperty(2, SECTION1); ps.addSection(s1); final MutableSection s2 = new MutableSection(); s2.setFormatID(formatID); s2.setProperty(2, SECTION2); ps.addSection(s2); poiFs.createDocument(ps.toInputStream(), STREAM_NAME); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); poiFs.close(); out.close(); /* Read the POIFS: */ final PropertySet[] psa = new PropertySet[1]; final POIFSReader r = new POIFSReader(); r.registerListener(new POIFSReaderListener() { @Override public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(final POIFSReaderEvent event) { try { psa[0] = PropertySetFactory.create(event.getStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }, STREAM_NAME); FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(filename); try { r.read(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } assertNotNull(psa[0]); Section s = (psa[0].getSections().get(0)); assertEquals(s.getFormatID(), formatID); Object p = s.getProperty(2); assertEquals(SECTION1, p); s = (psa[0].getSections().get(1)); p = s.getProperty(2); assertEquals(SECTION2, p); } static class MyPOIFSReaderListener implements POIFSReaderListener { @Override public void processPOIFSReaderEvent(final POIFSReaderEvent event) { try { PropertySetFactory.create(event.getStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } } } /** * <p>Writes and reads back various variant types and checks whether the * stuff that has been read back equals the stuff that was written.</p> * @throws IOException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException * @throws ReadingNotSupportedException */ @Test public void variantTypes() throws Exception { final int codepage = CODEPAGE_DEFAULT; Assume.assumeTrue(IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE, hasProperDefaultCharset()); check(Variant.VT_EMPTY, null, codepage); check(Variant.VT_BOOL, Boolean.TRUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_BOOL, Boolean.FALSE, codepage); check( Variant.VT_CF, new byte[] { 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, codepage ); check(Variant.VT_I4, 27, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I8, 28L, codepage); check(Variant.VT_R8, 29.0d, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I4, -27, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I8, -28L, codepage); check(Variant.VT_R8, -29.0d, codepage); check(Variant.VT_FILETIME, new Date(), codepage); check(Variant.VT_I4, Integer.MAX_VALUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I4, Integer.MIN_VALUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I8, Long.MAX_VALUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_I8, Long.MIN_VALUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_R8, Double.MAX_VALUE, codepage); check(Variant.VT_R8, Double.MIN_VALUE, codepage); checkString(Variant.VT_LPSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc", codepage); checkString(Variant.VT_LPWSTR, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc", codepage); } /** * Writes and reads back strings using several different codepages and * checks whether the stuff that has been read back equals the stuff that * was written. */ @Test public void codepages() throws ReadingNotSupportedException, UnsupportedVariantTypeException, IOException { Throwable thr = null; final int[] validCodepages = {CODEPAGE_DEFAULT, CodePageUtil.CP_UTF8, CodePageUtil.CP_UNICODE, CodePageUtil.CP_WINDOWS_1252}; for (final int cp : validCodepages) { if (cp == -1 && !hasProperDefaultCharset()) { System.err.println(IMPROPER_DEFAULT_CHARSET_MESSAGE + " This testcase is skipped for the default codepage."); continue; } final long t = (cp == CodePageUtil.CP_UNICODE) ? Variant.VT_LPWSTR : Variant.VT_LPSTR; checkString(t, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc\u00df", cp); if (cp == CodePageUtil.CP_UTF16 || cp == CodePageUtil.CP_UTF8) { check(t, "\u79D1\u5B78", cp); } } final int[] invalidCodepages = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 4711, 815}; for (int cp : invalidCodepages) { final long type = (cp == CodePageUtil.CP_UNICODE) ? Variant.VT_LPWSTR : Variant.VT_LPSTR; try { checkString(type, "\u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00c4\u00d6\u00dc\u00df", cp); fail("UnsupportedEncodingException for codepage " + cp + " expected."); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { /* This is the expected behaviour. */ } } } /** * Tests whether writing 8-bit characters to a Unicode property succeeds. */ @Test public void unicodeWrite8Bit() throws WritingNotSupportedException, IOException, NoPropertySetStreamException { final String TITLE = "This is a sample title"; final MutablePropertySet mps = new MutablePropertySet(); final MutableSection ms = (MutableSection) mps.getSections().get(0); ms.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID); final MutableProperty p = new MutableProperty(); p.setID(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE); p.setType(Variant.VT_LPSTR); p.setValue(TITLE); ms.setProperty(p); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); mps.write(out); out.close(); byte[] bytes = out.toByteArray(); PropertySet psr = new PropertySet(bytes); assertTrue(psr.isSummaryInformation()); Section sr = psr.getSections().get(0); String title = (String) sr.getProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_TITLE); assertEquals(TITLE, title); } private void checkString(final long variantType, final String value, final int codepage) throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException, IOException, ReadingNotSupportedException, UnsupportedEncodingException { for (int i=0; i<value.length(); i++) { check(variantType, value.substring(0, i), codepage); } } /** * Writes a property and reads it back in. * * @param variantType The property's variant type. * @param value The property's value. * @param codepage The codepage to use for writing and reading. * @throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException if the variant is not supported. * @throws IOException if an I/O exception occurs. */ private void check(final long variantType, final Object value, final int codepage) throws UnsupportedVariantTypeException, IOException, ReadingNotSupportedException, UnsupportedEncodingException { final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); VariantSupport.write(out, variantType, value, codepage); out.close(); final byte[] b = out.toByteArray(); final Object objRead = VariantSupport.read(b, 0, b.length + LittleEndianConsts.INT_SIZE, variantType, codepage); if (objRead instanceof byte[]) { assertArrayEquals((byte[])value, (byte[])objRead); } else if (value != null && !value.equals(objRead)) { assertEquals(value, objRead); } } /** * <p>Tests writing and reading back a proper dictionary.</p> * @throws IOException * @throws HPSFException */ @Test public void dictionary() throws IOException, HPSFException { final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile("Test-HPSF", "ole2"); copy.deleteOnExit(); /* Write: */ final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps1 = new MutablePropertySet(); final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps1.getSections().get(0); final Map<Long,String> m = new HashMap<Long,String>(3, 1.0f); m.put(Long.valueOf(1), "String 1"); m.put(Long.valueOf(2), "String 2"); m.put(Long.valueOf(3), "String 3"); s.setDictionary(m); s.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID[0]); int codepage = CodePageUtil.CP_UNICODE; s.setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE, Variant.VT_I2, codepage); poiFs.createDocument(ps1.toInputStream(), "Test"); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); poiFs.close(); out.close(); /* Read back: */ final List<POIFile> psf = Util.readPropertySets(copy); assertEquals(1, psf.size()); final byte[] bytes = psf.get(0).getBytes(); final InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); final PropertySet ps2 = PropertySetFactory.create(in); /* Check if the result is a DocumentSummaryInformation stream, as * specified. */ assertTrue(ps2.isDocumentSummaryInformation()); /* Compare the property set stream with the corresponding one * from the origin file and check whether they are equal. */ assertEquals(ps1, ps2); } /** * Tests that when using NPOIFS, we can do an in-place write * without needing to stream in + out the whole kitchen sink */ @Test public void inPlaceNPOIFSWrite() throws Exception { NPOIFSFileSystem fs = null; DirectoryEntry root = null; DocumentNode sinfDoc = null; DocumentNode dinfDoc = null; SummaryInformation sinf = null; DocumentSummaryInformation dinf = null; // We need to work on a File for in-place changes, so create a temp one final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile("Test-HPSF", "ole2"); copy.deleteOnExit(); // Copy a test file over to our temp location InputStream inp = _samples.openResourceAsStream("TestShiftJIS.doc"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy); IOUtils.copy(inp, out); inp.close(); out.close(); // Open the copy in read/write mode fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(copy, false); root = fs.getRoot(); // Read the properties in there sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream); sinfStream.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); InputStream dinfStream = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream); dinfStream.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); // Check they start as we expect assertEquals("Reiichiro Hori", sinf.getAuthor()); assertEquals("Microsoft Word 9.0", sinf.getApplicationName()); assertEquals("\u7b2c1\u7ae0", sinf.getTitle()); assertEquals("", dinf.getCompany()); assertEquals(null, dinf.getManager()); // Do an in-place replace via an InputStream new NPOIFSDocument(sinfDoc).replaceContents(sinf.toInputStream()); new NPOIFSDocument(dinfDoc).replaceContents(dinf.toInputStream()); // Check it didn't get changed sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream2 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream2); sinfStream2.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); InputStream dinfStream2 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream2); dinfStream2.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); // Start again! fs.close(); inp = _samples.openResourceAsStream("TestShiftJIS.doc"); out = new FileOutputStream(copy); IOUtils.copy(inp, out); inp.close(); out.close(); fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(copy, false); root = fs.getRoot(); // Read the properties in once more sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream3 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream3); sinfStream3.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); InputStream dinfStream3 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream3); dinfStream3.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); // Have them write themselves in-place with no changes, as an OutputStream OutputStream soufStream = new NDocumentOutputStream(sinfDoc); sinf.write(soufStream); soufStream.close(); OutputStream doufStream = new NDocumentOutputStream(dinfDoc); dinf.write(doufStream); doufStream.close(); // And also write to some bytes for checking ByteArrayOutputStream sinfBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); sinf.write(sinfBytes); ByteArrayOutputStream dinfBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dinf.write(dinfBytes); // Check that the filesystem can give us back the same bytes sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream4 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); byte[] sinfData = IOUtils.toByteArray(sinfStream4); sinfStream4.close(); InputStream dinfStream4 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); byte[] dinfData = IOUtils.toByteArray(dinfStream4); dinfStream4.close(); assertThat(sinfBytes.toByteArray(), equalTo(sinfData)); assertThat(dinfBytes.toByteArray(), equalTo(dinfData)); // Read back in as-is InputStream sinfStream5 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream5); sinfStream5.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); InputStream dinfStream5 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream5); dinfStream5.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); assertEquals("Reiichiro Hori", sinf.getAuthor()); assertEquals("Microsoft Word 9.0", sinf.getApplicationName()); assertEquals("\u7b2c1\u7ae0", sinf.getTitle()); assertEquals("", dinf.getCompany()); assertEquals(null, dinf.getManager()); // Now alter a few of them sinf.setAuthor("Changed Author"); sinf.setTitle("Le titre \u00e9tait chang\u00e9"); dinf.setManager("Changed Manager"); // Save this into the filesystem OutputStream soufStream2 = new NDocumentOutputStream(sinfDoc); sinf.write(soufStream2); soufStream2.close(); OutputStream doufStream2 = new NDocumentOutputStream(dinfDoc); dinf.write(doufStream2); doufStream2.close(); // Read them back in again sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream6 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream6); sinfStream6.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream dinfStream6 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream6); dinfStream6.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); assertEquals("Changed Author", sinf.getAuthor()); assertEquals("Microsoft Word 9.0", sinf.getApplicationName()); assertEquals("Le titre \u00e9tait chang\u00e9", sinf.getTitle()); assertEquals("", dinf.getCompany()); assertEquals("Changed Manager", dinf.getManager()); // Close the whole filesystem, and open it once more fs.writeFilesystem(); fs.close(); fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(copy); root = fs.getRoot(); // Re-check on load sinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(SummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream sinfStream7 = new NDocumentInputStream(sinfDoc); sinf = (SummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(sinfStream7); sinfStream7.close(); assertEquals(131077, sinf.getOSVersion()); dinfDoc = (DocumentNode)root.getEntry(DocumentSummaryInformation.DEFAULT_STREAM_NAME); InputStream dinfStream7 = new NDocumentInputStream(dinfDoc); dinf = (DocumentSummaryInformation)PropertySetFactory.create(dinfStream7); dinfStream7.close(); assertEquals(131077, dinf.getOSVersion()); assertEquals("Changed Author", sinf.getAuthor()); assertEquals("Microsoft Word 9.0", sinf.getApplicationName()); assertEquals("Le titre \u00e9tait chang\u00e9", sinf.getTitle()); assertEquals("", dinf.getCompany()); assertEquals("Changed Manager", dinf.getManager()); // Tidy up fs.close(); copy.delete(); } /** * <p>Tests writing and reading back a proper dictionary with an invalid * codepage. (HPSF writes Unicode dictionaries only.)</p> * @throws IOException * @throws HPSFException */ @Test(expected=IllegalPropertySetDataException.class) public void dictionaryWithInvalidCodepage() throws IOException, HPSFException { final File copy = TempFile.createTempFile("Test-HPSF", "ole2"); copy.deleteOnExit(); /* Write: */ final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(copy); final POIFSFileSystem poiFs = new POIFSFileSystem(); final MutablePropertySet ps1 = new MutablePropertySet(); final MutableSection s = (MutableSection) ps1.getSections().get(0); final Map<Long,String> m = new HashMap<Long, String>(3, 1.0f); m.put(Long.valueOf(1), "String 1"); m.put(Long.valueOf(2), "String 2"); m.put(Long.valueOf(3), "String 3"); try { s.setDictionary(m); s.setFormatID(SectionIDMap.DOCUMENT_SUMMARY_INFORMATION_ID[0]); int codepage = 12345; s.setProperty(PropertyIDMap.PID_CODEPAGE, Variant.VT_I2, Integer.valueOf(codepage)); poiFs.createDocument(ps1.toInputStream(), "Test"); poiFs.writeFilesystem(out); } finally { poiFs.close(); out.close(); } } /** * <p>Returns the display name of the default character set.</p> * * @return the display name of the default character set. */ private static String getDefaultCharsetName() { final String charSetName = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); final Charset charSet = Charset.forName(charSetName); return charSet.displayName(Locale.ROOT); } /** * <p>In order to execute tests with characters beyond US-ASCII, this * method checks whether the application is runing in an environment * where the default character set is 16-bit-capable.</p> * * @return <code>true</code> if the default character set is 16-bit-capable, * else <code>false</code>. */ private boolean hasProperDefaultCharset() { final String charSetName = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); final Charset charSet = Charset.forName(charSetName); return charSet.newEncoder().canEncode('\u00e4'); } }