package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import io.searchbox.core.Update; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequest; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentType; import play.libs.Json; import java.util.Map; /** * @author cgatay */ public class JestUpdateRequestBuilder extends JestRequest<Update>{ private final String index; private String type; private String id; private String script; private Map<String, Object> scriptParams; private boolean refresh; private IndexRequest indexRequest; private IndexRequest upsertRequest; public JestUpdateRequestBuilder(String index, String type, String id) { this.index = index; this.type = type; = id; } /** * Sets the type of the indexed document. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setType(String type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * Sets the id of the indexed document. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setId(String id) { = id; return this; } /** * The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead * use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setScript(String script) { this.script = script; return this; } /** * Sets the script parameters to use with the script. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setScriptParams(Map<String, Object> scriptParams) { this.scriptParams = scriptParams; return this; } /** * Add a script parameter. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder addScriptParam(String name, Object value) { //TODO NPE this.scriptParams.put(name, value); return this; } /** * Should a refresh be executed post this update operation causing the operation to * be searchable. Note, heavy indexing should not set this to <tt>true</tt>. Defaults * to <tt>false</tt>. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setRefresh(boolean refresh) { this.refresh = refresh; return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(IndexRequest indexRequest) { this.indexRequest = indexRequest; return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(XContentBuilder source) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(Map source) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(Map source, XContentType contentType) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(String source) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(byte[] source) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(byte[] source, int offset, int length) { this.indexRequest.source(source, offset, length); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(String field, Object value) { this.indexRequest.source(field, value); return this; } /** * Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified, the doc provided * is a field and value pairs. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setDoc(Object... source) { this.indexRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the index request to be used if the document does not exists. Otherwise, a {@link org.elasticsearch.index.engine.DocumentMissingException} * is thrown. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(IndexRequest upsertRequest) { this.upsertRequest = upsertRequest; return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(XContentBuilder source) { this.upsertRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(Map source) { this.upsertRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(Map source, XContentType contentType) { this.upsertRequest.source(source, contentType); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(String source) { this.upsertRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(byte[] source) { this.upsertRequest.source(source); return this; } /** * Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. */ public JestUpdateRequestBuilder setUpsert(byte[] source, int offset, int length) { this.upsertRequest.source(source, offset, length); return this; } public Update getAction() { final ObjectNode jsonNodes = Json.newObject(); jsonNodes.put("script", script); jsonNodes.put("params", Json.toJson(scriptParams)); return new Update.Builder(jsonNodes.toString()).id(id).index(index).type(type).refresh(refresh).build(); } }