package; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.SettingsException; import org.reflections.Reflections; import play.Application; import play.Configuration; import play.Logger; import play.libs.Json; import play.libs.ReflectionsCache; import java.util.*; /** * User: nboire * * example : * elasticsearch.local=false * elasticsearch.client="" * * * elasticsearch.index.settings="{ analysis: { analyzer: { my_analyzer: { type: \"custom\", tokenizer: \"standard\" } } } }" * elasticsearch.index.clazzs="indexing.*" * elasticsearch.index.show_request=true */ public class IndexConfig { /** * elasticsearch.local= true / false * Mode local or network */ public Boolean local = false; /** * elasticsearch.client.sniff = true / false * Sniff for nodes. */ public Boolean sniffing = true; /** * elasticsearch.local.config = configuration file load on local mode. * eg : conf/elasticsearch.yml */ public String localConfig = null; /** * elasticsearch.client = list of client separate by commas ex :, */ public String client = null; /** * = name of the elasticsearch cluster */ public String clusterName = null; /** * Debug mode for log search request and response */ public Boolean showRequest = false; /** * The name of the index */ public String[] indexNames = new String[0]; /** * Custom settings to apply when creating the index. ex: "{ analysis: { analyzer: { my_analyzer: { type : "custom", tokenizer: "standard" } } } }" */ public Map<String, String> indexSettings = new HashMap<>(); /** * list of class extends "Index" ex: myPackage.myClass,myPackage2.* */ public String indexClazzs = null; /** * List of IndexType and IndexMapping associate */ public Map<IndexQueryPath, String> indexMappings = new HashMap<>(); /** * Drop the index on application shutdown * Should probably be used only in tests */ public boolean dropOnShutdown = false; /** * Play application */ public Application application; public IndexConfig(Application app) { this.application = app; this.client = app.configuration().getString("elasticsearch.client"); this.sniffing = app.configuration().getBoolean("elasticsearch.sniff", true); this.local = app.configuration().getBoolean("elasticsearch.local"); this.localConfig = app.configuration().getString("elasticsearch.config.resource"); this.clusterName = app.configuration().getString(""); this.showRequest = app.configuration().getBoolean("elasticsearch.index.show_request", false); this.dropOnShutdown = app.configuration().getBoolean("elasticsearch.index.dropOnShutdown", false); this.indexClazzs = app.configuration().getString("elasticsearch.index.clazzs"); String indexNameConf = app.configuration().getString(""); if(indexNameConf != null) { LinkedList<String> indexNamesL = new LinkedList<>(); String[] indexNamesTab = indexNameConf.split(","); for (String indexNameElem : indexNamesTab) { String indexNameTmp = indexNameElem.trim(); indexNamesL.add(indexNameTmp); } indexNames = indexNamesL.toArray(indexNames); for (String indexName : indexNames) { // Load settings loadSettingsFromConfig(indexName); // Load Mapping from conf loadMappingFromConfig(indexName); } } else {"ElasticSearch : no indexNames(s) defined in property ''"); } } private void loadSettingsFromConfig(String indexName) { String setting = application.configuration().getString("elasticsearch." + indexName + ".settings"); if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(setting)) { indexSettings.put(indexName, setting); } } /** * Load classes with @IndexType,@IndexName and initialize mapping if present on the @IndexMapping */ public void loadFromAnnotations() { Set<String> classes = getClazzs(); for (String aClass : classes) { Class<?> klass; try { // Loading class and annotation for set mapping if is present Logger.debug("ElasticSearch : Registering class " + aClass); klass = Class.forName(aClass, true, application.classloader()); Object o = klass.newInstance(); String indexType = getIndexType(o); String indexMapping = getIndexMapping(o); String indexName = getIndexName(o, indexNames); if (indexType != null) { IndexQueryPath path = new IndexQueryPath(indexName, indexType); indexMappings.put(path, indexMapping); } } catch (Throwable e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Load additional mappings from config entry "elasticsearch.index.mapping" * @param indexName */ private void loadMappingFromConfig(String indexName) { Configuration mappingConfig = application.configuration().getConfig("elasticsearch." + indexName + ".mappings"); if (mappingConfig != null) { Map<String, Object> mappings = mappingConfig.asMap(); for (String indexType : mappings.keySet()) { IndexQueryPath indexQueryPath = new IndexQueryPath(indexName, indexType); if (mappings.get(indexType) instanceof String) { indexMappings.put(indexQueryPath, (String) mappings.get(indexType)); } else { try { indexMappings.put(indexQueryPath, Json.toJson(mappings.get(indexType)).toString()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Incorrect value in elasticsearch.index.mappings", e); } } } } } private static String getIndexName(Object instance, String[] indexNames) { IndexName indexNameAnnotation = instance.getClass().getAnnotation(IndexName.class); if (indexNameAnnotation == null) { if(indexNames.length>0) { return indexNames[0]; } return null; } return; } private static String getIndexType(Object instance) { IndexType indexTypeAnnotation = instance.getClass().getAnnotation(IndexType.class); if (indexTypeAnnotation == null) { return null; } return; } private static String getIndexMapping(Object instance) { IndexMapping indexMapping = instance.getClass().getAnnotation(IndexMapping.class); if (indexMapping == null) { return null; } return indexMapping.value(); } private Set<String> getClazzs() { Set<String> classes = new HashSet<>(); if (indexClazzs != null) { String[] toLoad = indexClazzs.split(","); for (String load : toLoad) { load = load.trim(); if (load.endsWith(".*")) { Reflections reflections = ReflectionsCache.getReflections(application.classloader(), load.substring(0, load.length() - 2)); for(Class c :reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(IndexName.class)){ classes.add(c.getName()); } for(Class c :reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(IndexType.class)){ classes.add(c.getName()); } } else { classes.add(load); } } } return classes; } @Override public String toString() { return "IndexConfig{" + "local=" + local + ", localConfig='" + localConfig + '\'' + ", clusterName='" + clusterName + '\'' + ", showRequest=" + showRequest + ", sniffing=" + sniffing + ", indexNames=" + (indexNames == null ? null : Arrays.asList(indexNames)) + ", indexSettings=" + indexSettings + ", indexClazzs='" + indexClazzs + '\'' + ", indexMappings=" + indexMappings + ", dropOnShutdown=" + dropOnShutdown + '}'; } /** * Checks if is local mode. * * @return true, if is local mode */ public boolean isLocalMode() { try { if (client == null) { return true; } if (client.equalsIgnoreCase("false") || client.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return true; } return local; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Error! Starting in Local Model: %s", e); return true; } } /** * Load settings from resource file * * @return * @throws Exception */ ImmutableSettings.Builder loadSettings() throws Exception { ImmutableSettings.Builder settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder(); // set default settings settings.put("client.transport.sniff", sniffing); if (clusterName != null) { settings.put("", clusterName); } // load settings if (localConfig != null) { Logger.debug("Elasticsearch : Load settings from " + localConfig); try { settings.loadFromClasspath(localConfig); } catch (SettingsException settingsException) { Logger.error("Elasticsearch : Error when loading settings from " + localConfig); throw new Exception(settingsException); } };"Elasticsearch : Settings " + settings.internalMap().toString()); return settings; } }