/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.connectivity; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.aBool; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.aByteArray; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.aLong; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.aString; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.aType; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.anInt; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.anIntArray; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.b; import static com.android.server.connectivity.MetricsTestUtil.describeIpEvent; import static com.android.server.connectivity.metrics.IpConnectivityLogClass.IpConnectivityLog; import android.net.ConnectivityMetricsEvent; import android.net.metrics.ApfProgramEvent; import android.net.metrics.ApfStats; import android.net.metrics.DefaultNetworkEvent; import android.net.metrics.DhcpClientEvent; import android.net.metrics.DhcpErrorEvent; import android.net.metrics.DnsEvent; import android.net.metrics.IpManagerEvent; import android.net.metrics.IpReachabilityEvent; import android.net.metrics.NetworkEvent; import android.net.metrics.RaEvent; import android.net.metrics.ValidationProbeEvent; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import java.util.Arrays; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class IpConnectivityEventBuilderTest extends TestCase { @SmallTest public void testDefaultNetworkEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(DefaultNetworkEvent.class), anInt(102), anIntArray(1, 2, 3), anInt(101), aBool(true), aBool(false)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " default_network_event <", " network_id <", " network_id: 102", " >", " previous_network_id <", " network_id: 101", " >", " previous_network_ip_support: 1", " transport_types: 1", " transport_types: 2", " transport_types: 3", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testDhcpClientEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(DhcpClientEvent.class), aString("wlan0"), aString("SomeState"), anInt(192)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " dhcp_event <", " duration_ms: 192", " error_code: 0", " if_name: \"wlan0\"", " state_transition: \"SomeState\"", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testDhcpErrorEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(DhcpErrorEvent.class), aString("wlan0"), anInt(DhcpErrorEvent.L4_NOT_UDP)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " dhcp_event <", " duration_ms: 0", " error_code: 50397184", " if_name: \"wlan0\"", " state_transition: \"\"", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testDnsEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(DnsEvent.class), anInt(101), aByteArray(b(1), b(1), b(2), b(1), b(1), b(1), b(2), b(2)), aByteArray(b(0), b(0), b(22), b(3), b(1), b(0), b(200), b(178)), anIntArray(3456, 267, 1230, 45, 2111, 450, 638, 1300)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " dns_lookup_batch <", " event_types: 1", " event_types: 1", " event_types: 2", " event_types: 1", " event_types: 1", " event_types: 1", " event_types: 2", " event_types: 2", " latencies_ms: 3456", " latencies_ms: 267", " latencies_ms: 1230", " latencies_ms: 45", " latencies_ms: 2111", " latencies_ms: 450", " latencies_ms: 638", " latencies_ms: 1300", " network_id <", " network_id: 101", " >", " return_codes: 0", " return_codes: 0", " return_codes: 22", " return_codes: 3", " return_codes: 1", " return_codes: 0", " return_codes: 200", " return_codes: 178", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testIpManagerEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(IpManagerEvent.class), aString("wlan0"), anInt(IpManagerEvent.PROVISIONING_OK), aLong(5678)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " ip_provisioning_event <", " event_type: 1", " if_name: \"wlan0\"", " latency_ms: 5678", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testIpReachabilityEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(IpReachabilityEvent.class), aString("wlan0"), anInt(IpReachabilityEvent.NUD_FAILED)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " ip_reachability_event <", " event_type: 512", " if_name: \"wlan0\"", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testNetworkEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(NetworkEvent.class), anInt(100), anInt(5), aLong(20410)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " network_event <", " event_type: 5", " latency_ms: 20410", " network_id <", " network_id: 100", " >", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testValidationProbeEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(ValidationProbeEvent.class), anInt(120), aLong(40730), anInt(ValidationProbeEvent.PROBE_HTTP), anInt(204)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", " validation_probe_event <", " latency_ms: 40730", " network_id <", " network_id: 120", " >", " probe_result: 204", " probe_type: 1", " >", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testApfProgramEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(ApfProgramEvent.class), aLong(200), anInt(7), anInt(9), anInt(2048), anInt(3)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " apf_program_event <", " current_ras: 9", " drop_multicast: true", " filtered_ras: 7", " has_ipv4_addr: true", " lifetime: 200", " program_length: 2048", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testApfStatsSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(ApfStats.class), aLong(45000), anInt(10), anInt(2), anInt(2), anInt(1), anInt(2), anInt(4), anInt(2048)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " apf_statistics <", " dropped_ras: 2", " duration_ms: 45000", " matching_ras: 2", " max_program_size: 2048", " parse_errors: 2", " program_updates: 4", " received_ras: 10", " zero_lifetime_ras: 1", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } @SmallTest public void testRaEventSerialization() { ConnectivityMetricsEvent ev = describeIpEvent( aType(RaEvent.class), aLong(2000), aLong(400), aLong(300), aLong(-1), aLong(1000), aLong(-1)); String want = joinLines( "dropped_events: 0", "events <", " ra_event <", " dnssl_lifetime: -1", " prefix_preferred_lifetime: 300", " prefix_valid_lifetime: 400", " rdnss_lifetime: 1000", " route_info_lifetime: -1", " router_lifetime: 2000", " >", " time_ms: 1", " transport: 0", ">", "version: 2"); verifySerialization(want, ev); } static void verifySerialization(String want, ConnectivityMetricsEvent... input) { try { byte[] got = IpConnectivityEventBuilder.serialize(0, IpConnectivityEventBuilder.toProto(Arrays.asList(input))); IpConnectivityLog log = IpConnectivityLog.parseFrom(got); assertEquals(want, log.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { fail(e.toString()); } } static String joinLines(String ... elems) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : elems) { b.append(s); b.append("\n"); } return b.toString(); } }