package org.iplantc.phyloviewer.client.tree.viewer; import; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.math.Box2D; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.render.AnimateCamera; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.render.Camera; import; public abstract class AnimatedView extends View { private int numberOfAnimationSteps = 6; private AnimateCamera animator; private Timer renderTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { if(AnimatedView.this.isReady()) { renderFrame(); } else { this.schedule(33); } } }; public AnimatedView() { } private void renderFrame() { if(animator != null) { getCamera().setViewMatrix(animator.getNextMatrix()); if(animator.isDone()) { // We are done. clear the animator and cancel the timer. animator = null; renderTimer.cancel(); } } // Dispatch a render event. This will make sure all views are updated with this camera. this.dispatch(new RenderEvent()); } protected void startAnimation(Camera finalCamera) { animator = new AnimateCamera(getCamera().getViewMatrix(), finalCamera.getViewMatrix(), numberOfAnimationSteps); renderTimer.scheduleRepeating(30); } public void zoomToBoundingBox(Box2D boundingBox) { Camera finalCamera = getCamera().create(); finalCamera.zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox); startAnimation(finalCamera); } public int getNumberOfAnimationSteps() { return numberOfAnimationSteps; } public void setNumberOfAnimationSteps(int numberOfAnimationSteps) { this.numberOfAnimationSteps = numberOfAnimationSteps; } }