package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Client side proxy for the CombinedService. * * Gets nodes and layouts in one RPC call and caches the layout response until the client needs it. */ public class CombinedServiceAsyncImpl implements CombinedServiceAsync { private CombinedServiceAsync service; private boolean defer = true; private BatchRequestCommand nextRequestCommand; public CombinedServiceAsyncImpl() { service = GWT.create(CombinedService.class); } @Override public void getRootNode(int treeId, AsyncCallback<NodeResponse> callback) { service.getRootNode(treeId, callback); } @Override public void getChildrenAndLayout(int parentID, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse> callback) { if (defer) { addDeferredRequest(parentID, callback); } else { service.getChildrenAndLayout(parentID, callback); } } @Override public void getChildrenAndLayout(int[] parentIDs, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse[]> callback) { service.getChildrenAndLayout(parentIDs, callback); } private void addDeferredRequest(int parentID, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse> callback) { if (nextRequestCommand == null) { nextRequestCommand = new BatchRequestCommand(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(nextRequestCommand); } nextRequestCommand.addRequest(parentID, callback); } private class BatchRequestCommand implements ScheduledCommand { ArrayList<Integer> parentList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); HashMap<Integer, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse>> callbacks = new HashMap<Integer, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse>>(); public void addRequest(int parentID, AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse> callback) { parentList.add(parentID); callbacks.put(parentID, callback); } @Override public void execute() { CombinedServiceAsyncImpl.this.nextRequestCommand = null; int[] parentIDs = new int[parentList.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < parentList.size(); ++i) { parentIDs[i] = parentList.get(i); } // Is this logging needed? //Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.INFO, "Making a combined request for the children and layouts of " + parentIDs.length + " parent nodes"); service.getChildrenAndLayout(parentIDs, new AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse[]>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { for (AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse> callback : callbacks.values()) { callback.onFailure(arg0); } } @Override public void onSuccess(CombinedResponse[] responses) { for (CombinedResponse response : responses) { AsyncCallback<CombinedResponse> callback = callbacks.get(response.parentID); callback.onSuccess(response); } } }); } } }