package ids.test; import ids.clustering.algorithm.HMRFKmeans; import ids.clustering.algorithm.HMRFKmeansParams; import ids.clustering.algorithm.HMRFWKmeans; import ids.clustering.algorithm.HMRFWKmeansV2; import ids.utils.CommonUtils; public class TestHMRFWKmeans { private static double[][] data; private static double[][] constraints; private static int k = 3; private static CommonUtils utils; public static void main(String[] args) { // utilities utils = new CommonUtils(false); // read the data data = utils.readDataFile("C:\\_Research\\Datasets\\Iris\\", 150, 4); // read the constraints constraints = utils.readDataFile("C:\\_Research\\Datasets\\Iris\\"); // test simple hmrf-kmeans //TestHMRF(); // test w hmrf-kmeans //TestHMRFW(); // test w hmrf-kmeans with other IDX //TestHMRFW_idx(); // test w hmrf-kmeans with other IDX and another distance function (6/6/2013) TestHMRFW_V2_idx(); } public static void TestHMRF() { HMRFKmeansParams par = new HMRFKmeansParams(); par.constraints = constraints; par.verbose = true; HMRFKmeans kmeans = new HMRFKmeans(data, k, par); kmeans.cluster(); } public static void TestHMRFW() { HMRFKmeansParams par = new HMRFKmeansParams(); par.constraints = constraints; par.verbose = true; HMRFWKmeans wkmeans = new HMRFWKmeans(data, k, par); wkmeans.cluster(); } public static void TestHMRFW_idx() { int[] d1_index = {0, 1}; double[][] d1_data = utils.getColumns(data, d1_index); int[] d2_index = {2, 3}; double[][] d2_data = utils.getColumns(data, d2_index); // cluster the first domain HMRFKmeansParams par = new HMRFKmeansParams(); par.constraints = constraints; par.verbose = true; HMRFWKmeans d1_wkmeans = new HMRFWKmeans(d1_data, k, par); d1_wkmeans.cluster(); par.otherIDX = d1_wkmeans.getIDX(); par.debug = true; // cluster second domain HMRFWKmeans d2_wkmeans = new HMRFWKmeans(d2_data, k, par); d2_wkmeans.cluster(); } public static void TestHMRFW_V2_idx() { int[] d1_index = {0, 1}; double[][] d1_data = utils.getColumns(data, d1_index); int[] d2_index = {2, 3}; double[][] d2_data = utils.getColumns(data, d2_index); // cluster the first domain HMRFKmeansParams par = new HMRFKmeansParams(); par.constraints = constraints; par.verbose = true; HMRFWKmeansV2 d1_wkmeans = new HMRFWKmeansV2(d1_data, k, par); d1_wkmeans.cluster(); par.otherIDX = d1_wkmeans.getIDX(); par.debug = true; // cluster second domain HMRFWKmeansV2 d2_wkmeans = new HMRFWKmeansV2(d2_data, k, par); d2_wkmeans.cluster(); } }